that, and nihilism is a crutch for pathetic manchildren who don't want to examine why they're stuck in a rut, why they can't get laid, why their jobs suck - it's easier to throw your hands up and say 'the world sucks, that's just how it is' instead of taking an introspective look. They don't want to think anything is their fault, that they need to actually do something. This is also why they tend to miss the fact that Tyler Durden is a critique on toxic masculinity and those destructive, nihilistic impulses only makes things worse. Or why those chucklefucks thing Rick is a character to be emulated, instead of a toxic mess who largely creates his own problems.
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# ¿ Feb 19, 2025 01:30 |
so how much rape is in this? because Goblin Slayer is just very full of rape
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Goblin Slayer has 24/7 rape, Shield Hero has a horrendously mess false rape accusation and 'Sex slaves are happy to be sex slaves', there's so much garbage fantasy anime.
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More and more why I love Warham Fantasy, it feels like a setting people actually live in.
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Not to mention the Landsknecht - a pretty badass mercenary unit with a reputation for extremely flamboyant dress
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raid a vampire's keep for some absolutely fabulous tapestries that would just tie the room together.
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Sage Genesis posted:The Assassin's Creed drop is considered to be a Difficulty 5 action? Jeez. That makes the Exalted look super weak all of a sudden. really? that's almost a standard action hero drop. Now Literally falling from Heaven and surviving like Aleph in Shin Megami Tensei 2 seems worthy of a Difficulty 5
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An attack program that poses as a fellow netrunner is not a bad idea, then they had to ruin it with the sexism.
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Halloween Jack posted:It reminds me of when System Mastery reviewed Macho Women With Guns. I think the standard for comedy, at least in tabletop, is gaming now. Years ago there didn't need to be any kind of theme or throughline, just "Hey, this is wacky!" Remember those mods for Doom and Wolfenstein where you could shoot Bill Clinton and Barney the Purple Dinosaur? And I remember West End Game's Ghostbusters, excellent rule set, but they had no loving idea what made the movie funny.
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Halloween Jack posted:All those circa 1990 demon ninja titty animes are bad. Oh yeah, Ninja Scroll only noticeable because it's the best of it's lot that got brought to the west. The late 80s/early 90s anime scene in America was pretty bad and full of a lot garbage - there were of course gems, but mostly trash that was cheap to license.
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Yeah, there's a lot of neat stuff, but it'd been better if they had written their would be Machiavelli as the actual loving moron that he comes off as.
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Mors Rattus posted:Klaves are from oWerewolf, they are the name for the weird silver swords the werewolves use for ritual purposes. so an artifact from when they really had considered making Exalted the origin for oWoD's setting?
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Young Freud posted:There's also various flavors of extortion, from straight blackmail of wealthy enemies (see Jeff Bezos) to "catch-and-kill" deals to bury stories of friends (Trump). Or burying uncomfortable stories by running stories about sex maniac pandas.
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God Jericho Holmes reminds me of all the people trying to romanticize Rommel "Oh he's one of the good ones." - and the older I get, the less I tolerate this line of thinking.
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Honestly the second is just way better in the art department in term of proportion, anatomy, and composition - though unfortunately it's also done to make it 'sexier' - BLEUGH
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Ratoslov posted:I think that's mostly because blowing up bauxite mines and ambushing flour trucks isn't very glamourous at all. anyone who said that has never seen the massive fireballs that flour can ignite.
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As someone who played a campaign using Feng Shui 2's ruleset - I'm gonna have to say the unbalanced archetype/skills and action economy really shows up long term, and the exploding dice doesn't help. One of the characters who isn't even trying to min-max ended up getting way ahead of everyone else on the power scale it was a struggle for our GM to balance encounters.
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yeah, the usage of Catamite is universally used as an insult, either directly at someone, or in reference to someone's preference. There's no non-sketchy way of using that word.
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Dawgstar posted:And what makes it really a shame is the Big Bruiser should absolutely be the person who can pick up a thug by the ankle and whip him into a group of his friends and lay them out. This is what I did with my genefreak in 2e version, especially since I hosed up the math in converting so I made her 6'9" instead of 6'0" so I'm "Welp, might as well take advantage of this.". The group called it the man-flail.
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which makes knocking their power base down so satisfying because all the bad poo poo they've been staving off suddenly blows up in their face.
