Covok posted:What is this? A game? An anthology book? A supplement? It's a game, like King of Dragon Pass.
# ¿ Aug 5, 2016 23:56 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 14:48 |
Oh man, buckle the gently caress up it's Glorantha. (Praise Hrestol)
# ¿ Aug 6, 2016 22:50 |
Covok posted:Well, I think that has a lot to with the fact that the mythology of Glorantha is 100%, veritably true and you can even relive it for confirmation and reward. It's like the Guide to Glorantha says when trying to establish the world. I don't remember the exact quote but it's along the lines of "consider that, in a world where the gods are fact and the existence of the afterlife is 100%, then many would take death before dishonor since dishonor in front of their god is much worse than death, objectively" and stuff like that. Not only is the mythology true and something that rewards you with magical powers for following it, but multiple versions of the same mythology are true, at the same time. Much of this comes from the fact that linear time is a recent invention, and everything before that happened the same way stories are told around a campfire by people who really don't want to bother hashing out when exactly Yelm/Orlanth/Etc. did something great.
# ¿ Aug 7, 2016 22:37 |
You know, they may be jerks, but at least the Vadeli don't have to go through all the usual bullshit for their immortality.
# ¿ Aug 8, 2016 18:33 |
Josef bugman posted:Their bullshit immortality is worse though. The Brinithi are cheerfully amoral. The Vadelli are actively Immoral. Not only that, but Immorality is their caste requirement. They become immortal and more powerful by being evil wizards. For those who don't know what the heck we're talking about, the western Brithini culture is divided into four castes, and following the strictures of their caste (brown workers, red fighters, yellow rulers, blue wizards) makes them immortal. The Vadeli are the descendants of Vadel, the evil brother of the original founders of Brithos, and regardless of their color (which they mostly ignore) they get immortality from "being like Vadel". The Vadeli have messed with most cultures in the world at some point or another, especially the ones on islands or coasts, and maintain a thriving merchant empire and a million evil schemes. As far as anyone knows, all the blue Vadeli are dead now. The other people of the world were very thorough.
# ¿ Aug 8, 2016 19:18 |
Halloween Jack, I think the word filter caught something in Hypercoordination 9.
# ¿ Aug 9, 2016 18:45 |
Why does anyone actually live in the Madlands? Is there something stopping them from leaving?
# ¿ Aug 14, 2016 05:30 |
Falconier111 posted:The second one, most of all. They stoutly believe everywhere else is worse and prefer the land of their ancestors. Oh, I can't wait to hear what they think the other places have that's worse than giant feet monsters.
# ¿ Aug 14, 2016 19:12 |
Every race in Glorantha has a grand scheme they will set into motion as the Hero Wars start (Yes, all of them at once. The Hero Wars are a very terrifying time.) The land bound trolls of the north come together in a great host, ready to remake the world. The sea trolls, however, have been chewing through Valind's Glacier. When it drops into the ocean, it will flood coasts and lowlands for thousands of miles, which they like just fine. Corpses are good eating!
# ¿ Aug 14, 2016 20:55 |
The Hero Wars are deliberately vague. Even the 4th age that comes after them has little record of what occurred. Some people compare the Hero Wars to the Gods' War, but they're wrong -- the Hero Wars are a hundred times worse. The entire world will be scoured and reforged by the powers unleashed, no corner of it will be spared. From a gameplay perspective, your player characters are principal movers and shakers of the Hero Wars. You will rub shoulders with the living gods of the world, and probably be one. If you're playing Orlanthi, for example, Argrath will probably be a composite character made up to explain the actions of your party.
# ¿ Aug 14, 2016 22:10 |
Yeah, he kind of misses the big point of the game; you're building something no one has ever seen before and you'll have to write the new tradition.
# ¿ Aug 18, 2016 18:18 |
Count Chocula posted:Maybe a school based on fads. But not Fadomancers, because they get their power from depressing Portugese music. That's where they got their original name, from their Portuguese music obsession. They all said that was where they got their magic from, but they were all music hipsters and moved onto the next cool thing in lockstep 4 times before they realized that the brief, cynical obsession was the source of their power.
