I'm an idiot. That's probably no surprise to anyone here, but there's actually a reason I bring it up. You see, I'm a really big fan of the Borderlands series. Obviously they're popular games but they have a few glaring flaws. The games have some admittedly stupid jokes that really can kill the mood if they don't hit your sense of humor. The drop rates are pretty baffling for what amount to non-competitive multiplayer games so it can be extremely rare you find weapons that are both good and that click with you and your playstyle. Also, the level scaling algorithm is so hilariously lopsided it makes the endgame a real chore that leaves you grinding for the perfect weapons... which takes me back to argument number two. But you know what? I love those games. When I heard some rumbling that the next Telltale project was going to be a Borderlands game, I was a bit skeptical. I really enjoyed their work on the first season of The Walking Dead and overall I liked The Wolf Among Us, but I found the rest of their releases lacking and I wasn't particularly confident the Borderlands world was going to make a smooth transition into Telltale game. I want you to look back on what's come out in 2015. We got the high-octane death-defying stunts of Rocket League. We had Nintendo put the power in our hands to make our own own levels and share them with the world in Super Mario Maker. Third person stealth gameplay was perfected in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Heck, even Telltale is getting a run for their money in the adventure games genre with Life is Strange (which, by the way, is conveniently being LPed by my friend Panzer Skank!). This year is STACKED with phenomenal video games. It's kind of ridiculous! Now what if I told you that a first-person loot-hunting shooter game turned into a story-driven point and click adventure was actually one of the best games of the year? You'd probably call me an idiot, but we covered that already. I want to introduce you to Tales from the Borderlands-- one of my favorite games this year and arguably the best Borderlands and Telltale game to date. Just some quick things to note before we get started: 1) No spoilers. This should absolutely go without saying but I'm still just going to say it outright. This is a heavily story driven game, and parts of it are based on choices we may or may not even make! Don't spoil anything! I'm serious!! 2) Commentary will be sparse. There's a lot of dialogue in this game and the humor/action angle they're going for doesn't leave a lot of downtime for me to speak. There will likely be several minutes at a time where I don't feel I want to interrupt the game, since I generally hate talking over dialogue in a game. A few times I might, but I'll try to avoid it. 3) This LP assumes you have no familiarity with the Borderlands series. This game does a pretty good job at assuming that already, but there's a number of cameos and returning characters here and there. When I chime in, it'll mostly be informative about trying to fill in some details about who someone is or why something might be important. 4) I'll be leaving some choices up to you, the viewers! There's a lot of choices to be made in a Telltale game. A large majority of them are dialogue choices. I'll take artistic liberty on these since I obviously can't ask you guys to pick every single line I say. I will, however, try and end most videos with a fun or even major choice to make for our characters! When that's the case, you guys will decide our fate. If you've already played the game before, that's fine. Feel free to cast your votes regardless! Just please don't explain your votes as "well if we vote [x], [thing] will happen" because holy poo poo did you even read the first note in this list?? The following links all go to polsy due to potential spoilers in the YouTube recommended videos bar. Click through to YT at your own risk: Kaubocks fucked around with this message at 03:18 on May 29, 2016 |
# ? Nov 10, 2015 01:26 |
# ? Sep 11, 2024 01:46 |
MUSIC! Borderlands is generally known for having fun title cards with great music and Tales from the Borderlands is no different. Here's the tracks we've heard so far!: Episode 1: Jungle - Busy Earnin' Episode 2: Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra - Kiss the Sky Episode 3: The Rapture - Pieces of the People We Love Episode 4: Twin Shadow - To the Top Episode 5: James Blake - Retrograde Final Credits: First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining FAN ART! Sometimes people are crazy enough to create content pertinent to an LP I'm working on. Here's where you can find the ones for this thread!: Edmond Dantes pitches a game that might be better than this one. Edmond