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megane posted:That kind of strikes me as ironic, given that the thing is named Feng Shui; the whole thing about feng shui (the furniture-arranging thing) is that good and bad fortune can arise from subtle alignments and misalignments of objects impacting the invisible flow of energy in ways only experts really understand. That's like tailor loving made for a story where the PCs sneak into an evil CEO's office, move his potted plant 3 millimeters to the left, and thus sabotage all his business dealings in a way he'll never be able to detect. Or where the magic animals have made a crazy, intricately-designed temple that generates magic for them and the PCs bust in and kick all the chairs over and ruin years of work. Or where the PCs need to blow up a big bad monster, so they lure it into an ambush in a garden where they've set up the plants and rocks in juuuuust the right way to turn the fight to their advantage. Funnily enough, Shadowrun Hong Kong has a mission where you do just that, with you doing the big mash and grab poo poo to cover up the smaller Feng Shui sabotage you're actually hired to do (the mage characters all pretty much going 'heeey doing this stuff feels icky' once you do enough changes)
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Ithle01 posted:As a GM there's a lot of things that stick out here, but there's one that Robin Law really managed to gently caress up. yep, in the days of 3/3.5e's peak, there were people on wizard's and Giant in the playground's forums who never actually *played* the system but made a hobby out of creating the most broken as gently caress characters as possible (and probably the source of the really loving dumb 'lol I bluff the guard into thinking his sword is delicious candy' nonsense).
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and wasn't there a game whose GM advice *encouraged* the GM to trigger their player's phobias to get them into the mood. I sure seem to remember that.
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It does, I actually dig the concept even if the odds are pretty screwy, though I feel like Alas Vegas seems better fit for a TV series rather than a tabletop game.
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it's amazing how designers don't realize how loving lethal paralysis is for low level parties
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Libertad! posted:
Holy poo poo This is loving awful even from excerpts, you can tell everyone who wrote it is white because how else did all that poo poo pass by?
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Urban Fantasy games that try to acknowledge the existence of Christian Cosmology as it's considered now with pagan deities end up in a very awkward place as they're trying shove in the post-renaissance concept of 'There is literally only one god' Deity into a pantheistic trappings.
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Chernobyl Peace Prize posted:Part of it is that it's not just the color, but the hue. At the time you might not've been able to get a really solid-applying, pallid gray color that wouldn't read as "bright" on film. But get a green in there and suddenly you can have the drabness of a saturated/pale/pallid face, without the high-contrast of black and white filming making it look too much lighter/brighter than the surroundings. Think of it like using the color to smudge how the brightness reads. And you can do a lot of interesting stuff with color. There's a movie where an attractive woman suddenly turns into a haggard old crone, and the technique used was to paint the old hag make up on the actress in blue, film the scenes with blue light so it remains invisible on film and turn it off when it comes time to 'transform'. This is a technique that could only be done with black and white film.
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Snorb posted:I thought the official stat block for him read, in full, "Caine: You lose."? Yep it did.
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yeah, for most D&D settings, if you need numbers, increasing them by ten fold is is the way to get more sensible ones. The only city in Ravenloft that makes sense for low population is Port-a-Museau (Richemulot's capital) as it's a back tidbit that the city clearly used to hold a much, much higher population, so it ends up being eerily sparse for it's size, but it's still too low to sustain the wererats' predations.
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Terrible Opinions posted:If you can think of a new testament thing saying something real regressive about woman 99% of the time it's Paul who says it. Guy was a dick. Pretty much, Paul also was really against marriage and sex in general, lot of his statements wouldn't be too out of place on an incel forum.
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And that's the thing - everything written about Beasts makes them horrible PC splats, but they would make for decent villains but WoD doesn't really need any more antagonist splats. But the fact the writer of the line is a rapist himself would explain why he doesn't understand why the fact Beasts paling around with True Fae, see no issue in turning Changelings over to true fay, or forcing Prometheans to abandon their journey, or exposing demons are horrible, violating things.
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Bieeanshee posted:I was going to say that Beast is a splat of author inserts, but I've been beaten. remember one of the beast short stories is a beast mad that their Promethean friend actually succeeded in becoming human and tried to drag them back with all the overtones of someone trying to force a gay or trans person back into the closet
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I can see the use of an X-card even if everyone talked about it before hand, as sometimes poo poo ends up being worse than you thought/you thought you're over something but you're not quite yet. But yeah Eclipse Phase seem to be treating it as a mulligan.
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yeah, Wasp Tower could use some work but it functions as a 'here, rip and tear this poo poo' since people are gonna pick up werewolf to rip and tear, so let 'em do so every so often.
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Dr. Bright is the legit bad one, Crow's a talking dog, but Bright is every bad character cliche with a writer who throws fits if anyone dares suggest he tones the character down. But yeah, this kind of highlights how sometimes the writers forget, that the Foundation ain't always hot poo poo and often cause more problems than they solve.
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# ¿ Feb 19, 2025 01:30 |
Again it runs into the 'It's mysterious because the writers never bothered to come up with a reason' versus 'these are enigmas but there is a logic behind it if you squint' - there has to be some sense of a possible resolution or you're basically forcing the GM to do the work for you. The former makes it hard to make any of the critters interesting to use, the latter gives GM hooks - even entire campaign ideas to use. Robindaybird fucked around with this message at 05:10 on Sep 4, 2019 |
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