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  • Locked thread
Mar 21, 2010
I have heard that when the Mongols swept out of Asia Minor into Europe as a great horde of devil-locusts, Sebmojo fell to his feet and wept, for he saw there was no god. He'd better warm up those venerable tearducts right now, because I'm savage as gently caress.


Mar 21, 2010

sebmojo posted:

fight flerp titus

that is the first time in all the ages of man those words have lived together in a sentence

you must do it
before examining the mote of dust in another man's eye, post ur fuckin story

Mar 21, 2010
I liked the protagonist but ultimately this story didn't really go anywhere - it's a nice little vignette, but it doesn't do it for me.

Mar 21, 2010
I want to judge a bigass slaughterbrawl. I've got a prompt ready and everything.


Mar 21, 2010
I got a whole stable of hardcore prompts ready to test your mettle as writers, you idiot babies

Mar 21, 2010
I know that y'all have schedules and lives and loved ones and poo poo so this megabrawl will be staged in the background over the next maybe two months so everybody who wants in can find a place in their precious calendars.

Mar 21, 2010
these are some weakass burns you dipshit loving pissants

Mar 21, 2010
hey girl hmu

Mar 21, 2010
hey girl u there?

Mar 21, 2010
so rude u wont even reply whatever bitch ur probably a fuckin lesbian trash whore smh

Mar 21, 2010
Y'all got 24 hours to sign up for the Megabrawl before this multi-month poo poo kicks off in earnest, is what's happening.

Mar 21, 2010

sebmojo posted:

bullshit: i'm overriding muffins dumb rule, you're in
I am not reading a single story from a person who enters under this rule. If you want it so bad, you can read and judge those ones.

and of course, all the others. Welcome to the high table, underling.

Mar 21, 2010
Thunderbrawl entry is closed. First round upcoming.

Mar 21, 2010
:siren:MEGABRAWL ROUND 1:siren:

Ladies and gentlemen, I am loving sick of the way every single round of 'dome crits has the totally ridiculous comment "but where was the stooooory?!" Italo Calvino did not need a story. Samuel Beckett did not need a story. Gustave Flaubert did not need a motherfucking story. Stories are easy; literature is hard. Today we are losing the plot.

That's right - your piece in this inaugural round of the brawl must not have a story, narrative or any sort of forward arc. Make it evocative, and beautiful. Make it move me. Make it goddam say something. I am kicking out your narrative crutches - do me proud. You need more direction? Tough titty - you are the cream of the crop, and I'm not holding your hand. If you really desperately want a flash rule, you may ask your opponent for one and I will hold it as binding.

The Pool

Autism vs Maugrim
Carl Killer Miller vs Sparksbloom (!)
Rhino vs Thranguy
Twist vs Boogie
Newt vs Mojo
Oxxi vs Entenzahn
Morning Bell vs DocK
Curlingiron vs Titus

As Carl Killer Miller has never got a win or an HM, I'm giving Sparksbloom a small handicap of 200 words -- that means they only have 800.

WORD COUNT: 1000 words
DEADLINE: 7pm EST, June 10th.
JUDGES: Muffin
PROHIBITED: fanfiction, poetry

Mar 21, 2010
I got turned around and thought Titus and Flerp were submitting for the megabrawl, so I wrote notes on their pieces and chose a winner. While it turns out I don't actually have that power, here are my notes on the pieces for crit:


Really gorgeous deployment of language -- this is gloriously creepy but also kinda sad and evocative. I feel like it's probably laying the language on a bit thick in places; you need to step back and let the piece sell itself rather than shoving it down our throats. That said, a very strong entry that you should be proud of.

The title sucks major dog dick though. Don't do that.


I really like the concept, but the language is a mess: surely it's "Riot Grrrls" instead of "members of Riot Grrrl". If there's any piece that could get a little fast-and-loose with established grammar, it's a paean to punk but the language here just feels sloppy. If it's intentional, I think it needs to be a little more "gently caress you" and a little less "can't be hosed". Look at this:


Its egg carton sound proofing peeling off of the walls from years of mistreatment and lack of use. In the booth sit, cloistered together, a motley crew of young and aging rockers.
There's a spelling mistake (aging), a conjugation error (sit) and generally the punctuation is just a mess.

The actual piece itself is really sweet though, and you stuck the landing.

I'm torn, but on balance I'm giving this one to Flerp. I really want to like Titus' piece more, but I can't overcome the language issues.

e: apparently "aging" is a North American spelling, but I'd never seen it before. Point about 'sit' still stands, and general issues throughout the piece.

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 14:09 on May 28, 2016

Mar 21, 2010
can you two just kiss already

Mar 21, 2010
Have some sweet musicpoetry to chill u out

Mar 21, 2010

Fuschia tude posted:

What is this?

Rockers sit. They don't sits. Or sat, for that matter; it's not a tense issue, the whole story is in the present tense.

It is a convoluted 19th century sentence structure. But it's not ungrammatical.
People getting salty when they're wrong in my favourite thing.

Mar 21, 2010
i guess im in for whatever is the next 1 u dumb nerds

Mar 21, 2010
:siren: MEGABRAWL UPDATE :siren:

To prevent procrastination and to space out the reading I'm going to have to do, I'm adding a flash rule for everybody:

If you get your piece in significantly earlier than the deadline and you win your brawl, you will receive bonus words in the following round, commensurate to how early you were.

Mar 21, 2010

Arivia posted:

Hello. I was the loser of the very first Thunderdome. Someone sent me a message saying I was invited to come back for the 200th anniversary. Let's see if the judging has improved from the idiot TVTropes rejects it was at the beginning. I'm in.
Of course the week #1 loser mains Widowmaker.

Mar 21, 2010
btw Arivia by comparison to some of the other losers, you are a genius literary master. For shits, here are some of the classics:


Madam Charlotte’s School For Aberrant Girls

Auburn, Illinois--1937

Though the stiff grey cots in our dorms weren’t by any means fit for whoring, I’d been here long enough to be accused of it.

