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maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I haven't searched the thread because there's a lot, question is anyone have experience with their VA priority group for health care being bumped? I eclipsed income for the all expenses covered with 0% disability by 850 and the woman I talked to regarding questions about being moved to group 8, the reduced cost group, didn't help answer anything (very surprising, I thought VA staff would be helpful and engaged). According to the site I should be good to go for reduced cost since my income is lower than the max for all costs covered + 10% but who loving knows, nobody I spoke with on their end was helpful or even offered information beyond what I found online.


maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I may have overlooked this but does anyone know the most effective way to obtain military medical records? I am getting a run around from the Navy and just need my immunizations, thanks.

nvm DS login got me there

maffew buildings fucked around with this message at 23:36 on Mar 8, 2022

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Gents, I got out of the IRR a couple months back and can not find copies of my AD med records online (NPRC, VA, the site that has my OMPF that I don't remember the name of, tricare portal) - I would think my last duty station may be where they're at, but figure I would ask what you guys recommend for running those down since someone here has probably dealt with this before. I'm late on this due to having had every intention of going back to the service but turns out I would rather eat 300k in pro school debt than put a uniform back on. Thanks for any assistance.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Ok, well here's to hoping my medical department didn't trash them (this is a real risk, they didn't believe in proper 'record keeping' or 'not losing medical documents and records' or 'HIPAA' or 'not having a medical officer who wouldn't be sued for malpractice were it not for the Ferris Doctrine'), so basically a standard Navy medical department

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Does anyone have experience getting a condition connected to service that your medical department didn't document for a disability claim? My med team didn't see fit to record some items and wondering if anyone's been through that wringer. I wasn't diligent about the records on the way out as I didn't, at the time, plan to be out of the service more than a few months during the process of changing branches but pandemic plus changing values equals nope!

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Got it, thanks. Well luckily The Boys will be down to write statements because it's related to something they made fun of me for when it happened and STILL make fun of me for!

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Anyone have experience with getting an independent medical opinion for a VA disability claim? I'm putting together everything to submit babby's first disability claim and not surprisingly, I have three issues that were never documented (I didn't give a gently caress when I got out, I thought I was going back to the service in a few months, but thankfully I wised up). I'm getting buddy letters for everything and to validate that our med and mental health departments didn't document poo poo, but figure an IMO will probably be really, really helpful to validate my claim. Anything anyone can share about the process or their experience or that I should do XYZ instead appreciated.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned

dougdrums posted:

The VA will fill prescriptions for me, but they have to be approved/filled by my VA primary physician, which is usually a huge pain for everyone involved if it’s a one-off thing. I get regular prescriptions through the VA and pay out of pocket for the odds and ends.

This mostly comes up with dental work.

E: I guess it’s along the lines of what PageMaster posted, except my VA PHP office is nice enough to do it over the phone.

I had a community consult recently and was told the Rx MUST come from the specialist and all refills henceforth are through them by a RN on my PCPs team. This was after the pharmacy staff said "just have your PCP write them".

Cool, glad everyone is on the same sheet of music.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Also would like to know appeals experiences, if you lawyered up, etc. I'm submitting my claim soon and have three items not documented and one diagnosed within the first year of separation that, logically, should be job related but not holding out any hope. I have buddy statements for everything, including people who have had the same issues not documented by our Battalion's medical and mental health teams but oh boy I am not holding out any hope on this one!

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Gents, I'm finally nearing putting in babby's first disability claim, and while I am working with a VSO, I wanted to ask you gents and the collective knowledge here - for an initial disability claim, can secondary conditions be claimed, or do I need to have a disability established before applying for secondary conditions? I've got sinusitis from inhaling burning trash on deployment and get headaches due to it, so my brain thoughts say "ok, the headaches are secondary to the sinusitis", but hell if I know if that's the way to handle it on an initial claim. Any guidance appreciated, thanks.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Reading this makes me think I should start planning now for 18 months out when I'm applying for voc rehab for medical school, tia

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
believe you me, it absolutely will not deter me because I sure as gently caress don't want to pay for medical school on my own.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
As long as there's a degree program you can enroll under you are good for anything. I take a couple classes a semester on things I'm into since BAH for part time is a better deal than working around here.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
And finally submitted my disability claim. It went in on Friday via my VSO and the VA site lists it as under initial review. Immediate issues I'm seeing are like ten items we claimed for are missing and the VA site says we submitted no documents. Is this anything to worry about the day after submission, like they may just be catching up and going through things, or is that a "uh oh" out the gate? Some of the items, like illiotibial band syndrome will be combined into knee pain probably, but mental health and my messed up back aren't even included at all. I emailed my VSO, but I wanted to ask you guys as well.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned

nah, I got you, thanks. I'm just trying to stay ahead on things

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
VSO followed up on what happened, and boy howdy I didn't expect this. the VA switched to an AI system for the first pass on claims and it managed to just skip the last page of the claims form. they're sending the VA a letter to unfuck it and from the tone of their answer this is not an uncommon thing like, at all. lol, lmao.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
One year to file from the date the VA has on record as receiving intent to file paperwork. You should have received a notice from the VA confirming receipt or be able to find it on your VA portal. Should being the operative word.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Any feedback here appreciated, I just got hit with a curve ball. I was registered part time for this upcoming semester with an in person and an online class comprising 8 semester units. The VA verified my enrollment and all that fun stuff, sent me my BAH schedule, etc. and today I'm seeing the course I was taking in person is now no longer a full 16 week course but 9 weeks and exclusively online. I haven't gotten any notice of amendment to my enrollment, and figure I can either roll the dice and see if the VA doesn't know there's a change, or scramble to try and fix this issue. Anyone ever deal with anything like this before?

