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May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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Bieeardo posted:

I don't know about newer editions, but when grenades came out in the 1E Street Samurai Catalog they had a rule where the concussion wave would do damage on the way out based on distance from the explosion. If it hit solid scenery, it would bounce back and do commensurately less damage on the way back in, and so on and so forth, like an old-school lightning bolt that lost energy on each rebound.

The 2E Catalog was almost identical to its predecessor, with the only differences being revised damage codes, and the word 'BANNED' superimposed over the grenade entry.
Those are still the 5E rules. 5e rules explicitly say the floor counts as a barrier for those rules and grenades now require a static number of hits by the attacker to guarantee they land exactly where the attacker wants, no dodge allowed, so grenades are unbelievably lethal now.


May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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rumble in the bunghole posted:

I have no idea what the appeal of shadowrun is. The setting is a mess of stuff that doesn't work together and everyone hates the system. Is cyberpunk 2020 that bad?
Shadowrun 4e is a great system. The setting is reasonably consistent within an edition, you just need to remember that it has changed a lot from edition to edition. In earlier editions you were expected to be The Good Guys fighting The Man who was trying to pollute the world, bulldoze the community center, etc. Starting in 3rd there was very much a swing towards PCs being mercenaries.

Kavak posted:

What did Chastity and Abstinence give you?
Chastity gave a +4 perfection bonus on Will saving throws against charm and phantasm spells and effects, Abstinence gave a +4 perfection bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poisons and drugs (as long as you are subjected to a drug unwillingly).

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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LordAbaddon posted:

So what changed between 4e and 5e that was so different? From my untrained eye all I saw was some minor mechanics updates, but I can't really parse the difference between either edition's mountain of rules or spot any significant fluff changes.
5e is a collection of random changes without any rhyme or reason except they tend to be changes that make grogs happy and settle pet scores of developers. For example, one long-running gun nut complaint about Shadowrun is that it refers to gun magazines as exclusively as 'clips'. In the 5E lexicon, it defines clip as meaning "a box magazine for a firearm" just to shut up gun nuts.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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Nessus posted:

So do they get fusion power or solar satellites or something in Shadowrun or are they just casting mighty magicks to stave off global climate change and/or Manbearpig?

Really you could probably use magic spells to generate electricity.
Shadowrun has functional fusion power (including fusion spaceships that can reach the base on Mars in a matter of days), geothermal boreholes, and offshore tidal farms.

Shadowrun has also had multiple plagues that wiped out huge chunks of the world population. It's not discussed much in polite company, but genocide is the best solution to global warming.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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thatbastardken posted:

no offense but given your custom title i'm not going to take your advice re: genocide without a pinch of salt
I got it for defending the DAPL which is literally the same as defending geocide.

The Native American genocide is the canonical example of the effect of genocide on global warming. It (along with the Black Plagues) was probably a significant factor in the Little Ice Age.

Desiden posted:

In Shadowrun's case, its more omnicide I think. I remember ahead of a game I ran some really crude population growth numbers based on what the books had said the death rate was for the various plagues. IIRC, even assuming a repopulation boom that made the post WW2 birth rate look tiny, the world was still only creeping back to its pre-plague numbers by 2050.
I'm pretty sure that was on purpose. That is, the point of the VITAS plagues was so that the answer to "How many people live in Bangalore?" was the same as it is today.

Gobbeldygook fucked around with this message at 12:18 on Feb 16, 2017

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

Put this racist on ignore immediately!

Doresh posted:

I'm kinda weirded out that "People got so hooked on D&D that we are now doing careful babysteps to get them away from that stuff" is a thing.
They have to carefully ease the poor, stupid peasants into S.M.U.G.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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Doresh posted:

There's not too many reasons to use coal if you have wizards who can generate lightning and fire out of nothing - or even better, summon elementals who are made out of that stuff.

Or do what I'd do for fantasy mecha: Create a big enough golem with a cockpit and lots of wand batteries for the Magic Missile Massacre.
A dude throwing a few fireballs per day does not enable an industrial revolution. If your fantasy world allows wizards to summon/bind elementals/spirits/etc in sufficient amounts to enable an industrial revolution, you also have to explain how/why PCs can't replace the party fighter with a half-dozen earth elementals.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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Berkshire Hunts posted:

What's the consensus on Arcana Unearthed/Evolved? I remember really liking the ideas when I read it but then I played an ice witch in a game & it was dead boring.
It's a 3e heartbreaker with all that entails. It's not perfect but if you forced me to choose between it and stock 3e I'd take AU/AE every time. In general the balance was better than 3e; mundanes were mostly powered up and spellcasters were brought down a peg. Witches were pretty bad.

A problem that came up in my game was that giants rode Huge mounts which were were CR 5 or 8 or something. So my Huge mount was a better fighter than any of the mundane characters in the group.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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Night10194 posted:

Also, stuff generally had less HP so pure damage was actually useful. I've heard a story before that so much of the insanely broken balancing of 3e came because the original playtesters played it like 2e, where stuns and disables were useful but risky (since they only had like a 25-40% chance of working on a good fighter) and artillery was the wizard's main role, and so they kinda missed it completely that stuns and disables were now the most powerful weapon in the entire game.
This is correct. For example, a troll in 2e had 30 hp, a troll in 3e has 66, and fireball does the same amount of damage in both editions. It would take a level 5 3e wizard four fireballs for kill a CR 5 troll, or he could cast Deep Slumber and the troll would roll his +3 will save vs the DC 17 spell or lose the combat.

This is also part of why they thought the sorcerer was fine. Their wizards just prepped a bunch of damage spells and wandered around dungeons casting fireballs and poo poo.

May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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LatwPIAT posted:

I think it's fair to criticize the World of Darkness games for perpetuating an outdated view of mental disorders. Even Call of Cthulhu justly does not escape criticism concerning how it portrays the mentally ill, despite having a more true-to-life model.

That said, I think the main flaw of Humanity/Morality is not that it says that committing evil acts drives people insane, but rather that it - like Call of Cthulhu - gives players a smorgasbord of mental illnesses ripped from the pages of the DSM-IV to choose from. I think if viewed in the context of primarily causing psychological traumas (like PTSD, anxiety, nightmares, depression, etc.) it would be a fairly decent mechanism for saying that you might end up traumatized by guilt from the horrible actions you commit.
First, psychological responses to trauma are largely socially constructed. WW1 vets suffering from shell shock experienced a radically different set of symptoms from an Iraq vet with PTSD victim even though the underlying cause is the same. Second, the onset of psychotic disorders like schizophrenia can be triggered by stress. It seems ridiculous that you can suddenly develop schizophrenia after doing some random awful thing and then spend the rest of your life medicated but it really does happen.


May 13, 2009
Hates Native American people and tries to justify their genocides.

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Count Chocula posted:

The Purified sound like a class for NPC mentors - your Ancient Ones or Obi Wan Kenobis. They sound less dynamic to play than the other Immortals.
The Purified are the best version of immortality in the WOD. You get eternal life, eternal youth, can come back even after being killed, don't have any enemies, don't need to do anything to maintain your immortality, don't need to be born to any bloodline to get it, and have some supernatural parlor tricks. So they're a great goal, great npc, and a pretty subpar PC.

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