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Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

dreezy posted:

pretty short lp. reckon you'll actually need at least a few minutes

haha, nice one.



Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
Let's Play Dash Rendar Is Away - "The only winning move is not to Coldplay"

Welcome to Emily Is Away! This is a free game on Steam. If you would like to play it, you should go play it. It's free, it's short, and it's definitely worth the experience! Link is here:

The Steam page describes the game as "an interactive story" where you "[c]reate a screenname and choose your path through [a] branching narrative". To be honest, though, the branches are largely superficial and they all basically end up with the friendship between Dash Rendar and Emily withering and dying. The only question is how quickly do you want this friendship to die and how awkward do you want its death to be? So come join us as we play the voices in Dash Rendar's head and attempt to maintain a long distance friendship by only talking to Emily once a year over an instant messenger service.

Sally fucked around with this message at 22:32 on Jul 19, 2022

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
"I'd go to the party with you but there's Snow Patrol in my car!" - Dash Rendar Will Never Go Away

Welcome to the second chapter! It's been a year since we've seen or talked to Emily, so let's check in and see how our friendship is doing. A couple things to note: all the inactive names in the buddy list are references to video games! try and guess which one is which! (hint: Isaac666 is in fact not a reference to Dead Space). Also, there are approximately 20 guides on how to beat Emily Is Away available on its Steam page (Thanks to ChaosArgate for pointing this out). Some of them promise a "Good Ending". They are lying, or their only contents suggest turning off the game.

  • If you go to Travis's party, Emily will be dating Brad (the band nerd who was annoying her in Chapter 1) by Chapter 2, but if you skip out on the party, she'll be dating Travis. No matter which result occurs, they will always be in a rough patch in their relationship and Dash the player will have to give her advice. Note: the advice will always be generally terrible. Remember, this is an awkward instant messenger simulator.
  • If you say you like Coldplay, Emily will talk to you about Snow Patrol. If you say that you already know about them, she'll ask about your favourite song. Funny part is, only one of the song options (Run) is an actual Snow Patrol song--the rest are all traps to reveal your lack of knowledge about Snow Patrol. If you say Coldplay are shite, Emily won't talk to you about Snow Patrol.

Sally fucked around with this message at 22:33 on Jul 19, 2022

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
"Don't wanna be a Corellian idiot!" - Boulevard of Emily's Broken Dreams

Dash Rendar really is obnoxious when it comes to relationships. In the Star Wars EU novel, Shadow Games, Dash is a huge brooding man-child when it comes to his "crush", who is incidentally Princess Leia's cousin. It's a good thing all that EU stuff got de-canonized, I guess. :smith:

Dash Rendar is confirmed as part of the Star Wars Disney canon!!!!

  • The dialogue in this chapter changes depending on whether or not you went to the party. If you don't go to the party, you get the text you saw in the video where Emily "wonders what would've happened" if you had gone. If you do go to the party, Emily reminisces about how the two of you ditched Julie and Travis to hang out together at a park and then "wonders what would've happened" if you had kissed her in that moment. Your dialogue response are identical in both situations.
  • Mike and Emma are always in the background. You can mention them or not, but they are Dash's the player's new friends at this point.
  • Unlike what crow says, no matter what you choose in the previous chapter, Emily will have broken up with Brad/Travis at this point.

Sally fucked around with this message at 23:05 on Jul 19, 2022

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
"Dash Rendar's Time Is Running Out" - Let's Play Emily Is Not A-Muse-d

Click here to try out Trillian©, the instant messenger service that is officially supported by Dash Rendar! Trillian©, the only instant messaging service installed on the Outrider's and Leebo's operating systems!

