Kurieg posted:I do have archives so that's not a concern, I'm just a sucker for dumb alt-history particularly if it involves Werewolves. It's a Barkley: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden reference. That's exactly as dumb as it sounds.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2016 21:12 |
# ¿ Dec 12, 2024 07:42 |
Isn't the whole point of storm knights that they don't have stupid disconnection problems? That they can go be a wizard in a a place magic doesn't work?
# ¿ Jan 13, 2016 17:19 |
Did the Mage guys ever figure out that the reason everyone plays Technocrats is all the others are absolutely insufferable?
# ¿ Jan 16, 2016 05:29 |
Count Chocula posted:Flowers is the most powerful word, if you're playing Nobilis. Yeah, but Nobilis is 90% bizarre wiccan nonsense
# ¿ Feb 1, 2016 06:54 |
chaos rhames posted:Don't you eat it in the evil ending? You become the embodiment of eternal hunger and consume several gods until you get bored and leave for greener pastures. It's pretty metal.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2016 04:51 |
Night10194 posted:Why the hell would anyone bring back Mystara she is the worst. They did, there was a party and everything.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2016 06:48 |
The whole point of the Drow is to have an evil player race for your party to fight. Obviously they had to be elves who are cursed with black skin, because who else could be so edgy and special. They come in small groups so you can have cute little mirror matches against the party, they have spell resistance so you can't just have the wizard chump them at the beginning of the encounter, they have powerful magic items that turn to dust in the sun so that their fighter can duel your fighter, and their leaders are super sexy evil cleric women to ensure that there will be a divine caster on the enemy side.
# ¿ Feb 8, 2016 05:48 |
Bieeardo posted:I'm not sure what's worse: the feeling I've got that Ms. Purple is a fictionalized author insert, or that I may have met them... no. The crazy, Circe-worshiping transformation fetishist I met had a vastly better grasp of English. You would be astounded by what comes off of the fingers of people who are perceived as eloquent speakers.
# ¿ Feb 16, 2016 14:41 |
FMguru posted:I'm reminded of early Magic: the Gathering, where players very quickly figured out that cards that let you draw additional cards trivially broke the game, along with cards that let you take extra turns or force your opponent to skip his turn. Very close. What breaks the game is fast mana (which draws get you to) and it's instant ban bait. Why the gently caress the current Eldrazi meta hasn't been entirely banhammered is beyond me. e:The Eldrazi meta right now is like screaming gently caress you at the top of your lungs with every card you play. wiegieman fucked around with this message at 06:38 on Mar 4, 2016 |
# ¿ Mar 4, 2016 06:30 |
Whenever somebody vomits that kind of nonsense onto a page, it's because they weren't creative enough to come up with something actually good.
# ¿ Mar 27, 2016 20:00 |
The perfect encapsulation of Planescape is that town in Torment where the fallen angel ruins everyone's lives and makes the town slide into one of the hell planes, and you have to go around fixing their problems in order to make them happy enough that it will slide back to the outlands.
# ¿ Mar 31, 2016 04:24 |
RocknRollaAyatollah posted:Have they said how much material Beast is getting? I can't really see this getting more books and support than Geist. It's Sigil, though. Post-mortality supermen roll through there all the time, and they behave if they know what's good for them. Like, a single planetar could conquer Athas.
# ¿ Apr 11, 2016 03:03 |
I think it's this barebones so that people can easily make their own trees. The best template is no template at all.
# ¿ Apr 17, 2016 00:02 |
I imagine the other splats and beasts as that Mad Men scene in the elevator with Don Draper and the guy who's not a main character.
# ¿ Apr 24, 2016 20:19 |
Just throw it all out and port it into Shadowrun 5. If ever there was a setting that deserved it, it's Battletech.
# ¿ May 7, 2016 16:35 |
You could play DiTV as a religious 3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars, in which the end point of every campaign is inevitably to turn against the perfect society of Earth that cast you out and destroy the source of your broken personality.
