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Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Sonic Adventure 2

Just Rouge this week, because agony.


Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


This game.......was not good.


I finally got around to scanning my beer stained and terrible Castlevania 2 maps. Surely this will take the Castlevania 2 community to the next level!!

Party Bug fucked around with this message at 20:44 on May 8, 2019

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

With the Colonel in tow, or is Alin the one following, we're off to acquire a floor patcher for the tower!
No stream this weekend on account of Mother's Day, but next weekend Goodguy and I will resume recording episodes and I have enough backlog to carry this through next week.

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

With two Points of Power under our belts we're finally ready to stop Dan. A shorter episode today, but that will be made up for next time.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Sonic Adventure 2

Sonic runs. He can do nothing else. Shadow skates. He can get smacked upside the head repeatedly.

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

A longer episode today, but we get to meet our fourth ally, Larice.

Goodguy and I should be having another recording session this Sunday. So, feel free to come by if you want to hang out and see the upcoming episodes all at once!

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

Let's Play? “LEGO Worlds”
LEGO Worlds is a game that made me cry. In a good way. There's a kind of inescapable, breath-taking beauty to seeing such a creative concept brought to life in the most vibrant, imaginative way possible. There is so much to take in, it's nearly impossible to express how dearly I think every little decision played its role into making this a masterpiece.

This game belongs in a museum somewhere as a testament to the sheer creative power videogames can hold. The beauty of expression, of exploration, and so many wonderful things that can only be sought through this medium. Our medium. LEGO Worlds is a love letter to the idea of interactive media. A love letter to the things I'm most passionate about in this universe. It is more than anyone could ever expect a piece of entertainment software to be. I've so thoroughly abused the screenshot function, stared in awe at the beautiful landscapes, and found existential peace in this crazy wonderland.

LEGO Worlds is every genre, and yet it defies genre. It is all of my love for games condensed into a single, stand-alone package available for the entirety of humanity to consume. It's difficult beyond reason to imagine any other game could ever come close to encapsulating the beauty of its entire medium like this.

It's only 20 dollars for a brand new, sealed copy on whatever console you want. This isn't just supposed to be about me, and I need more people to experience this technical and creative marvel. To see what we're wrongfully sleeping on.


How will this LP work?

Since LEGO Worlds is difficult to experience in a traditional sense, I'm going to go with an abstract loose style of videos that don't follow any particular rhyme or genre. The idea is always the same, though: Make people see how wonderful LEGO Worlds really is.


The Passion

Conquer & Adore


Slice of Brick-Life

What is LEGO Worlds?

Not Quite LEGO Worlds

Goodbye Times

GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 23:47 on May 28, 2019

Aug 9, 2013

Okay, sold!

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

bony tony posted:

Okay, sold!

You really can regularly find Brand New Sealed copies on PS4/Switch if you search eBay/Amazon. If I get even one person to experience and love this game because of these videos, I'll be fulfilled.

Jan 28, 2013

Battlestar Galactica (XBOX-2003)

Intro Cutscene

Episode 1

So, back when the reboot of Battlestar Galactica was getting started, some game developer was handed the task of building a "prequel" game set during the First Cylon War, or something. It was an obvious promotional release, and it contained a lot of unlockable material such as screenshots of the original series and even the literal commercials for the Sci-Fi. This leads to some interesting developments, as the game developers only knew the vague story beats of the rebooted canon and had to kind of guess on what the setting would be based on the 70's version.

For the most part they do a decent job of making it work, and the game is fun. But it also leads to a young William Adama having a few wacky adventures that he doesn't seem to ever talk about in the reboot, probably for good reason.

I also kinda suck at some of these missions, so here's one of those promotional screen grabs indicating a recurring theme for my attempt to play the game after more than a decade.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

I'm thinking my Gravestone should read "Please play LEGO Worlds".

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
Slice of Brick-Life

LEGO people seem so happy on average

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Sonic Adventure 2

Final Story

First half of the end of the game, wherein I forget how to Sonic.

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

The party is finally together, or is it. The Colonel is at the new base, but where are Alin, Larice and Zarbol?

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


Dracula back on his bullshit again.

Jan 28, 2013

Battlestar Galactica (XBOX - 2003) Episode 2

Heeding the advice of a space whale with a lady face, a young William Adama leads the Battlestar Galactica deep into Cylon space. Along the way the Galactica hits a Space Iceberg and sinks, gets better and ransacks a gas station. I also completely forget how to fly a bomber and have to consult the instruction manual.

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

With a third Point behind us, it's time to see what Niiue was calling about... something about an apple?

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
What is LEGO Worlds?

If I had enough money to just give everyone a copy, I would

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
Not Quite LEGO Worlds

Close enough.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Sonic Adventure 2

That was certainly a journey through memory lane. Next week, the story mode of Hyrule Warriors!

Fish Noise
Jul 25, 2012



ThornBrain posted:

Okay, boys, maybe you don't have to do this motion when you...
never realized that chaos emeralds are also JO crystals

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
Goodbye Times

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

Last time we finally left Saturn, and as soon we set foot(tentacle?) in town on Jupiter we were assaulted by Starmen, but while Alin and crew are exploring Niiue has his own plans to set in motion.

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


About 2 hours of falling in water distilled into 15 minutes.

Jan 28, 2013

Battlestar Galactica (XBOX-2003) Final

A young William Adama faces off with the leader of the Cylons, the exiled Lord of Kobol with telekinetic powers and apparently a production license with Andross. That sounds significant, but much like the space-whale lady Adama murdered in this game it will never be referenced again. Incidentally, the matriarch of the Magus household is about to get three letters from the Colonial Government, so keep her in your prayers. Her dog also probably became sentient and is now plotting to betray humanity too because the universe seems to hate that family.

