If the Rotschreck is any indication, the Beast has a very strong survival impulse. It'd probably take some serious Willpower, and possibly a highish Humanity, to stay up to greet the sun.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2019 18:49 |
# ¿ Dec 14, 2024 00:16 |
Robindaybird posted:And that's the thing - everything written about Beasts makes them horrible PC splats, but they would make for decent villains but WoD doesn't really need any more antagonist splats. I was going to say that Beast is a splat of author inserts, but I've been beaten.
# ¿ Aug 21, 2019 22:32 |
I like his nemesis on life support. She and her family promise to be a barrel of laughs when the poo poo hits the fan.
# ¿ Aug 22, 2019 20:24 |
Flesh Party was more interesting when Rudy Rucker wrote it up as Merge.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2019 23:04 |
I can't remember, is the Snowflake in that book? From what I remember, that was a particularly assholish monster.
# ¿ Aug 24, 2019 06:49 |
It's metal album cover bullshit, is what it is. I played through it when I was a kid.
# ¿ Aug 24, 2019 18:09 |
I may be misremembering, and I have no intention of reading Glory again, but I recall that oh-so-funny splatterpunk scene happening halfway off-screen. Like, the PCs see video of some pointy-toothed Asian man enjoying fresh noodles, and then later they enter the kitchen and OH GOD THE FIREWALL AGENT IS STILL STICKING HALFWAY OUT OF THE GRINDER AND ISN'T THIS JUST DEAD ALIVE ALL OVER AGAIN? LOOK, THERE'S A COUPLE OF MONSTERS loving. Also, for me? The X-card is basically a safeword for gaming. Yes, ideally you should be discussing your players' goals and limits, but sometimes something is just going to sound a sour note regardless. That said, I'm not convinced that fading to black so the game can go on is necessarily the best attitude to have.
# ¿ Aug 26, 2019 13:39 |
# ¿ Dec 14, 2024 00:16 |
juggalo baby coffin posted:now THAT is a deep cut a laser (time) deep cut
# ¿ Sep 6, 2019 02:55 |