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Jun 20, 2008

Okay, so beyond the medieval Wicker Man village plagued by a werewolf in the depths of a forest inside the mental ward of a prison spaceship flying through Hell, we pass through Escher's Relativity, and now we've reached David Bowie's castle from the Labyrinth. Okay.

Also it's a Lord of the Flies reference. And most of the "horror" is just that mental health science was loving awful in the 1800s and this spaceship from the future somehow has mental health science treatments from the 1800s.

megane fucked around with this message at 16:24 on Aug 2, 2017


Jun 20, 2008

"Prisoner #9943710 smiles and pats you on the back. Make a FRIENDLINESS check!"

"Oh poo poo -- that puts me at 10 Friendliness!"

"The lights flicker and turn rainbow-colored as glitter pours from the ceiling, coalescing into the form of an enormous Helpful Buddy!"

Jun 20, 2008

FATAL & Friends: When a woman gives birth, she suffers 6d6 Damage.

Jun 20, 2008

I feel like I should keep a tally. Inside our prison spaceship flying through Hell, we've now:

  • Had to play a knife-throwing game in the jungle-themed base of some evil amazon warriors,
  • Campaigned for, and won, a democratic election for leadership of a Mad Max-style scavenger town,
  • Had to defuse a violent confrontation because our admittedly-evil doctor friend wouldn't explain what a sedative is,
  • Saved a medieval forest village from a werewolf, only to have them throw the werewolf in a Wicker Man,
  • Been subjected to various quack psychiatric techniques from the 1800s, such as that guess-the-shape psychic test,
  • Performed impromptu brain surgery on a man whose brain has been altered to match phrenology,
  • Climbed through an Escher painting to get to the Castle of the Goblin King,
  • Experienced a psychic kid's traumatic memories because they contain color-coded keys to a big door,
  • Visited 1930's Shanghai as imagined by a pedophile slash wannabe vampire, where nothing interesting happened,
  • Been thrown into a smaller, holographic, Nazi-themed prison, but avoided execution by talking pleasantly, and
  • Killed a paranoid man in a Hitler suit after he let us into his sound-proof sanctum fully armed.

Did I miss any?

Jun 20, 2008

I mean, you could say "Tzeench is an insane idiot whose actions are completely purposeless and random, but his followers are (wrongly) convinced that there's some secret purpose to it all, which makes them feel smart and special and superior." But that's not what GW does.

Jun 20, 2008

"The demon removes his hood, and it's THE MAJOR!"


"The major! Wait... wait, you haven't seen him before, have you. Uhhh. He's this... I mean, he hasn't... okay, right, you all find yourselves in a flashback!"

Jun 20, 2008

Cover image is some generically spooky men with black hats and weird eyes, overlaid with the Sefirot, some random futhark and hieroglyphs, a DNA diagram, a couple of hydrocarbons, the number 23, and of course the Zener card symbols. Yyyep, got ourselves a 90s urban fantasy book here.

Jun 20, 2008

Numenera is yet another game that just staggers me with its lack of innovation. You're reality-hopping bearers of the secret power underlying all reality, who twist causality itself to your whim and change identities like coats... and just by pure coincidence the archetypes your mystical power can manifest in are exactly The Fighter, The Rogue, and The Wizard, and the primary thing you do in the multiverse is collect Magic Items that let you do things like see in the dark or shoot fireballs.

Jun 20, 2008

Roll a 17-19: the target is dead, but his mother will come after you soon and she's even nastier.

Jun 20, 2008

This makes me think of the Fair Folk from Exalted (2e at least, I dunno how they are in 3e). They go on and on about how they're creatures of chaos and nightmare, shapeless masters of the dreamscape and so on... but they're no more at home in Deep Chaos they they are in the normal world. Their home is the border, and just like mortals exposed to chaos mutate and go crazy, the Fair Folk have been corrupted by normalcy. Exposure to reality has left them with individual identities, motivations that are almost logical if you squint, and even a tendency to stick to a single default form when they aren't showing off how ~unknowable~ they are. It's an interesting dynamic, since for all their bluster about obliterating Creation, they'd be just as dead as everyone else if it actually happened.

Jun 20, 2008

There is a very real problem: if you offer players choices that you intend to be flavorful roleplaying options (e.g. "my mother was a blacksmith"), but then attach benefits to those choices that help some classes/builds more than others (e.g. "+1 to hit with hammers"), then players will either a) pick the choice that gives them the best mechanical benefit, story be damned, or b) be punished for making a cool, distinctive, flavorful choice. You can make a fighter whose family are all sorcerers... but it's objectively better for you if your mother was a smith. Just like every other fighter ever.

The thing is that Paizo saw this problem, and their solution was "well, what if the bonuses are really really small?". That doesn't fix the problem. I'm still pressured to be a smith's kid, the only difference is now I don't even get anything cool for doing so.

