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Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Let's Play Miami Vice: The Game

Miami Vice for the PSP was an official tie-in to the movie reboot. For some reason it features an in-depth drug trading simulation system that you can use to buy upgrades for your guns, clothes, information, or more drugs. It got a pretty middling reception, but as a fan of third person shooters, I think it's alright. The arcadey gameplay befits a portable title and there's some depth to the collectibles and their functionality. Also there's a weed baron.

My game capture broke and I am bored so this is what I am doing with my life until I get it replaced.


That's everything!

GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 23:05 on Apr 16, 2016


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