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Jul 15, 2017

RPGs love themselves some Ayers Rock.


Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

MonsterEnvy posted:

Think you made a mistake here. It costs 100 XP to move to another career if it's in the same class, 200 if incomplete. Moving to a different career of an entirely different class costs 100 extra XP.

Yeah, I misread there.


Mors Rattus fucked around with this message at 13:59 on Sep 11, 2018

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Roughly how quickly do PCs gain EXP outside Ambitions? I know that won't actually come up for quite awhile but I'd be curious to know how those EXP costs stack up against recommended per-session EXP.

Also who the hell wants to give up right after they accomplish something significant on the promise they get *half* their EXP back? Yay, I get to come in underleveled!

Night10194 fucked around with this message at 14:30 on Sep 11, 2018

Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

Night10194 posted:

Roughly how quickly do PCs gain EXP outside Ambitions? I know that won't actually come up for quite awhile but I'd be curious to know how those EXP costs stack up against recommended per-session EXP.

Also who the hell wants to give up right after they accomplish something significant on the promise they get *half* their EXP back? Yay, I get to come in underleveled!

Average 100 XP per session, another 50 if an adventure has just ended, and another 50 if a major campaign has just ended, with another +25-50 if everyone's having a real good time and doing good.

May 13, 2013

Give me a rifle, one round, and point me at Berlin!

Night10194 posted:

Also who the hell wants to give up right after they accomplish something significant on the promise they get *half* their EXP back? Yay, I get to come in underleveled!

Yeah, what the gently caress. If your char died, you'd probably get a new one at the same level as the rest of the party, yeah? So why is prestige-ing loving you over? Why not give you something extra to give your next char, like more fait, some restricted quirk, etc.?

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Interesting that they kept the 'A point in a skill is half as costly as a point in a stat' guideline from how the original Skill Mastery system worked.

Halloween Jack
Sep 11, 2003

La morte non ha sesso

JcDent posted:

A angry walking tree can probably deal with axemen easier than with riflemen.
On the one hand, I wouldn't want to be within reach of an angry Ent. On the other hand, what do you think shooting a tree with an arquebus is going to do?

May 13, 2013

Give me a rifle, one round, and point me at Berlin!

Halloween Jack posted:

On the one hand, I wouldn't want to be within reach of an angry Ent. On the other hand, what do you think shooting a tree with an arquebus is going to do?

You don't fell it with one blow of the axe, either.

Alien Rope Burn
Dec 4, 2004

I wanna be a saikyo HERO!

JcDent posted:

Somehow, I keep reading the title as "Austria", though having an entire Rifts book dedicated to fukken Austria would be weird.

As recently noted, there was almost a Rifts Scotland. Rifts Sourcebook 3: Mindwerks was basically just Rifts Poland. Similarly, Rifts World Book 35: Megaverse in Flames gives us Rifts Cuba.

So sometimes it can get a little odd.

Nov 22, 2014

Mors Rattus posted:

You are not required to gain the new tier's trappings - rather, you're going to pick those up during downtime when you advance because now you have a new job.

Where in the book does it say this. I read the whole book and could find no mention of if you had to acquire the trappings if you advanced or if you just got them for advancing.
So I'd be curious to know where in the book it is.

Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

psudonym55 posted:

Where in the book does it say this. I read the whole book and could find no mention of if you had to acquire the trappings if you advanced or if you just got them for advancing.
So I'd be curious to know where in the book it is.

...huh. It isn't actually explicit anywhere n the book; neither is needing to gain the trappings. I inferred that you must be given them when you rank up because nothing else made sense,'re right, it just isn't mentioned.

Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

WFRP 4e - Scholarly Pursuits

First up, the Academic Careers! Apothecary can be taken by any species except Wood Elves. They are chemists, pharmacists and medicine-sellers. Some are drug dealers of various kinds, while others work in more legal pursuits. Either way, rare ingredients are expensive, so Apothecaries are often short on cash and supplies and must often head out to the wilderness to gather ingredients if they want them cheap. Many take on temporary jobs on expeditions, working with mercenary bands or even joining the military as a medic for some extra coin. The Physician's Guild has caused most towns to outlaw Apothecaries from practice of medicine directly, but they can be quite skilled healers and are very good at identifying strange and unusual substances. It is overall a crafting- and academics-oriented healer that can end up quite helpful to everyone else by producing poisons and drugs.