There was also a scrapped idea for this game that involved a time-traveling Starbuck and Apollo, including the original actors from the 70's series. That was probably cut due to the fact that the original Starbuck looks nothing like Katee Sackhoff, or because time travel is stupid. Will post the evidence for this once I find or re-unlock the outtakes in the game. The outtakes are pretty amusing anyway.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Also shortly after the 2003 BSG series premiered Dirk Benedict (OG Starbuck) turned out to be a huge rear end in a top hat and misogynist dick who publicly trashed the show and Katee Sackhoff in particular. So that's why he never so much as gets a cameo in it while Richard Hatch (OG Apollo), who was by all accounts a really great dude, became a major recurring player in the new series.

Jan 28, 2013

nine-gear crow posted:

Also shortly after the 2003 BSG series premiered Dirk Benedict (OG Starbuck) turned out to be a huge rear end in a top hat and misogynist dick who publicly trashed the show and Katee Sackhoff in particular. So that's why he never so much as gets a cameo in it while Richard Hatch (OG Apollo), who was by all accounts a really great dude, became a major recurring player in the new series.

Thanks, I didn't realize that about Benedict. Didn't have internet access when the show came out so I guess I missed him making an rear end of himself. Glad to hear about Richard Hatch though. Loved him as Tom Zarek.

Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

Last time we did The Move and now Zarbol is armored for star bear. This time we decide how to handle Deepsea.

Jan 28, 2013

Battlestar Galactica (XBOX-2003) Bonus Outtakes

Okay, so here are the outtakes unlockable through the game. The first two including the apparently scrapped time-travel plot feauturing Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch. I don't know if it was Benedict being a douche that killed the time-travel angle, the goofy dialogue or a last-minute realization that the plot wouldn't gel with the new series. Still, it's a time capsule I guess.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Grammarchist posted:

Thanks, I didn't realize that about Benedict. Didn't have internet access when the show came out so I guess I missed him making an rear end of himself. Glad to hear about Richard Hatch though. Loved him as Tom Zarek.

They kind of had inversed relationships with the show. Benedict started out giving the show his blessing and even did a torch-passing coffee lunch with Katee Sackhoff to promote the mini series then turned violently hostile against her and the show shortly thereafter. He now regularly appears on Fox News as a talking head, so that should give you an inclination as to how far he's fallen since even then.

Hatch was publicly skeptical about the reboot and vocally derisive of it in the run-up to its premiere, largely because he'd been trying to get his own continuation of the original 70s show off the ground for years to no avail, but he came around on the 03 series once it got off the ground and they offered him the role of Tom Zarek as an olive branch, which turned into a pivotal for the show because Richard Hatch was a drat good actor for being pigeonholed into schlock for most of his career.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Continuing the streamed LPs of games I wouldn't normally LP as thanks to my patrons, we jump into the story mode (Legend Mode) of Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition on the Switch. It's the fun, over-the-top hack-and-slash/beat-em-up mechanics of Dynasty Warriors with a big ol' slab of Zelda fanservice on top, and this version has all the extras and DLC included.

Note: I forgot to adjust the audio for recording while streaming parts 1-5, so our audio won't be as clean for those as you'd usually get from me. I will continue to live with the shame.

Also see: my original semiblind, reaction stream of the Wii U version back in 2016. [Part 1|Part 2]


Extra: Cadence of Hyrule

Stream 1/2

Stream 2/2

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 21:04 on Nov 11, 2019

Commander Keene
Dec 21, 2016

Faster than the others

A couple of things I mentioned during the stream that I don't know if you saw; first, you don't actually have to pick up all of the drops (weapons, materials, Rupees, etc) - anything useful is automatically collected at the end of a stage. The only things that need to be picked up are temporary power-ups, such as Hearts, Force Fragments, or Magic Jars. Also, Focus Spirit can open boss weak point gauges if you use your finisher (it replaces the Warrior Special when in Focus Spirit), which can help if a giant monster is being stubborn and just will not use the attack you need to get its weak point.

Jan 27, 2009

I fought the lava, and the lava won.
Also please use combo attacks. The regular attacks are good, but some of the combo attacks are better in many situations.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
That someone might be playing a Musou game without combos is certainly a new one to me.

Oct 2, 2009
Hyrule Warriors is better then Fire Emblem Warriors fite me irl

Feb 28, 2011

I'm not Katsura, I'm Captain Katsura!

Leal posted:

Hyrule Warriors is better then Fire Emblem Warriors fite me irl

I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people agree with this. FE Warriors is mechanically better than Hyrule Warriors (and Koei has no excuse for not putting those improvements into the Definitive Edition of Hyrule Warriors), but in terms of being a Warriors game, Hyrule Warriors is way better because it has no clone characters and it has way more content. And you don't need DLC just to get a worthwhile spear user. :argh:

CaptianKatsura fucked around with this message at 22:41 on Jun 5, 2019

Party Bug
Mar 13, 2008


High level pattern recognition on display.

May 16, 2019

Short LP made up of highlights of CK2: Holy Fury, first time I was playing it and I chose to try out a murderous, pillaging Prussian Romuvan leader.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Hyrule Warriors

The game is officially great. :ninja:


Oct 27, 2007

Rolling around at the speed of sound.

Apologies for the delay, but we're back and last time Niiue went... somewhere, while Alin and crew landed on Mars. But before that, a small detour.

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