What would a session of playing beast look like? Does the book give some adventure seeds in the back?
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# ¿ Feb 12, 2025 10:24 |
Attempting to remove a bane is a move action? Do you try to literally shake it off?
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Doresh posted:I mean, if you can't just walk this off like it's nothing, I don't think you can call yourself a hero at all. There's something really endearing about this. I kindof want to integrate it into my DnD game. Under the effects of Bestow Curse? Take a lap around the battlefield (with any attacks of opportunity) and it goes away.
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(Deleting. Missed the point.)
lifg fucked around with this message at 05:13 on Feb 6, 2017 |
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Hostile V posted:Full disclosure: I had to rework the format of the book a bit from its original implementation for what I thought would be a thematically better F&F. The book also makes it pretty obvious that the point of the Farm is for you to be killed and eaten on more than one occasion and that was just me drawing out revealing it. It sounds like Kobayashi Maru in RPG form.
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Davin Valkri posted:Honestly, up until the bit where it said "the Headmasters eat the Residents", I thought the intended vibe was The Prisoner, but I admit I'm really dense when it comes to metaphors. "You were the real DM all along!"
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In Nomine Ethereal Players Guide is, kinda, about the dreamscape. http://projects.inklesspen.com/fatal-and-friends/mors-rattus/in-nomine-ethereal-players-guide/
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What is a wild Mask?
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I liken superpowers (and magic) to technology. Many technological and scientific advances have modified warfare, and the people who learned those lessons first will win. At least initially, until the best ideas are copied. Though some superpowers would be more like the invention of the nuclear weapon than the invention of gunpowder.
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megane posted:"Attempting to make the game rules reflect real-world physics, or at least the designer's warped idea of what real-world physics are, especially in pedantic and ineffectual ways." People can misapply it but that doesn't make it unclear. Under that definition, I don't think *any* game tries to be simulationist, except for historical war games, and probably Diplomacy. Even DnD has always prioritized emulating a certain type of storytelling over anything resembling realism. (Although what type of storytelling has changed with almost every edition.)
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marshmallow creep posted:Make a game that has two giant custom peg boards like the one used in Battleship, a screen that completely encloses the DM and duplicates of literally every monster and player piece. Each five foot square is its own peg hole, and each medium or small sized character is a peg, with larger monsters taking up more pegs. Every turn the characters declare their move, and move their pegs to different squares--"I take a ten foot step to square Lamda-99." The DM will then move all relevant monster pieces and declare when they are visible to the players, who will then place their own copy of the monster piece on the board. That's a legitimate Kickstarter right there.
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Halloween Jack posted:Idunno if you're serious of not, but "HP = Meat Points???" is the silliest D&D argument to have, because Gygax said "Of course not" right in the AD&D1e DMG. On one hand, of course not. On the other hand, everyone describes a successful attack as hitting, and uses words like damage, scratches, and bleeding all the time. Saying, "you feel his ability to dodge a final, fatal blow decreasing," just doesn't have the same panache.
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I just played a game of Protocol, and it's a lot like this, conceptually, except with fewer rules and no dice or stats. It's basically just storytelling with some playing cards for randomness and tokens to "break the rules." It was a blast.
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Cease to Hope posted:Fighters and rogues are original 13th Age creations, insofar as any retread of those two hoary D&D standbys can be original. Rather than using a basic attack and stacking bonuses on it, as barbarians and rangers do, or having a set schedule for powers chosen from a list, as spellcasters, their powers are situational. They can only be used when the conditions are right. This is a really nice and succinct way to describe how different classes are built.
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unzealous posted:If anyone has any suggestions of a (preferably fairly short) play they’d like to see written up and made ready for play let me know and I’ll do my best to get it to a place where you could run a game with it. Waiting for Godot.
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Midjack posted:I love how Dragonmech does the same thing Marvel Role Playing did where they give you a bunch of adjectives that all mean the same thing and make you remember if Gargantuan is bigger than Colossal when comparing two mecha. Yeah but Marvel RPG put that giant table of adjectives and colors on the player-facing side of the DM's screen. It was the simplest thing in the world to play.
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# ¿ Feb 12, 2025 10:24 |
Council of Wyrms is one of those settings that everyone bought and no one played. If anyone has an actual trip report I would love to hear it.
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