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Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

AP posted:

This guy seem like a terrible individual, a real bad poster and his extended family are likely bad too.

not surprised, Bootcha did speak against Cobizzle afterall


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

O.M.G. :vince:

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Skoll posted:

Hey guys, I added all the CIG devs that we know personal emails to You need a premium account to see this message.

Remember to check You need a premium account to see this message and You need a premium account to see this message for the mail campaign details.

thanks bro im going to send each of them pics of my dick

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Fish Fry Andy posted:

It's okay.

I guess they are having serious problems with people here crossposting in their thread. They're really on the look out for goons or Derek Smart showing up, and also are very concerned that their guild is secretly run by a cabal of secret goons or something.

Not pictured: their reaction to the Smarties gang tag.

in my professional opinion this looks to me like PTSD from being goonfucked

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
how can anyone not look at this and think the game will be poo poo? literally a loving dark blob with some red accents and the helmet i dont even know

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Romes128 posted:

I'd like to point out that it seems physically impossible to like bend over or kneel down in that stupid as gently caress looking armor.

my favourite is the string stuff tying together pins in some kind of cat's cradle on the breastplate.

Agrajag fucked around with this message at 00:32 on Oct 28, 2015

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Romes128 posted:

What's funny is his arms don't look long enough to put on or take off a helmet

i think we have proven he can not lift his t-rex arms past shoulder height

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

According to the supposed letter by David Jennison, formerly the lead character artist for CIG:

So the sad thing is that, out of all of the concepts, the Heavy Pirate is supposedly one of the most cohesive ones. Of course we don't actually know if what we're seeing now is what they finished because...

Fun fact; this is what they had for the FPS a year ago.

What the gently caress happened?

they should hire artists familiar with human anatomy.

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

pftc posted:

loving Chris Roberts is using this handicapped kids money for coke

hahaha what a moron

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
he may be a crip but he still has a normal functioning brain and acting like a little poo poo. if he were a mentally challenged kid then i'd feel icky about laughing at him

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Tim Pawlenty posted:

theres nothing really to laugh at hes just an obnoxious teen (redundant) who loves the brand and will probably be playing arena commander 2.1 in 2019 still.

what, you don't find him spite purchasing jpegs to be laughable?

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Amethyst posted:

lol, lmaoing my rear end off

what is this, ICQ?


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Karl_Ramseier posted:

I honestly doubt that he wants to test a legal system outside the US. Besides I have no problem if he ridicule these guys but for gods sake let the loving real life info kids and whatnot out of it.
Moreover you don't need more than 20 minutes and a pacer account to get tons of juicy infos about Derek's endeavours so it would be wise to calm down.

19 years old is not a kid numb nuts

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

joats posted:

Mentally, yeah. He is a loving kid. Look at the poo poo he is putting up on twitter.

from what he is posting on twitter he is definitely competent enough to be treated as an adult. are you one of those types of people that speak very loudly and slowly just because someone appears to be retarded?

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

AP posted:

No, I think they binned it all.

LOL are you serious? I wonder how many hours was spent making that animation. its hilarious that the gif probably sums up Star Citizen way better than anything else if it really was binned.

Agrajag fucked around with this message at 13:38 on Oct 28, 2015

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Berious posted:

I bet Chris made them polish that turd for weeks too.

that gif/animation itself probably generated many thousands of dollars in jpeg sales :a2m:

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

AP posted:


To delete years worth of your posts as you can't remember what childish poo poo you said that might come back to haunt you, while passing it off as the mature thing to do.

you're not mature, I'M MATURE!

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Wafflz posted:

When keeping it wheel goes wrong.


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

joats posted:

The government thinks that 19 years old is not old enough to make mature and responsible decisions. The internet proves this. TBH I think that around 26 is when people stop acting like kids, can form an argument, and have interesting topics of discussion.