Dantes wants people to understand that it's ok to trust Jack every once in a while. Edmond Dantes has a thing for trying to convince people that Jack is a good source of advice and inspiration. Hostile V drops the hottest album this side of Pandora on us. VOTES! Most videos end with a vote of how we should continue the story. Here you can see the results of all of them, in case you're curious how close or not-even-remotely close some of the choices were!: #1-1: The Promotion What weapons should we equip our Loader Bot with? Machine Gun - 15 Riot Shield - 18 Rocket Launcher - 23 Longbow Grenade - 11 #1-2: The Deal How should we stop August? Blow his mind - 19 Break his heart - 18 #1-3: The Con Do we attempt to shoot August? Save the bullet - 24 Risk the shot - 7 #1-4: The Warehouse Which mask should we buy? Psycho Mask - 13 Steve Mask - 16 Skeletal Menace Mask - 9 #1-5: The Race What should we do about Felix? Warn Him - 39 Taunt Him - 6 Shoot Him - 16 #2-1: The General Who should Sasha help? Help Rhys - 30 Help Fiona - 6 Should we tell Vaughn about Handsome Jack? Tell Vaughn - 24 Don't Tell Vaughn - 7 #2-2: The Grave Do you think Vaughn would betray us? Vaughn did betray us - 6 Vaughn did not betray us - 25 Where should we fly to? Fly to Old Haven - 6 Fly to Hollow Point - 27 #2-3: The Mechanic Should we peek at Sasha's gift? Take a peek - 17 Be respectful - 25 Which paint job should we buy? Factory Settings - 0 Iron Blunder Bus - 0 Filigree Flintlock - 9 Goldrush Hammer - 0 Inflammatory Style - 5 Storming Vexrunner - 1 Norfleet Van Guard - 3 The Scooter Special - 27 #2-5: The Galatarium Who should we trust? Trust Fiona - 45 Trust Jack - 41 #3-1: The Queen How should we deal with Vallory? Cut her out of the deal - 4 Make her head spin - 33 #3-2: The Road Should we agree to a tentative alliance with Handsome Jack? Partner up! - 42 Turn him down! - 23 #3-3: The Dome What clothes should we buy? Phlaming Phoenix - 1 Steampunk Princess - 30 Z-R37 LookSpex - 3 Apollo Visioneers - 3 Cyberpunk'd - 20 Silver Centurion - 1 Save Your Money! - 17 #3-4: The Jungle Should we intervene between Athena and Cassius? Allow Athena to satiate her bloodlust - 10 Disapprove of Athena's conviction - 40 #4-1: The Plan Should we tell the girls about Handsome Jack? Tell them! - 35 Don't tell them! - 19 #4-2: The Disguise What outfits should we buy? Standard Issue Uni-form - 1 Onyx Overlord - 30 High Flying Hyperion - 5 Phlaming Phoenix - 1 #4-3: The First Should we launch the satellite? Launch! - 43 Don't launch! - 3 #4-4: The Top What should we do about Yvette? Talk and tell - 8 Talk but don't tell - 5 Stun and tell - 19 Stun but don't tell - 17 #4-5: The Office Should we accept Jack's offer? Rule Hyperion - 38 Reject Hyperion - 28 #5-3: The Stranger Who should we ask to be on our Vault Hunter team? Janey - 63 Felix - 75 August - 18 Cassius - 27 Zer0 - 38 Athena - 69 Kaubocks fucked around with this message at 03:19 on May 29, 2016 |
# ? Nov 10, 2015 01:26 |
If you've finished watching the video, you'll know there's a VOTE TO BE MADE!! Please select a primary weapon and a secondary weapon for our death robot to use! Bold 'em, please, so it's not a huge pain in the rear end for me to find. Voting is open until sometime Thursday. Probably like 6PM Eastern or something. Kaubocks fucked around with this message at 01:34 on Nov 10, 2015 |
# ? Nov 10, 2015 01:28 |
I was in as soon as I heard the boss's voice actor. Also outfit the loader for full offense, gatling gun and rocket launcher. Let these Pandora-bound peasants know who's boss.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 02:10 |
Hello friend here is my vote for MAXIMUM GUNS, MACHINE GUN AND ROCKET LAUNCHER
# ? Nov 10, 2015 02:33 |
Yaaay, a Kaubocks LP! And a great choice of game too.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:14 |
What's a gatling gun without a HUGE-rear end ROCKET LAUNCHER
Xanderkish fucked around with this message at 03:25 on Nov 10, 2015 |
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:22 |
Machine Gun and Grenades, please.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:23 |
Panzer Skank posted:Hello friend here is my vote for MAXIMUM GUNS, MACHINE GUN AND ROCKET LAUNCHER This is clearly the only correct choice. On Pandora? You need guns. Lots of guns.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:31 |
You know during the lead up to our first view of Hern- Hugo Vasquez I was expecting someone a little more... Blonde. I wouldn't say Kaubocks is an idiot for thinking highly of this game. Telltale has proven time and again that if it's one thing they do really well, it's capture the essence of what their source material is despite all differences. As for the bot, Machine Gun and while Longbow Grenades are fun... Missile Launcher is a bit more killy.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:32 |