# ¿ May 16, 2016 20:23 |
Thinking about it some more, DiTV becomes less objectionable if you play it as a more "magic is real and your Dogs are superheroes" way. If your characters really can sweep bullets and bolts of fire launched by villainous sorcerers out of the air with their many-colored coats, then the strict laws of their society are more of a Glorantha style ritual to defend the community against outside forces. They still suck, but you can see why they're there, as opposed to a more realistic setting in which you're basically the white guy Sharia police.
# ¿ May 16, 2016 22:47 |
The way to do gadget powers is to have a steadily growing pool of points that you can assign to your various gadgets. So Iron Man can put all of his points into the suit (except for the part in the third movie when he makes a bunch of low power gadgets really quickly) and Batman can have his grapple gun, his smoke pellets, etc.
# ¿ May 17, 2016 06:14 |
Rand Brittain posted:Sin-Eaters are not particularly out-of-place in the nWoD. Their only fault is that the state of being a Sin-Eater is seriously lacking in built-in plot hooks--you can basically opt out of being involved in anything supernatural if you feel like it, unlike everybody else. They're supposed to be motivated by their Geist. A Sin-Eater's Synergy is the most important thing about them, and the more they ignore the duties their Geist wants them to perform or denies their Geist its obsessions (and they all have some weird obsessions, they're powerful ghosts who are also part spirit) the worse off that relationship gets. And they really don't want to be wrestling with their other half all the time. So a Sin-Eeater might investigate and put to rest the ghosts of certain murders that resonate with his Geist, because he's bound to Sam, The Private Eye. His keystone might be Sam's beloved 1911. Another might face down gangs while arguing with his super racist ride along because he's bound to Sir Allister, The Crusader.
# ¿ May 24, 2016 22:43 |
Cythereal posted:And then you've got the Hunters. Valkyrie has developed the necessary technology to build artificial portals into these realms, and for their guns to hurt and wound these kinds of spirit-beings. Which reminds me, what the hell is the Hall of Mirrors?
# ¿ Jun 1, 2016 04:48 |
Mors Rattus posted:Next up: Demon. Yessssssssssss
# ¿ Jun 10, 2016 15:51 |
Blueprints were called that specifically because they were copied. They were printed in ferro gallum, which turns blue when light shines on it (the black original blocked the light, leaving white lines.)
# ¿ Jun 11, 2016 18:27 |
One of the most unique and powerful aspects of WoD stuff is that the most important thing to most stories is what those assholes over on 5th street are planning. How you would implement Boneyard in Metroid sadly escapes my grasp.
# ¿ Jun 12, 2016 00:33 |
I wouldn't call the God-Machine the System personified, that brings it too close to a government. A government is a machine made out of people, meant to fulfill the needs of people. Sometimes a government will do things people think are bad, but it always has a reason. The God-Machine is a machine made out of other machines, and if it has any meaning at all, it's either self-perpetuation or entirely unknowable. It's the ultimate Chinese Room.
# ¿ Jun 15, 2016 08:01 |
Halloween Jack posted:Wow, that's just unbelievably disgusting. I don't know how DC lets out stuff like that. (That, and Alan Grant being allowed to use Anarky as a platform to rant about the New Agey variant of Objectivism to which he subscribed.) Isn't that the point of Anarky though? To be the representative of whatever crazy political spectrum the author likes or dislikes this week?
# ¿ Jun 22, 2016 15:41 |
I'm personally fond of the blue and gold robots comic.
# ¿ Jun 27, 2016 02:09 |
SirPhoebos posted:on the topic of wunderwaffe (and quasi-wunderwaffe) one can't forget the Dambuster that eventually inspired the Star Wars trench run. If you watch that bomber movie scene alongside the trench run it goes way beyond homage. I'm like 90% sure someone put a video up on youtube with the star wars audio over the other one.