# ¿ Aug 19, 2016 07:11 |
Yeah, those longswords weigh literally 10 times what an actual longsword weighed.
# ¿ Aug 22, 2016 23:15 |
Let's actually take a moment and appreciate how fast (and cooler than katanas) longswords actually are. Those pants, oh dear.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2016 00:43 |
Robindaybird posted:Yep, and the Tournament armor is to dull the impact of catching a lance right in the chest at full gallop, something that's not happening in battle. Well, it is, but the lance has a steel tip on it instead of a padded one so you're pretty dead.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2016 01:14 |
Much like actual armies in other parts of the world, western forces used polearms to fight a field battle, not swords. Most surviving manuals on combat spend a lot of time telling the reader to go buy a glaive and use that. The sword was light and versatile weapon you could carry all the time.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2016 18:26 |
What the hell is wrong with the people who put out these books?
# ¿ Aug 28, 2016 05:04 |
Man Germany is still really right wing
# ¿ Aug 28, 2016 07:43 |
I'm not even reading the posts anymore and I'm still repelled by what I get secondhand from the posts around them.
# ¿ Aug 28, 2016 23:54 |
Adnachiel posted:Does that have anything to do with how I'm covering it? Or is it just the subject matter is too much? It is absolutely the subject matter. You must have incredible fortitude.
# ¿ Aug 29, 2016 05:23 |
NachtSieger posted:I'm trying to read this, honest to God, but at some point my eyes glaze over and only every other word gets through to me. That bit explained, I gotta ask, this is an RPG right? I see oWoD mechanics, or words that point to the mechanics, but I don't see any actual RPG bits inside this novella of garbage. It's a licensed book. Like Dragonlance, or a Forgotten Realms book, only devoid of any entertainment or merit and very, very concerned with being as "adult" as possible.
# ¿ Aug 30, 2016 06:14 |
Count Chocula posted:Just like Feng Shui, I imagine a ton of L5R games end with doomed last stands. Pendragon is deliberately about being one in a line of larger-than-life Arthurian characters, which is not necessarily for everyone.
# ¿ Sep 1, 2016 02:59 |
Hipster Occultist posted:Man, unless its possible to tear down the Risk Easter's spire and destroy everything they've built, it doesn't sound like a game I'd want to play. What's the point when the big bad is going to win no matter what you do? Yeah, there's no reason to put a monolithic enemy in the game and then make them impossible to beat. That defeats the purpose of an underdog story and makes the game boring.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2016 20:09 |
Art is a huge part of doing a legitimately sized PnP RPG production; Pathfinder is proof that you can almost build an entire line on good art alone.
# ¿ Sep 11, 2016 20:40 |
I always want to point to Mario 64 as an example of good water levels, but then I take off the rose colored glasses and realize that as good as it was at the time it was still a 64 game and controlled kind of like rear end.
# ¿ Sep 15, 2016 08:37 |
Count Chocula posted:The ocean is awesome. It's a terrifying environment with strange creatures and real-life Leviathans and Cthulhus and stuff. What was that Warren Ellis' written videogame about it? With submarines? You can have barbarian cultures and high-tech sea pods and stuff. Even Waterworld was fun. Hostile Waters, although that was more the "aliens" than anything else. It's obvious that the literal Illuminati are the worst individuals in that game.
# ¿ Sep 15, 2016 09:12 |
Those undeadify stones seem a pretty solid deal for a wizard or anyone else with access to negative energy spells. Forget hunting down some other form of immortality, sell admission tickets.
# ¿ Sep 19, 2016 00:22 |
SirPhoebos posted:On the second point, while Vecna wasn't talked all that much about in the Planescape line, Sigil features prominently in the final adventure of 2nd Edition, Die, Vecna, Die!, where Vecna manages to get into Sigil as a God.. If you know anything about Planescape, it should be obvious why that's loving impressive. And what, lasts 5 minutes before the Lady of Pain flays his soul-essence for a subjective eternity? There's a reason none of the gods try and get into Sigil.