Jun 20, 2008

NGDBSS posted:

True. The intent there is to limit how many things you can stack in one place, but the problem there is that such design is fixing symptoms of a problem rather than the root cause. Better to just limit how many drat things provide bonuses in the first place, and make them each meaningful as opposed to piddly +1's and +2's that you're supposed to grab a horde of in your accounting homework.

Well, or just say "things don't stack, period." The problem is they made this system to prevent people from layering a million tiny bonuses on top of each other, but then there are dodge bonuses and insight bonuses and expertise bonuses and sacred bonuses and morale bonuses and profane bonuses and and and and and the end result is... you can layer a million tiny bonuses on top of each other, but also there's a ton of bookkeeping.

Jun 20, 2008

Halloween Jack posted:

My understanding is that when you do a Move, your stat simply determines how many options you get to pick. This is less staid than it may sound, since the relevant "stat" is always in flux based on stuff like how much Blood you have/spend, the quality of the Feeding Ground, if the fellow vamp you're dealing with owes you Debts, and so on.

There's also a lot of potential for drama because, when feeding, most options are defined in the negative. The victim doesn't scream and attract attention, they don't remember what happened, other vampires don't notice and interfere...

The other mechanics replacing dice are Debt, which are tokens you can spend to influence people (just like strings in MH) and Status, where whenever vampires interact socially, you figure out which of you is higher on the social ladder and that one will just win any argument outright... unless shenanigans take place. So as a player you have to make shenanigans happen in order to stand up to your social betters.

Jun 20, 2008

Really enjoying the review of NewL5R. Thus far it looks a lot better than previous editions, in my humble opinion. Shuji in particular sound great, and I like that some kata and kiho interact with social attacks, so maybe your fightman won't be reduced to a piece of furniture as soon as people start talking.

Shame they still couldn't resist making a billion dumb magic spells that do literally everything, though.

Jun 20, 2008

Mankind spread across the stars, and when there were no more stars to claim, we set our will against the boundaries of reality and identity. But though we cast off our bodies, shaped the fabric of galaxies to suit our whim, became something our old selves wouldn't even have comprehended, one truth remained, a pattern etched into our souls that a billion years of progress and evolution could not expunge: casters rule, and fighters drool.

megane fucked around with this message at 16:40 on Oct 17, 2017

Jun 20, 2008

You should keep a running total of how many cards are just "you encounter [NUMBER] hostile [MONSTER]s in a [TERRAIN TYPE]." That batch was, what, like 5/6?

Jun 20, 2008

I will never be able to play Starfinder because as soon as anyone mentions the Gap I will hear "(not the store)" after it and be unable to keep a straight face. Thanks a lot, ARB.

Jun 20, 2008

hyphz posted:

the Panic Station problem

Haven't heard of this one. I looked it up and it's some Mafia-esque thing about zombies, but what's the problem you're referring to? By context, I assume you can lose and then be expected to keep playing despite having no actual reason to do so or goals to accomplish; am I close?

Jun 20, 2008

Dallbun posted:

The Deck of Encounters Set One Part 13: The Deck of Small Children, Skeletons, and Spiders


The room with four skeletons makes it sound like the dungeon architect was given very specific instructions; off the second floor bathroom is the Room With Four Skeletons In It, and it'd better be exactly the right size, mister.

Jun 20, 2008

Golconda is actually a sandwich.

Jun 20, 2008

I think Undying does it better. When two vampires meet (whether they know each other or not) their immediate instinct is to figure out which of them is higher on the pecking order. So instead of going nuts and running away, instead you just realize instinctively that this guy is bigger, faster, and cooler than you, and could probably feed you your own shoes if he wanted to, which he very well might. Now, what do you say to him?

Jun 20, 2008

It bothered me, so let me point out that in real life an omikoshi is a portable shrine carried around during Japanese festivals, usually by a sizeable team of people (who shout "wasshoi" to keep time).

Why was this word used to refer to some sort of virtual reality simulation of a different virtual reality? Uhh, well, you see,

e: maybe the Sanhedrin know

Jun 20, 2008

I imagine there's a sizeable helping of not really understanding how probability works thrown in there, too. A lot of them seem to think that having convoluted dice rules will somehow make the results more unpredictable or more dramatic or more "natural" in some way, when in fact from a mathematical standpoint it's usually exactly the opposite.

Jun 20, 2008

Summoning is a huge mechanic that wrecks game balance completely unless heavily restricted and tuned with utmost care, and even then increases the complexity and cognitive load of combat by massive degrees. So naturally we have to give every spellcaster the ability to summon pretty much anything they can dream of, including other spellcasters, whenever they want to, for no cost, as a minor afterthought.

