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Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
OK. I've read the whole thread over the course of the last few weeks. It's quite the thread! Torg is definitely a thing. There's some great stuff out there too, like Reign.

I'm quite taken with Reign, and would love to run a campaign within the default setting. Are there any pre-written adventures out there for me to get my feet wet with? My googling has been ineffective.


Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Halloween Jack posted:

The supplements for REIGN are free on Stolze's sight, last I checked, and one of the sections in The First Book of Reign is a chapter on campaign seeds, at least, because Stolze was tired of being asked "But what do I do with it?"

Yeah, I've read (devoured) the supplements. I'm looking for stuff about things like encounter balancing and rest pacing and difficulties/penalties, maybe examples of the early stages of building up a Company. I was hoping to be able to spend my energy guiding players and myself through the mechanics and setting, and lean on someone else for balancing/pacing. Lazy, you might reasonably say, but I'm deeply out of GM practice and don't want to build out a whole thing myself if the mechanics or setting aren't going to stick with my group.

Nonetheless, I'll revisit the seeds! Thanks.

E: hmm, I can find the setting colour (Ob-lobs and 7 cities), but nothing that feels like campaign seeds upon revisiting. What did you have in mind?

E2: Second Year of our Reign has it!

Subjunctive fucked around with this message at 10:37 on Mar 22, 2017

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Green Intern posted:

4e at least had marks and other punishing effects to encourage the GM to attack defender classes.

I always wondered how the enemy knew which character marked them, so they knew who to attack without penalty. (It also seems to require a minimum of intelligence in the enemy. A wolf isn't going to realize what being marked means.)

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
Is this an OK place to ask for system recommendations? If not please wave me off and I'll find another thread!

E: no, it is not!

Subjunctive fucked around with this message at 13:40 on Apr 22, 2017

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
Boy, I sure am. I missed the megathread. Sorry!

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

JackMann posted:

Thanks, Angrymog. Also, enjoying your review.

Same! I love character creation mechanics, more more more!

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
What's a tooth to tail ratio?

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

PoptartsNinja posted:

That's a weird way to spell "All Druids"

Is your font wrong? "Bards" is coming out all weird.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

wiegieman posted:

Not all truisms are true all the time, but they are often true. Do any of these people making up their own pronouns really think that they're the next Shakespeare?

Of course they do, or some other renowned literary figure.

Nobody says "I'm mediocre at writing fluff, let's publish a bunch of it", really.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Nancy_Noxious posted:

Zak is much more talented and successful than any of the fat losers here.

I'd take that bet.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale


3. Any weapon you wield is Ranged until you let go of it.

That sounds...disruptive. Do they give range stats for brass knuckles and swords and such?

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Mr. Maltose posted:

I think it means Ranged by way of using your other Ranged Style Techniques with a weapon, but on the other hand your sword hitting that motherfucker all the way over there is the kind of ninja bullshit that a style capstone should probably give you?

Yeah, your way makes more sense but I like mine better.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Hostile V posted:

I did find the DeviantArt account for one of the creators who apparently did the art.

Is that enough to file charges?

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Cythereal posted:

Yeah, I'm just immediately struck by the PC idea of a powerful, successful woman who wears her hair long, hunts monsters, pursues courtly love with other noblewomen and perhaps even marries one, and is awarded huge honors by liege and lady. But for the sake of saving face because such a person is such a shocking breach of social mores everyone attests that she's a man and she gets on with her life.

I see what you're going for, but I think it would amount to much ado about nothing.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Cythereal posted:

Yeah, but it could be fun[ny] to play. Personally, I'd be all behind inventing a guillotine in Bretonnia and getting started on the Reign of Terror.

Sorry, I was making a Shakespeare joke that didn't land.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Speleothing posted:

AAH's concept basically ought to be played from a "Hell wiped out supermax two days ago and now it's coming for you" perspective. Your characters have been in hellspace for 1-3 weeks, and need to survive for just a few more days to reach the colony.

The mechanics seems unplayable, though.

It's "Dante's Con Air Inferno".

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
I was interested in Wurm because someone mentioned that it's child-friendly, but then the opening fiction features a rape and murder, so maybe we mean different things by that. I guess we'll see; I'll go back and read more.

