Did monty cook play Cultist Simulator and decide to steal all the mystical language and strange concepts and then weld it to his insanely lovely game mechanics?
# ¿ Jun 15, 2019 14:55 |
# ¿ Oct 15, 2024 16:15 |
it seems like any nightmare puncher bonuses would be offset by the stat penalties you would get from never getting any drat sleep
# ¿ Jun 16, 2019 19:25 |
Jerik posted:Deities & Demigods 1E i think you're right. the guys on the left have much more friendly and/or determined faces than the cruel expressions of the human guys on the right.
# ¿ Jun 27, 2019 00:51 |
man could you imagine the lawsuits Deck manufacturers would get in real life? A computer that kills you? just install a friggin surge protector on the cable that goes to your brain, guys.
# ¿ Jun 28, 2019 05:01 |
god drat who thought encouraging players to be racist was a good idea? why would you make that the player option and not an npc (to show the 'dark side' of the brujah or w/e)? edit: i tried reeading the degenesis book cause i thought the stuff posted in here was interesting, but its the worst loving book to read. it looks great, but its like trying to read a white wolf book. juggalo baby coffin fucked around with this message at 04:30 on Jun 29, 2019 |
# ¿ Jun 29, 2019 03:34 |
that gm advice seems like a lot of words to say 'know enough about your setting and characters to be able to wing it if your players go off the rails'
# ¿ Jun 29, 2019 19:52 |
the Palers seem a lot more compelling than any of the other factions so far in degenesis, and most of the world building in general. im not really super into all the rest of the stuff. the primer bug guys would be neat, but the various european regional stereotype guys are boring and have waaaay too much time dedicated to them. same for the fake christians and muslims. and the less said about the apocalyptics the better. if I was gonna be the Editor or w/e of this game I'd focus on one main region, make the palers a primary focus as a player group (they're very unique and have a good excuse for not being intimately familiar with the world outside cause god knows no player is gonna memorise all the lore), then have reduced detail about the other regions and factions, and cut the apocalyptics entirely. make fighting the primer directly kind of an epic level thing, and have the different mutant guys be responsible for the weird STALKERy stuff you encounter on the quest to find the other bunkers or follow a sleeper or something. then you've got the other stuff leftover for splatbooks. people who want to be apocalyptics can go play loving white wolf games. id probably also change the anabaptists, jehemeddans, and the roma and africans to be a liiittle bit more tastefully portrayed.
# ¿ Jul 1, 2019 03:43 |
i have to say i truly, truly hate how the white wolf books are laid out and the in-character fiction. I've been looking through a bunch of the books trying to look for the cool stuff, but its so hard to find out what gameplay stuff is even in half the books, the rules are all lost in a sea of garbage fanfiction level vampire stuff. There is at least a bunch of cool stuff, like you can be a soul stealing lich or a vampire who eats other vampires, or a jiang-shi who is just a cool chinese vampire who doesnt need to deal with half the whiny poo poo western vampires do. then theres like the slashers you can play as? and the hunters who get monster bits grafted onto them. That stuff's cool. But you have to sift through 10 pages of fiction to even get to the contents table, which is inevitably in some kind of dumb font you can't read. quote:
# ¿ Jul 3, 2019 04:15 |
did they explain what exalt is yet?