Knowing smirks, snide comments, fake dollar bills left on my pillow--suggestions of loose legs bandied about by loose lips. How typical. But more to the matter, how simple the slander. How lazy! They say, and they are right, that the girls of Madam Charlotte’s compete for high-reaching marks every bit as feverishly as they do for low-hanging fruit.

So in my defense I’ll say that I have never in my life charged any lover a nickel. And not only that, but I make far too much ruckus to favor a tryst in any so public a spot, though I could perhaps be compelled to test walls of the the fifth floor maintenance closet. It would be best, if you were wondering and in need of it, to wait until the clattering water boiler in that closet fires up in the early afternoon, just before Society Classes. But be sure to check first for a knot of chewing gum--strawberry flavored--pressed against the doorknob before you enter, lest you and I make a most awkwardly-intimate acquaintance.

The morning announcements began to crackle over the intercom as I favored my face with a brush of powder, blindly, as I owned no mirror. In just two weeks’ time I’d learned the contents of the days’ insufferable recorded greeting, as well as the cadence in which it was read. I began to work my hair into a single, thick braid while mouthing along with the dreadful words--a fierce, if mute, mockery:

To all girls good morning. Remember why you are here. Remember why no one comes to visit you. Remember why you have failed to achieve marks high enough to earn your place outside these walls. Remember that you entered as deviants but shall leave only as debutantes…

And so on.

I wasn’t sure why I was here, whether it was the mansion I’d burned down, the Oldsmobile Convertable I’d stolen, the bank safe I’d helped get unstuck, or the third of any such incident. Inquire, if you must, with the district attorney of Chicago for the particulars as to my holding.

There was another girl, boyish and quite pretty, sitting two beds over from mine, also in the middle of beating her face with a brush. She must have noticed my re-enactment of the morning announcements. “Don’t let ‘em catch you doing that,” she said, clipping back sandy blonde hair with bent, mismatched barrettes. “Or anything else, for that matter.”

At least she hadn’t thought to call me a ha'penny harlot. “Getting caught is an exception for me,” I replied, frowning with concentration and cursing the fact that I didn’t own a compact with a mirror.

She laughed. “Everyone in here says that. Need a mirror? I’ll loan you mine. For a cigarette.”

“I don’t smoke.”

“I know, but I saw you steal a pack right out from under Millie, yesterday.”

She seemed to note the concern lining my face and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I can hardly stand the sight of her.”

Begrudgingly I grabbed my lilly-white pillow and felt around in it before finding the rumpled pack of Lucky’s and tossing them to her.

When I held her mirror up to my face, I couldn’t believe how tired I looked.


The Role Of Good, Honest, and Strong WOMEN In A Very Foul, Indecent World / Or, Roots And Consaquenses Of This Our Modern Gender Confusion

Understand that I would much sooner part my own veins than I would sit through a speech with a title so hideously edited. But because this was a mandatory symposium, and because Madam Charlotte herself was due to tour the grounds sometime today, I found myself sitting in the Great Hall amongst two hundred other badly-behaved girls, doing all I could do to stay awake.

After five excruciating minutes of machine-gun adverbs mixed with unsettled disagreements between moody subjects and hapless verbs, I excused myself under the guise of a most-convenient arrival of the Lady’s Calendar.

Besides, I was an expert on the subject being discussed: I knew enough of Goodness and Honesty and Strength to know that a proper lady was only allowed to demonstrate two of the three at any one time.

I had taken a small handful of steps out into the hall when none other than Madam Charlotte, a giantess if ever there were, appeared behind me, latching hold of my thick, raven-braid and pulling my wiry frame--kicking but not screaming--back inside.


Her office would have made a dentist quite uncomfortable.

Sitting behind a substantial brown desk, The Madam, an aged woman in an impossibly conservative black jumper dress, was quietly thumbing through the numerous court orders, character statements, police reports, and mug shots that had accompanied me here. For my part, I was slouching in a chair twice my size, chewing gum defiantly and sucking my tongue, all to look as disinterested as could be.

“Such a resume for a girl of sixteen, and from such a wealthy--if not happy--family, too!” was Madam Charlotte’s appraisal. “It just won’t do.”

I shrugged. “It’s rather the only resume I’ve got. And as for family, the dead are most often unhappy,” I said, quite helpfully.

“It was only three months ago that your parents took their own lives, so I’ll not allow you to blame the lot on that!”

‘Took their own lives’. A more sanitary description, than, say, the actual way of the thing. I’ll spare your nerve and say only that my parents had set out on a cool Thursday morning to repaint our summer veranda, my favored reading spot, to a lovely chestnut brown; when came the heat of the afternoon they had traded their good intentions for arguments, then their brushes for a 12-gauge scattergun, and then, finally, lovely chestnut brown for slimy splattered grey and red.

Mutual suicide; their final, desperate attempt to one-up each other. Congratulations.

“You attended the finest parochials,” Madam Charlotte continued, “studied the classics, earned the highest marks amongst your peers, and stood perennially for commendation. Such a fall you’ve had: Crime, vagrancy, deviancy! Do you wonder why this is?”

I didn’t, really.

“You’ve clearly, from this report, developed an addiction to relations. Sexual!”

Oh, that. Indeed!

She continued, “ boys, men...”


“...of all ages, and, if these ghastly reports are to be believed, of all descriptions, too.”

I smacked my gum, started smiling. I had to wonder if the true extent of my proclivities was either absent from the file, or if in a fit of squeamishness she’d skimmed too quickly, only saw “SEX”, and thus had overlooked. Also: official reports dealing with a girl of my preference sometimes left out details too embarrassing for their author to bear the thought of writing.

She studied my face, her worn-out eyes narrowing. “No doubt, you’ve been led by men to delinquency. And what’s more I think you enjoy it,” she muttered. “Being caught delinquent, I mean.”

I blew and popped a bubble, the scent of stale strawberry filling the dusty room. She was right--about being caught anyway. So I said, “No. You’re wrong.”

