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Pants Donkey
Nov 13, 2011

TVs Ian posted:

I guess I thought of Trump as more of a Montana Max, but this works too.
Man, it's weird going back to these and seeing the overt political references you didn't get when you were like four or five.


Dec 10, 2011

Proudly supporting vanilla legends 1994-2014

Cat Mattress posted:

He's putting in Frankenstein and Dracula, but really what this scene brings to mind is Thriller.

So Rubio is a paedophile?

Feb 16, 2011

hon hon hon
Horsey is keeping abreast with the latest republican primaries news

His Divine Shadow
Aug 7, 2000

I'm not a fascist. I'm a priest. Fascists dress up in black and tell people what to do.

That is a moderate position.

Feb 25, 2013

Bear Witness

loquacius posted:

I've noticed that Mackay cartoons seem to be treating Trudeau like a bit of a Mary-Sue in an Obama fanfic, especially considering how little anyone in America cares about the visit
I was slightly surprised at how long it had been since the last one! Mostly because I would have expected a pro forma visit for either The Year 2000 or We're Sad About 9/11. I guess that doesn't really qualify as "caring", though.

D.N. Nation
Feb 1, 2012


We're Sad About 9/11

Mmm, thing was, Jean Chrétien wasn't really all that sad about 9/11, mildly falling in the "they kinda deserved it" camp.

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take

Pththya-lyi posted:

Trump is an intelligent, sensitive man who's been unfairly branded as a monster because of his freakish appearance. A Bad Cartoon.

Cruz is Dracula, not the Phantom of the Opera, hence the "neck" remark

Nov 8, 2009


Fojar38 posted:

Cruz is Dracula, not the Phantom of the Opera, hence the "neck" remark

Umm, I was talking about Trump as Frankenstein's Monster, not Cruz as Dracula.

May 27, 2004

This Christmas get "Shoes"

:pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn: :pwn:
:jerkbag: Keep trying to convince me that Hillary is just, like, totally the same as Bernie, man, and like, they're just two great and equal flavours of the same great ideology, dude, bro,

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take

Pththya-lyi posted:

Umm, I was talking about Trump as Frankenstein's Monster, not Cruz as Dracula.

*peers closely at papers*

Very well, carry on citizen.

May 17, 2003

Improbable Lobster posted:

Just call him Trumpy

Sorry if this was posted elsewhere, or is inappropriate for the thread:

Ignite Memories
Feb 27, 2005

Jurgan posted:

There's a weird dissonance for me in how Prickly City uses real politicians' names for the GOP but stand-ins like "Hunny Bunny" for Democrats. "Hunny Bunny vs. Drumpf" sounds really stupid- he should just go all out and make them all animals like Animal Nuz.

Holy gently caress, guy, are you telling me that Hunny Bunny stands in for a real-life person on prickly city?

Cat Mattress
Jul 14, 2012

by Cyrano4747

YarPirate posted:

Sorry if this was posted elsewhere, or is inappropriate for the thread:

Is Michael Sutton a relative of Ward Sutton?

Pants Donkey
Nov 13, 2011

Jurgan posted:

There's a weird dissonance for me in how Prickly City uses real politicians' names for the GOP but stand-ins like "Hunny Bunny" for Democrats. "Hunny Bunny vs. Trump" sounds really stupid- he should just go all out and make them all animals like Animal Nuz.
He's not even consistent, as Obama gets namedropped every so often as himself.

I think the bunnies are, well, bunnies because otherwise the Clintons would be a regular character on the strip. Sometimes he just uses them as generic standins for corrupt politicians and pivot to Clinton bashing when convenient.

Apr 21, 2008
The male bunny is also sometimes Obama when it's appropriate, if I remember correctly.

Often when they're dealing with the """"""""""""""""""""""""""desert hamsters"""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Oct 21, 2008

The bunnies are "every politician as aggregate" when he wants to criticize a Republican and "let's be honest they're the loving Clintons" the rest of the time

Apr 16, 2013

by R. Guyovich

Alien Arcana posted:

I must admit I don't remember the part of the story where the mob rallied behind Frankenstein's monster.
The Villagers aren't IN the story. No-one apart from Frankenstein, a blind man, his family and the captain Frankenstein tells the tale to are even aware of the creatures existence.

But if we go by the movies, the villagers are close minded, simple and hate anything thats different. Of course they'd love Trump.

Saint Sputnik
Mar 31, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!

Only Lord Hillvec can keep Bern Dau from crashing to earth and causing the eruption of the Red States.

Cat Mattress
Jul 14, 2012

by Cyrano4747

Saint Sputnik posted:

Only Lord Hillvec can keep Bern Dau from crashing to earth and causing the eruption of the Red States.

Meanwhile, Trumpalexia is instigating a mad scheme for absolute power.

Feb 8, 2007

I'm tired of hearing about money, money, money, money, money.
I just want to play the game, drink Pepsi, wear Reebok.

Grimey Drawer

Rorus Raz posted:

Man, it's weird going back to these and seeing the overt political references you didn't get when you were like four or five.

It's like the moment you found out Rocko (of his Modern Life) worked for a phone sex line

Apple Pie Hubbub
Feb 14, 2012

Take that, you greedy jerk!

Doc Hawkins
Jun 15, 2010

Dashing? But I'm not even moving!

Saint Sputnik posted:

Only Lord Hillvec can keep Bern Dau from crashing to earth and causing the eruption of the Red States.