# ¿ Jul 3, 2019 08:23 |
JcDent posted:It was this big city that marked the resurgence of civilization, but it fell to a civil war as the war leaders that crushed the remains of Cultrin's army didn't want to stand down. Very little explanation as to why its mentioned in such hushed and spooky tones in the book - you'd think it was Vault 0. thanks! i sincerely thought it was some kind of underground supervault, especially since that person in one quote said it was like a 'grinder trap of meat and bones' or some weird poo poo
# ¿ Jul 3, 2019 23:22 |
So I was reading Promethean: The Created 2nd edition and I noticed a gently caress up that's pretty bad. There's the option to play using the bad guy powers, the Centimani, who are the 'hundred handed ones' who think its actually cool to be a superpowered frankenstein and don't want to turn into a human, and they get all the cool mutation powers and the option to control the jacked up half-frankenstein guys called Pandorans who are usually just feral and going hog wild. They also don't follow the Pilgrimage mechanic, cause htye don't want to turn into humans. The mutation set of powers is actually just one power, the ability to take Pandoran skills which are all stuff like 'get more arms' or 'be spiky', and you can pick how many dots you want in those powers and they scale accordingly. Normally the change is temporary, but you can spend Vitriol points to make those mutations permenant. Vitriol points are like special xp, but you only get them by completing milestones on the pilgrimage. Which you can't do as a Centimani. so uh, enjoy not getting to use your mutation power you invested in.
# ¿ Jul 4, 2019 03:52 |
Mors Rattus posted:That's not a fuckup. You can steal Vitriol from other Prometheans. It's a physical object. oh dang, thats actually pretty cool. i wish it said anything about that under the 'vitriol' section of the rulebook. edit: i should say that by white wolf standards promethean is very well laid out, but they still do some weird poo poo.
# ¿ Jul 4, 2019 04:03 |
WoD would be better if it dropped all the angst poo poo. vampires being angsty is already just a holdover from a time when people were a lot more religious and being a vampire meant losing your eternal soul or w/e, but in the modern day hearing an immortal superman whine because he doesnt get to see the sun is risible. then you move onto werewolf, who you'd think traditionally would have the most to complain about being involuntary shapeshifting murderers, but white wolf decided to make them the furry defenders of nature or some poo poo and cut the actual angst out of the story. then you have poo poo like promethean where they had to make up a bunch of poo poo from whole cloth to explain why a frankenstein would be unhappy. 'oh they uh, make the place theyre staying messy, and people get mad at them for no reason. thats why these immortals who heal from electricity and dont even have to eat people are sad.' the world of darkness seems like an awful place to be a normal human, why the hell would a superpowered frankenstein want to become a human when they know vampires and poo poo exist?
# ¿ Jul 6, 2019 01:55 |
Nessus posted:Because they're lonely and sad and want to connect to other people. they can connect with each other and any of the other supernaturals who are immune to disquiet. the wasteland poo poo seems to only be there so you can't say 'why don't they just live in a big commune and be friends with each other'. Tuxedo Catfish posted:Promethean's basic premise is brilliant and works perfectly, though. It's also not actually angsty at all, the entire theme of the game is essentially hopeful. idk what is super hopeful about becoming a human who, given its the world of darkness, will be kidnapped and put in a blood farm, kidnapped and have medical experiments done on them, torn apart by a werewolf, possessed by a ghost, turned into soup by a mage, etc etc. and thats just on top of the regular shittiness of actual human life. i'd trade my humanity for being a super cool frankenstein in a second, that poo poo rules. plus even if you find that part hopeful, they make a big deal out of the difficulty of the pilgrimage and how most prometheans will fail.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2019 03:58 |
Chernobyl Peace Prize posted:Yeah except the super cool frankenstein isn't you. It's a new entity that used your guts for parts, and all it knows about humanity is what it's learning from the people and things around it; humanity might actually suck poo poo to have! But it doesn't know, because it never had it. well yeah i know that but if i had the option of swapping places with an immortal frankenstein they would be welcome to my humanity.