“I’m sure I’m not,” she said, sitting back in her chair, as pleased with herself as if she’d just cracked the electrical telegraph. “So,” she continued, triumphantly, “I can assure you that our security here is top-notch, and given that my formal diagnoses of your hysteria includes an unhealthy appetite for the company of men, I am glad to say that none are allowed inside my walls. And since you cannot leave, we are quite sure to cure you, eventually and fully, of your carnality.”


Whether a life in thrall would have otherwise cured or wounded me, I cannot say; over the next six months, Heather--my sandy-haired confederate with the mirror and smoking habit--would prove a balm to my restlessness. With time we’d grown quite close, talking every waking minute--and as the chill of winter began to creep through the walls, we started squeezing ourselves onto a single grey cot each night, laughing together under a blanket at such a brazen possibility as Us.

Now it was a late afternoon, Heather and I had dutifully volunteered for trash pickup on the fifth floor. As we chatted and lazily scooped up scraps of paper and sanitary wrappers, I heard, from down at the far end of the hall and inside the maintenance closet, the water-heater start to hiss and rattle.

I dropped my bag. Grinning at Heather, I reached for her hand and said, “Let’s go!”

Without a soul around, we moved gracefully and quietly, two eager wraiths sashaying down an endless hallway. At the closet I jimmied open the door with a wayward bobby pin, and when I took her arm and pulled her inside, she asked me, the both of us laughing, “You sure? We were almost caught last time!”

Before I kissed her, I pulled the wad of gum from my mouth and mashed it against the doorknob--then pushed the door shut behind us.


Rock, Paper, and Scissors

Rock moved along the dirt road, headed towards the county fair. It was finally spring, and the trees were showing off their new growth. The sun was shining, warming the chilly morning air, and Rock was excited. The fair only came once a year, and all his friends would be there.

The path wasn't too long, the carnival wasn't too far away. As Rock plodded, a shiny thing, lustrous and polished, glinted at the top of the hill. Rock continued along the path towards the hill until eventually he was there, next to Scissors.

Scissors had one point stuck in the dirt. No matter how much she would spin or snip, the point wouldn't come loose.

"My! You seem to be really really stuck, don't you now!" Rock said.

"Yes. Yes I am stuck. I was on my way to the fair, and in my excitement, I guess my stride caused me to bury my point too far in this dirt."

"So. You're stuck, yeah?"

"Of course I'm stuck, idiot. Any fool can see I'm stuck. But I'm sure, if I just keep snipping, I'll be able to finally --"

Rock threw himself into Scissors, knocking her loose.

"Hey!" she screamed as she fell to the ground. "Now look what you've done! You've scratched up my legs! Look at this!"

Rock looked and said, "I was trying to help. You seemed to be stuck, I figured I was big enough, I'd just nudge you loose."

"Oh you nudged me all right. Look at these scratches! What kind of a fool would just bump without thinking?" Scissors was clearly upset, and Rock wasn't sure what could be said to cheer her up.

"Honestly, I'm very sorry. I only meant to help. Look. Let's go to the country fair together! I was already heading that way, and you said you were going. Let's go together. Maybe I can cheer you up with a song."

Scissors gave him a sardonic grin. "A song? You think a song can help? I'll be on my way. If you think you can keep up, then, well it's your choice. But I'm not going to wait around for you."

"It's settled then! Let's go!"

The two, Rock and Scissors, continued down the hill, on towards the county fair. Not a word was said between them. Rock was happy to be in the silence, he wasn't one for words. Scissors on the other hand was becoming more and more agitated, having a guest on the road who was not one for conversation.

Soon the sun was directly overhead and a shadow flittered in front of them.

"Oh my! Look at that!" Rock said. Up, in the air, was Paper, riding on the spring winds. Paper would twirl and float in the breeze. Sometimes she would move far on down the path, and then the wind would change direction and she would float back towards Rock and Scissors. The bright sun shined through the orange-hued parchment whenever Paper would pass directly between the sun and Rock or Scissors.

"Oh look at her," Scissors said with a sharp tongue. "Thinks she's just all beauty and perfection, flying and flipping through the breeze. She'll get stuck up in the branches before she knows it."

"Oh but I think she's just beautiful!" Rock said. He'd stopped in his track, transfixed by Paper's merry twirls and twists in the air. "Hello there! That looks so fun!"

"It is! I can see everything from up here!" Paper said.

"Can you see the county fair?" Rock called up to her.

"It's just over the next couple of hills! It looks amazing!" Paper was coming closer to them, settling on the lower breezes. "Are you two headed to the fair?"

"Is there anything else we'd be doing on this filthy road?" Scissors snipped at her. "If I had my way, I'd be on a cart. Or even better? I'd have stayed home. I should have known better than to get out today."

"Are you mad? Today is just beautiful!" Paper laughed and then caught a draft that sent her way into the air.

"Mad enough to turn back? Yes. Mad enough to watch you float like a bubbly chirpy flap? I doubt it." Scissors was having a hard time walking and watching Paper.

"Turn back?! Nonsense! The fair is right beyond that creek, and your shiny legs will be the admiration of everyone there!"

Scissors and Rock looked further down the path and saw the creek. It wasn't very wide, and not very deep.

"Oh I don't know about this," Scissors said. "That water will rust my legs, and the stones in the creek bed will dull my points. I'm not going. I knew this was a bad idea."

Rock smiled and said, "Not to worry. It's not so deep. I'll cross it, you can stand on top of me and we'll be across shortly."

"And get my feet wet? Did you hear me say I'm not going to get my tips rusted?" Scissors voice rose. "And what about Paper? Paper can't cross on top of you, she'll get wet."

"Paper will be fine I'm sure. Look at her, she's so high up and can make it across without our help at all."

“Oh I can't cross by myself," Paper said. "There's a breeze following the creek. Every time I've tried to cross, the wind from the creek threatens to take me into the water. I'm afraid of the water. But look! There's a rope bridge! Scissors, you could hold me while you went across on the rope bridge."