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned

life is killing me posted:

How many hours are you getting for it after these changes?

I’d do my best to fix it. They WILL find out, and when they do they’ll want any extra money back and it’ll be at the worst possible time for you financially. Couldn’t you just answer “no” the next month after your class is over?

Having it be all online basically equals lol lmao for the hit to GI Bill and BAH. I've already gotten run over once on BAH and made this post when I was in 'oh no!' mode versus thinking slightly more rationally. I'm just switching out to an in person course that fits the degree requirements and letting the vets office know. It fucks up my life schedule but it beats the alternative. Thanks for the prompt response and reinforcing that fixing it is the move.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned

Grip it and rip it posted:

You should also contact the registrar or the Dean and ask what the gently caress is going on. It's a pretty significant fuckup for them to switch something like that up on you last second, and you're entitled to an explanation and apology.

I'm with you, I'm waiting until I have cooled off before doing that.

edit: paperwork is being sent along and the changes I made are all good, just have to have the certifying official send along to the VA since it's a six of one, half a dozen of the other kind of change. I hope nobody else is getting wrecked by no notice changes.

edit edit: no answer yet but Vets office said they've had more than a few students tell them about the no notice class changes. Now to rabble rouse because the class I changed to is at a different school in the system and they have a habit of forgetting to certify and I would greatly prefer to get BAH.

maffew buildings fucked around with this message at 01:13 on Aug 10, 2023

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Meds question, since someone here has probably dealt with this - I'm prescribed a scheduled narcotic so there's no refill, shipping, etc. information on the VA site. I requested a refill ten days prior to when I would run out, but I haven't gotten anything from UPS about a scheduled delivery and it's past the VA's general guidance on how long delivery takes. Is there any best practices on handling this? I couldn't find anything on the VA site and I'm wondering if I call the pharmacy or contact my provider or like, what you guys would have done or recommend, TIA

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Called the VA pharmacy help line for my area, and for scheduled drugs they can tell you what you see on my health e-vet and send a request to the pharmacy to contact you with tracking info. So I guess the move on scheduled stuff is ping your provider.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Somewhere between my provider ordering the meds and the pharmacy there was a breakdown so it just never went through. Ok, so the lesson is if VA dispensed, controlled substance meds don't show up in their usual time frame, talk to the provider because they're the one who can actually tell you what happened and resend the order.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I've filed for it but have not gotten any decision, or any C&P exams, or really any communication from the VA since I put my claim in*. I deployed to Timor-Leste, where they burn trash outside and everywhere, got buddy letters from a couple of the guys/my OIC and my VA PCP put chronic sinusitis in my file, so I'll let you know when I get it sorted.

*They forgot the last page of my claim and when I called to have that updated they notated a form had been submitted about this, but then they removed that notice, and also still haven't included the missing page. Wow, the VA.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I don't know what that acronym means. That is, surely, a good sign.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Oh boy, QTC called me to schedule some appointments for my disability claim, but the VA hasn't gotten them my medical file yet. The nice agent said if the VA doesn't send that over then they kick the whole thing back, and while I don't know what their time frame on that is since they didn't tell me, I sure would like to avoid it. Has anyone had this occur with their claim before? My best idea is call the VA tomorrow and say "Hi, please send my medical file to them"; if anyone has experience with this and feedback it would be appreciated.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned

Mr. Nice! posted:

The only good news I have is that this will eventually get sorted and you'll get backpay to the date you put in your intent to file or filed your claim if you didn't put in an intent to file.

QTC is a pain in the rear end, in my opinion. They'll call you with an automated message telling you to call them for your appointment, and then you sit on hold for half an hour to talk to a person.

I have had claims where I got appointment notifications, called them, and was told my claim wasn't developed yet because they didn't have all the records. They told me it was typical, and then they had everything a week later so we proceeded. There is still a lot of hurry up and wait yet to go for you, but you're nearing the end. All of your records should be electronic, and sometimes it just takes a bit to get to your processing in the queue as someone individual certainly has to press the button to send over your files.

