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Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

moveable shape posted:

Great post, I think you lay out the options well.

My POV is they are going hard at 5, everything they are doing is to position themselves as a viable 'property' with enough assets to churn out a mountain of monetized shovel ware and reap the profits. Chris is selling his "universe" as the next Star Wars

If they fail, it's #1. They are already understaffed with 60 vacant positions, and laying off their product developers with no MVP makes them less attractive and seem weaker to potential buyers. It seems like FULL BURN to minimum viable product for SQ42 and reduced legal liability and pray for a buyout & payday for the founders.

I honestly think FULL BURN was written by Crob or Sandi about this exact strategy. Their business plan is based on best case scenario cash flow and burning everything they got to ship a product and get bought out and rich as gently caress

You make some interesting points, but I just don't see anyone touching this flaming pile from a buyout perspective. Crobberts and gang have spent the last few years deriding the traditional publishing model of video games and their development. They've sold the idea of being "renegades" to their sea of whales, so much so that they (the whales) use it to viciously defend this poo poo heap whenever they are faced with unpleasant facts and realities. Any publisher that would come in and buy this thing would have the whales breathing down their necks, blaming them for every little thing that was promised but never intended on being implemented in the first place by CIG.

From a business perspective, this project is tainted in every which way possible. It doesn't make sense for anyone to come in and take the reins on this thing and have to deal with all of the baggage attached to it. It could end up sinking whomever took the risk.


Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Kilmers Elbow posted:

Brittainian, here - we never see poo poo like that.

What's the thinking behind those hats? Is it a shout-out to other vets - a fraternal thing? Or is it "I was in a war - respect my authoritah"?

Weirdest thing I've seen all week.

A lot of the old guys (think WW2, Korea, and some Vietnam) wear them around and it's kind of a thing that a lot of the older Vets do to have some connection to others. My granddad was WW2 and Korea and while he never wore a hat like this, he always struck up conversation with guys that wore them whenever he was out. Met some really cool dudes with some great stories because of those hats. I don't knock these guys at all, because they've seen some poo poo and if they want to wear a hat that proclaims their service, then far be it from me to tell them otherwise.

Furious Mittens fucked around with this message at 19:55 on Apr 29, 2016

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

G0RF posted:

I'm just saying they're printing money here with those patches and demand is surely stratospheric. Everyone who is anyone is going to own one. I don't even like the game but I'm thinking of sewing Anvil Aerospace on a Calvin Klein polo and seeing if I command more respect amongst my peers.

You'd get more respect with a Battlecruiser 3000AD or Line of Defense tattoo.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

D_Smart posted:

I dunno, probably because they didn't do anything worthy of a probate? Just because we're arguing with MoMA doesn't mean that I have to abuse my mod powers. I simply don't do that. Plus, he has every right to defend himself, regardless of how he does it. That's the SA way.

Dr. Derek Smart, using his powers for the betterment of mankind

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Colostomy Bag posted:

He is a good man. Could tell us the secret for nuclear fusion to save humanity. He will. In two weeks. Why? Because he can.

The world just isn't ready for this man.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

AP posted:

Yeah, they get one of those a month, $1,162,221, using the spreadsheet figures, 22nd April - 3rd May, so 12 days. Figure a low 40k average if nothing was happening means ~680k from the sale.

April was about 1.9 million in total and their estimated burn rate is 3 million. If you assume they have 12 million left, they might get another year but they'll need something to show at Citizen Con. But they might not have 12 million left and lots of other things can go wrong.

Do you really still have over $5k in RSI credits or are you just trolling? Because if you stick around in the thread after CIG goes bust this could be your last chance to admit you really aren't stupid and did get your money out.

It still just blows my mind that they have a somewhat steady stream of income after everything that has happened over the past year or so. Yes, whales and all that, but still it's just hard to grasp that much money *still* coming in.

The burn rate has got to be astronomical at this point.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Pointy posted:

Ouch I think that COD:IW trailer may have had a negative effect:


:gary: :gary: :gary:

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Mr.PayDay posted:

I had a *really* lovely day at work and your "caught up with the thread"-gif collection made me laugh, thanks Beexoffel. And Sandi for beeing....on a cast list. The only "transparent" and open view in this Star Citizen project was her boob window imho. Will buy jpeg-ships now.