Does getting hit while casting even cause you to lose the spell in Starfiler, or is even the chapter quote a lie?

megane fucked around with this message at 17:57 on Nov 13, 2017

Jun 20, 2008

Fail Early Fail Often Ghost is cool; "he's got a ton of treasure, so, uh, I guess just make up some way to screw the PCs out of it later" is not.

Jun 20, 2008

That's pretty much their design spec, though. Take an existing D&D monster, glue some sci-fi bits onto it at random, job's done.

Hence we've got ancient w- TECH wizards, who use dark, uh, technology... to become immortal by storing their souls in a phyl- I mean, an... electro... tangram... circuit. Yeah.

Jun 20, 2008

Bieeardo posted:

Christmas came early.

WRONG, you're just holding Christmas at the incorrect time and here are some scrolls to prove it :colbert:

Jun 20, 2008

Kurieg posted:

Jesus poo poo it was a geocities page.
my eyes

This site is the visual equivalent of a 13-year-old screaming Linkin Park lyrics in your ear.

Jun 20, 2008

What a bizarre choice to have this interesting setup and then just go "...but instead it just attacks somebody at random, lol." It's a golem! Golems are tailor-made for "servant takes instructions too literally" plots. How about: the wine-merchant gives it this order, but it turns out that he himself is unknowingly a descendant of the ancient rival. Guess a Hatfield and a McCoy managed to patch things up for a while at some point. So now he has his own golem constantly trying to kill him, but he doesn't want to explain what's going on or ask for help because it implicates him in attempted murder. If the PCs read his mind or whatever they'll learn that he's pissed at the priest for giving him a defective golem, since he legitimately doesn't know why it's after him.

megane fucked around with this message at 19:01 on Dec 22, 2017

Jun 20, 2008

The Legion are great and basically put all other orc types to shame. Bunch of soldiers walking down the street and stopping to salute an interior decorator. You da real hero :911:

Jun 20, 2008

There should be a lengthy German word for the kind of rule or sidebar that was obviously added as a direct result of a heated argument with the GM. For instance: "a swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 50 points of damage to the tarrasque’s digestive tract (AC 25). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out." No, Frank, you can't just follow Brian out. Because... because of muscular action. Muscular... no, see, muscular action closed the hole, uh, and now... Well I mean it was open just long enough for Brian to, to squeeze out, and... No, you need to cut your way out yourself. No, you don't get to count the damage Sarah's doing from the outside. Because I said so, that's why!

Jun 20, 2008

PurpleXVI posted:

I love the POLLING GOD, that seems like the sort of bizarre encounter that would absolutely fit into a high-magic D&D setting.


Jun 20, 2008

Precambrian posted:

I just need to ask: how the hell does a black book agency that deals with the entire supernatural and extraterrestrial database of the US Government have part-time employees? Do they work 20 hours here and also pick up some shifts bartending on the side, or are these semi-retirees or something? You'd think the guys sworn to the utmost secrecy would be compensated with full-time employment at the very least.

just got done wrestlin this acid spittng wraith from hell, got cursed, seeein these wierd eyes all over the place now. gotta be at my shift at chipotle in 20 #milleniallife

Jun 20, 2008

Kavak posted:

It's still a piece of cloth headwear. Would it be any better if it was the Whispering Beret or Whispering Turban?
cast yourself into the mind-rending abyss of bespoke haberdashery

Jun 20, 2008

Quake with terror, for your beloved friend has risen from the grave as a Fez Zombie and now he has come fwhy are you laughing, stop laughing.

Jun 20, 2008

Whoa, yeah, man, what the world really needed was a book written by an aging white guy about how women minorities young people uncool losers have taken over this thing, and we need to go back to how it was in the Eighties, when white guys like him awesome badasses were in charge. What a fresh and vital perspective.

Jun 20, 2008

Cassa posted:

Sooooo I'm always slightly at a loss as to just whom these sourcebooks are for, so what's this latest coalition war books purpose?

"We really felt like the 90,000,000 pages of stupid details we've printed about the Coalition and their endless nigh-identical skull-covered vehicles and the eyerollingly over-the-top scifi fascist poo poo they do and how its actually totally justified and they're just antiheroes you guys just weren't enough yet. What game?"

Jun 20, 2008

Just because RPG writers like making up excuses for sexism doesn't mean they won't have sexism without one.

Jun 20, 2008

It's almost impressive how utterly lacking in design consistency those guns are. They all look like they were made up by someone who's only had guns described to them second-hand, but no two of them look like that in the same way.

I guess that means they're "hand-crafted" right

megane fucked around with this message at 17:01 on Mar 4, 2018


Jun 20, 2008

Ah, good, they remembered to include the "you can play a female X, because we're progressive and fun! ...but obviously only men could REALLY be one, haha, so here's a page of reasons you should feel strange and unaccepted and expect the GM to have NPCs disrespect you if you do so," sidebar, as required by federal law.

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