On Apothecaries posted:

"Look for this sigil: white mortar, black pestle. Don't ask for our order without it or you'll be reported to the Watch. And lad, don't ever short our Apothecary; you'll spend the rest of your days wondering if the next drink will be your last." - Kathe the Unseen, Assassin
"Human chemistry? As shoddy as their architecture! And just as likely to kill you! I asked for tonic after a hard night's drinking. Had the flux for a week!" - Thorica Norrasdotr, Dwarf Merchant

Tier 1 Apothecaries are Apothercary's Apprentices, Brass 3 . They're good at T, Dex and Int, and get Consume Alcohol, Heal, Language (Classical), Lore (Chemistry), Lore (Medicine), Lore (Plants), Trade (Apothecary) and Trade (Poisoner). Their available Talents are Concoct, Craftsman (Apothecary), Etiquette (Scholar) and Read/Write. Concoct gives you a free downtime activity for potion crafting without need for a workshop and gives you a bonus to Lore (Apothecary) tests. I think it may mean Trade, not Lore, but hey. Craftsman gives a bonus to the specified Trade skill and adds it to the last of Career Skills for any Career you're in. If it already was part of that Career, you get a 5 XP discount to buying Advances for it. Etiquette gives a bonus to Charm and Gossip with the specified social group and makes it so you never seem out of place with them. Read/Write is literacy.
Tier 2 is Apothecary, Silver 1, and adds Haggle, Lore (Science), Gossip, Language (Guilder) and Perception, plus Fel to stats. Its talents are Criminal, Dealmaker, Etiquette (Guilder) and Pharmacist. Criminal lets you earn extra money but makes anyone without it consider you to be lower Status than them. Dealmaker gives a bonus to Haggle and gives a 10% bonus to price (always in your favor) when buying or selling products. Pharmacist gives a bonus to Trade (Apothecary) and lets you reverse any failed Trade (Apothecary) test if that'd make it succeed. (Reversing is flipping the ones and tens place.)
Tier 3 is Master Apothecary, Silver 3, and adds Intuition, Leadership, Research and Secret Signs (Guilder), and I to stats. The Talents are Bookish, Master Tradesman (Apothecary), Resistance (Poison) and Savvy. Bookish gives a bonus to Research and lets you reverse any failed Research test if that'd make it succeed. Master Tradesman gives a bonus to extended Trade tests for the associated Trade, and reduces the SL required for those tests. (SLs are Success Levels. We'll get to how that works.) Resistance gives a bonus to all tests to resist whatever it gives resistance to, and makes you automatically succeed on the first such test each session. Savvy is +5 base Int.
Tier 4 is Apothecary-General, Gold 1, and adds Intimidate and Ride (Horse), and WP to stats. Its Talents are Acute Sense (Taste), Coolheaded, Master Tradesman (Poisoner) and Savant (Apothecary). Acute Sense gives a bonus to Perception tests with the relevant sense and lets you detect stuff with that sense that would normally be imperceptible, like telling the difference between two kegs of ale by the same brewer or hearing a mouse breathing inside a wall. Coolheaded is +5 base WP. Savant gives a bonus to the associated Lore - so in this case it should probably be Medicine or Chemistry, not Apothecary - and lets you automatically know one fact per purchase about any relevant thing without having to make any rolls.

Engineer can be taken by Dwarfs, Halflings and Humans. They build machines and devices, and most are well-educated. Dwarfs study at the Dwarf Engineers Guild, while Humans and Halflings are either self-taught or learn at the Imperial Engineers' School in Altdorf. Dwarfs tend to be much more hidebound, traditional and reliable than the more innovative Humans and Halflings. Engineers are well-paid either in mining or the army as siege engineers and sappers, and masters are often found leading construction projects or even testing experimental Imperial public works or weapons. Some Engineers go traveling to investigate ancient and often abandoned Holds in search of lost Dwarf devices and secrets, many of them stolen and misused by Goblins or Skaven. Others are fascinated by the stone sky bridges made by the ancient Dwarfs, sometimes stretching for miles without coming down. This is a crafting class that also gets some excellent gun skills, making them able to hold their own in combat if allowed to hang back.

On Engineers posted:

"What will it do? Well, it's supposed to pluck the chicken, Smallnose. Stand well back!" - Wolfgang Kugelschrieber, Inventor
"Master Engineer Volker von Meinkopt found inspiration watching students reloading at the Imperial Gunnery School. He had a revelation: more barrels = more shots = more lethality. He soon produced the first repeating handgun, 'Von Meinkopt's Whirling Cavalcade of Death', and pistol, 'Von Meinkopt's Micro-mainspring of Multitudinous Precipitation of Pernicious Lead'. Not content to rest on those laurels, he then created the enormous nine-barrelled cannon, the Helblaster Volley Gun, which is utterly lethal to enemies and, all too often, its crew." - Great Engineers of the Empire, Lady Theodora Holzenauer, Engineer and Journalist.

