So I managed to find a weird unfinished RPG called New Horizon while participating in a video for the Fangames thread over at LP. Long story short, the mechanical basis has some interesting combat but lacks any comprehensive non-combat mechanics beyond rolling for some gradation of success/failure. But the setting? Hoo boy. The creators originally wanted to make some fangame spinoff based on the Mega Man Zero series and market it to Capcom. (Hence the video I mentioned.) For obvious reasons this didn't pan out so well...and thus they decided to make a foray into TRPGs instead. (They still kept the MMZ styling and mixed it up with some JRPG fare.) And I have no real clue as to why. For now, I'll leave the thread with some art from this heartbreaker.
# ¿ Feb 17, 2016 02:33 |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2024 08:50 |
Ratoslov posted:I have absolutely no idea what's going on in this picture. Were Bikini Robot Lady and Slobbering Brokenhearted Giant Poor Anatomy Guy playing cards, and she suddenly turned towards the camera to pose? What does the quote mean, given that there are a total of zero humans in the artwork? I am totally confused. Evil Mastermind posted:I like that their "innovative system" is just "roll 2d20, take the lowest versus a DC" NGDBSS fucked around with this message at 02:56 on Feb 17, 2016 |
# ¿ Feb 17, 2016 02:47 |
Humbug Scoolbus posted:Warmains, Unfettered, and Ritual Warriors are pretty buff non-spellcasters in Arcana Evolved.
# ¿ Mar 4, 2016 19:17 |
Lynx Winters posted:The one instance of giving the GM XP I've seen that makes sense is in Double Cross, where XP is given to players rather than characters because losing a character is basically inevitable. New characters get however much extra XP the player has, so replacement characters are just as powerful as the character that just died or went crazy. The GM also gets XP so they can keep up if someone else takes over as GM. It''s really just codifying what most groups do anyway, but it's good to see it spelled out. Descent (both 1E and 2E) also has GM XP in the campaign modes, but in that case it's designed as part of a tug of war between the PCs and their adversarial GM as part of a board game (instead of a relatively freeform TRPG).
# ¿ Mar 8, 2016 19:42 |
ProfessorProf posted:I've tried to homebrew a system that captures the FF game feel a few times, and what I've realized is that there's two immediate problems that needs to be overcome:
# ¿ Mar 18, 2016 17:01 |
Beyond a few merits that look new, is there much difference mechanically between nWoD plus the God-Machine Chronicle/Demon rules updates versus Chronicles of Darkness as a stand-alone book? Or was CoD intended rules-wise to be a compilation of the newly published rules changes into a single stand-alone text?
# ¿ May 5, 2016 21:03 |
ProfessorProf posted:What did M20 do differently here? LatwPIAT posted:This means that women gravitate towards this Tradition, because when your Tradition is determined by your strongly held personal beliefs about how the world and magick works, how women-friendly they are heavily factors into this. And, of course, this gem: LatwPIAT posted:And then we get my un-favourite sidebar: LatwPIAT posted:
# ¿ May 6, 2016 17:41 |
Flavivirus posted:Man, I really thought it was a lot more ambiguous than that. My apologies for arguing about that earlier - I guess my brain must have edited the memories of the game into something a lot more palatable. GMing Character Creation, pages 28-29 posted:3. How much supernatural effectiveness are we building into our characters? Don’t judge whether it’s too much or too little— you’re to keep an open mind and follow our lead. The supernatural in the game will be somewhere on a continuum. At this end, barely any, where the demons are really just bad luck and the pressures a town has to struggle with to survive, and the ceremonies of the Faith only reassure the Faithful and remind them of their commitments to one another. At the other end, lots and lots, with the Dogs as powerful exorcist-gunslingers battling demons, sorcerers and ghosts, where calling a person by name can restore him to life and bullets slide off a Dog’s coat, striking sparks. Look at the Traits we give our characters, and you’ll begin to see where on that continuum this particular game will fall. That said, the religious doctrines are very much something I won't be an apologist for except to note that to a certain degree they're supposed to drive conflict. In what manner they should drive conflict is something you can take them to task about, but they aren't there for no reason.
# ¿ May 16, 2016 21:36 |
Kurieg posted:
# ¿ May 31, 2016 04:43 |
Kurieg posted:I can't hear any hiss on my end when I turn up the volume, it was probably because you were playing it through a tape adapter combined with the fact that most tablets limit the amount of volume they themselves output through the headphone jack so that it won't blow people's ears out. That said, I checked several other episodes on your site and it sounds as if #72 is an outlier; the rest are at a more standard volume. Perhaps you guys had the gain turned down on this particular episode or something?