# ¿ Sep 23, 2016 03:40 |
I hope Paradox comes down like a ton of bricks on that nonsense. I know there is, somehow, a market for it, but sometimes you just need to take a step back and realize that there's more money in a measure of sanity than pure transgression for its own sake.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2016 21:13 |
Hunter is great. If it's not the slick corporate operators with bees coming out of their hands, it's the psychic FBI or the catholic priests with blessed sledgehammers.
# ¿ Sep 30, 2016 21:31 |
It's suggested that TFV and VASCU don't actually have a lot of personnel exchange, mostly because one of the possible (and stupid) plotlines for TFV is that it's actually funded by a group of powerful vampires and you end up having to clean house. A psychic who can tell when you're lying and force you to answer questions would crack that wide open easily. And yeah, VASCU still values the law and TFV doesn't. They don't arrest people because they think it's funny, they do it because it's the right thing to do and you don't cut corners just because the perp has superpowers.
# ¿ Oct 1, 2016 17:04 |
MollyMetroid posted:It's just such a shame about the Chinatown portion of the game. Chinatown isn't bad, it's just not as well done as the rest of the game. There are some great sidequests in there, and those are really the lifeblood of bloodlines.
# ¿ Oct 2, 2016 06:03 |
Isn't Returns a con game anyway? The point isn't to win, it's to get the farthest.
# ¿ Oct 4, 2016 18:16 |
Or, as I'm almost positive was previously mentioned, an arbitrary number of celestial badgers can eventually render any location trap-free.
# ¿ Oct 5, 2016 00:42 |
Simian_Prime posted:It would work well too for X-Crawl, the dystopian future game where contestants dungeon-crawl on TV for cash and prizes. I can't stop imagining all the color commentary that would come in whenever they entered a new room, which of course they could hear for clues.
# ¿ Oct 8, 2016 18:37 |
There's also the possibility of the game about Victorian England having various social strata be literally inherent to the species of characters. It really annoys me when that subsection of British people who are really into it decide to push their class issues on the rest of us.
# ¿ Oct 11, 2016 07:30 |
Earthdawn barely gets away with having elves and dwarves by making the elves primitive, regressed tree dwellers (who happen to be from the BLOOD FOREST) and the dwarves the Italian renaissance who are the rulers of the world in the place of the humans who are warmongers.
# ¿ Oct 11, 2016 16:44 |
Doresh posted:Please tell me VASCU has anti-splat pepper spray or tasers. That's Task Force Valkyrie's schtick, VASCU's schtick is psychic powers granted by radical drug therapy. They can do stuff like force you to answer questions truthfully in an interview, which really cuts through the bullshit when you need to prove a murder that your partner watched happen after the fact.
# ¿ Oct 14, 2016 18:18 |
Chew is all about crazy food-based superpowers. Chibopaths are the most powerful of all, since they can steal the powers of others by eating them. Yes, eating them.
# ¿ Oct 17, 2016 01:42 |
# ¿ Jan 24, 2025 14:48 |
Nessus posted:Are you telling me that in Feng Shui, the most important skill is to know how to cap the drat point? No, it's Chinese gardening and architecture. Owning places with good Feng Shui tilts fate in your favor -- the more Chi you have on your side, the more readily and easily the world lines up to give you exactly what you want. Fame, fortune, your heart's desire, and awesome martial and magical power come ridiculously easily to those who control the world's Chi, and the ones who have it tend to use it to grind everybody else into the dirt. In the modern Juncture (a time period you can travel to, there's 4, and time moves forward at the same rate in all of them) that's the Ascended, a secret society of animals who gained human form and stole the world's magic so it could never be used against them. Of course, you can always travel through the Netherworld, the place which is outside of space and time, and arrive a thousand years in the past to steal the Feng Shui sites out from under your hated rivals before they're even born. That's how the Ascended took over in the first place. Watch out for the evil eunuch sorcerers who run ancient China though, magic is a lot easier in the past. The old introductory adventure for Feng Shui involved Our Heroes protecting the Best drat Noodle Shop in Hong Kong (and the owner's smoking hot daughter) from a Villainous Street Gang who were actually working for an Evil Sorcerer from the Past. wiegieman fucked around with this message at 01:24 on Oct 19, 2016 |
# ¿ Oct 19, 2016 01:22 |