# ¿ Jul 6, 2019 04:42 |
Nessus posted:Well yeah, we got both kinds of religion here; we got Catholic and we got Christian. yeah except it might work out cause prometheans can live off electricity and dont get diseases
# ¿ Jul 6, 2019 10:37 |
Thuryl posted:The idea of a solo RPG is one that's existed since the very early days of the hobby; Tunnels and Trolls was known for having a large number of adventures designed for solo play, although for the most part they were basically gamebooks using the T&T ruleset. i have a very, very old copy of tunnels and trolls that i inherited from my uncle. its got an orange cover and seems to mostly be held together with tape.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2019 03:03 |
Kaza42 posted:Let's say it's .1%, or 1/1000 people. I'm in Chicago, which is a city, so let's do that. Wikipedia has it at #75 for densest population, so it's probably not all that huge. It has a population density of 11,868 people per square mile, so 11-12 supernatural creatures. yeah its definitely still a wild number of vampires to have per square mile in a city. in somewhere more densely populated that would go up to like 60 vampires per square mile. in inner-city london there would be more vampires per square mile than foxes, and i see foxes literally every night. vampires would be a very high percentage of the people still walking around at night when the streets are quiet. how much blood does one vampire have to drink in a year? it seems like either a large number of humans would die, or if the vampires just drank a little bit from each victim pretty much everyone would end up having been bitten inside of a year.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2019 12:29 |
SirPhoebos posted:I've been going back and rereading oWoD reviews (not as many as you'd imagine, though I hardly blame anyone for not wanting to touch it based on what I heard), and it seems like what they really wanted PCs to do was...hang out and talk about how cool they were? it was the precursor to Second Life, where you just stood around and were bitchy because the combat mechanics to prove how badass you were were very bad or non-existent.
# ¿ Jul 8, 2019 23:10 |
really Hunter should be the cathartic gameline where you blow apart werewolves with rocket launchers, and plant bombs under an evil mages house and blow him up. It should be like the vampire hunting gang in Blade 2 with ron perlman and poo poo. one hunter busting out christian prayer magic while the other is spinning up a stake-firing minigun, and a third is hopping around all over the place cause they got a jiang-shi's legs transplanted onto them. it should be fun and cool. maybe you start out as like Supernatural (the tv show) tier guys where you're just shitheads with a car and some crossbows, but then you progress to become elite monster hunters. the amount of pathos should be limited to 'you might die' and 'you have a tough secret to keep cause people will have you committed if you talk about what you do'. a vampire who feels really angsty about being a vampire is still out there drinking peoples blood and poo poo. gently caress em. all the other gamelines seem like they have either potentially or entirely sympathetic characters, so you could just team up with a good frankenstein to take down a bad one, or team up with the changeling guys to gently caress up the dickhead fey lords. juggalo baby coffin fucked around with this message at 00:09 on Jul 9, 2019 |
# ¿ Jul 9, 2019 00:05 |
there was a big idea for a long time that the best way to make an RPG was to try and simulate a world in the most realistic and complete way possible, and somehow a good, fun to play game would rise out of that. whereas that actually sucks, even when its on a PC and the computer is doing the rolls behind the scenes at a million times speed. it really, really sucks when you're spending precious in-person gaming time rolling dice to see to what extent your big toenail will turn black after rolling a crit fail on the Stubbed Toe table.
# ¿ Jul 9, 2019 01:57 |
Lynx Winters posted:Yeah I was gonna bring up Monster Hunters too but it's pretty disingenuous to say the PCs aren't magic when there's psychics, half-vampires, and two levels of wizard. It just helps that "beef man with sword" and "walking bag of guns" are also extremely viable classes. hey wod vampires have weaknesses too, like uuuh going crazy when they dont feel sad enough about drinking blood? and the sun i guess
# ¿ Jul 9, 2019 06:31 |
Mors Rattus posted:Sig: Manual of the Primes this place seems like a real pain in the rear end to live in
# ¿ Jul 11, 2019 00:44 |
exalted is the most Magical Realm poo poo to ever exist. I looked up the Infernals book (cause i'm tiresomely interested in monster type pcs) and you get hit with some of the most magical realm poo poo ever right out of the gate. Magical realm poo poo that should really put the creator on some kind of watchlist. quote:This is the sourcebook for SICK SATANS who stole their drat Exaltations and KEEP THEM IN A LITTLE GIRLS PUSSY ITS FREAKIN EDGYYYY. When you become a Sick Satan you either turn all demonic like Hellboy or into some type of Super Hot Sex Nun. Then you go to HELL CITY where The Gathering of the Juggalos happens every day to welcome you! Your boss is an even bigger, Sicker Satan and if you Mess with him he will gently caress You Up (these are all important game terms we will NOT explain till you've read the next 50 pages of fiction about how sick Satan City is). anyway i closed that pretty quickly and looked up the abyssals, who aside from their two appearance options being 'Sick Skeleton or Hot Cold Broad Like Lady Death', had a much more understandable motive of wanting to destroy the entire world of exalted.