Tier 1 Engineers are Student Engineers, Brass 4. They're good at BS, Dex and Int, and get Consume Alcohol, Cool, Endurance, Language (Classical), Lore (Engineer), Perception, Ranged (Blackpowder) and Trade (Engineer). Their Talents are Artistic, Gunner, Read/Write and Tinker. Artistic gives a bonus to Trade (Artist), adds it to all Careers you enter (or gives it a discount if you already have access to it) and lets you produce precise and accurate sketches as long as you have time and paper. Gunner lets you reload Blackpowder weapons faster. Tinker gives a bonus to Trade tests to fix broken goods, and lets you count any non-magical Trade skill as Basic when making repairs, so you can fix anything even if you lack the skill for it.
Tier 2 is Engineer, Silver 2. They add Drive, Dodge, Navigation, Ranged (Engineering), Research and Language (Guilder), plus I as a stat. Their Talents are Craftsman (Engineer), Etiquette (Guilder), Marksman and Orientation. Marksman is +5 base BS, and Orientation gives a bonus to Navigation tests and you always know where north is.
Tier 3 is Master Engineer, Silver 3. They add Language (Khazalid), Leadership, Ride (Horse) and Secret Signs (Guilder), plus T as a stat. Their Talents are Etiquette (Scholar), Master Tradesman (Engineer), Sniper and Super Numerate. Sniper gives a bonus to Ranged tests at Long to Extreme range, and reduces the penalties for Long or Extreme range. Super Numerate gives a bonus to Evaluate and Gamble tests, and allows you to perform calculations in your head equivalent to a simple calculator at all times.
Tier 4 is Chartered Engineer, Gold 2. They add Language (Any) and Lore (Any), plus WP as a stat. Their Talents are Magnum Opus, Rapid Reload, Savant (Engineering) and Unshakeable. Magnum Opus gives you a single unique and unrivalled work in your field per purchase which is very impressive, gives bonuses to tests based on the GM's whim, and sells for at least ten times the normal value of such an item. Rapid Reload reduces reload speed for all ranged weapons. Unshakeable gives a bonus to Cool tests to resist Blackpowder-induced panic, and you only need to make them if wounded by such a weapon, not just if shot at.

Lawyer can be taken by anyone but Wood Elves. They give advice, interpret law and argue in court. They're often specialists in an area, and most are wealthy, connected and educated by birth, though some rise from poor beginnings. The lawyers of the Cults of Verena and Sigmar are especially respected. Lawyers also often work as mediators and settle informal disputes cheaper than the courts do, a practice commonly used by Halflings. Others work for criminals to keep them safe from the law. At the upper end, those given the rank of Barrister are the only ones allowed in the higher courts of appeal and are extremely expensive. Lawyers are often beloved by adventurers for their knack for getting the team out of trouble, using obscure laws and loopholes to avoid or solve issues, and tying up civilized foes in legal red tape - often more difficult to deal with than, say, rope. They are almost entirely a social and knowledge-based career, but Blather is handy in combat.

On Lawyers posted:

"Sharks! No, worse! Leeches! But not the good kind that suck out bad humours, oh no. They're leeches that drain your coffers and leave you nothing to show for it." - Stefan Bachler, Merchant
"It is not what the lawyer says I may do that concerns me, but what is right by reason and justice. Such matters need then be the basis of our new law." - Lector Agatha von Bohrn, Supreme Law Lord of the Empire