# ¿ Jul 2, 2016 20:13 |
Count Chocula posted:I wish the term wasn't so loaded, because calling anti-technology types 'Butlerian Jihadists' would be fun. There's only so many ways to yell 'Luddite!' They love technology in Dune, except for the computers that tried to kill them all that one time.
# ¿ Jul 5, 2016 07:21 |
One reason not to put the Nazis in anything is that there's really no way to have them in without either directly confronting or deliberately avoiding the very large number of people the murdered in cold blood. Honestly this holds for both theaters, the Japanese were pretty awful too.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2016 07:33 |
There's all sorts of "well of course everyone thinks this way" nonsense in Dune that's mostly colored by and wierd ideas about evolutionary pressures that don't actually exist.
# ¿ Jul 10, 2016 00:32 |
It's funny that anyone uses Al Capone for anything, since the Syphilis he had was literally eating his brain.
# ¿ Jul 13, 2016 06:46 |
Anyone who wants to do Glorantha would have to first pick which Glorantha RPG to do, and if they picked the older ones they would have to find a bunch of rare-ish books. There's only two or three books for the current heroquest release, with the new runequest coming. That, or they'd have to summarize the Guide.
# ¿ Jul 27, 2016 05:02 |
Alien Rope Burn posted:It's got the odd bit where it wants to be a "one power origin" world but then just seems to throw in tons of poo poo that doesn't adhere to that origin, then clawhammers in crrrazy poo poo to justify it all. Basically it wants to be both a "one power origin" world at times and a traditional "anything goes" comics world and flipflops between the two whenever he feels like it. I find this inordinately upsetting for such a ridiculous setting. Either it's straight up magic or you've actually got people who are getting super powers from nuclear blasts. Just pick one.
# ¿ Jul 28, 2016 09:48 |
The Greeks had all sorts of weird issues. As much as we credit them with the foundation of Western civilization, they were actually huge jerks. That image people have of a long line of Spartans marching to Thermopylae? Each one of those guys had at least one slave with them; the Spartans never carried their own shields, and in fact maintained such a large standing army because it was the only way to prevent their brutally oppressed Helot population rising up and killing them all. Many people misconstrue historical writings about "X citizens fell stopping Y Persians", but those lines are actually the Greek historian mocking the invaders for thinking most of the soldiers they killed were free soldiers, when they were mostly slaves.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2016 00:16 |
Okay Talislanta, you can't say there are no elves when what you're really doing is putting elves in, painting them green, and calling them something else.
# ¿ Jul 29, 2016 22:57 |
I'm actually really surprised that FFG didn't use its WFRP 3e/Star Wars dice for the second edition of Dark Heresy. I guess there would have been grog revolt if they took out too many percentile rolls.
# ¿ Aug 3, 2016 01:25 |
3:16 is also not completely a game about killing all the aliens everywhere, but what kind of people willingly (or not so willingly) seek out a career fighting aliens. Notably, the only real end for a campaign of it is to turn on the Earth that cast you out and destroy it, before destroying yourselves.
# ¿ Aug 3, 2016 03:58 |
bewilderment posted:Hey now, it's also possible for the newly promoted Brigadier to come to this conclusion faster than anyone else, and then just detonate The Device in the likeliest looking galaxy sector before the inevitable mutiny starts rolling (planet of aliens that are genuinely a threat? aliens that are clearly no threat whatsoever? cluster of peaceful planets?). Earth is flawed. Earth casts out its protectors. Earth is perfect. For this, Earth must die.
# ¿ Aug 3, 2016 04:23 |
Why do these "everything is hosed time to die slowly" games always take place in London? Can we do it in Chicago? Wait, that's too much like real life.
# ¿ Aug 5, 2016 05:01 |
# ¿ Dec 12, 2024 07:42 |
What we really need is one of these set in West Virginia, and make one of the mechanics "how long does it take for your characters to actually notice the apocalypse happened."
# ¿ Aug 5, 2016 05:24 |