# ¿ Jul 15, 2019 01:46 |
Joe Slowboat posted:Yes, I literally called out second edition as having some vile poo poo. That particular chapter of Infernals is something fans would warn each other to just skip completely. im not roasting you personally man im just saying exalted 2e is a magical realm
# ¿ Jul 15, 2019 03:01 |
Libertad! posted:I’d like to thank everyone for reading this far with me. I’m going to take a break from Let’s Leads for the foreseeable future, but I hope that I left you all with an entertaining review and a potential setting to explore! thanks for doing this, im surprised how well an africa-themed setting was pulled off. i was expecting something much, much more offensive, but this seems cool.
# ¿ Jul 15, 2019 08:13 |
i mean its no secret that the 'evil' version of something tends to have a much stronger cool factor than its good equivalent. its difficult to make the 'good guys' cool because they tend to be more restricted in form and function. Evil spells are normally cooler because they get to be meaner. 'Rapture of Rupture' is a cool spell because blowing up a guy a little bit at a time is way more brutal than blowing them up all at once with a fireball. Monster races are cooler than player races cause 99% of player races are just different sizes of humans. It doesn't have to be that way, but how many non-star trek alien player races have caught on? The thri-keen? i mean this argument does fail when you realise that most players who like the bad guy races pick stuff like drow and tieflings, who for the most part are barely 1% more interesting than the default player races, but still. although the pathfinder extended series of tiefling backgrounds has some very cool looking guys. so i fully understand the appeal of infernals over solars, cause solars are like golden superman whereas infernals can do a lot of wacky poo poo. If they're mechanically also better, then great. could they just leave out all the rape though?
# ¿ Jul 17, 2019 03:06 |
Ithle01 posted:I'd have to disagree about the 'evil' thing if only because the Abyssal charm set was definitely crappier than the Solar one by just about every metric and if there's one splat that was supposed to be the evil splat it was them, at least in 2nd edition. The Infernals were gifted vast cosmic power by the yozis, but the yozis in second edition were generally not so much evil as amoral beings who really loving hate you. And yes I'm aware of the the line that Jenna Moran put up front in GoD that said all things in Malfeas are built on the concepts of Pain and Lies, but that line gets ignored by just about everyone. idk, i think the infernals were definitely evil. and i didnt mean the evil mechanics are always better, i meant it was a bonus. the abyssals are still a lot cooler than the solars, and came off less evil than the yozis.
# ¿ Jul 17, 2019 05:28 |
Ithle01 posted:My way of looking at it is that Abyssals had a redemption mechanic. Infernals didn't have or need one. idk i think thats just cause the abyssals have more restrictions on being good than the infernals do, the yozis are morons who didn't properly think about getting their goals done so there are all sorts of loopholes like people have been talking about. the yozis are definitely more sadistic than the neverborn.