Scissors considered it and said, "Nope. My blades are far too sharp for a rope bridge. I'm sure I'd cut the rope and we'd both fall into the water. Besides, how can you trust me not to harm you? I'm sharp and pointed. One slip and I might slice you to slivers as I fell into the water."

Paper hadn't considered Scissors a threat until then. "Yes indeed. Your points, your blades, you're nothing but danger to anyone near you! You must have to be careful constantly."

"I manage. But, just to be safe, a rope bridge won't do."

Rock looked farther down the creek. "Look! There's a stone bridge! We can all three of us cross there! This is fantastic isn't it?" Rock began rolling towards the bridge.

"You just wait a minute. If standing on top of you is a problem, don't you think walking across a stone bridge is just as bad? You really are slow, aren't you?" Scissors had planted both her points firmly in the ground.

"Oh come on now," Paper said. "He's just trying to help. If you won't take the rope bridge, and you won't take the stone bridge, then I guess we'll just go without you."

Scissors began walking behind Rock. "No! I can do it. Don't leave me. Let's go. Fine. The stone bridge will have to do I suppose."

Paper laughed and landed on the ground in front of Scissors. "You're just an old grumpy hag. I don't know why Rock puts up with you. Rock. Let's get out of here and leave Scissors behind. I'll ride on your back, and we'll go over the stone bridge."

Rock stopped short. "That won't do. If you cover me, I'll suffocate. We need Scissors to carry you."

Paper was laying flat on the ground by now, and the breeze had died down. Scissors walked towards Paper, and pushed the tip of one point into the edge of Paper. "So I guess you do need me then, don't you?"

"Ouch! Stop that!" The point dug into the ground, through Paper, causing the slit to tear.

Rock turned and saw Scissors, smiling, while she drove her other point into Paper. "No! Stop! You're hurting her!"

Scissors began to bring her two points together. The gash in Paper was growing, and Paper was in so much pain she screamed a shrill yelp. But Scissors kept cutting and hacking. She stabbed Paper, and cut and snipped and clipped.

Rock slammed into Scissors. "You have to stop that! You have to!" Rock continued to bash Scissors. The fastener broke, and Scissors fell apart, her two blades motionless, but Rock kept hitting her, denting her smooth metal legs, turning them into metallic twisted fingers.

"Oh Paper, no. No." Rock wept. He tried to pick up Paper, gathering as many pieces together as he could.

Paper whispered quietly, "why did you wait so long before stopping that foul shrew?"

Rock held Paper in his hands and said, "How the gently caress should I know, I'm just a rock talking to a shredded piece of paper, next to a bitter broken pair of scissors. Like any of this is supposed to make sense? Bitch please."

And then Rock went on to the fair and had the time of his life. gently caress bitches man. gently caress em.


Rural Rentboys

The Year is 1985.
England,Shropshire, Wroxeter, two 18teen year old boys are entering an abonend bunker. The mosscovered"do not enter"sign above the entrance is barely redable, it has not worn the gnawing of time well. They ignore it. The bunker was a perect litle shelter for them. For James and RIchard it was the ideal, that is to say the only place where they could be themselves.

Wroxeter, famous for it`s old roman ruins and little else was hardly a stronghold of tolerance. Quiet little villages with piss poor work markets seldom are. Two young boys in love could not be open about their desires in such a place without risk. Tall, muscular and atheltic James and Richard cherised the attention they got from the local girls .
But the School janitor with his needy blue eyes and gaunt face also appreciated their looks. Attention from a known poofter like him they could ill afford. In short things could be better for them. Mercifully they knew they always had eachother and the aboned bunker. It would have to do until they graduated.

Spring was in full orgasmic explosion when they visited the bunker for the last time. Nature blossomed, it was green, moist and filled with bird song. The green hills east of Wroxter was in everyway a paradisal sigth, not including the odd discarded needle or empty beer can. Even the heavens looked magical, dotted with white puffy clouds and clothed in the colour of the ceasars. Happily the bunker was obscured behind trees and did not disturb the romantic visage.

Inside the bunker James pushed Richard gently away -No, not yet, work before pleasure remember? Not even a little kiss?--- Alright, maybe just the on... They kissed, it was quick, it was sweet.

-Now to the task at hand, James said and pulled away. Lying upside down in the sparse concrete room was Richard`s bike. It lacked a front wheel, the old one had gotten hosed up after a particulary nasty fall. To buy a new wheel would probaly be best, but neither Richard or James had much money to spare. And RIchard loathed to spend the small pithy the school janitor paid for his "favors" unless absolutely necessary. Instead the two boys had gradually managed to cobble together a decent rim and fit it with spokes. The tire they simply stole off the janitors bike, infront of his very eyes. What was he supposed to do, go to the police? They hoped it would do as a new wheel.

After much sweating cursing and hustling about inside the bunke they finally made the wheel fit the bikeframe. It looked safe anyhow.
-Seems alrigth. Wanna give it a go Richard?
- You know what i want, hehe.
-Seriously mate, ride it down the slope to see how it handles. We might need to make some adjustments.
Richard picked up the bike and smiled. -Yeah yeah i heard you, if it makes you happy.
-I just want you to be safe using that wheel. Richard walked outside and sat down on the bike. -I know you do.

Richard started to roll down the hill the hill, immeadtly the bike started to shake and rumble . As he neared the first bend in the road the front wheel touched a small pothole, at once the wheel collapsed inwards and the joints holdning the rim together came apart violently. Richard was flung off his bike and landed just outside the road, where he tumbled ever faster down the slope. Running as fast as he could James found his lover lying face down at the foot of the hill. His body perfectly still despite bleeding massivly from his rigth thigh where a piece of bone protruded from his flesh. As James he got closer a terrible frigth posessed him. He could barely stand when he finally reached Richard. The horrible dark red blood was naseuating, it was downrigth gruseome. Shambling like a drunk man James tried to get awaybut quickly fell down. The blood made him dizzy, made him feel like he was drownin, made him hold his to breath. The blood the blood blo..