Tier 1 Lawyers are Student Lawyers, Brass 4. They're good at I, Dex and Int, and get Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Haggle, Language (Classical), Lore (Law), Lore (Theology), Perception and Research. Their Talents are Blather, Etiquette (Scholar), Read/Write and Speedreader. Blather gives bonuses to Charm tests to Blather. Basically you talk very quickly about nonsense and inconsequence, rolling against the target's Int. Success causes the Stunned condition as they stare at you dumbfounded and try to figure out what you said, though their condition ends early if you stop talking. You can usually only use it once per scene per target, though. Speedreader gives bonuses to Research and Language tests involving reading, and lets you reverse failed Research tests if this would make you succeed. Also it lets you read real fast in combat if, for some reason, this is ever relevant. (The book admits it probably won't be.)
Tier 2 is Lawyer, Silver 3. They add Bribery, Charm, Gossip, Intuition, Language (Guilder) and Secret Signs (Guilder), plus Fel as a stat. Their Talents are Argumentative, Criminal, Etiquette (Guilder) and Suave. Argumentative gives a bonus to Charm when arguing or debating, and allows you to, when rolling Charm to debate, choose either to use the SL you rolled or treat your 1s place digit as your SL, whichever is better. (SL rules come in like...two chapters?) Suave is +5 base Fel.
Tier 3 is Barrister, Gold 1. They add Art (Writing), Entertain (Speeches), Intimidate and Lore (Any), plus WP is a stat. Their Talents are Bookish, Cat-tongued, Impassioned Zeal and Savvy. Cat-tongued gives a bonus to Charm when lying, and listeners don't get to oppose your Charm with Intuition to tell if you're being dishonest. Impassioned Zeal gives a bonus to Charm when speaking about your cause, and doubles your Fel for purpose of telling how many people you can influence via public speaking when talking about your cause. (Your cause can be anything you truly believe in and hold dear.)
Tier 4 is Judge, Gold 2. They add Cool and...Lore (Any) again? Whoops. Also, T as a stat. Their Talents are Commanding Presence, Kingpin, Savant (Law) and Wealthy. (Also their trappings include an ostentatious wig.) Commanding Presence gives a bonus to Leadership tests and those of lower Status than you cannot resist your Leadership rolls with their WP as long as they are not in fact your direct enemies. Kingpin lets you ignore the normal Status loss of the Criminal talent. Wealthy gives you +1 gold crown per purchase when you calculate earnings during downtime.

Next time: Nuns, Physicians, Priests

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Can you buy stat boost talents like Marksman multiple times?

Nov 22, 2014

Mors Rattus posted:

...huh. It isn't actually explicit anywhere n the book; neither is needing to gain the trappings. I inferred that you must be given them when you rank up because nothing else made sense,'re right, it just isn't mentioned.

Seeing as they had based a lot of it off of 1 and 2e I had thought that you had to buy them but that would make some of the tier 2 careers impossibly expensive to enter. Such as Knight
who's trappings cost somewhere around 300 gold crowns. Also if you just get them for leveling up the section about guild licences and needing to do a quest or a favor to get one makes little sense.

Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

Night10194 posted:

Can you buy stat boost talents like Marksman multiple times?

The base stat boosters? No. Those are one-offs. Most of the multipurchase ones are also limited by your stat bonus in one of your stats. (Some, however, are not - Wealthy can be taken any number of times.)

Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

psudonym55 posted:

Seeing as they had based a lot of it off of 1 and 2e I had thought that you had to buy them but that would make some of the tier 2 careers impossibly expensive to enter. Such as Knight
who's trappings cost somewhere around 300 gold crowns. Also if you just get them for leveling up the section about guild licences and needing to do a quest or a favor to get one makes little sense.

Yeah, I was assuming they were gonna just hand it to you because this edition is...surprisingly forward-thinking about money, and building up cash between sessions is actually really hard and meant for like longterm goal stuff.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

psudonym55 posted:

Seeing as they had based a lot of it off of 1 and 2e I had thought that you had to buy them but that would make some of the tier 2 careers impossibly expensive to enter. Such as Knight
who's trappings cost somewhere around 300 gold crowns. Also if you just get them for leveling up the section about guild licences and needing to do a quest or a favor to get one makes little sense.

This is, incidentally, why we ignored that rule when playing 2e, because slowly upgrading your armor is a big part of a warrior's power curve.

It cannot be overstated how powerful Plate Armor is in 2e. A Knight can often hit DR 10 in a 2nd tier career with it, giving them something like 60-70% odds of deflecting successful hits entirely on their armor and toughness, let alone shields or dodging.

Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

Hm. You know what it might be? There’s a sidebar noting that without your career’s full trappings you won’t get the respect due your authority. You may just need to get ahold of them but it isn’t tied to advancement.

Halloween Jack
Sep 11, 2003

La morte non ha sesso
Who's going to take you seriously as a charlatan if you can't even be bothered to carry around a few vials of sugar water?

Nov 22, 2014
It might be that you can enter the tier but don't get the status boost until you have all of the trappings.

Nov 8, 2009

I love the potoo,
and the potoo loves you.
Blather as a combat skill is amazing. I'm now struck by the idea of, in the heat of combat, a lawyer walks up to the Chaos Lord and starts explaining a legal case and the Chaos Lord can only stand there thinking what the gently caress.