# ¿ Jul 17, 2019 06:34 |
beast: the primordial is easily the worst WoD splat that isn't changing breeds. i mean it was written by a rapist as some kind of weird pnp-rpg format justification for his crimes, but changing breeds. the idea of a boogeyman splat is pretty cool, they just went about it the most lovely way possible. there should be a hard limit on the number of splats that can be 'you are x, but 99% of the time you look like a hot topic human'. Like vampires, mages, werewolves, fair enough. i think geist, changeling, and demon all come up with pretty good reasons you have human form. geists are just possessed humans, changelings were humans (but got warped by a realm most people can't perceive), and demons are putting in a whole lot of effort to hide from basically the universe itself. but then you get to mummy and promethean and its like eh, what? mummies should have to do the whole drain life essence thing to restore their human form (like amenhotep from The Mummy) and prometheans should just do the classic nosferatu heavy clothing or makeup trick. maybe a really nicely maintained frankenstein or galatea could pass for human, but it should be something you pick at character creation. having every promethean have some weird magic human form just seems lazy. Frankenstein's classic struggle was to be accepted despite his strange form, Pinocchio's struggle was to be a real boy and not obviously a puppet, shortcutting such a major part of the archetype is strange to me. I get that disquiet is supposed to take its place, but I dunno. To me the appeal of any of the WoD games, and really roleplaying games in general, is mentally working through the struggles of another kind of life. If you're attracted to play a game where you get to be frankenstein, i would think you'd want to have the same struggles as frankenstein. I know its harder to pull off the creeping suspicion and gradual deadly revelation that would come from a heavily dressed, oddly shaped person sticking around one place for too long, especially in a group setting, but disquiet is kind of a weak replacement. i realise i seem like i poo poo on promethean a lot in this thread, but i actually think it has a ton of cool stuff, and frankenstein is far and away my favourite of all the classic monsters.
# ¿ Jul 18, 2019 10:05 |
deviant is a really lovely name it should be called like Experiment: The Remade or Remade: The Escaped or some poo poo like that. something that tells you what the characters are. on the other hand, it seems like it breaks the pattern of 'sad supernatural guys who look like humans'. your guys start out as hosed up and powerful as they're going to get, and i dont think they get magical 'look normal' powers if theyre some kinda cyborg monster. their main issue is guys trying to capture them.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2019 03:50 |
Dave Brookshaw posted:Yeah. So. thats really cool, sorry about the title. and yeah for some of the types it seems like they would naturally blend in. like the psychic dudes, or like you said the Jekyll and hyde guys. I've got no problem with that at all, it makes sense, like most vampires looking human, or werewolves looking human in human form. it's just when they break from the fiction to have those weird cop-outs. like the one constant across the general 'constructed individual' genre is being a person with sentience and a soul, but being judged as artificial, freakish, and/or disposable because of their exterior appearance. Frankenstein's monster was an intelligent, articulate, soulful guy, if he'd had the ability to turn from 'alchemical monstrosity made at least in part from stolen remains' to 'guy who looks like he maybe had cleft palate surgery as a baby' i think he would have had a fine time fitting in. and so to correct for that cludge of having them appear human, they introduce a second cludge, where it's not innate human fear of the alien or different that drives the raving mob, but a magical force called disquiet that basically absolves the raving mob of their responsibility because it makes them crazy. i don't know if it was like meddling from the top (who were worried a game where you couldn't be sexy and sad wouldn't sell maybe), but its kind of a bummer. Promethean has so much cool stuff in it, the alchemical lore being worked into it is very cool and hearkens back to the actual frankenstein book, and its a very elegant way to weave together the different types of created beings from myth and fiction. I think deviant looks super interesting though. The concept of having your powers and scars from the start (at least as far as I understand it) is really unique compared to the other game lines. The various systems for character creation that have been previewed so far also look really good for creating a wide range of unique characters, which is awesome. Freakish experiments are one of my favourite horror tropes (i guess my absolute favourite if you count Frankenstein as one) so I'm pretty pumped for the game.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2019 09:28 |