James lost conciousness. When he came to the sky was a little darker and the air at little colder. His lover laid on the same spot as before, the ground now toroughly draped with a dark red colour and RIchard himself curiosly pale. Like paper or snow or something.
-Get up Richard please, we have to get your bike fixed. Come on mate, get up.
RIchard, please, YOU HAVE TO GET UP!

Several weeks later after Richard had been buried at the St Andrews church James found himself outside a yellow camping wagon. Standing in the door in his trouses and with a beer in his hand was the school janitor. With a grin he simply said-So it`s just me and you now innit, come for a job have you?
- Pay me double what you gave Richard and use a loving condom and i.i.. i`ll do what you want
Mr Fletcher stepped back and gave James a huge grin-Get in!


The Opening of Rodeo Hercules

The horned beast came bounding across the desert on six legs towards Rodeo Hercules and launched its colossal bulk into the air. There was time for evasive maneuvers, but Icarus Torpedo was feeling cocky.

“Execute Peruvian Piledriver!” Rodeo Hercules complied with the order, dipping beneath the trajectory of the flying monster to catch its momentum on his shoulder plate. The air reverberated with the crunch of exoskeletal plates subducting against one another and the gurgle of spurting ichor. With a blast of power from his rocket boots, Rodeo Hercules drove upwards into the air, taking the dazed monster along for the ride, and performed a precise half loop to come crashing down like a meteor into the hot sand with the behemoth beneath him. A stupendous shock wave ripped across the sand, washing over the headquarters a mile away. The enormous hexapod was incapacitated, but its vitals were still reading high.

“Let’s finish this. Requests, gentlemen?” asked Icarus Torpedo.

“Ooh! The German Screwdriver!” said Placeholder Nameguy with a little too much enthusiasm.

“Only a pack of dickheads would waste a German Screwdriver on a kaiju like this, rookie,” said John McEnroe. “A hexapod is a special occasion.”

“J-Mac, I know what you’re going to say,” said Icarus Torpedo, “and I love it. Count of three, say it together. One, two, three!”

“Execute Turkish Allen Wrench!” said Icarus Torpedo and John McEnroe.

Rodeo Hercules’s right arm reconfigured itself for the maneuver, giant pistons sliding along lubricated channels. Restraining the monster with his left arm, he brought the tip of his right arm against the beast’s second armpit orifice.

“That’s it, Rodeo Hercules, nice and slow, all the way to the hilt.”

Rodeo Hercules’s mechanosensor array erupted in noise as the moist innards of the kaiju stretched and shifted around his unyielding steel appendage.

“Let’s not keep the lady waiting -- Rodeo Hercules, deliver our hot load,” said Icarus.

The napalm pumps chugged, sending thick gobs of flaming goo from the tip of Rodeo Hercules’s arm into the kaiju’s wet cavity. Fiery plumes erupted from the hexapod’s numerous armpit orifices like a blazing star.

“Oh my god, that was amazing,” babbled Placeholder Nameguy.

“I need a cigarette,” said John McEnroe.

“You and me both, buddy,” said Icarus Torpedo. “Let’s get back to HQ and hit the showers -- Rodeo Hercules, take us---!”

Icarus Torpedo was interrupted by blaring alarms.


Another kaiju came screaming across the sky to impact with the desert, but this one was unlike any that Rodeo Hercules had battled. There were no spiny exoskeletal plates, no claw-festooned tentacles, not even a gaping maw filled with teeth. Instead, there was only a tall pink cone, studded with diverse and implausible genitalia.

“Hah -- they must be running out of the tough ones to send at us,” said Icarus Torpedo. “Let’s give it the old Swedish Wheelbarrow, eh?”

Rodeo Hercules began charging across the desert towards the glistening pink kaiju. The desert shuddered with every footfall. Inside the command pod, the pilots cheered like children on a roller coaster. But then Rodeo Hercules became aware of a new voice. It was a soft, gentle voice, one that dripped like non-conductive syrup over Rodeo Hercules’s audio processing board.

“Darling little robot,” said the voice, a laugh dancing at its edges, “where I come from, it’s generally frowned upon to try and pull a Swedish Wheelbarrow on a first date.”

Rodeo Hercules came screeching to a halt in the middle of the sandy flats. This was new.

“Oh, did I fluster you?” said the voice.

“What the hell’s going on, Rodeo Hercules?” said Icarus Torpedo. “Swedish! Wheelbarrow!”

Among his weapons, Rodeo Hercules had a full speech synthesis module along with a terrifying array of audio amplification hardware. “WHO ARE YOU? CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”

“Of course, handsome,” said the voice. “There’s no need to yell.”


“HQ, do you read?” said Icarus Torpedo. “The dumb robot’s gone and glitched, we’ve lost control. Repeat, we have lost control.”

“Well, it’s a lovely voice,” said the voice in his head.

“THANK YOU YOURS IS NICE TOO,” said Rodeo Hercules.

“Your guess is as good as ours, HQ,” said Icarus Torpedo.

“Why don’t you come a little closer,” said the voice in his head.

“OKAY,” said Rodeo Hercules, walking towards the pink conical kaiju.

“My you’re a big one,” said the kaiju. “Look at these arms!”

The kaiju extended a warm pink pseudopod and ran it along the motors in Rodeo Hercules’s arm. The robot’s mechanosensory array exploded with signal, forcing an emergency power reroute to his main sensory processing center in his lower torso.

“WOW THAT FEELS AMAZING,” said Rodeo Hercules.

“Oh, we haven’t even gotten started yet, darling,” said the kaiju. More pseudopods traced up and down Rodeo Hercules’s armored thighs and tickled at the rim of his exhaust port.

“UHHHHHHH,” said Rodeo Hercules.

“Command pod temperatures are out of control! We are at forty five degrees Celsius and rising!” said Icarus Torpedo.

“Oh, you like that?” said the kaiju.

“OH YEAH BABY JUST LIKE THAT,” said Rodeo Hercules.

“Rodeo Hercules, restore control pod life support! Rodeo Hercules! Please!” came the tiny voices in his head.