I'm surprised engineers don't get it, too.

Relevant Tangent
Nov 18, 2016

Tangentially Relevant

Ronwayne posted:

Has the Empire ever noticed halflings never seem to mutate or is this just counteracted with trying to ignore their existence and the inability to take them seriously under any circumstances, potential cultists or otherwise?

Whenever they notice the halflings put on a spectacular display of bumbling to convince them that there's no way they could be used as anything except scouts. Please ignore the fact that entire armies of Sylvanians have vanished into the Moot never to be seen again. Halflings and Ogres are as close to the most perfectly adapted races for the setting as it's possible to get and it must annoy the Elves terribly.

Like, you think Blather is good in combat? Imagine an entire race that gets that regardless of what class they are. That's why halflings do what they want. Learned archmages just giving up in the face of a farmer's shaggy dog story is basically the most WFRP thing possible.

Relevant Tangent fucked around with this message at 17:54 on Sep 11, 2018

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

If I ever have a halfing PC I'm going to run with an old idea of a conspiracy of halflings that come by to warn successful adventurers they better play up how much they're the group's comic relief or else, lest the Empire start thinking halflings should be drafted into doing actual work.

Feb 4, 2012

Shocked I tell you

Mors Rattus posted:

They add Cool and...Lore (Any) again? Whoops.

Don't think this is a mistake. Remember Lore (Any) just means you get to pick a lore. So having another just means you get to pick another lore.

Apr 15, 2008

Yosuke will now die for you.

Halloween Jack posted:

Who's going to take you seriously as a charlatan if you can't even be bothered to carry around a few vials of sugar water?

I just carry around water and tell people it’s sugar water.

Jun 20, 2008

The group fends off the horde of furious dwarves while Percy, Battle Paralegal, frantically skims through the Book of Grudges looking for loopholes

Aug 17, 2009

I'm in a game of Fantasy 4e that Mors is running and one of the PCs (played by another goon, HostileV) is a Halfling Merchant who had to put serious thought between picking Read/Write because "I should be literate and thus a functional merchant" and Blather because he'd start with something like a loving 50%+ chance at base to give Stan's sales pitch at someone and nail them to the ground in confused rapture.

yes i used the drat YTMND link its not the same if it doesnt loop endlessly

Nov 8, 2009

I love the potoo,
and the potoo loves you.
It's a shame more computer RPGs don't include a practicing lawyer in the adventuring party, Neverwinter Nights 2 is the last I can think of. It's a sorely underappreciated skill set.

Sep 10, 2003

peed on;


Cythereal posted:

It's a shame more computer RPGs don't include a practicing lawyer in the adventuring party, Neverwinter Nights 2 is the last I can think of. It's a sorely underappreciated skill set.
King of Dragon Pass famously had an event where you could deal with a ghost haunting one the clan's buildings by challenging the legality of its occupation. If your clan lawtalker had a high enough rating in Custom, you could formally evict the ghost as a result of the rightful decision of the clan moot.

(KoDP owns, Glorantha owns)

Battle Mad Ronin
Aug 26, 2017
“Wolfgang Kugelschrieber“

Wolfgang Ballpoint pen. It breaks my heart to see that Warhammer’s inane use of random bits of German was kept around in the new edition. Kinda hoped they would at least make an effort to use something that made sense in context.

Sep 27, 2012

That's right, kids, take lots of drugs, leave the universe behind, and pilot Enlightenment Voltron out into the cosmos to meet Alien Jesus.

Battle Mad Ronin posted:

“Wolfgang Kugelschrieber“

Wolfgang Ballpoint pen. It breaks my heart to see that Warhammer’s inane use of random bits of German was kept around in the new edition. Kinda hoped they would at least make an effort to use something that made sense in context.

Wait till you see the atrocity in the Priest career.

Vox Valentine
May 30, 2013

Solving all of life's problems through enhanced casting of Occam's Razor. Reward yourself with an imaginary chalice.

It's actually very easy to make a loving powerful and functioning character as long as you're not tempted by the foolishness of getting small amounts of free XP by not picking where your stats go. The extra boosts to stats of choice and also some of your skills are very nice because you don't have to later work your way into them and even if I was playing a human merchant, it would be really pretty easy for me to at least have a 50 in my skills that really count.

