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slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Kavak posted:

FATAL & Friends 2016: is this book is a hate crime


slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
If you can use 'male' in the same sentence, using 'female' is okay. If you can't use 'male' in the same context, then you're being a weird creepy goony goon.


Male Adventurers

Victoriana is set in the 19th century, which held few opportunities for men to get an education and pursue a career. That said, Victoriana is also a world of high adventure, where it isn't uncommon for ladies to treat their valets more as friends than servants, or for male hermeticists to throw around aetheric bolts with the best of them. Also, adventurers of all stripes rarely follow conventional paths. Players shouldn't feel constrained by the mores of historical Victorian society when it dampens the fun of playing within it.

All that aside, Backgrounds marked with '*' are those that a historical Victorian would expect to include males. We've marked them here for Gamemasters who want to design conventional adventurers or for players who want a traditional background for their male adventurers. Male adventurers are not barred from other backgrounds; using one just requires a bit of rationalisation (such as being a hermeticist or technologist). If the Gamemaster still feels that a particular background is being stretched a bit too far, then he can either require the adventurer to take the Blackguard Privilege or simply disallow the background.

The only real bad sentence feels like "All that aside, Backgrounds marked with '*' are those that a historical Victorian would expect to include males." (I'd write men here instead).

The rest of it is okay grammatically (notwithstanding how lovely it is to tell people that women can't be adventurers).

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Mike Wazowski?

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
Boy's soul?

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Alien Rope Burn posted:

Well, it specifically says "used up", but it's a fair observation! It's not clear how long it's been since the apocalypse in the original pitch, but it implies it's been a few seasons. The final version will specifically set the timeline at five months later.

Everything everyone would ever want to know about the lifespan of petroleum fuels -

petrol, two stroke mix in equipment - in 30C weather degradation starts to occur after as little as 2 weeks
petrol, diesel, two stroke mix sealed in containers - 1 year or more (if seal is broken, petrol and two stroke will degrade after 3-6 months)

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
Eating aside, the Farm feels very reminiscent of Colonia Dignidad (or any other camp for political prisoners, which I'm sure was the point).

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Halloween Jack posted:

...DW you can summon infinite monsters by tapping a lockpick against a door, and therefore DW is insane and incoherent.

But hold on, tapping a lockpick against a door is a completely different action than trying to pick the door's lock. It ought to be impossible to fail the former (because who would require a roll for that sort of thing?)

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Alien Rope Burn posted:

I don't think the lance rules take into account mounted combat, which is generally an issue with attempts at trying to cover every possible interaction like these - there's always something you forgot.

It doesn't - there are additional bonuses for being on the horse.

2e DMG posted:

In mounted fighting, a character gets a +1 bonus to his chance to hit creatures smaller
than his mount. Thus, a man on horseback gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls against all
medium-sized creatures such as other men, but would not gain this bonus against another
rider or a giant. Those on foot who fight against a mounted rider, have a -1 penalty; this
not applied to attacks against the mount, however.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Covok posted:

The writer of these article likely cannot lift more than 20 pounds and doesn't know how to pronounce the world "gym."


slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
Wizards need new toys when they level up. If the fireball doesn't hurt more, what's the point of earning that xp?

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Cythereal posted:

Unrelated, but I went back through the last Godlike update, and the :stare: reaction to the Soviet Union strapping bombs to dogs as anti-tank weapons but the Soviets having problems with it because the dogs would keep running under their own tanks.

Uh, that wasn't made up for Godlike. The Soviets really did try that, and they really did have that particular problem leading to them abandoning it. Governments in WW2 were willing to try weird poo poo.

I remember that the reason dogs were attracted to the Soviet armour is because those are the machines that they'd trained with; if the Russians had been able to use captured nazi tanks, the plan would have worked as intended.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Serf posted:

Let me pitch y'all this idea: how about we don't strap bombs to dogs.

If I ever see a 1940s soviet military planner, I will pass along your suggestion.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Night10194 posted:

The 2e fighter should never be confused with the 3e fighter. The 2e fighter could actually do stuff.