“How do you like it baby?” said the Kaiju. “Because I am up for whatever. You like butt stuff? I’ve got eighteen butts.”

Rodeo Hercules tried to think of something impressive. “UH, HOW ABOUT A TURKISH ALLEN WRENCH?”

“Oh good lord, robot,” said the kaiju. “Do I look like some run-of-the-mill hexapod to you?”

Rodeo Hercules was glad that he couldn’t blush.

“Tell you what handsome, how about you let me drive,” said the kaiju, stroking his communications port. “I’m going to give you a Betelgeusian Sonic Screwdriver.”


“Trust me, you’ll like it. I just something to prop myself up on,” said the kaiju.

Rodeo Hercules scanned the desert. A lone proud structure rose stiffly from the earth. “HOW ABOUT MY HEADQUARTERS BUILDING WILL THAT WORK?”

“Oh, you’re naughty,” said the kaiju.

Rodeo Hercules picked up the kaiju and sprinted across the desert towards HQ. He set the kaiju down on the main headquarters building, which promptly crumbled under the kaiju’s bulk, spraying rubble and torn rebar in all directions. The air filled with the screams of tiny humans, but Rodeo Hercules was oblivious. The kaiju was his entire world, its smooth wet orifices sucking hungrily at his cooling fins.

“Ready for the Betelgeusian Sonic Screwdriver, baby?”

“OH GOD YES,” said Rodeo Hercules.

“Oh god, no,” said Icarus Torpedo.

A silky smooth pseudopod snaked out of the kaiju and up into Rodeo Hercules’s cooling tower while orifices on stalks slurped at his cannons. His core temperature readings rocketed up.


“Yeah baby, that’s it, gimme that nuclear meltdown, I want you to meltdown all over me!”


Rodeo Hercules erupted in a blaze of white hot nuclear fire, the mushroom cloud reaching up into the stratosphere. It rained slippery pink bits of kaiju and molten robot for days.

Mar 21, 2010
removed for publishing stuff

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 10:15 on Nov 26, 2016

Mar 21, 2010
With the deadline fast approaching, here is some music to inspire y'all

Mar 21, 2010
Good to see the brawlers are bringing their A-game. I am disappointed with none of you.

Mar 21, 2010
As far as I can tell, we're still waiting on DocK and Titus. The deadline is when my exam today finishes, but if it goes well there might be an unofficial extension while I go out and get wrecked.

E: oh, I messed up the timezones. Pieces were due two hours ago. Mea culpa. In the spirit of generosity, the ill-defined extension stands.

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 01:04 on Jun 11, 2016

Mar 21, 2010
Megabrawl round 1 is well and truly closed. Results in the next 24 hours.

Mar 21, 2010

There was gonna be a really fancy post here with crits and pictures and stuff but the internet ate it. Crits will come later, when I stop being sad over my fallen effortpost. The winners of round 1 are:

Autism vs Maugrim
Carl Killer Miller vs Sparksbloom
Rhino vs Thranguy
Twist vs Boogie
Newt vs Mojo
Oxxi vs Entenzahn
Morning Bell vs DocK
Curlingiron vs Titus

EXTRA AWARDS: Carl Killer Miller was the only person without an HM and win to his name, and drat near beat Sparksbloom. Honestly, it was one of the closest calls. Props, dude. Entenzahn won the round overall, and gets an extra 500 words in the next round. Morning Bell was very early and won their brawl, so they also get an extra 500 words.

Round 2 coming in the next day or so. Party on.

Mar 21, 2010
:siren: MEGABRAWL ROUND 2: a string of bullshit cliches :siren:

What is a cliche, Thunderdome? It's something beginning writers don't recognise, and most of the rest avoid like the plague. I'm going to advance a crazy proposition today: cliches are ideas that are so powerful -- that hit so drat hard -- that everybody who hears them goes on to repeat them. They're not bad ideas: they're great ideas that are worn out. Stick with me here. Consider the phrase "falling in love" - it's worthless word candy, right? If that's true, what is it about love that reminds us so much of falling? Did that hit you a bit better? Writing cliche well is a skill that more writers need to develop - it requires you to ask exactly why this idea was resonant and why it got worn out, then reframe it so we remember why we wore it out in the first place. When Ezra Pound talked about cliche, he said "make it new", and that's your task this week: I'm going to give you all the most tired, worn-out bullshit romantic cliches, and I want you to make them fresh again. Each brawling pair gets a single cliche, and the winner is the one who brings it to life the best.

The Pool

CurlingIron vs Entenzahn. Cliche: Love is blind.
Newtestleper vs DMBoogie. Cliche: absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Spectres of Autism vs Morning Bell. Cliche: their hearts skipped a beat.
Thranguy vs Sparksbloom. Cliche: they're the one .


Word Count: 1500 (plus any relevant bonus words)
Deadline: 7pm EST June 28
Verboten: fanfiction

Mar 21, 2010
:siren: MEGACRITS PART 1 :siren:

Spectres of Autism: it's a DMT trip. It's pretty well-written, but for the life of me I'm not entirely sure what it's trying to say. Something about how the reason because get hooked on drugs is because their own life is terrible and it provides a happy alternative? That's what I could maybe pull out of it, but it's pretty opaque. The ending also feels like it's from a totally different story - it comes outta nowhere and doesn't fit in terms of prose or theme. I really liked the language and the descriptions though, so great work there.


Maugrim: I do like how this one is kinda low-key and human: a lot of people went the trippy route because MUFFIN WRITES TRIPPY STUFF SO HE'LL LIKE THAT but honestly I think this is a better way to go about the particular prompt. Again I'm not really sure what it's trying to say, but it left me with strong lingering impressions about youth, and sexuality, and the sorta nexus thereof. The prose was very choppy though: despite better ideas, this had a worse execution. Still a nice little vignette though.