Riot Shield and Teleport grenades
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:37 |
EponymousMrYar posted:I wouldn't say Kaubocks is an idiot for thinking highly of this game. Telltale has proven time and again that if it's one thing they do really well, it's capture the essence of what their source material is despite all differences. I was gonna bring up Game of Thrones as a point of contrast, but then again depending on your opinion of the television series, maybe the game does capture that essence really well.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:39 |
I'm in the middle of my second run of Tales right now. It really is a very funny game; a nice change of pace from the also great but much more somber Wolf and Walking Dead. Delightful characters. For Loader Bot, I think a Riot Shield for protection and Rocket Launcher for destruction should do nicely.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:40 |
Shieldhill posted:I'm in the middle of my second run of Tales right now. For real, Tales from the Borderlands is the first time I finished a Telltale game and thought "wow I want to play this again". Don't get me wrong, I love The Walking Dead and did play it again to show it to my wife, but a repeat Borderlands run was just straight up because I wanted to see it again.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 03:50 |
Aw sweet, more Borderlands for my consumption! I vote Machine Gun for the Snow Crash reference, and Rocket Launcher because come on, its a rocket launcher!
# ? Nov 10, 2015 05:02 |
The intro sequences are one of my favorite things about the series. Here's Episode 1's song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcsfftwLUf0 Voting for Riot Shield and Rockets. Wiseblood fucked around with this message at 05:43 on Nov 10, 2015 |
# ? Nov 10, 2015 05:32 |
Been pretty interested in this game. Only played the 1st Borderlands, but it was dumb co-op fun, and I'm hoping this game reflects the spirit of that. Definitely looking forward to this LP. Also for robot weapons, gonna go with Riot Shield and Rocket Launcher. Seems like those would pair well together.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 05:39 |
A Tales From the Borderlands lp! This game is fantastic, just pure unadulterated fun all around. I finished playing this game two weeks ago and I still grin when I think about and am already working my way through my second playthrough. If someone wanted me to recommend just one Telltale game for them to play, I would honestly be torn to pick between this and the Walking Dead Season 1, if anything, I'd ere more to this game. If you ever see it on a steam sale or just want to play something fun, play this! Machine Gun and Rocket Launchers FTW
# ? Nov 10, 2015 05:44 |
I will go against the grain and vote Longbows because I liked using those in the original games.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 06:12 |
Panzer Skank posted:Hello friend here is my vote for MAXIMUM GUNS, MACHINE GUN AND ROCKET LAUNCHER Panzer has the right idea. MACHINE GUN AND ROCKET LAUNCHER is the obviously superior choice.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 06:13 |
Riot shield and grenades I wouldn't be sold on them if they didn't teleport but we all know those robots aren't exactly the most durable things in a firefight after all.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 08:51 |
Riot Shield and teleport grenades. This was a better click episodey game released this year than Life is Strange. Telltale somehow managed to knock it out of the park with the writing on most of this one. In fact, the only times it really fell flat for me was when it had really overt references to main-series characters... because I've never played more than the first three hours of a Borderlands game.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 09:10 |
This is an amazing story/game. Shield and Missiles.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 10:59 |
Machine Guns and Grenades. I have a feeling that the whole 'whatever you pick doesn't matter' critique of Telltale games won't be too much of a problem with this game, seeing its tone.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 19:31 |
This game is gonna be insane, I just know. Riot Shields and Rocket Missiles
# ? Nov 10, 2015 19:45 |
I'm kinda opposite of the OP. I have never played a Borderlands game, but I am a huge fan of Telltale. Despite my only having a vague knowledge of the Borderlands universe, this game really drew me in. This is almost certainly their best offering to date. Also, Riot Shields and Rockets.