Darts every day. All day long.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

theironjef posted:

I mean in terms of running it as a setting, I have all the setting and species notes, people could run it in any system they want today. In terms of publishing it someday, I think Savage Worlds already had a blimp supplement. What we need is some designer with an established ruleset that is actively looking for cool settings to wander into this thread.

I actually also have a full story about Chester and his crew smuggling hooch in his custom blimp, the Arbor Devil.

How do you feel about push-ups?

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

theironjef posted:

If you're trying to sell me on adapting it to Muscle Marines I'm listening.

"They" say that the world needs more Muscle Marines. I'm inclined to believe them.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

wiegieman posted:

You all seem to be falling into the trap of think that Kevin Simbieda actually uses his own rules.

KS plays D&D 3.5e, like god himself intended.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Robindaybird posted:

This is so loving aggravating when trying to critique work, there's a guy I no longer speak to who justifies all the Near-Rape storylines (and the general way all the female characters become little more than an extension of Kirito) in SAO as 'It's just how the story is, how else would Villain X be seen as a threat?'

The creator is not innocent, if something is in a story, the creator put it there - you can't praise the good parts the creator makes and shift the bad parts as some kind of fundamental truth of the world that the creator has no control over.

Stunning parallels with "of course I killed your dude, that's what my character would do."

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

theironjef posted:

Hey thread, been a while, please do enjoy episode 99(!!) of System Mastery, The Sailor Moon RPG and Reference Book.

Oh good, something to do at work tomorrow!

What's on deck for 100?

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

theironjef posted:

Every 25 episodes is D&D, so it's our 4th Anniversary, 100th episode, and mothafuckin' D&D 3e is on the menu. 3.5 added for seasoning.

I've never been so excited.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

PurpleXVI posted:

pft sputter

I can't believe this is the best quality picture I can find, but this is way better than the 3E books. 3E books just looks like some sort of uninspiring faux-tome, here you've got a fighter smashing a door down with his swoleness so hard it explodes, while an ancient wizard prepares to throw a fireball and a rogue is wondering how much of the loot he can steal under his allies' noses without getting them all killed. It tells you what this show is gonna be all about.

2e will always and only ever be this cover:

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

theironjef posted:

My hope is whoever is hosting that video saw the spike.

Genesis is vastly superior to Disturbed.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
It's a wand. Ask your DM for more information.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

hyphz posted:

For some reason that name made me think of an RPG about characters who are in an anime that was good but has been running for far too long and is now full of filler episodes, becoming aware of that and trying to end their own universe..

Ay caramba!

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Kurieg posted:

"Oh no, somebody staked Vampire Dad. How are we going to wake him up?"
"Don't worry, I've got this." *Adjusts thermostat up one degree*
*Floorboards erupt in a shower of splinters and dirt*

As spell, Cone of Cold.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
Orcs as captains of industry. Savages? No, they've just eschewed traditional magic in favour of iron, steel, and coal.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

It looks like he's ripping a heinous fart.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

theironjef posted:

Best Cthulutech fix: Lovecraft was a huge racist and his stupid monsters are a boring grab bag that's highly overused by everyone. But let's not fix that, let's just shift it a few meters to the side. Let's replace Lovecraft with Walt Disney, and his dumb monsters with furries. And then let's switch the setting from the future to the 1930s. And boom, you're playing Talespin. Way better.

...oh right, the villains are sky pirates and Thembrians.

Would play

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Bieeanshee posted:

I still love that the 3.0 Fighters Book added an entire chain of Toughness feats. I think the last one added a whopping twelve HP.

Per level?

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Subjunctive posted:

Oh, sweetheart.

I, Regdar the Fighter, just want to be loved.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Terratina posted:

XP thresholds in 3.0 is just Level*1000, huh? Makes me wonder why in 5th it's a geometric curve instead.

With fewer books, they really want you to be familiar with the content they have published, rather than outleveling everything and be left wanting more.

slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck
"Apples are the best fruit."
"I don't know about that, green cars are more popular."


slap me and kiss me
Apr 1, 2008

You best protect ya neck

Joe Slowboat posted:

Also because as we all know, predators hate aliens.

You should be ashamed of yourself

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