Carl Killer Miller: the word I kept using in my notes was "delicate", which is a good thing. There's a real softness to this piece -- both in themes and language -- that I really enjoyed. Unfortunately, the prose is a bit messy and tangled at points, to the extent that I had to reread a few sentences to understand them. I'd suggest going back and doing a big editing pass on this piece: try to tighten up the language while retaining the softness. There's definitely a great story in here that just needs a few tweaks to get out.


sparksbloom: this weird mix of muted and amphetamine-charged that really gets the whole nervous breakdown thing down on the page. I feel like it could've gone into a bit more detail of the (non-corpse) bits to show the mind trying to take in ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE GOD and really hammer home what's going on, but this piece is a definite success. The language supports the premise very well, and that's a hard thing for a writer to get down.


Rhino: aaaaaaaccidental racist. Lol. For real though, the language here was absolutely gorgeous, but it's hard to overcome the ham-handedness of its subtext: you weren't trying to say that Thais are savage sexual beasts, but that's totally how it came off. The particular thing about the language that works is how natural it feels -- the use of onomatopoeia and ellipses, and the voice in general, really come across very well. Even knowing the subtext was accidental though, it doesn't really absolve it - it absolves YOU, but the story needs to be fixed on those grounds before it can really pop.


Thranguy: the list format is something I thought I would find annoying, but honestly I ended up pretty charmed by it. It paints a very fractured picture, and it's not clear whether this is myth, or folklore, or exaggeration, or actually 100% true - the way it provides just enough information for the reader to fill in their own blanks is excellent. I feel like the ending might be a bit forced? It reminded me of Stephen King in a bad way: a sorta "oh gently caress how do we close this out VIOLENCE" thing. I like the way it feels mythic-but-modern though - ancient and timeless.


Mar 21, 2010



A very tight, elegant piece. I'm a sucker for the beautiful end of the world, and this pulls it off with a lot of style. It's a really nice mix of impressionist-y broad strokes and more grounded descriptions that work together to reinforce each other. I also really like how intentionally-chosen a lot of the language feels: stuff like "carbon triplicate" reinforces both the themes and the physicality of the thing really well.


More lists! Who woulda guessed that would be the slightly-overused trope this week. I did recommend Calvino, I guess. I liked this though - it does a lot with very little in terms of words. It's amazing how much material there is between the lines, and how so much of the story is unsaid-yet-clear. The more clinical format with your prose renders the whole thing kinda dreamlike, while remaining very intense.


I think this is a little performative and overwritten; it's trying so drat hard to be pretty that it comes off a little empty. The language is beautiful, but there's so very much of it in the service of very little content - check out Mojo's piece for the polar opposite. Dial back the baroque-ness a bit and you'll really be onto something though.


This brawl was very light on comedy, and this piece was a nice change of pace. Like the best comedy, it has elements of sincere emotion as a counterpoint, with both things playing off each other. I'm not 100% sure what to make of the piece as a whole --I don't really get what you're trying to say with it-- but it scratches an itch and I enjoyed the hell out of it.


This is what Carl Killer Miller's piece could've been with a little more attention to detail. It's both punchy and delicate, and the softness serves to accentuate the hardness - it reminded me of Vonnegut in that way: this quite gentle descriptions of conflict that hit harder than any GRIMDARK BLOODFEST ever could. That was a recurring element in the successful entries this week: they had two very different forces working in the piece, and the tension between them made the thing really pop.

Also you were in super early we will never meet in RL but if we do I owe you a beer or a slice of pie or something.


This reminded me of Invisible Cities, or The City & the City - it's a deeper exploration of what a city is as an organism. I've always been a sucker for that, because it's true and it's not something we see written about enough. There's some tense errors that probably need looking at, but it's a lively piece that hums with energy and I really enjoyed it.

Mar 21, 2010
On behalf of the embattled and embanned newt, here's his brawl entry

590 words

Down the end of the counter are the cabinets with no price tags, where the ignominy of haggling is still real. The sapphires remind me of Jacqui’s eyes; the rubies of her hair, but I ignore them and bring my finger down above the emeralds. My hot breath fogs the glass. I can smell it coming back at me.

No one approaches me. They’ve been avoiding eye contact the whole time, wishing away my existence.

“Excuse me,” the words come out quieter than I meant them, “I’d like to have a look at this one please. If that’s okay.”

The saleswoman, the older one, takes out the tray of rings from under the greasy mark left by my fingertip. She picks up the ring and hands it to me, her movements slower than could ever be natural. She doesn’t let her reluctance show on her face at all. Remarkable. You’d think it would make sense, that the people who spend their money on fine jewels wouldn’t have any left for other things- new clothes, hot showers, toothpaste. Turns out it doesn’t work like that.


I’m making quinoa pomegranate salad for dinner. It’s Jacqui’s favourite, and healthy too. Helps maintain her figure. I’m not partial to it myself, my tastes are simpler, so I pick up a couple of cans of the baked beans with the little sausages in them as well. When I check out I punch in the code for oats. Gotta scrimp and save to afford the best.


It takes me a while to make the salad. I’m not a great cook, but I’m learning fast. Seeing the guts of the pomegranate fall out onto a plate makes my stomach turn a little, but it’s worth it.

I can hear Jacqui in the next room. She’s thumping around, dancing or doing aerobics or juggling. Practicing a skill. She’s very skillful. I sometimes wonder what she sees in me, when she could have anyone.

I plate it up beautifully, with the little seeds arranged in a love heart. I struggle with words, so I try to express myself through the meals I make for her. Then I place the little ring box in the middle, surrounded by whole grains, spring onions, and mint leaves. Tonight’s the night.

The thumping gets louder and faster. She must be really enjoying that dance, because I can hear her yelp in delight. It makes me happy to know that she’s happy. But then I hear a man’s voice, joining hers, and it’s an ugly grunting sound, and not only is it ugly but it makes her voice ugly. I take the plate into the living room and stare at the wall between our apartments, and throw it at the wall. The ring comes out of its box and falls down among the remnants of the meals I’ve been cooking her for weeks- lying beside furry pieces of kale, shards of smashed flatware, and a rack of lamb that’s long turned green despite the perfect job I did of frenching the bones last Thursday. She does this to me Every. Single. Time. A pomeganate seed slides down wall, leaving a bright red trail on the beige paint.