So yeah, when you have only lived a quarter of your life, 19 years old is still a kid.

stop trying to redefine what the definition of adult is just so you can feel outraged and being born with a poo poo card doesn't give you a free pass for being a poo poo on reddit or whatever

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
please don't doxx me im only a man child sending dick pics

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Eonwe posted:

i missed most of this, this guy is loving dumb and really needs to stop

nobody should even joke about swatting someone

yes but dont you understand he is a~~~trigger warning~~~CHILD

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
reddit is literally the kid in the schoolyard punching himself

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Madcosby posted:

If people called my dad for the poo poo I post online I'd be grounded.

Pointless little story: This story takes place with flip phones around 2005ish. I once left my phone in a cab around 3am. The cabbie found it, and used it to call the number labeled "Home" which was my parents house at 3am. My dad answered, and the cabbie, after figuring out he was my father said "I have your son's phone" but my dad who didn't understand the guys accent thought I had been kidnapped. He started yelling at the cabbie "Let my son go! I won't pay any ransom!!" so the cabbie hung up and called "Brother" who was my brother I was with that evening and I got my phone back, and then the cabbie regaled us with the story.

When I called my dad afterwards he was crying and said he had just called the police. I told him thanks for not agreeing to any ransom.

hahahahaa it's nice knowing your dad will never pay a ransom to save your life. it's also hilarious that it's the first thing he blurts out in panic mode. :toot:

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Madcosby posted:

I know! At least wait and hear their offer, dad

for all he knew the cabbie might have only wanted a tank of gas

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Skoll posted:

Isn't that the dude they made write that horrible loving essay to join GSF?

edit: found it

oh ffs

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Strategic Tea posted:

If Smart was on Crobert's side, half this thread would be receiving babby's first legal notices, because most of those awful libellous slanderers in the crosshairs never made threats either.

none of us are going out of our way to harass anyone on twitter or making subreddits targeting specific people with the intent of doing some sort of harm physical or financial. so, i think we are safe mr outrage

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

LCL-Dead posted:

Over a month since refund request was submitted.

33 days since I got anything other than an automated "We haven't forgotten about you!" reply to my ticket.

Is there anyone out there with a ticket number higher than 133k that's gotten their poo poo resolved yet?


every time someone started the chargeback process cig completely caves in and refunds from what ive seen

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Tippis posted:

Goons see redditors post silly images.
Silly images get reposted on SA for mockery and laughter.
Redditor sees images mocking The Lord and Saviour on SA
Redditor writes a scrape-and-report bot to nuke all images hosted on imgur.
Redditors wonder why their silly images are being mass-reported and removed.
Redditors blame goons.
Goons laugh even harder.

So your last question is answered by the first.

stop punching yourself!

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

oh my

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, that's him in the wheelchair

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
but then what will i have to be outraged at?

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
wheelchair doesnt give you a free pass for harassment hth

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

xanif posted:

I don't think what he did was doxxing I just think it was a really weird way to go about doing it. Posting it in this thread to be like "Look how mean this guy was!" felt more like gossiping and just trying to make drama rather than trying to approach the person for resolution.

Then again he has managed to make other people (and I use that term loosely) backpedal to gently caress and back (deleting their account or their whole post history) just by saying their name in a vaguely Rumpelstiltskin like fashion so can't really argue with results.

Seriously, what self respecting adult posts a "come at me bro" comment only to delete everything he's ever said a couple days later.

the kind without a spine to stand up to D.Smart

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot


good show, sir

neonbregna posted:

He mad bro

8 hour fuelled coke binge mad (he spent 8 hours writing it)

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
:gary: :gizz:

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

G0RF posted:

The red one apparently has a built in compass... So that's pretty nifty.

i don't know what i'm looking at but it appears to be random angles smashed together into a turbine shape

:gary: :gizz:

Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot
:gary: :gizz: paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarp


Jan 21, 2006

gat dang thats hot

Xaerael posted:


might i recommend the idris paaarp hull? its got limited lti only 20 to be sold. :gary: :gizz:

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