There seem to be strong hints that Kobal may be arranging for Haagenti to ascend as the Archangel of Prosperity. That would be pretty funny. And the joke would be on every one of the other demon princes.
The Lone Badger fucked around with this message at 02:32 on Jan 25, 2016 |
# ¿ Jan 25, 2016 02:28 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 13:10 |
Litheroy isn't about obtaining or keeping knowledge, he's about spreading it around.
# ¿ Feb 6, 2016 22:05 |
Black August posted:Because reading all that is hilarious and tells me that every problem in those worlds comes from bad gods and worse wizards. Wizards are assholes. This is a universal truth across pretty much every setting that includes them.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2016 05:57 |
So a starting kyriotate of animals can handle up to 16 swarms of wasps. How much wasp is that in kg?
# ¿ Feb 7, 2016 06:15 |
I could kinda see Bellum Maga as a villain group in a (Council-focused) Dresden Files game. There's this rapidly-spreading group of warlocks with outright gleeful disregard for the First, Second and Fourth Laws. Their adherents are gaining magical power way too quickly, we suspect backing by some entity from the deep Nevernever. Winter Court? Current evidence suggests not. Wardens are urged to clamp down as hard as possible before this becomes a permanent threat.
# ¿ Feb 18, 2016 08:47 |
Kavak posted:I'm already crazy enough to consider checking out 2nd Edition because of Planescape and Baldur's Gate, don't make me think that's a good idea! That's a bad idea. Still use Planescape but convert it into a decent system first. (Pathfinder doesn't count)
# ¿ Feb 23, 2016 07:53 |
Kavak posted:So why wasn't this the case in 1st and 2nd edition? What changed? If we had an answer for that we'd have the answer to balancing things. At low levels wizards could cast one or two crappy spells a day. They were useless and were just being carried until... At high levels wizards dramatically outpaced fighters and were the best at everything. 3.x just made the second point apply all the time, instead of only at high levels.
# ¿ Feb 23, 2016 09:05 |
Davin Valkri posted:So the best way to handle them is with mining charges? -style? Then sell the fragments for a fortune on the rare-earths market. Miners vs vampires!
# ¿ Mar 3, 2016 08:33 |
Doresh posted:[*]Rainbow (Seizure) Spark: A technicolor staff that definitely has an announcer voice and apprently thinks it's the onboard computer of a giant robot. Reactor: online Sensors: online Weapons: online All systems nominal. Can we rename her mana stat to 'heat capacity'?
# ¿ Mar 7, 2016 01:43 |
Mors Rattus posted:You don't actually see that many brawls. Fights, yeah, but they tend to involve more shouting and glaring and swearing never to speak to each other again. Then we learn a Valuable Lesson about Friendship and they get back together. Violence is usually reserved for actual enemies. Except for, say, the second season of Nanoha.
# ¿ Mar 8, 2016 08:27 |
Alien Rope Burn posted:I presumed you don't call yourself a monarchy unless you genuinely let a monarch call the shots. Oops. "The queen reigns but does not rule. "
# ¿ Apr 5, 2016 12:35 |
Crasical posted:Mercenaries being injected with magic snake-venom to become shapeshifting snakemen super-soldiers sounds like a good VIPER plot for the next time I run Champions though. Venom that turns people into superstrong shapeshifters? That's not a very good poison.
# ¿ Apr 7, 2016 08:16 |
If Beast is part of the NWoD aren't 'Heroes' better handled with H:tV?
# ¿ Apr 9, 2016 08:49 |
^ This is true. It's not that she invulnerable / steel skin, it's that the future in which her throat gets cut will not occur. Something will happen such that she doesn't die. Maybe her husband bursts in with his retainers. Maybe the monster you keep in the basement gets free and you have to run off to deal with it. Maybe she slips the knots and now you have a dramatic swordfight with her. (Assuming I'm understanding things correctly)
# ¿ Apr 16, 2016 03:15 |
Ratoslov posted:Yeah. It seems like in Spellbound Kingdoms, it makes perfect rational sense for a head of state to murder people to ensure that he and his closest advisers are happily in love, because their love-lives are a vital matter of national security. Doesn't have to be happily in love - unhappily in love works fine too. As long as you feel strongly about them.
# ¿ Apr 17, 2016 11:29 |
I think I would like to kill kings.
# ¿ Apr 19, 2016 10:43 |
I bought Spellbound Kingdoms thanks to this threat and have been giving it a look. Is there any way to increase Heart after chargen? None of the classes give it as a bonus, and that seems to be the only way to increase stats.
# ¿ Apr 21, 2016 09:03 |
Doodmons posted:Nope. Make sure to put Heart as one of your higher stats in chargen because it's not getting any higher permanently. There are a couple of temporary buffs to it using magic or alchemy, but you can't increase it. No way to get a D10 Heart permanently then. I guess that would be overpowered.