# ¿ May 31, 2016 06:51 |
NutritiousSnack posted:What ratings is it getting on DriveThruRPG
# ¿ Jun 4, 2016 04:56 |
Bieeardo posted:I've never understood that. RIFTS lends itself to stacking stupid poo poo from the word 'go' (hi, physical skills) and building on that only seems logical. Anyway, from what I recall the other writers like CJ realized that most people played instead in groups of 3 to 6 and actually used the written rules (for the most part), so in order to deal with the Souped-Up Monster of the Week the PCs had to be at a similar power level.
# ¿ Jun 9, 2016 03:17 |
wdarkk posted:I'm starting to feel that if a Demon could eliminate all competition and gain enough power, they could become a new God Machine. Mors Rattus posted:...If you have a Cover, you can burn it to Go Loud. No roll needed - you just destroy the Cover permanently and reflexively. Your Cover drops to 0 instantly, and you assume demonic form. For the rest of the scene, you are Primum 10. Your Aether pool instantly fills to your new cap. You have access to every Embed your Incarnation has an affinity for, and every Exploit. Once the scene ends, you drop back to normal stats and lose access to any powers you don't normally have. Unless you have another Cover, you become one of the Burned. And, last, you get the Hunted condition.
# ¿ Jun 21, 2016 18:17 |
potatocubed posted:When a Demon forms a pact with a mortal, do they have to provide the promised odds and ends themselves, or do the various Merits just... 'appear' out of nowhere?
# ¿ Jun 24, 2016 18:06 |
The book does mention that you can choose to save up Cover Experiences for such an occasion, and in addition if need be you can always spoof a Merit you don't have but which is in-character for your Cover by using Legend. You just don't get your Cover's Merits by default for game balance resources.
# ¿ Jun 25, 2016 01:26 |
That Old Tree posted:Don't forget also that part of the Golden Path is to make women the militaristic, "dominant" gender for 3,000 years, to "balance out" humanity and make us True Gender Neutral. The following books then descend into outright sex magic that is female-only until, once again, a male counterpart arrives to save us all.
# ¿ Jul 9, 2016 02:58 |
# ¿ Jul 20, 2016 03:25 |
It even appeared in one of the FATAL & Friends threads, so...well, have a read.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2016 07:15 |
Night10194 posted:The other problem with it came early, and that's the Man Portable Lascannon. I am firmly of the belief that this is where poo poo Started To Go Wrong. The weapon is in there kind of like a joke, since in the TT it's often used to snipe special characters since it does double their toughness in Strength and thus insta-kills them. So they gave it 5d10+10 Pen10 Damage, making it blow through any personal armor and one-shot almost anything in the original book (which was generally much lower powered). The problem is, the designers then got it into their head that that meant that's what a heavy or powerful weapon looks like and soon we're up to our eyeballs in 4d10+5 Pen8 Autocannons (the original Autocannon was batshit insane) and rifles that do 2d10+6 Pen8 or whatever when the average PC has Armor 4, Toughness 3, and HP 10 with more HP being ridiculously expensive AND ONLY GETTING MORE EXPENSIVE with each new book, while still only giving you a single HP per advance bought. It is impossible to tank most of the weaponry in 40kRP past the original scale they intended, where people would be in flak and wielding lasguns fighting mostly human cultists. And hilariously they've only made it worse every new game, making the only way to survive to dodge-tank as hard as possible or pray the DM remembers to put hard cover everywhere. My group still plays 40K RPGs, but I totally understand not wanting to get into them as someone new to things. Why do we do it?
# ¿ Aug 3, 2016 18:38 |
Night10194 posted:I do not think there has ever been a good subsystem in a 40kRPG. It's to the point that I think a trademark of FFG's 40k design is 'This sounds interesting and exciting in the elevator pitch but then has no depth and doesn't do anything and will either become a chore, a millstone (because we baked it into every level of the rules) or get dropped.' See: Comrades, Gear Assignment and Random Mission Gear, Starships, Endeavors, Kill-Marks, Squad/Solo Mode, Subtlety, and basically every other thing like that. I think only the Infamy-Corruption track in BC really worked. That said, my group uses Mathhammer for starships (to make macrobattery salvos less modal, among other things) and a retooled experience chart for aptitudes (to not require specialization so hard). We're not running on zero houserules here.
# ¿ Aug 3, 2016 19:37 |
Halloween Jack posted:
# ¿ Aug 9, 2016 18:06 |
Mors Rattus posted:So, how well did the Japanese market take Legend of the Five Rings, anyway
# ¿ Aug 21, 2016 04:02 |
Traveller posted:"[...]and any High or Bugei skill." So yeah, a Battle Maiden could take Horse Archery and use it with her Rank 1.
