Put me down for wanting a game based on tokusatsu and the magical girl genre. I've even been pondering a mechanic for the characters transformations and how their powered forms work.
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# ¿ Feb 16, 2025 22:27 |
Count Chocula posted:This is so cool - it's psychogeoraphy, the Situationist derive, that Hellblazer spinoff about Chas where The Knowledge is a magic spell. And it's all real magical practice. I'd just call it anything other than 'runewalking'. It also reminds me of an episode of Urusei Yatsura where Ataru accidentally summons a demon because the route for his morning jog matches the demon's personal sigil.
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Kavak posted:Aha! You're the one behind all the Lum avatars! Actually, I made this one myself.
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That Old Tree posted:I mean, maybe years ago it would've been nice to come up with a word or words for better examining things as "accidentally gay-bashing/racist/misogynistic", but I think it's pretty firmly established now that "homophobic" or "racist" are everyone's go-to regardless of context. We liberal commie SJW scum have allowed ourselves to be mired on this particular battlefield where assholes whine "I'm not literally afraid of gays/I don't literally hate women, therefore no u." I'd say that there isn't going to be a way to protect this kind of language from being co-opted by jerks, without screwing with language itself.
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The Links would probably be better off in an Aysle-dominant space than Living Land. Because then at least you've got magic stuff you can use.
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Regarding Rifts Japan, I'm wondering if it could be much easier to nix the idea of splitting the country into seperate nations? Like have the Imperial family and the Shinto and Buddhist groups under a traditionalist umbrella, while the corporations and scientific interests take a more futurist side, and the government are caught trying to work between them? I know that a lot of RPGs of this type had a thing for Balkanization, but I just like this idea more.
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DalaranJ posted:Good discussion. Now I want a Tenchi Mayo rpg about strip mall karate gyms that are secretly ancient masters. Aside from TFOS mentioned above, I wonder if FAE could be useful for such a game... Covok posted:X-post from pick-up games thread: And I'm probably gonna be staying awake all night for this.
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Asimo posted:Huh, I'm realizing I guess I stopped grabbing RIFTS books around the time New West came out since I remember literally nothing about it. I mean I know I have some that came out later like Psyscape, but I guess I stopped caring and grabbed a few random ones or something. I think that may explain how Machine Robo: Revenge of Chronos got licensed and put out on DVD. I do remember Neil Nadelman on Anime World Order saying that show was "licensed by accident", so...
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That whole post on tabletop roleplaying and morality makes me think about the oWoD people who are pro-Technocracy or don't like the old Changelings. I never really put much truck with that kind of thinking, mostly because I'm not sure if it's really responding to whatever flaws the "heroic" world view has, or just "rooting for the Empire" contrarianism.
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Mors Rattus posted:Wait, when did not liking oChangeling become equated with pro-fascist contrarianism? Really, I was thinking more of rooting for the Autumn People. I probably could also mention Heroes from Beast, but they would have more cause for justification than the others.
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# ¿ Feb 16, 2025 22:27 |
Andrew Graham, British hunter and marksman.
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