# ¿ Apr 21, 2016 11:16 |
Note that high Inspiration doesn't make you impossible to kill, it makes it impossible to remove you from play (permanently). So maybe they do die, and they're now a ghost! Whoooooo!
# ¿ Apr 22, 2016 02:01 |
Moran's charms are unusual in having no flavour/rules divide at all. At first it looks like it's all flavour text until you realise that the charm does exactly what it says it does.
# ¿ Apr 23, 2016 01:02 |
What just got released?
# ¿ Apr 25, 2016 06:44 |
Cythereal posted:I've got some Hunters on line one, mister Beast, they say you're full of poo poo and they're far past mere students of the lessons you purport to teach. "They say they've got a lesson ready for you though. It's about fire."
# ¿ Apr 27, 2016 11:44 |
I think the Truile are white (really white, comes from living in the Sunless Waste). Dindavarans are golden-brown, Ulds are very dark and Imperials are a mishmash?
# ¿ Apr 27, 2016 12:13 |
RentACop posted:Talk To a Girl Roll +Cool. On a 7-9 pick one *you accomplish your immediate objective *she doesn't think you're a weird creep *you do not run away in humiliation. On a 10+ pick two.
# ¿ Apr 29, 2016 01:55 |
^ Great Weapon seems to have Whirlwind from Free Sword in place of Devastation.
# ¿ May 3, 2016 10:44 |
Kavak posted:I'm just glad she's dressed like a normal person. I do like that outfit. And the artpiece generally.
# ¿ May 4, 2016 04:07 |
Doesn't the 'soul being replaced with an ancient evil' thing make them just an unusual type of Host? Rip and tear.
# ¿ May 28, 2016 02:53 |
Has anyone written up newDemon? It sounds interesting.
# ¿ May 29, 2016 09:40 |
Daeren posted:The angel realizes too late that the Machine meant until the house itself turns 21 years old since its groundbreaking and Falls when the reclamation corps arrives. "That guy who visited a party. According to these records he turned 21 while he was here. That means I've been here against orders for the last 2 1/2 years. ...wait, I can disobey orders?"
# ¿ Jun 21, 2016 11:09 |
If I make someone rich and beautiful and successful via a Soul Pact, once I turn them into a Cover does the cover retain all those merits? It sounds like low-end Pacts could be /really attractive/ to mortals. You could buy someone's crippling medical debt in return for a new car, and the catch is that there isn't a catch. The demon is getting exactly what it wants and so are you. ...the downside being that given how successful that first Pact was is there any reason you shouldn't make another one? And another? Until your life is a hollow shell with almost no content left in it.
# ¿ Jun 25, 2016 01:09 |
And the KKK. (when they were still publicly respected, yet)
# ¿ Jun 27, 2016 01:59 |
Another question about Pacts: Say I buy someone's children and and apply it as a patch to one of my Covers. She's now childless and always has been, and as far as they remember I've always been their mother. But what happens to them in the period between signing the Pact and when I use it for something? When it's just sitting around my desk draw waiting to be onsold to another demon or used to build a Cover..
# ¿ Jun 27, 2016 09:20 |
Kerberos Club did something similar with the civil war stalling out and the confederacy surviving, then as they continue to collapse into economic irrelevancy they start turning to blood magic and other extra-evil occult poo poo. Since they've already got the slaves, after all. The Knights of the Circle were basically 19th-century Indiana Jones Nazis for the players to thwart.
# ¿ Jul 4, 2016 05:41 |
What's the watsonian explanation for everyone running around space with muscle-breastplates and spears?
# ¿ Jul 25, 2016 06:11 |
Covok posted:If that was true to life, among the many other reasons I should be, I feel bad for greco-roman women of that era. Might explain why they went for bulls and swans I guess.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2016 03:01 |
Cythereal posted:I'm more impressed by not-Artemis' 275 perk. Just the thing for a recurring antagonist. It is a little odd though that the cult focused on long-ranged combat will end up 'a few paces' from their opponent. Seems like a good way to get cleaved in twain.
# ¿ Jul 30, 2016 00:36 |
Why the gently caress do people live in the Madlands again?
# ¿ Aug 5, 2016 23:49 |
Doresh posted:I've mentioned earlier how BattleTech lets you equip your infantry squads with all kinds of archaic weapons. Naturally, the selection for PCs is a bit big for a futuristic setting. Can I get a vibro-bow? Can my mech get a vibro-bow?
# ¿ Aug 6, 2016 23:29 |
Covok posted:So, wizards. But with fancier robes. Do shujenja have awesome hats? This is important.
# ¿ Aug 11, 2016 23:46 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 13:10 |
Is anyone planning a FaF of the Savage Rifts someone mentioned earlier? It sounds kinda interesting.
# ¿ Aug 13, 2016 03:09 |