  • I make a mistake in reporting what happens if you let Emily visit in Chapter 3. So now I'm going to clear things up a bit. First of all, if Emily comes to visit, Emma gets annoyed and it blows your chances with her. However, if Emily doesn't come over, you and Emma never work out anyways, so whatever, I guess? Second, if you agree to let Emily come and visit, the question will arise over whether or not you should involve alcohol. If you choose to involve alcohol, whether Emily brings some or if it's Dash's secret stash, the two of you will hook up. The third bit involves deciding what you will do when Emily visits. From what I've gathered, if you involve alcohol you're going to hook up with Emily regardless. If you don't involve alcohol and choose to do fun things around campus and around town, you wont sleep with each other. If you don't involve alcohol but decide to just hang out in Dash's dorm, you're gonna have sex. This all leads to the next point--
  • By chapter 4, if you didn't invite Emily to visit, she will say things "feel weird" because you weren't there for her when she needed a friend. If you did invite her to visit and the two of you hook up, she will say things "feel weird" because you had sex. If you invited Emily to visit and the two of you didn't hook up, she will call you out for failing to act on the sexual tension that has apparently existed between the two of you.
  • No matter what you've done in previous chapters, Mike will have become more distant.
  • If you don't talk things through with Emily, she accuses you of being selfish and only thinking of yourself. Truly, the most Dash Rendar of responses and we missed it. What happened, team?!

Sally fucked around with this message at 22:27 on Jul 19, 2022

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
Dash Rendar Will Never Die But You Will.

I'm with CJacobs, with regards to ratings. Emily Is Away doesn't make for a particularly exciting game, and in fact, multiple playthroughs quickly show how limited the game actually is. That said, it was a great experience. It's like Heavy Rain, I guess. Play it once and it's pretty good. Any more than that and it's a joyless slog. As an experience, it's really riling people up. Browsing the Steam Community Hub is hilarious and awful:

  • If you refused to talk with Emily about things in the last chapter, then this chapter only lasts a couple lines. Dash says "hi", Emily says "I don't want to talk right now" and the end credits roll. Worst Ending or Best Ending? You decide.
  • Emily will always be back with her previous boyfriend at this point, whether it was Travis or Brad.
  • Emma and Mike will have always moved on from Dash and wind up dating each other. It's because Dash is a black hole of failure and regrets. A Dash-hole, if you will.
  • Unless you get the "gently caress off, Dash" ending, then Chapter 5 will always end poorly--just, more slowly. You can either to end it mercifully quick or keep exhausting your dialogue options until all of them say 'goodbye'.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand, that's it. Thanks for stickin' it out with Dash Rendar until the bitter end. I liked this game. You should definitely give it a go if you're in the least bit interested. I doubt I found all the alternate dialogue choices and options, and I definitely didn't use the secret bonus buddy icons. Also, the dev is working on adding Steam Achievements and Trading Cards. Remember, it's free so it's definitely worth a look:

Sally fucked around with this message at 22:36 on Jul 19, 2022

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

CJacobs posted:

Today I made the biggest mistake of my life. Look forward to it.

Bubsy was great! One of the most fur-ocious feline protagonists to ever grace a digital screen. He is truly a hero of our time, up there with the likes of Croc and Dash Rendar.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
Bubsy is good!

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

FeyerbrandX posted:

But I was sad that I didn't see Cjacobs get to enjoy it.

Oh, but you will.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
This thread is in a fur-enzy.

Artix posted:

Oh no, it only costs $4. Which means we have four lucky contestants that haven't gotten their Bubsy's yet. :getin:

oooo, oooo, me, me! Bubsy apologist, right here!

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
CJacobs, don't forget to watch the Bubsy TV show:

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!


Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
They added Steam achievements to Emily Is Away. Before anyone gets excited and plans to reinstall and replay the game, let me be clear that the achievements are solely for beating each of the five chapters, and using a cheat to unlock secret friend icons and using said icons.

That's it.


Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
Watching that video, CJacobs, I am reminded: did you know that you can look up and down? Like, if you hold up, Bubsy will look further up. If you hold down, he will look further down. That way you can see things off-screen. You can do that because Bubsy is a good, well-thought out game with excellent mechanics and is fun.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Oh, oh, oh, and those red arrows spinning in a circle? Those are continues. When you get those, you get a continue.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
oh, man! i'm glad all that terrible bubsy fan at and cosplay i dug up didn't go to waste! now you may all share in our suffering.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
KOLM is a fun little game.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Shinjobi posted:

We should have a Bubsy fanart contest, is what you're saying.

heck yes

alright, team, let's do it. let's have a Bubsy art contest. MSPaint or Photoshop or whatever your best Bubsy. best Bubsy will get a new avatar (thanks, nine-gear crow :v:)

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
i've seen it multiple times


Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
that bridge kick was sick as gently caress

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
oh god. what if "Sheev" IS the Star Wars equivalent of "Steve"? like Naboo is just some backwater planet where names get horribly garbled, such as "Padme" for "Pamela".