Thank you for confirming what I suspected and why do I need the forums to get a hold of you give me a call already :catstare:

Joking aside appreciate the confirm on this being a thing and not a red flag re: the files, that was the main concern. Edit: got second robot call yesterday after having called in morning and been told "no files" then the lady told me "yeah it just calls you, nothing changed". I only had to wait 25 minutes, though

edit edit: Appointments schedule and my intent to file is from October 2022, so good to go. Well, some appointments scheduled, now to wait for the bones and brain and bladder ones. Very glad my medical and mental health team decided they shouldn't document those things.

maffew buildings fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Nov 1, 2023

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Anyone else get mailings from Express Scripts saying a) their info got got during a data breach and b) they have other insurance they need to update/inform Tricare/Express Scripts about when they do not have any other health care? edit: apparently this is related to my community referral, the data breach is just a bonus

maffew buildings fucked around with this message at 01:12 on Nov 10, 2023

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
I'm filling out the paperwork ahead of my medical examination for disability benefits, is there anything the group would recommend as do's and don'ts for filling out the paperwork regarding my injuries/symtpoms associated with them and the examination itself? There's a section for functional limitation or loss on my paperwork, how have you guys handled filling out that section? I definitely have impairment with injuries that, while not knocking me down every day, cause a bad time and screw things up on frequent basis and cause me to lose sleep. Is it a correct read that that sort of thing is for the impairment/loss section, versus thinking "I still have a limb therefore it is not impairment or loss"? I know these are walk the dog type questions but I want to ask the group here rather than searching around online, thank you.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Sorry I wasn't more specific, this is the questionnaire that QTC gave me ahead of my in person exam for a number of the items on my claim

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Cool, time to get detailed and (hopefully) make their life easier come exam time, thank you.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
First C&P exam Monday, any wisdom to pass on these shindigs? I will bring notes, absolutely not downplay anything (great timing my worst injury and condition flared up this week) and plan to take brief notes of what is discussed w/ examiner. Anything you guys have to pass is appreciated, tia

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Good call, done and done, thank you.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Round one of c&p done, and I think I have no idea how it went because lol lmao how could I? Thank you to everyone for answering my questions and providing me feedback during this process, it's appreciated.

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Another one for the group, the VA sent me a letter threatening to yank my health benefits and cited my stock trading activity for 2022. They apparently treat the final sale of all stocks and bonds as income REGARDLESS of the initial purchase price. Long story short, I have not exceeded the income threshold, they're just pointing at one half of a transaction and treating that as income. Has anyone had to deal with this bullshit before? I know I can submit valid info that proves I did not exceed this amount from my 1040, 1099-B, etc. but it's the VA so the risk of them saying "gently caress you" is always there

edit: the VA takes the 1099-B and deletes everything except closing transactions then treats it as income, per the customer help rep lady I spoke with. the veteran is then responsible for sending their 1099-B and all other documents, which the IRS already has and the VA had access to, to prove that the figures in the letter are incorrect w/r/t income. I can't think of any good reason the VA would delete everything except closing transactions and treat it all as income, but I'm also not thinking through a lens of trying to kick vets off VA care

maffew buildings fucked around with this message at 17:49 on Dec 13, 2023

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
The VR&E info is confusing as heck. If I've got like 5 months of post 9/11 left and use VR&E for professional school, how does that work? Am I able to use all 48 months of VR&E still? Do I take a hit on rhe housing allowance? My main goal is to get the "gently caress my life" tuition costs taken care of, any housing and additional stipends are just a bonus

maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
If it's possible to get with a VSO to review your decision letter that would be pretty helfpul to determine where the VA may have granted something but rated it as less than what your symptoms warrant, or possibly dropped the ball altogether. I've had good experiences with VERA phone appointments for getting my questions answered, and you can choose any region in the country for your appointment (i.e. google who doesn't suck). My decision letter reads like the rater legit didn't even read all the evidence (i.e. stating I have no current diagnosis when I'd submitted physicians notes that included a very recent diagnosis), so pinging VERA really helped me understand what was up.


maffew buildings
Apr 29, 2009

too dumb to be probated; not too dumb to be autobanned
Question for the crew - anyone had a "Claim for Authorization Review" pop up w/r/t their disability? I'm showing an in progress claim for auth. review that was received July 17th and on step 1, "Claim Received". I submitted an intent to file for increase back in April, but that ain't related to this it seems. I am guessing it could be just about anything and will get online with a VERA, but wanted to see if anyone here has had this happen and what all it could be about. As this is the VA, I'm guessing it could be drat near anything.

edit: I used a browser extension to grab the following, claim type code is (690AUTRW) and end product code (EPC) is (699) and the associated resource links are (M21-1 manual, VERA and CFR 38). 690AUTRW is, per the manual, "reviews-authorization only" (VA ebenefits site Appendix C) and 699 is "unassociated service treatment record processing where no other EPC is pending" (VA ebenefits side appendix B). I'm guessing it's just a review of some sort, or some medical files were received they need to process or something. I am, however, not an expert. I'm emailing my VSO and have a VERA call on Monday, but figured one of y'all have had this kind of thing happen as well.

edit edit: According to the VA folks, my service treatment record arrived and this is an admin action to review and reconcile everything. I'm glad these things come with like, no real easy explanation, so that was fun.

maffew buildings fucked around with this message at 21:19 on Aug 5, 2024

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