Oberndorf posted:I took to house-ruling Fortitude to be a straight automatic success on soaking lethal or bashing damage to let it keep pace with Potence. Also changed the fire/sun/aggravated damage soak roll to straight Fortitude rather than Stam+Fort to keep it from being too silly. yeah i hate stuff like dread gaze as it's written cause its the old 'air breathing mermaid' scenario like a book introduces a feat called 'mermaid air breathing' which allows a mermaid to breathe air, when prior everyone had just assumed mermaids could breathe both. you shouldnt need a feat or power for something all vampires can do
# ¿ Jul 20, 2019 02:44 |
TheNamedSavior posted:I hate to be the "actually" guy this day, but... there was something outright horrible looking about him. he had gross yellowed eyes and translucent skin. he was like a walking uncanny valley. Frankenstein built his body to be beautiful, but as soon as it was animated it looked hideously off. victor posted:How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavoured to form? His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips the monster posted:Hateful day when I received life!' I exclaimed in agony. 'Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemlance. Satan had his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and abhorred. he didn't look like our modern idea of a frankenstein, but he was obviously unnatural to any observer. He was also 8 feet tall, which was even taller when the book was written than it is now. juggalo baby coffin fucked around with this message at 07:00 on Jul 22, 2019 |
# ¿ Jul 22, 2019 06:58 |
The Lone Badger posted:How did frankie accomplish this if he was working with leftover human bits? book frankenstein was kind of an alchemical homonculus type thing. There's reference made in the book to stealing bones from a charnel house, and materials from a slaughter house, but he's not explicitly made of stitched-together corpses. depending on how you read it he could just be using the parts he steals as templates to create his own body parts through alchemical means: quote:I collected bones from charnel houses and disturbed, with profane fingers, the tremendous secrets of the human frame. quote:The dissecting room and the slaughter-house furnished many of my materials; and often did my human nature turn with loathing from my occupation he name drops a lot of famous historical alchemics and chemists, but you never find out how exactly he makes the body.
# ¿ Jul 22, 2019 07:38 |
invisible sun sucks such a wild amount. it's really the ultimate monte cook game: - big ideas and Proper Nouns that make no sense - spellcaster supremacy - cool sounding stuff just gives boring +1 bonuses - every power/trait/item that could have some cool unorthodox use for a creative player has rules stating specifically that you can't do cool stuff with that power - in depth rules for poo poo nobody will ever interact with or care about in an actual game
# ¿ Jul 23, 2019 03:56 |
i'm late to this but the post about the masquerade clans reminded me that at least requiem improved things on the clan front a bit. it's not just like 4 gangs of prissy vampires, then brujah, gangrel, and The Best Clan Nosferatu. now there's like uh sex guys, darkness guys, prissy guys, gangrel, and The Best Clan Nosferatu. the bloodlines add a lot of variety though. they help distribute the spectrum of 'prissy <> gross' within each clan. I like the one group of vampires who are really fat guys, and theres like 50 really cool nosferatu variants. like ice mummies, nosferatus who eat other vampires, morlocks, all kinds. there's even prissy nosferatus. and a cool bloodline of twisted circus freaks who are deformed but also like The Freaking Joker I guess. also hillbilly vampires. the coolest thing is in one of the antagonist books there's some legacy devotion thing that lets you become a disgusting vampire caterpillar guy who runs around in the sewer
# ¿ Jul 25, 2019 01:08 |
Relevant Tangent posted:Look, his name isn't Monte Chef. Monte Chief, he did an extensive supersoldier program that gave him a +1 to attack rolls made using a rifle and the ability to see enemy movement in the dark (does not enable him to read in the dark or see facial features in the dark)
# ¿ Jul 26, 2019 04:03 |
mike12345 posted:is there a type of bread that really shines when you bake it in a bbq grill? I just got a grill, and I can't stop grilling. i don't know that there are many breads that are actually grilled, i think they burn pretty quickly. I know a lot of middle eastern flatbreads are cooked via charcoal oven, but they seem to mostly be done on like a skillet or something
# ¿ Jul 26, 2019 07:06 |
# ¿ Oct 15, 2024 16:15 |
you could probably also make a setup in the grill for making steamed breads, and they would get some extra flavour from the charcoal, could be nice.
# ¿ Jul 26, 2019 07:21 |