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U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Libertad! posted:

Actually, now that I think about it, the Dragonlance gods seemed more like folks put into a bad situation, given that the loss of life of an ascendant Kingpriest would've been far greater.
Yeah, there's a short story where two random fishermen get flung into an alternate universe where the Kingpriest overthrew the gods and it's not a pleasant place.


U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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SirPhoebos posted:

So...any artgoons want to sketch up our monster?
I'm a lovely artist, but I do know how to use the Spore creature creator:

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Other people who like Gambit: the guy who made Rurouni Kenshin, apparently.

occamsnailfile posted:

Also there’s another one of those Bermuda Triangle thingies southeast of Japan, called the Dragon’s Triangle of course.

For the record, this isn't a thing the book made up, it's a thing that really exists (for a certain definition of "exists", at least).

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Count Chocula posted:

I dunno if the SR game is like that
Sometimes. A lot of the missions in Dragonfall and Hong Kong have at least a little forced combat, but there's at least a few you can do without fighting anything if you play your cards right.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Glory is objectively the best character in Dragonfall :colbert:

(the best one in Hong Kong was the vampire lady, and it's a drat crime she wasn't a proper party member. Gobbet is a close second, though, even if I don't like shamans much gameplay-wise)

U.T. Raptor fucked around with this message at 06:42 on Feb 17, 2017

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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You know, the Insatiables seem a lot more interesting than Beasts, possibly because they're explicitly bad things so the authors are free to make them truly monstrous without that veneer of "what they do is totally cool because reasons :jerkbag:".

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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Alien Rope Burn posted:

We're reminded that dinosaurs have returned to Rifts Earth, or at least their alien unscientific equivalents? Why? Because dinosaurs are rad, that's why.
drat right they are :colbert:

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Cythereal posted:

One of my favorite in-setting anecdotes is the explanation for Bretonnia's outlawing gunpowder weapons. So, a while back, there was a great Bretonnian champion and duelist. He claimed no one could best him with any weapon, and he ended up accepting a challenge from a guy in Nuln, the center of gunpowder and advanced weapons in the Empire.

The duel lasted about five seconds when the Nuln guy shot the Bretonnian duelist in the face.

Bretonnia promptly deemed the use of guns cheating, the duelist a hero, and outlawed gunpowder.
This is also the basis of the best sidequest in Jade Empire.

(it's the best sidequest because you can get him to give you his gun after you beat him, and it's stupidly good :getin:)

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Night10194 posted:

Sorrow Swarms are swarms of butterfly-like monsters that feed on human tears. They do this by landing on victims and cutting them slightly to induce serious pain and make them cry. They love to attack children, especially. These things are there specifically to remind you that Chaos is awful and you should stab it whenever you get the chance. Fighting a swarm of them won't be too hard on PCs, and they usually don't kill their victims, but they're a nice touch of how petty and weird Chaos can get.
So... just a slightly more proactive version of a thing actual butterflies already do?

(iirc, butterflies and/or moths have also been observed drinking blood from open wounds, as well)

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Cythereal posted:

Another good take is the Guild Wars setting, where humanity is basically the elves of the setting: we're an ancient, cultured civilization with a rich history of magic and consider ourselves the most civilized and cultured race on the planet, but where once we ruled the world now we've fallen on hard times and are being outpaced by young, inventive races that have a far greater sense of urgency and purpose and are beginning to take over the world.
They're also literally aliens from another planet.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Young Freud posted:

<System Mastery Jeff Voice>: "...I even got a snake for my DDDIIICK!"

<System Mastery Jon Voice> "Also, my Anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun."
I think you will find he'd actually have two snakes for his dick, because that's how snakes and lizards roll :colbert:

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Mors Rattus posted:

So like, a nightmare is a horse but intelligent and eeevil.

This is a horse that shits on things strategically.
Poor old Freckles, thought of Lawful Good and died.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Feinne posted:


The Thunderbird’s a huge-rear end vulture. I’m not sure why it’s not part of the North America section honestly given that’s the region I more heavily associate with them but whatever. They’re not magical or anything, they’re just a really big bird (listed with a 5 meter wingspan).
It's presumably supposed to be Argentavis which, like its name suggests, lived in South America.