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
it's the fan art bubsy deserves

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
let's playing a shirt? that sounds like a challenge

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
to whoever wins the Bubsy fan art contest: use your prize* to have CJacobs' avatar turned back to Bubsy the moment he tries to change it to something else.

once bubsy

forever bubsy

*generously purchased by nine-gear crow

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
The year is 1994. The 3DO is at the height of its power. The Sega Saturn and PlayStation are right around the corner and the Nintendo 64 is still a few years away. Yes, the 3DO is at the height of its mighty power. This king of consoles, this emperor of electronics, this suzerain of the television screen is about to have its hold on the console market secured by the release of a mighty, mighty video game. A game that is far, far ahead of its time. A game that predicted Let's Plays by, in effect, LPing itself while you played the game. A game so meta that its irony caused 3DO consoles to set fire. A game so caustic and acerbic that it then set fire to those games. A game so extreme that it was necessary to re-release it on the other major consoles with the subheading of "EXTREME" just so that its title would be more descriptive and accurate.

This game is, of course, the well-known and beloved OFF-WORLD INTERCEPTOR!!!!!


I played this game a bunch as a kid because I had no concept of what was good and bad. It's a good thing this game was rad as heck! I played the Saturn version a bunch--the aforementioned "EXTREME" version:

Sadly, I know longer own a Saturn or a Saturn copy Off-World Interceptor Extreme, so we'll have to make due with the PlayStation version:

Heck yeah! Look at that kickin' rad box art! This game IS art. Off-World Interceptor is a game set in a dystopian space future where a space government hires space bounty hunters to hunt space criminals for space money played by a couple of Proto-LPers. Yes, by Let's Playing this game I am in effect Retsuprae-ing it. What I'm saying is this game is way ahead of its time. Some critics recognized its greatness, such as GamePro: posted:

Reviewing the 3DO version, GamePro criticized the music and "slightly hokey" sound effects, but praised the graphics and cutscenes, and concluded "Once any early frustration wears off, OWI's great graphics and game play will drive you wild."[4]

Some reviewers were elitist snobs and took every opportunity to dump on this gem of a game. Typical IGN, amirite??? posted:

On first try, Off World Interceptor is a lot of fun. But you soon begin to realize it's pretty much a one-trick pony. Each race is exactly the same, barring some minor changes in the tracks. The graphics are passable, and the control decent enough. It's just not an entertaining enough game to hold your interest.

4.0 BAD

The well-regarded and venerable Sega Saturn magazine gave a more well-balanced and tempered review of the game: posted:

Reviewing the Saturn version, Sega Saturn Magazine commented that the game's premise is interesting but the actual gameplay is poor, especially the "unrealistic" movements of the player's vehicle. They gave the game a 65%.[5]

It's clear the world of 1994 didn't know quite what to make of this game. This proto-Let's Play. I want to show it off in all its glory, so please join myself and CJacobs (of Bubsy and Fallout 3 fame) in experiencing this wonder:

:siren::siren::siren:OFF-WORLD INTERCEPTOR EXTREME - EXTREME UPDATE 1 - PLANET SCORCH 7 & FERRO LUPUS:siren::siren::siren:

I've included a no commentary version in case you want to hear the two in-game LPers talk over the cutscenes without CJacobs and myself talking over them talking over the cutscenes.