Halflings get 2d10+30 Fellowship, humans get +20, I put 5 points into bumping a 45 to 50 because I assigned a 15 there and I put 10 points into Haggle and Charm for my free skill points. 65 for my mildly minmaxed Halfling (Halflings also get benefits to Haggle and Charm), 50 for a human, both are pretty goddamn good for starting play and knowing your role in the group! If I wanted to be all business all the time I would have picked out the free trait that gives me +5 Fellowship but instead I went for Read/Write.

And that's fine, it gives me a little extra nice flexibility that helps me act a little more outside of my buy/sell niche. It feels really nice and good to make a character with just a little crunch manipulation and still be able to say "but I don't want to take it TOO far, I'm already rolling dice with a better than a coin flip chance of doing what I'm supposed to so let's branch out a little bit" without having to get bogged down in the mire of system mastery and munchkin tweaking.

4e is really good at giving you competent characters and a little bit of walkin' around XP to boot is what I'm saying.

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Battle Mad Ronin posted:

“Wolfgang Kugelschrieber“

Wolfgang Ballpoint pen. It breaks my heart to see that Warhammer’s inane use of random bits of German was kept around in the new edition. Kinda hoped they would at least make an effort to use something that made sense in context.

It's an intentional running joke in the game line.

E: Also, most 2e characters are fairly competent at their thing from the word go, too. It's really only early 40kRP that has the true bumbling idiot starter PCs, while later 40kRP has character creation be a huge system mastery check but you can be an insane badass right from the start if you already know all the best talents, classes, etc.

Night10194 fucked around with this message at 19:39 on Sep 11, 2018

Nov 22, 2014

GimpInBlack posted:

Wait till you see the atrocity in the Priest career.

Just going to leave this here.

Abgott translated to Idol.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 20:06 on Sep 11, 2018

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

This seems like more what I'd expect from someone trying to update 2e's mechanics rather than whatever happened with 40kRP, though.

Nov 22, 2016

Battle Mad Ronin posted:

Warhammer’s inane use of random bits of German was kept around in the new edition

You're saying it like it's a bad thing..

And Kugelschrieber is a character that goes all the way to one of the first ed scenario packs (The Restless Dead IIRC). He's a mad inventor from a time when Warhammer setting had a sense of humor. We actually played the scenario - one of the players ended up with a foldable glider that, despite something like a 50% failure chance, ended up saving his life on four different occasions.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that :colbert:

RedSnapper fucked around with this message at 20:03 on Sep 11, 2018

Nov 14, 2014
Gotta agree, I don't see the problem with leaning into the intentionally dumb German and bad jokes.

Dec 22, 2003

After a Speaker vote, you may be entitled to a valuable coupon or voucher!

RedSnapper posted:

You're saying it like it's a bad thing..

And Kugelschrieber is a character that goes all the way to one of the first ed scenario packs (The Restless Dead IIRC). He's a mad inventor from a time when Warhammer setting had a sense of humor. We actually played the scenario - one of the players ended up with a foldable glider that, despite something like a 50% failure chance, ended up saving his life on four different occasions.

Absolutely nothing wrong with that :colbert:
Is he religiously defiant? Is it a rebel yell?

Feb 13, 2012

We'll start,
like many good things,
with a bear.

Like I write a bunch of pretty serious games in Hams town (and play in them) but all of them have plenty of ridiculous comic relief stuff in them because that's just how hams is. Terrible German, Kvas being held up as a drink that'll floor a bull instead of mildly alcoholic liquid bread, a defenestration of Prague joke, everything about Bretonnia's ridiculous comedy of errors, the ridiculous dwarf Grudges, and the way elves are never as special or capable as they think they are? Hams has plenty of comic relief.


Mors Rattus
Oct 25, 2007

FATAL & Friends
Walls of Text
#1 Builder

WFRP 4e - Religious Workers

Nun is Human-only; no other species does religion the same way. Nuns (and Monks, this class can do them, too - they just randomly assigned gender to any class that'd have a gendered name) are members of religious orders and typically live cloistered away. Most get up quite early, pray, toil in the fields, tend the sick and work on preserving manuscripts and so on. However, some take vows of pilgrimage or oaths to serve communities and move amonst the people to tend to their needs. This career also covers holy hermits and guardians of shrines. Many Nuns learn valuable trades like brewing or calligraphy, and Abbesses use these trades to attract donations and patronage. Leaders of particularly large or martial orders can become quite influential in their cult and the ruling classes, too. Nuns are often sent out to discover or destroy secrets the religious orders are interested in, or to deal with prophecies, or to make pilgrimages...and then there's all the itinerant religous folks who just wander the world. This is mostly a social class, though they get access to blessings and invocations so they can do holy magic, and they're reasonably good at knowledge and medicine, too. They aren't great fighters but do at least get Melee as a skill eventually.

