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Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Is this the best thread for members retiring and looking at careers to transition to? I’m coming up on year 18 and really need to start solidifying my plans.

Edit: gently caress it, :justpost:

99% sure I’ll retire at 20 because I’ll be tour complete. There’s a small chance I stay in for a follow on tour at the same base and make O-5 because it’d be a great resume builder but I’m open.

Most applicable background to the civilian world: I’m largely a finance officer and was an accountant before I enlisted. I’ve got an MBA and a Masters in Finance. I’ve managed and executed $250M annually for about three years for my payback tour. That led me to my current tour where I teach accounting at a service academy. It’s fine and I was going to apply for the permanent commissioned teaching staff, but academia is loving insane (at least here) and my department is not the healthiest to work in. Busiest job I’ve ever had when it has no right to be.

Here’s what I think I want/need:

1) stay in the area (Connecticut)
2) have some option of remote work
3) salary of $90k to be inline with where I’m currently at when you take my pension into account.
4) work life balance: I’ve got a 2 and 5 year old.

I say all of that because here’s what options I know exist:

1) get my CPA while I’m in. Do something with it on the outside.
2) get my CFP. Do something with it.
3) teach.
4) some GS jobs.

With a CPA, I don’t want to do taxes because my work life would go to poo poo. Plus they don’t get paid a ton.

I’m looking into the CFP because I’ve always been interested in investments and helping people out. I don’t want a ‘sales job’ though so I’ve gotta make sure it wouldn’t be in line with that.

With teaching, I’m limited because I don’t have a PhD nor do I’m plan on getting one. I could likely get hired back into my department as a civilian for one year increments making a decent sum ($90k probably) with almost none of the bullshit I deal with currently since I’d be a civilian and not active duty. Teaching is fine and can be rewarding, but it doesn’t allow for remote work much. The place is work small spastic so it’s entirely possible I could get hired for two years in a row and then they say they don’t need me anymore.

GS jobs…eh I could…I mean the navy sub base is right down the road too but I kinda want to see what life is like after the military.

When I tell people I have an MBA and MSF they immediately tell me I have nothing to worry about, but I’m also not some 28 year old kid ready to hit the streets and put in a poo poo ton of hours. So I’m trying to figure out what’s out there and where I could excel. I’m just not sure where to turn yet (recruiters or headhunters maybe? There’s gotta be some military component that would help out with this).

nwin fucked around with this message at 01:45 on Oct 12, 2023


Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Hekk posted:


What do you do now? What do you want to do? Do you have a degree that will support your shift into a post mil career? Do you have geographic preferences? Are you looking to cut ties with the MIC entirely? Or maybe you’d prefer to use your mil background to slide into something adjacent that pays well?

Hah yeah I decided to edit my post right after that.

I think my biggest unknown is “what do you want to do”. I know what I want my job to allow me to do (work life balance, chance of remote) but I don’t know specifically what opportunities abound.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

life is killing me posted:

About to change majors because I dropped calculus I and realized it was hella hard for a 39 year-old father of two who works part time in addition to 12 CH of college to pass. I was in STEM but now looking at business.

Where do I go first to change majors? Do I request it at the school first and then tell the VA? I thought I’d be able to go right in there and hit a drop down menu and say I’m changing my major, but I guess I was wrong since there’s a form. It was easy to change my school iirc, but now the form is even needed for that.

My advisor is also a STEM professor, so I’m not even sure who to email to get designated as pre-business.

I mean, if you email your advisor they should be able to supply the necessary forms and meetings (if required) to change your major.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

Hekk posted:

Yeah 100% use the Disabled American Veterans or other VSO to help you with your claim. They’ve got people who do this all the time and are way more familiar with the process than you will ever be. There is no reason not to get help. It costs you nothing.

So I just had my TAPs class (2 years left until 20!)and they mentioned the same thing.

In the process I stumbled across the Reddit subforum for veteran benefits and there’s a bunch of people saying they did it all themselves and without any help.

Seems like it’s destined for failure to not use a VSO.

Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

SlurredSpeech609 posted:

I was a flight line mechanic and my tinnitus claim was diagnosed but denied as non service related. Any suggestions how to file an appeal without loving it up?

I don’t have anything to offer except questions.

Did you get a physical completed prior to separation and is that when you mentioned tinnitus? Or had you gone to an ear doctor before separation and gotten it diagnosed?

I’ve had tinnitus for a while (blame it on a list of service related reasons), and I finally got it diagnosed at year 18, prior to going through the medical board for my retirement physical. Hoping that’s enough.


Feb 25, 2002

make's u think

I loving love our organizations take on mental health.

Now it’s all about being open and getting stuff taken care of so I tried my…fourth or fifth therapist since I’ve been in. We had a good relationship for a few months and then work got in the way and I missed an appointment. I called after to apologize and she said no problem, then slapped me with a $100 bill that Tricare won’t cover since I failed to show up to a virtual session.

I asked her about waiving it and she said no-it’s her company’s policy and she believes in it.

So I’ll go to Tricare and try to waive it but I told her to cancel any future appointments. Half the reason I’m seeing her is for stress and anxiety and I don’t need to worry about paying $100 if work gets in the way of my counseling session.

gently caress this poo poo.

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