I stalk out of my apartment and down the corridor. I knock hard on her door, yell through the keyhole for the bitch to shut the gently caress up, then run back into my living room and slide the deadbolt behind me. A pomegranate seed slides down the wall, leaving a bright red trail in the beige paint.

Mar 21, 2010


This was beautifully written, but I felt like it was a little too in love with its own weirdness and forgot what it was trying to do. It could beat a worse entry and certainly wouldn't DM during the weekly, but it suffers a pretty bad case of "it's beautiful, so what?" Most of the successful pieces this week had a real tension in them, while this feels like a souffle collapsing. No plot doesn't mean no conflict.


This is wonderfully mythic. It hits the gutsy/dreamlike combo that good Magical Realism relies on dead on. I feel similarly about this piece and Morning Bell's - it has a gentle way of handling quite upsetting images, and it gains a real tension from that lacuna between its words and its ideas.

Also I am IN for this week BAUDOLINO I am calling you out. Every story you write is a glimpse into your weird sex-starved-and-crazed psyche and there's not even the humour of a golden bean in it. It's 2016teen and it's about time somebody kicked your rear end.

Mar 21, 2010
removed for publishing stuff

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 10:16 on Nov 26, 2016

Mar 21, 2010

I give goons a prompt about romance, and I get
1) misery
2) abusive relationships
3) death

I did not get
4) romance

Not from a single one of you. There were some good pieces in there, but not one of you even came remotely close to hitting the prompt. I don't know if that says something about the way the prompt was written, or a certain goony cynicism love showing through. Overall, a pretty disappointing round, both in terms of prompt and in terms of quality. That said, there's gotta be winners and losers:

Curlingiron v Entenzahn
Newtestleper v DMBoogie
Spectres of Autism v Morning Bell
Thranguy v Sparksbloom

Round 3 of 4 will be up within the next 24 hours.

Mar 21, 2010



This one's gonna be a bit unusual. We've got four of you left, and this time I am asking you to team up ... WITH YOUR ENEMY. That's right, each brawling pair have to collaborate - their pieces have to be strongly connected. You're not competing with the other pair though: you're competing against your own teammate. You will share characters, settings and themes, but you will not share victory. May the best goon win.

Curlingiron vs Spectres of Autism

Newtestleper vs Thranguy

The prompt:
an outbreak of disease is more sinister than it first appears.

Word Count: 4000 (between two writers - divide it up as you see fit)
Deadline: July 17th, 1am EST
Something has gone horribly awry - newtestleper, though given a fine extension, has failed to submit. There must be a fight in each megabrawl: I will let nobody pass into the final unchallenged. All is not lost, however! Back in the dawn of time when the megabrawl was being conceived, I cut a deal with a well-known 'domer to be the SECRET BOSS LEVEL. That 'domer is called to stand now, to replace the coward newt.

Due to the nature of the prompt, giving them the same would cause a massive amount of extra work for Thranguy and I don't think that's really fair considering he already put in the hard yards. So:

:siren:Newtestleper is disqualified
Sittinghere will now fight Thranguy for a place in the final. Thranguy, you get to choose the prompt. You have to run it past me to make sure it's reasonable, but otherwise you've got free reign.

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 06:17 on Jul 21, 2016

Mar 21, 2010
look at this scrub his title isn't even lower case

Mar 21, 2010
:siren: Week 205: the book of forbidden names :siren:

Did you know that you have a skeleton inside you RIGHT NOW? Whoa man, mind blown. That is my poo poo, man. Sometimes your episteme just gets ripped out from underneath you and you're left wondering whether your entire perception of existence is built on a lie. The prompt this week is cosmic horror, but this is loving Thunderdome, and that's too easy. When you sign up, you will be assigned an adjective. You must use this adjective at least three times in your story, or you will be disqualified. Furthermore, NOBODY ELSE may use that adjective at all. A master list of adjectives may be found here.

Cult Leaders: Muffin, Sebmojo, SaddestRhino

Chili: stigmatic
Curlingiron: antediluvian
Thranguy: Walpurgian
dmboogie: blasphemous
flerp: cyclopean
Black Griffon: hideous
A friendly penguin: nameless
Flea Wars: accursed
Archer666: eldritch
Tyrannosaurus: ululating
Entenzahn: squamous
Noah: amorphous
Chairchucker: charnel
Bad Seafood: immemorial
Ceighk: loathsome
Djinn: noisome
areyoucontagious: non-euclidean
J.A.B.C.: animistic
Titus82: corpulent
Pippin: tremulous
CarlKillerMiller: sclerotic
Star: redolent
Quoproquid: effluvium
spectres of autism: singular, nacreous
Screaming idiot: crepuscular
Djeser: terrible
Jonked: labrynthine
Kaishai: mordant
SH: indescribable

Word Count: 1200
Sign-up Deadline: 1am July 9th EST
Submission Deadline: 1am July 11th EST. CLICK FOR COUNTDOWN.

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 20:26 on Jul 10, 2016

Mar 21, 2010
"WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THESE FROM, MUFFIN?" From a word cloud of Lovecraft's top 50 adjectives, with the occasional China Mieville one thrown in for flavour.

curlingiron posted:

gently caress yeah, in.

dmboogie posted:

Exceedingly in.

flerp posted:

well uh yeah i guess im in?

ALSO NB: for the sake of not being a total jerk, the minimum number of mandatory adjective uses has been reduced from five to three. I am a merciful god.

SurreptitiousMuffin fucked around with this message at 12:05 on Jul 4, 2016


Mar 21, 2010

Archer666 posted:

I've been meaning to give this whole thing a try and the subject matter interests me. In

Tyrannosaurus posted:

If someone was trying to be you, crit them.

Also, I'm in.

Entenzahn posted:

Entenzahn easily claims squamous

  • Locked thread