On Nuns posted:

"They came thinking it a simple task to slay a few poor, hapless Brothers and take our relics. I ask Morr not judge too harshly the seven bandits we bury today, as Brother Hild has already inflicted punishment enough." - Abbot Ernst Halfhauser
"Quick! Come quick! The Sisters of Faith and Charity are about to parade through the streets. I want to see if I can get a few coppers caught in their thorns. It brings luck for the whole year!" - Bengt, Altdorf Street Rat

Tier 1 Nuns are Novitiates, Brass 1, and are good at Dex, Int and Fel. They get Art (Calligraphy), Cool, Endurance, Entertain (Storyteller), Gossip, Heal, Lore (Theology) and Pray. Their Talents are Bless (Any), Stone Soup, Panhandle and Read/Write. Bless is simple - pick your god. You can use their Blessings. More on those in the Magic chapter. Stone Soup gives a bonus to Endurance tests to resist hunger, and lets you survive on half the normal food a person needs without penalty. Also you only need to test for starvation every 3 days, not 2, if you're starving. Panhandle gives a bonus to Charm tests for begging, and lets you make said tests every half hour rather than every hour.
Tier 2 is Nun, Brass 4. They add Charm, Melee (Any), Research, Trade (Brewer), Trade (Herbalist) and Trade (Vintner), plus WP as a stat. Their Talents are Etiquette (Cultists), Field Dressing, Holy Visions and Invoke (Any). Field Dressing gives a bonus to Heal when used in combat, and lets you reverse Heal tests when using Bandages if this would make you succeed, but if you do, you can't get more than +1 total SL. Holy Visions gives a bonus to Intuition tests while on holy ground, and you always know when you're on holy ground, and you can make Intuition tests to receive holy visions (albeit obscure and via the paradigm of your cult or belief system) to learn about the significant past events of the local area while on holy ground. Invoke gives you access to a single Miracle of your god, and the ability to buy Miracles of your god at the cost of 100 XP per Miracle you already know. You can never learn Petty Magic or Arcane Magic Talents while you know this.
Tier 3 is Abbess, Silver 2. They add Leadership, Lore (Local), Lore (Politics) and Perception, as well as I as a stat. Their Talents are Resistance (Any), Robust, Savant (Theology) and Stout-hearted. Robust reduces all incoming damage by 1 per purchase, even if it can't normally be reduced, to a minimum of 1. Stout-hearted gives a bonus to Cool tests to remove the Broken condition and lets you make such a test at the end of each of your Turns as well as at the end of the Round.
Tier 4 is Prioress General, Silver 5. They add Language (Any) and Lore (Any), as well as T as a stat. Their Talents are Commanding Presence, Iron Will, Pure Soul and Strong-minded. Iron Will gives a bonus to Cool tests to oppose Intimidate, and you never suffer Fear or have to stop talking due to Intimidate. Pure Soul lets you take extra Corruption Points equal to your purchases before you have to make a test to see if you are corrupted. Strong-minded gives you bonus Resolve points equal to your purchases.

Physician can be taken by any species but Wood Elf. It's all about studying and curing illness and healing wounds. While many healing arts date back to ancient Elven practices, formal medical science is quite new and rather distrusted. Studying from cadavers is forbidden due to necromancy and safeguards laid down by the Cult of Morr, which makes it hard to learn anatomy, and many swindlers sell fake cure-alls that may even cause actual harm. Physicians study at university or under a Guild Physician, and most cheap surgery is done unofficially by informal barber-surgeons. Trained doctors are much in demand in the armies, and the most famous can cater exclusively to the wealthy and powerful. Of course, Guild fees are notoriously ruinous, which can make newer Physicians with no real customer base seek alternative revenue streams to pay their dues, or they may go out hunting for foreign remedies and treatments. Others prefer to use adventuring as an excuse to study anatomy up close and personal. Physicians are mainly healers, but if they pick up Melee from somewhere they can be surprisingly survivable due to learning Strike to Stun and Strike to Injure. Unfortunately, they don't learn it natively.