Sally fucked around with this message at 06:57 on Apr 1, 2016

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
Hey, remember Turok: Dinosaur Hunter? From the N64? Yeah, it was pretty cool back in the day. Some dev released a remastered version of the game for the PC and it's really good. It's the best PC FPS I've played in a long time. Like, seriously, it's really, really good. I think the review that best encapsulates the experience of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Remastered was this guy from Rock Paper Shotgun who had never played the original game. It's awesome that this has come out because the N64 version has not aged well. Like, at all. It's kinda trash. SA forums user PSWII60 has recently completed an LP of the N64 version, which while really good, really shows off how poorly that version aged. Furthermore, SA forums user Phenwah recently completed an LP of the most recent Turok game which is pretty much abject garbage. Also a really good LP, but it really doesn't put the Turok series in a good light. With all that in mind, I thought it would be worthwhile to jump into the Remaster to show just how awesome this game still is. There are a bunch of differences from the original game (power-ups in different locations, small changes to maps, better draw distances, etc.), so if you're interested in seeing them I recommend you check out PSWII60's LP as well. Without further ado, though, here is Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Remastered:

Sally fucked around with this message at 04:09 on Aug 27, 2021

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Leal posted:

drat, its nice seeing them remaster the game like this. I hope it leads to Turok 3 getting remade

They're in the process of remastering Turok 2 for sure. If that does well as well, who knows! I, too, would like Turok 3 and Rage Wars to get remastered--if for no other reason than they were the two N64 Turok games I never had the opportunity to play.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Trizophenie posted:

Part 4: Dagobah
Does not contain spoilers for Force Awakens. But that's probably the high point of this level.

i wish it DID contain spoilers D;

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
oh god, i totally forgot:negative:

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

The Jungle is basically an extended version of the Hub Ruins. We're introduced to a few new game mechanics, a new enemy type, and a new weapon, but nothing terribly exciting yet. The escalation into absurdity is still yet to come. In the meantime, enjoy more arbitrary comics stuff:

Thread question: Do Leapers qualify as dinosaurs? Am I dinosaur hunting when I kill Leapers? Hmm...

Sally fucked around with this message at 21:47 on Aug 27, 2021

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!



Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Fish Noise posted:

It's basically got a gigantic Linegun on the front, you know Isaac is thinking about how he'd like the keys to one of those every time the ad comes on.

It'd run better than the Crozier. (What a piece of poo poo).

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Cheez posted:

Yes, I know he SAYS it, but he doesn't say it in a way that makes it sound like a pun. Why are you looking for more reasons to hate yourself? Isn't playing and watching Bubsy enough?

Bubsy is love. Bubsy is life.

Lacedaemonius posted:

I can't hear any of the ingame audio over your voices and it makes me very sad.

We can try and talk over those two guys talking over cutscenes less in the future. No promises. Though I do wish we didn't talk over that messed up The Crow reference in the first video:

GUY 1: "What, does that guy think he's a crow?"
GUY 2: "I wish he was The Crow, 'cause then he'd be dead."

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
i'll look into it for future vids.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
I am back at LPing! That means new Turok updates:

Welcome to the Ancient City! Our first two levels had us just running through the forest shooting people, ogres, bugs, and dinosaurs. The environment is getting switched up a little bit, but the escalation of environments, enemies, and weapons hasn't been huge. Well, I guess we're fighting super tall ancient warriors with magic and humvees, so that's something. Oh, and Turok gets a laser rifle at the end. Still, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter is still presenting itself fairly conservatively.

Oh, and in this level we encounter our first boss: The Longhunter! I presume he's some sort of trashy poaching scumbag. He appears in the comic books as a dude named "Israel Crockett". He resembles his video game counterpart insomuch as that he has large piercings, is blonde, and is an athletic guy.

Oh, and he likes guns and motor vehicles:

(Yes, I believe he is driving through a field of purple marijuana leaves).

Basically, I think he's supposed to just be a manifestation of every douchebag European poacher/hunter stereotype. I haven't read the comics that he appeared in, but from what panels I've seen, he seems like a pretty one-note villain:

(Yes, his hoop earring judge seems to arbitrarily switch ears).

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

The Ruins are a bit of downtime between bosses and all the crazy poo poo that starts to happen in later levels.

Also, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs got name dropped, so, uh, take a look at this 90s as all heck cartoon intro:

Looking further, though, it looks like it was a whole thing and I never realized that. There's a comic book and a video game as well:

Toy line, too:

Who knew?


Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
They put McMurdo station on the moons of Saturn???

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