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Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
I wonder what happens when inklesspen tries to scrape it.


Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

Evil Mastermind posted:

I think you're thinking of the Gamma World game that was based off 4e. I don't ever remember a swarm race in core 4e.

Shardmind were swarms!

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
He posts in the thread occasionally asking for some help, you could help if you want. Just PM him.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

Young Freud posted:

Does that mean podcast potbellied pig?

I live in San Deigo, I better get to pet that thing once.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
There is one true way to play D&D. It's the rulebook of whatever edition you're playing. The issue is the systems have all been busted to the point where that is almost impossible/ unplayable. So you end up with the weird mashups people create. (Except maybe 4th)

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

Barudak posted:

Now Im just imaging a game where magic is painfully detailed and consistent and subject to multiple checks just for weak effects while physical activities like "jump" have no checks, the mechanism at work seems totally lost on the author, and it outclass all the magical options many times over.


Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
D20prestige classes: why would anyone ever play this.

Minus the weird divine caster, that one was okay.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
Most awareness I've heard of the Roma in America comes from Gogol Bordello.

Which the guy is an outspoken activist about such things so that's good.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

wiegieman posted:

I am pretty Into Glorantha, so I only have a couple problems with Heroquest: the fact that Hero Points are both a thing you spend to be more awesome and your XP, which you should never ever do because it flicks the hoarder switch,
This is always an easy homerule fix though- they become xp when spent.

No idea why the writers never come up with that one.

Carados fucked around with this message at 18:28 on Oct 17, 2017

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
Wait is Eden or Earth the dark world?

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

The Lemondrop Dandy posted:

TLE's rules are (1) barely a first draft in doneness, and (2) clearly unplaytested.

Uniquely the setting gives you an in-universe way to go and play a better game.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
Make the Dragon a gnome

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
So far starfinger is not hitting one interesting monster per letter, a good goal.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

Night10194 posted:

I suggest hypercapitalist libertarian space parrots, in bubble helmets.
Please don't make them Jimmy Buffet stereotypes.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
As someone who lived in Blue Lake, California for years, Black Lake is pretty weird.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
New format is good, especially for boring books like this.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
I'd read a book set in Degenesis but reading a world book with no answers seems like the worst way to take in this setting.

Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.
D&D has bees that are also apes, so who knows what that means


Jan 27, 2009

We're a couple, when our bodies double.

Xiahou Dun posted:

Anyway, this has been me just having some fun with the implied math of a silly fantasy setting for funsies.

Thanks again, Mors! Loving the write up!
They're modrons.

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