# ? Nov 10, 2015 20:52 |
Oh hey, it's Kaubocks and Borderlands, this will be fun! PEW PEW MACHINE GUN and MOTHERFUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER
# ? Nov 11, 2015 01:21 |
I'm not a big fan of Borderlands' brand of humour, but I hear this game is pretty funny on its own merits so I'll definitely be giving this LP a look. Go for the riot shield and the longbow grenades. Take these poor souls down as non-lethally as possible.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 01:21 |
JordanKai posted:Go for the riot shield and the longbow grenades. Take these poor souls down as non-lethally as possible.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 03:19 |
JordanKai posted:Take these poor souls down as non-lethally as possible.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 04:38 |
JordanKai posted:I'm not a big fan of Borderlands' brand of humour, but I hear this game is pretty funny on its own merits so I'll definitely be giving this LP a look. This, definitely. Also, this is going to be one of those LPs that gets better as it goes on. TellTale is fantastic at building characters, and honestly the first chapter is probably the weakest. If you're reading this and half-hesitant on whether or not this will be good, just know that once we hit Chapter 2 and onwards, the game goes from "Very good, pretty funny" to "I laughed so hard I failed a bunch of quicktimes because the tears in my eyes were preventing me from seeing where to click"
# ? Nov 11, 2015 04:47 |
JordanKai posted:Take these poor souls down as non-lethally as possible. i have some bad news for you
# ? Nov 11, 2015 04:51 |
JordanKai posted:I'm not a big fan of Borderlands' brand of humour, but I hear this game is pretty funny on its own merits so I'll definitely be giving this LP a look. Go back to the Undertale thread JordanKai! Riot Shield and the Longbow Grenades for me as well.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 06:06 |
This game rules. Riot Shield and Longbow Grenades.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 06:16 |
This game has some good voice acting. You've probably already picked up Patrick Warburton as Vasquez and Troy Baker as Rhys, and Vaughn is voiced by The Nerdist/@midnight's own Chris Hardwick! Wow! Yvette is voiced by Sola Bamis, who played Shirley in 8 episodes of Mad Men and is currently playing Ayo in the ABC Family series Stitchers. Also I hate that I missed this for two days, I loving love this game. Machine Gun/Rocket Lawnchair
# ? Nov 11, 2015 06:46 |
They're not gonna be non-lethal but you did say the grenades can teleport so I feel like that makes them the best option.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 12:18 |
Machine gun and rocket launchers. Might as well see the choices I didn't pick.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 15:22 |
JordanKai posted:Go for the riot shield and the longbow grenades. Take these poor souls down as non-lethally as possible. Son, I don't think you understand Borderlands. I used the Machine Gun and Grenades in my playthrough so let's see the Riot Shield and Rocket Launcher. Vaughn is easily my favorite character in this entire series so I hope you're gonna treat him right. What a bro. Gentle little brofriend who steals ten million dollars from Hyperion but gets sad about a skag dying
# ? Nov 11, 2015 18:23 |
CuwiKhons posted:Vaughn is easily my favorite character in this entire series so I hope you're gonna treat him right. What a bro. Gentle little brofriend who steals ten million dollars from Hyperion but gets sad about a skag dying I agree on that one, the characterization is very well done here. Vaughn starts as this annoying little poo poo but really grows on you and that's without him ever really deviating from his character. Also the bot we're outfitting now is totally the best character.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 18:37 |
# ? Sep 11, 2024 01:46 |
Machine gun and rocket launchers. They're raiders, right? So, we show 'em our might and they will respect us for it and direct us to the world of curiosities. No puny non-lethal shield would suffice for them.
# ? Nov 11, 2015 23:28 |