There was a lame card game based off of the Kids Next Door cartoon, that let you make your own cards by putting plastic stickers on them. The game mechanics were pretty abstract so it didn't mean much though
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 13:59 |
I mean poo poo, 'Beasts hassle people with difficult but surmountable challenges that help them surpass their limitations and hang-ups, until they are strong enough to become Heroes and strike down the Beast so the cycle can begin again elsewhere' seems like it writes itself. It probably already exists somewhere
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You lock the nerd out of his house and begin dog-earing his monogatari books. He can get the spare key from the neighbors to stop you, but to do that he must Talk To a Girl
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ProfessorCirno posted:At this point, what separates Heroes from Hunters? I mean, how is this different from other supernatural creatures doing literally just that? I guess I would say, a Hero is not in the business of killing monsters but is more a Cinncinatus-type; a Hero kills the Beast and then returns back to their normal life, forgetting most of the trauma but retaining enough to keep the lessons learned and a dim awareness of the supernatural. They're that one friend you had who everyone thought was going off the deep end for one reason or another but totally turned their life around Though honestly I'm just grabbing things out of the air to support a sentence I typed to make fun of an rpg and I know sweet gently caress all about the setting aside from dribs of vampire and werewolf
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Speaking of slaad, it was always kind of odd to me that of all things the slaad got two epic flavors added on. I mean I'm not complaining cause slaad rule but still
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Simian_Prime posted:"Oh poo poo, a black guy!... Blade is demonstrably bulletproof and skilled at intimidation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjUpSuD-_2A
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Pot bellies get up to medum-large dog size, but they're so loving fat they look bigger, outdoor pet for most people. You could also look into teacup pigs, which nine times out of ten is actually just a baby regular-rear end pig (don't actually do this)
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We've moved past it, but I always liked this bit of flavor:![]()
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Didn't at some point someone tell the emperor he hosed up by not letting half the population be considered for marineship? For some reason that brought me around to the concept more; I guess because it's a "Look if we could fix it we would JEEZ"
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Chaos is kinda the one main thing I don't like about the Warhams setting: there's not a lot of mystery to it, it feels "solved" in a way that even 40k doesn't. You find something dark and deep below the mountain? Its gotta be chaos related. Morghurs true nature? Some chaos thing. The Horned Rat? A chaos god. Hashtuts big plan? Chaos chaosing. And Chaos itself is pretty lame. Like in Total War Warhammer if you click on a chaos general sometimes they growl "Beyond your comprehension!". And it struck me one day that this would actually be kind of intimidating/intruiging if I didn't know what was going on here, if people went north and no-one knew why and sometimes they came back wrong. But instead I know it's some dweeb who liked murder/disease/loving/???? so much they became a GWAR backup singer.
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I swear someone once described a (council of wyrms?) campaign that sounded a lot like that
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Idle thought, is Federation and Empire a candidate for this thread or would that strictly be Prime Directive
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I guess I generally endorse anything involving thri-kreen. I would put emphasis on the claims part and try to encourage the players to play but attorney
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The life of a germ is tragic, for the most part it either kills the host or is in turn wiped out by their immune system, even if it is able to spread beforehand. Thusly, priests of nurgle wander from town to town curing the sick by transferring their illnesses to a more hospitable host, themselves. Special effort is given to tracking down and absorbing new and exotic afflictions so they can study themselves
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Way late but I've always loved this picture
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I can't find the post so I can only butcher it, but the thrust of it was that Skaven are a nice dark mirror of what humanity sees and fears within itself, the desire to consume, the desire to innovate, to survive, to be respected, and so on all cranked up to a ruinous level There's a plot hook somewhere where whatever it is that makes Mors so loyal (for a skaven) be it cultural genetic or Some Magic thing gets spread to the rest of the species and turns them into a world-ending threat. And then an even more fanfictiony version of the same hook where they're actually the first step to turning Skaven into relatively nicer guys
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So it came to my attention that an RPG was made set in the universe of Rune, the UT engine third person viking slasher. Has it ever been written up or are there any good reviews for it?
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# ¿ Feb 17, 2025 13:59 |
I mean, " Some orks become the super-weapons they were supposed to be" SOUNDS like it'd be a good plot hook, I guess I can't blame them for trying
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