"I shall keep it there with its last intention intact, so that if the love of the people of this city for me ever disappear, so shall the power that holds back their destruction."

(I can't believe you beat me to this joke. I can't believe two of us even thought of it.)

Mar 16, 2009

Just because Liquor's dead, doesn't mean you can just roll this bitch all over town with "The Freedoms."

I don't understand this cartoon.

Skull Servant
Oct 25, 2009

NoEyedSquareGuy posted:

I don't understand this cartoon.

Trump is a RINO.

He is a RINO because that is the go to insult for conservatives of other conservatives.

Feb 8, 2012

Being social makes me swell!

NoEyedSquareGuy posted:

I don't understand this cartoon.

Ramirez was paid to shill, and he drew(?) a thing. Sense doesn't really have to enter the picture.

Mar 16, 2009

Just because Liquor's dead, doesn't mean you can just roll this bitch all over town with "The Freedoms."

Cabinet posted:

Trump is a RINO.

He is a RINO because that is the go to insult for conservatives of other conservatives.

Still not getting it.

Trapezium Dave
Oct 22, 2012

He had to slap a TRUMP label on because he couldn't draw the distinctive hair. :(

The way he drew it it looks like the elephants were playing ring toss and missed.

Jan 28, 2014

Apr 24, 2008
i dont care how much probation i get capital letters are for squares hehe im so laid back an nice please read my low effort shitposts about the arab spring

Basically it's verboten within the republican noise machine to condemn Trump for being far-right, racist, xenophobic, fascist or sexist. The approved list of criticisms include "inexperienced", "ridiculous", "mean", "former democrat", "blowhard", "reality TV star", "childish", "thin-skinned".

i.e. it's not that they have a problem with any of the things Trump thinks or plans to do (unless it's him being vaguely noncommital on abortion and Israel). It's that it will be Trump doing those things.

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

NoEyedSquareGuy posted:

Still not getting it.

Republican In Name Only, which, given the relative difference between trump and the standard GOP opinions, is a decent enough criticism from party shill Ramirez.

Overall that cartoon is pretty good, but the Trump label undercuts imo.

dijon du jour
Mar 27, 2013

I'm shy

NoEyedSquareGuy posted:

Still not getting it.

"Excuse me, sir, this man very loudly shat himself and assaulted a nun. He says he's with you?"

"Uh-h-h I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. I've n-never seen him before in my life. *sweats*"

e: To put it most simply: here's some Ramirez math

Republicans == good
Trump == bad
Therefore Trump =/= Republican

dijon du jour fucked around with this message at 00:43 on Mar 12, 2016

Apr 23, 2012

psst you wanna do a communism?

Well at least Rogers doesn't blame Iran completely, however his comments section is filled with the same :smug: freepers saying how bad Obama is for doing something like diplomacy instead of just glassing Iran.

Oct 9, 2012

More to the point, the RINO label has traditionally been applied to Republicans who lean too far to the left. Trump is anything but.

Sep 1, 2011

Sorry I meant to say I hope that the police use maximum force and kill or maim a bunch of innocent people, thus paving a way for a proletarian uprising and socialist utopia

also here's a stupid take

achillesforever6 posted:

Well at least Rogers doesn't blame Iran completely, however his comments section is filled with the same :smug: freepers saying how bad Obama is for doing something like diplomacy instead of just glassing Iran.

To be fair it was a huge dick-move from Iran and probably a consequence of their own conservatives seeking to undermine the deal

Jump King
Aug 10, 2011

Selachian posted:

More to the point, the RINO label has traditionally been applied to Republicans who lean too far to the left. Trump is anything but.

I wouldn't say trump leans to the left, but he definitely leans a little differently than the rest of the candidates. He's anti free trade, and seems ambivalent about some traditional socially conservative policies while being way more gung ho about others. He's different, which is why the other candidates have trouble cutting into his support.

May 9, 2010
Dinosaur Gum

Trapezium Dave posted:

He had to slap a TRUMP label on because he couldn't draw the distinctive hair. :(

Hold on, I think I can fix that.

There. Looks much more like Trump.

Stultus Maximus
Dec 21, 2009


MMM Whatchya Say posted:

I wouldn't say trump leans to the left, but he definitely leans a little differently than the rest of the candidates. He's anti free trade, and seems ambivalent about some traditional socially conservative policies while being way more gung ho about others. He's different, which is why the other candidates have trouble cutting into his support.

Protectionism isn't inherently left or right. It's inherently populist. You can argue for protectionism or free trade from left or right standpoints.

Saint Sputnik
Mar 31, 2007

Tyrannosaurs in P-51 Volkswagens!

Doc Hawkins posted:

"I shall keep it there with its last intention intact, so that if the love of the people of this city for me ever disappear, so shall the power that holds back their destruction."

(I can't believe you beat me to this joke. I can't believe two of us even thought of it.)

Republicans should just go ahead and replace their elephant symbol with an ash ghoul, it's close enough.

Nov 27, 2007

This man is so incredibly terrible at what he does he can't even draw one of the most easily caricatured people on the face of the earth.


Oct 6, 2009

I'm good... I Haven't slept for a solid 83 hours, but yeah... I'm good...

Lipstick Apathy
Scrolling threw twitter feeds on the Chicago and stumbled across this...

Yeah gently caress trump supporters...

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