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Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Has anyone found CA based veteran work programs worth a drat aimed at former medics/HMs? I’m still an EMT and in the process of getting my RN so I can do bedside and eventually back to my passion of ICU and Trauma ER again and ideally would like to find either part time chill EMS jobs or ones where I’d actually be doing stuff besides dialysis bus BLS transport.

Virginia had a decent option for my exact situation but gently caress living there.


Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Has anyone been able to ever use VR&E? I was told about it and it seem great on paper, but the last time I tried to use it for classes 8 months ago they have been "still processing" as it's now been two months after the classes I was hoping would be covered by it would have started.

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

Eason the Fifth posted:

The PACT Act says that granulomatus disease is now presumptive. I got an X-ray and a CT scan a couple years ago that found I have granulomatus disease. However, it isn't a disability, like I don't have any major breathing problems or anything, and it isn't getting worse. Just a bunch of nodules in my lungs. Does that qualify for a VA disability claim? If so, and they send me to a C&P, would it even be worth my time to go?

Are you rated right now? I know nothing about how your specific condition would be rated but like you should be able to get to least 10 or 20% at the very, very least. I’ve heard mixed things but I had a great help from the DAV they got me rated a lot higher than I think I “should” be based on stuff in my records I didn’t even remember

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

I have yet to actually talk to a person about VR&E other than going in circles, like literally one time it was a chain of 3 offices that referred me back to the person I started with, then it was a chain of 5 offices before I ended back up there. Seems like nobody in this area actually knows who handles it because every part of the benefit’s system here thinks someone else handles it. No one actually knows how to reach a VR&as counselor

Had I actually shown up for school I probably would have been in that situation and been pretty hosed but I decided not to start or move until I had some sort of confirmation from someone who seemed like they actually knew what was going on.

Butter Activities fucked around with this message at 06:08 on Feb 2, 2024

Butter Activities
May 4, 2018

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

He’s banned right now and out of pocket for a bit- But “The Weed Number” has jumped through every VR&E hoop there is. He knows how to maximize your benefits and go above those gate keeping counselors to get you where you want to go. He got a year at Columbia that way.

Hopefully when he comes back he can give you some insight.

Heads up he’s not your neurotypical person so he can come across as abrasive or trying to hard but the guys heart is sincerely in the right place.

I’d text him to come to this thread but he’s in dispose.

Oh bummer. Well who is. Hopefully he’s feeling better soon.

I found out about VR&E from a guy who was fixing up water damage at my mom’s places who had a kid who was a marine who used it, not a lot out there about the program.

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