The PDF is 25% off ($12) on DTRPG right now through July 31, fwiw.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

sexpig by night posted:

Yea it encourages you to simplify it and obviously cut out the dumb rape poo poo so you can run a game for kids but the book itself is in no way 'kid friendly'.

At least the "maybe these people always sport raging erections" character option will keep them amused.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
20-year-ago me wouldn't have understood at all why this was badly broken, and nodded along at their "well, we're trying" prologue text. I'm sure of it.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

gradenko_2000 posted:

"Only female space marine" would be an incredibly cliche One Unique Thing if we were playing 13th Age, and yet here we are.

Like Reign's "only female cavalry".

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Leraika posted:

These Kislevite customs are amazing.

Truly. I am going to crib that poo poo so hard.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
No, that's ARB's cute little affectation.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
According to the Starfinder bulk rules, the mousefolk can put a cubic foot in each cheek. Unfortunately they do not provide appropriate art.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

PurpleXVI posted:

Thing is, psychological horror isn't something any sort of system is ever going to support, in my opinion, only good roleplaying and investment from the players and GM. Like, is there any system that does it as something more than a Brain HP track that eventually terminates in gaining some sort of mental illness rather than dying outright? Because I definitely don't feel like I've ever seen that.

Isn't that what Delta Green does?

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
TBH, a wereboar scares me more than a werewolf. Pigs are assholes.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Dallbun posted:

The paintings aren’t linked to the wraiths magically, but there are coins and stuff hidden between the canvas and the frame backings, which will spill out if the paintings are slashed. (1,650 coins total! I’m not sure I can mentally picture how this works, but, uh, okay!) There’s also a cloak of protection +3.

Look forward to the PCs destroying art left and right for the rest of the campaign!

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Bieeardo posted:

Huh. I never thought I'd see Manitoulin Island mentioned in one of these write-ups.


Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
I was inspired by the Altered Carbon series to finally read Eclipse Phase. I just got to “spend 1000 points 1-10 at a time” and my jaw literally dropped. I’m hoping there are a fuckton of pregens later in the book.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
China is way ahead:

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
Is that Torg (Eternity) bonus chart actually logarithmic? It looks weirder than that, but phoneposting so I haven't graphed it or anything.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
Or where men can’t ride at all, as in Reign’s default setting.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

unseenlibrarian posted:

Nah, men can ride in Reign, it's just, as Bieeanshee said, they have to ride side-saddle or they become impotent/sterile because a long history of cultural conditioning.

Oh, that's right. My bad.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Ratoslov posted:

I think you mean 'discreet', unless you are implying the other two PCs are continuous.

Everyone else is a Siamese twin.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale
Oh, sweetheart.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Halloween Jack posted:

Wraeththu's release was greeted at RPGnet with a thread titled something like "Wraeththu: Most Pretentious Game Ever?" The author--"Gabriel Strange," whose parents definitely named him that--did not take this well. Not only did he deign to get into it with people on the forum, he started a thread of his own called "Wraeththu: Bring On The Clowns" to drag it out even further.

That I remember all of this is not a testament to my sanity.

Man, that “Bring On The Clowns” thread is good stuff!

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Hostile V posted:

Purple: can you please list the artists who worked on SenZar? I hope they're credited in the book because I think I recognize some telltale calling card design inclusions on some of them.

It’s more fun if you guess first!

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

MonsterEnvy posted:

I highly doubt no matter how good it is that it has surpassed D&D in playerbase.

When I said support I mean from the playerbase and other types of programs.

"Other types of programs"? Like programs that produce additional world and mechanical material to help people play the kind of game they want to play? Or perhaps a program that is honest about errata and repairs mechanical issues found in the game so that people don't end up trapped (Beastmaster, Frenzy Barbarian)?

In what way does a playerbase support a game? How do my friends and I benefit from the fact that a bunch of other people are at risk of choosing Champion?

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

MonsterEnvy posted:

the definition I thought I was using

A lot to unpack there.

Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

Robindaybird posted:

marital classes



Sep 12, 2006

ask me about nix or tailscale

MonsterEnvy posted:

Tau don't have psykers. But I don't really know much about they view other psykers.

Through a high-magnification scope?

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