Sadly, there are plenty of whales that have such a crush on Sandi that they buy JPEG's on the prospect that she might become their waifu.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

BattleMaster posted:

I actually don't know anything about the guy other than his SC-related appearances and his bank of terrible quotes but if it is true that his life is so terrible that the Wing Commander movie is a bright spot by comparison then I'll never say anything bad about him again.

I don't know, that's a reason to say even more bad (yet true) poo poo about him.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

G0RF posted:

It's almost like the backers are telling them something. I wonder what that could be...

I only see the Goatman when I look at this.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

ZenMaster posted:

:O :O

NO WAY.. Dolvak said, and I quote "Star citizen, f*** that game, it is dog sh*t"

(Sorry I tries not to swears)

But he said that on stream. Also said it would make you want to kill yourself if you played it everyday and BNB was a paid shill.


I just about fell out of my chair when I heard that. Surprising amount of honesty coming from Dolvak today.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

TTerrible posted:

Uh is this a joke or did it actually happen?

It actually happened. He was surprisingly candid about how bad of a state Star Citizen is in.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

TTerrible posted:

Uh, can confirm that Dolvak has lost his mind.

He's going to get a strongly worded letter when CIG realizes that a Goon won his follow contest today...

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy
This is so loving amateur.

I shouldn't be surprised though, what with Lesnick still there and being the face of the company alongside Sandi. It's a loving clown show.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Colostomy Bag posted:

Yep, instead of spending $1.40 to get a stock photo sans the watermark, pay the artist to remove it.

Another bit of proof that their project management is completely non-existent or completely incompetent. How anyone could trust that these people would be able to manage $114 million and counting to deliver anything of functional substance is beyond me.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Palisader posted:

Does Sandi have any other headshots? I know she's done modeling but I really get the impression that she did one photoshoot when she was like 25 and has been using it ever since.

If you watched that clip that was posted earlier of her in some Roman/Comedy play/demo, it's obvious that she *really* thinks she's an actress with the looks that rival any of the AAA+++ stars. When you have a scam with thousands of whales dreams and masturbatory fantasies that tell you everything that you want to hear, it's easy to see she's buying into her own vanity.


Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

ZenMaster posted:


archive this reddit


Has Dr. Uncle Derek Smart, Esq. come by on this one yet? Surely he smells the blood in the water.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

CharlestonJew posted:

oh man, are you telling me CIG has their own weaponized version of dare now?

Now witness the firepower of this fully operational shitposter.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Lemon King posted:

The sad part is they're just going to brush this off and act like it never happened.

This will be their only response.

They'll put out some kind of bullshit statement along the lines of "we are committed to delivering the BDSSE and the artist that produced these images was terminated"

Or hell, they will probably promote them and put them out in front of the world like Lesnick.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Chin posted:

The PU was a huge embarrassment so in patch 4.3.1z we've disabled it. A victory for all citizens.

Also in SQ42 news we've replaced Gary Oldman with Gary Busey.

I don't care what anyone says, Id play the gently caress out of SQ42 with Gary Busey as the lead.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy


I don't even know anymore.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Charles Get-Out posted:

It's kind of depressing actually how much citizens try and make the game a 'thing.' There's all this effort and energy being put into a non-starter.

"Hey guys, we got our own red vs. blue!...oh only 4k views..."

"Hey guys we've got outside reporting!...oh a parody youtube channel gets more views than it..."

"Hey guys we're on twitch!...oh no one ever watches..."

This whole thing is one big :smith:

And so many of those views come from Goons and other leavers. Of course, they won't acknowledge that.

Streaming is fun with some of the SC faithful. Most are completely unhinged from reality, but there are a few that would be alright but they just can't let go of CIG and their SC dreams. Probably because they have spent so much money on it they can't give up the dream.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

AP posted:

Dolvak said Star Citizen would be today.

Good times with Dolvak.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Asema posted:

why are you nerds giving that worse nerd views

He's alright and fun to poke fun at/with.

Besides, I won a game from trolling his room and he delivered.

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Missed you on the Dolvak stream today, Beet

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Tijuana Bibliophile posted:

I got hungry and bored but if somebody feels up to it:

Good god, give us some loving warning....

Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

Now you've gone and triggered me


Furious Mittens
Oct 14, 2005

Lipstick Apathy

:captainpop: :gary: :gary: :captainpop:

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