# ¿ Aug 22, 2016 02:42 |
BinaryDoubts posted:Doing Things
# ¿ Aug 22, 2016 22:59 |
The data I put together does actually take the exploding dice into account, though after taking a look at things I found that I made a small programming error with some of the Attribute 0 stuff. Apparently your chances of hitting Difficulty 9 with Attribute 0 are ~3.25%? How high can advantage/disadvantage go? Even introducing just one point in either direction allows for a considerable amount of complexity when we're going from a two-variable problem (Attribute + Difficulty) to a three-variable problem (+ Dis/Advantage), and that's not counting the fact that the third variable involves the weirdness of order statistics.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2016 03:41 |
Doresh posted:Oh boy. Will this be better or worse than Prime Directive with its "Punish players by forcing them to pick a dictionary and read all entries from a random letter of the alphabet"?.
# ¿ Sep 10, 2016 12:21 |
MonsieurChoc posted:Sounds like that should have been the fiction anthology's theme: Beasts arrogantly meeting other supernaturals and learning painfully the error of their ways.
# ¿ Sep 23, 2016 04:46 |
Lynx Winters posted:Rank 5 powers in Reckoning were also mathematically impossible to get, and required GM fiat (and a derangement, I think?) to get something kind of cool.
# ¿ Dec 20, 2016 05:41 |
PurpleXVI posted:Wasn't Taffy 3 when miscommunication and general bad decisions by the US Navy lead to a pretty outmatched force facing the Japanese, and then managing to punch remarkably above their weight? In part because they didn't turn and run when they knew they were screwed, but instead started punching and kicking with everything they had, landing blows that made the Japanese think they were in for way more of a fight than they actually were? Edit: Nah, let's separate that into another post. NGDBSS fucked around with this message at 06:50 on Jan 26, 2017 |
# ¿ Jan 26, 2017 06:33 |
Night10194 posted:Escort Carrier took out a heavy cruiser with a 5 inch deck gun that hit the Chokai's torpedoes.
# ¿ Jan 26, 2017 06:51 |
So far this looks like another example of the fine Pathfinder tradition of spending zero effort playtesting their new subsystems. At least it's not so immediately insufferable as the abject nonsense that was Sacred Geometry.
# ¿ May 10, 2017 05:37 |
So how did no one working on DragonMech have any self-awareness when designing the Unborg? From what I can see it's almost entirely the druid class, except awful because your rate of acquiring druid powers is severely gimped.
# ¿ May 13, 2017 17:35 |
What were the issues with The Crystal Star, in short? I last read it and a number of other Star Wars novels almost two decades ago, and my sense of literary taste was considerably less developed then as a middle schooler. (The last time I paid serious attention to the EU was when the Hand of Thrawn novels came out, and even then there was just too much to keep up with.) At this point I only have a few pieces remaining - the Rogue Squadron set, mostly for Wraith Squadron, and NGDBSS fucked around with this message at 16:13 on Jun 14, 2017 |
# ¿ Jun 14, 2017 16:09 |
RocknRollaAyatollah posted:It's the one with Callista, the self-insert Mary Sue character that has a romantic fling with Luke Skywalker.
# ¿ Jun 14, 2017 17:34 |
Robindaybird posted:Yeah, I'm a bit surprised given how the Brotherhood of Islam had a huge influence in African American culture and politics, and that several north african countries are predominantly or heavily islamic - you think they'd get a decent write up. So as Fossilized Rappy said way earlier, the book is very 90's. ... *Which isn't to say that Islamic anti-Semitism doesn't exist beyond the lens of the Israel/Palestine conflict, but that's more a problem with fanatical shits being fanatical shits regardless of creed.
# ¿ Jul 2, 2017 04:26 |
theironjef posted:Hey thread, been a while, please do enjoy episode 99(!!) of System Mastery, The Sailor Moon RPG and Reference Book.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2017 03:24 |
Nessus posted:I have a friend who made a convention one-shot of "KILL SAILOR MOON," in which you had various Negaverse types attempting to - well - Kill Sailor Moon. The problem is that this is nigh impossible, rules as written, so nobody MANAGED it, but they had fun trying.
# ¿ Jul 19, 2017 04:36 |
Night10194 posted:I can't see how it wouldn't be. Wasn't it the original 'This will sound useful to a new player but sucks on purpose' feat?
# ¿ Oct 4, 2017 22:39 |
True. The intent there is to limit how many things you can stack in one place, but the problem there is that such design is fixing symptoms of a problem rather than the root cause. Better to just limit how many drat things provide bonuses in the first place, and make them each meaningful as opposed to piddly +1's and +2's that you're supposed to grab a horde of in your accounting homework.
# ¿ Oct 4, 2017 22:51 |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2024 08:50 |
On the topic of "intended" play vs. what the rules actually encourage in Pathfinder, or more generally in D&D and its clones, I've taken to calling that whole business of dungeon crawling and risk/rewards-adventuring as "playing fantasy actuaries". After all, Gygax himself used to work as an insurance underwriter before cofounding TSR. So why then haven't we seen any games in which the group plays as literal fantasy actuaries?
# ¿ Oct 17, 2017 05:34 |