On Physicians posted:

"Come to Neuber for all your limb removals! I'll 'ave your arm off in seconds! I'll suture it a'fore you even wake up. My work's so fine you'll never miss it!" - Gotthard Neuber, Barber-Surgeon
"Beware the Brass Doktor." - Reikland proverb warning against cheap Physicians
"They're bastards, all. I can't so much as give you a proper bloodletting without their leave. 'Practicing medicine without a license' my arse. I know you can't afford them, deary. Here, luv, take this nice tea. What? Oh no, just tea is all. Just tea. And if you feel better, why, thank Shallya, eh?" - Jana Palmer, Part-time Surgeon

Tier 1 Physicians are Physician's Apprentices, Brass 4. They are good at Dex, Int and WP, and get Bribery, Cool, Drive, Endurance, Gossip, Heal, Perception and Sleight of Hand. Their Talents are Bookish, Field Dressing, Read/Write and Strike to Stun. Strike to Stun gives a bonus to Melee when Striking to Stun, removes the called shot penalty for targeting the head when using a melee weapon with the Pummel Quality, and causes you to treat all improvised weapons as having the Pummel Quality.
Tier 2 is Physician, Silver 3. They add Charm, Haggle, Language (Guilder), Lore (Anatomy), Lore (Medicine) and Trade (Barber), as well as Fel as a stat. Their Talents are Coolheaded, Criminal, Etiquette (Guilder) and Surgery. Surgery gives a bonus to Heal tests outside of combat, lets you treat any Critical Wound that requires Surgery, and can resolve internal issues with an extended Heal test, though this will also cause Wounds and Bleeding conditions, so it can kill if you aren't careful, and the patient must make an Endurance test to avoid infection.
Tier 3 is Doktor, Silver 5. They add Consume Alcohol, Intimidate, Leadership and research, plus I as a stat. Their Talents are Etiquette (Scholars), Resistance (Disease), Savvy and Strike to Injure. Strike to Injure deals extra Wounds equal to your purchases when you deal a Critical Wound.
Tier 4 is Court Physician, Gold 1. They add Lore (Noble) and Perform (Dancing), and Agi as a stat. Their Talents are Etiquette (Nobles), Nimble Fingered, Savant (Medicine) and Strong-Minded. Nimble Fingered is +5 base Dex.

Priest is Human-only. Priests tend to the faithful of the Old World, sometimes assigned to a temple but sometimes wandering the land to reach those who can't or won't attend temple. High Priests lead entire temples and help direct the Cult of their god. They and the Lectors above them are often called on by rulers as advisors and are often active in politics. Priests often have many duties related to their god, too. Some temple Priests make a point of looking for excuses to adventure because they get bored at home, or may seek out answers to problems of their flock. Some High Priests hate the paperwork so badly that they often take extended pilgrimages just to get away from it. So how do they differ from Nuns? Priests get more aggression and direct social, less crafting and trade work.

On Priests posted:

"For sound advice, I seek a Priest of Verena. For everything else, I seek a Priest of Ranald." - Wenner Losch, Merchant
"The Shallyan, just a girl she was, stroked my little Anton's forehead and whispered, and the screaming stopped. He smiled at me for the first time in days. I will never forget it. Oh, aye, he died not long after, but not in pain. Not in pain." - Sabine Schmidt, Fishmonger
"Listen, there is nothing to fear. Hexensnacht comes every year. We need only call on the Lord of Death to watch over us. So, come the midnight hour, we cry MORR! MORR! MORR!" - Father Wilhelm Abgott, Priest of Morr

Tier 1 Priests are Initiates, Brass 2. They are good at T, Agi and WP, and get Athletics, Cool, Endurance, Intuition, Lore (Theology), Perception, Pray and Research. Their Talents are Bless (Any), Holy Visions, Read/Write and Suave.
Tier 2 is Priest, Silver 1. They add Charm, Entertain (Storytelling), Gossip, Heal, Intimidate and Melee (Basic), as well as Fel as a stat. Their Talents are Blather, Bookish, Etiquette (Cultists) and Invoke (Any).
Tier 3 is High Priest, Gold 1. They add Art (Writing), Entertain (Speeches), Leadership and Lore (Heraldry), plus Int as a stat. Their Talents are Acute Sense (Any), Hatred (Any), Impassioned Zeal and Strong-minded. Hatred gives a bonus to WP tests to resist the hated group, and you get the Hatred Psychology towards that group, such as Beastmen, Greenskins, Monsters, Outlaws or whatever.
Tier 4 is Lector, Gold 2. They add Language (Any) and Lore (Politics), plus I as a stat. Their Talents are Master Orator, Pure Soul, Resistance (Any) and Savant (Theology). Master Orator gives you a bonus to Charm when public speaking for a crowd.

Next time: Scholar, Wizard, Agitator

Mors Rattus fucked around with this message at 20:46 on Sep 11, 2018

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