I mean, they probably should have had this in North America and based it on one of the slightly less impressive teratorns that lived there, but :shrug:

U.T. Raptor fucked around with this message at 06:24 on Dec 3, 2017

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

JcDent posted:

I'm curious if those sexy trap scenarios come from old grogs and old sword and spell books where male protagonists are lured with sexy women - because what old grog playing Nanoc the Barbarian wouldn't feel the lure - or because of nerd trauma where heartthrob classmate played a prank on them?
Also sex trap monsters (and regular old trap monsters, really) aren't exactly uncommon in folklore.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Feinne posted:

If you know much about their smaller relative, you might be able to guess some of how these things work in combat. First of all, they have an unholy reek that makes it really easy to tell when they’re coming. Said unholy reek comes from the horrible septic soup that is their saliva. Taking a bite from them can infect you with a pretty nasty disease on top of the fact that it does loving loads of damage. Its general tactic is to fixate on a target, attack until they stop moving, then escape with the body. They’re notable as too stubborn and stupid to give up on prey once they have committed to the attack, so no running away at half health here. They’re pretty durable, but do have a very poo poo action check so at least you’ll probably be getting several actions before they even move.
:science: komodo dragons turned out to actually be regular old venomous in the end.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Skellybones posted:

Maybe the alu-fiends deserted the War because they rejected the social norms of not only their homeland but all the Lower Planes. They're lawful demons because they want to and nobody can say otherwise :colbert:
I too have played Disgaea 3.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

FMguru posted:

The canonical use is from the Dragonlance modules, where the cute elf who helps the heroes is actually a polymorphed silver dragon (i.e. DM insurance in case the final encounter goes badly for the PCs) and she runs away with one of the NPCs at the end.
There's a bunch of dragons pretending to be humans in Dragonlance, really. Like the one who does it to be the mayor of a city because... he really likes doing that I guess :shrug:

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

slap me and kiss me posted:

Orcs as captains of industry. Savages? No, they've just eschewed traditional magic in favour of iron, steel, and coal.
The Charr in Guild Wars are literally this. They were basically cat-orcs in the original game, but overthrew their mage caste in the 250 years between it and GW2 and started an industrial revolution.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Mors Rattus posted:

Also there were two actual full-length adult novels. I still haven't gotten my hands on those.
You should, Dinotopia Lost is great (Hand of Dinotopia is kind of mediocre though).

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Drakyn posted:

This is such a good yet amazingly obvious thing to do. 'No dead stuff' is a neat way to differentiate Lost World #3232 from all the others...until you think about the implications for like half a second and realize you just obsoleted 9/10ths of the stereotyped trappings of the setting and replaced them with, uh, 'they have magic treespears that they can safely replant after use no this isn't contrived SHUT UP.'
(seriously, who puts dinosaurs in a setting and then makes it impossible to use dinosaur skeletons as weapons, armour, vehicles, etc.)
Honestly, I would also have accepted them using animals for purposes that people would otherwise use technology, which is basically a less lazy take on the original idea.

Kind of like the Yilane in the novel West of Eden (or the Flintstones :v:).

U.T. Raptor fucked around with this message at 07:52 on Feb 28, 2018

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Inescapable Duck posted:

Torg sounds a bit like Kingdom Hearts.
Story's not nearly convoluted and nonsensical enough for that.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Honestly, that is a rad as hell insect hydra.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Ghost Leviathan posted:

I swear that kind of thing sounds familiar, and is probably a great setting idea. Catherine came to mind for some reason?
Catherine was about a Mesopotamian god loving people over as part of a convoluted millennia-old plot to increase the human population.

Also the titular Catherine is a literal succubus and not all that related to the first thing.

Also it took place on a space colony, if the True Freedom (neutral) ending is to be believed.

Also iirc the whole game was a plot by the goddess Ishtar to find a worthy consort, which is you, the player (this is revealed after you beat the challenge mode).

Catherine is a good game, is the point I'm making here.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

I want to visit that rad magic library.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

ProfessorProf posted:

(a.k.a. Beast Form, Platinum Form, Soul Form, Storm Form)
Action Dice: d10/d6/d6
The Wild Form thrives on having your back to the wall. At the start of your turn, add a d6 to your Action Pool if you're under half HP, someone on your team is Taken Out, or you're holding a non-Basic Token. These stack, for potentially up to d10/d6/d6/d6/d6/d6 if all three are true. Skill is Wind Runner - You can jump to anything you can see, run along walls, outrun cars, and even fly if you can justify how that works.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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Freaking Crumbum posted:

The book doesn't really insinuate that you could run a Kinori as a PC but I think if Greys are potential characters because they can use psychic powers to broadcast an illusion, Kinori should be equally able to masquerade with some type of ritual spell or whatever.
Clearly they would just go full Anonymous Rex and just disguise themselves as people using masks and costumes :colbert:

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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Alien Rope Burn posted:

Well, Rifts doesn't usually have much thought behind its technology in general or its implications. You have factories that just pump out robots without an obvious wider infrastructure. Nuclear-powered jet aircraft can fly across the country but the Coalition still doesn't know what's in Arizona. Most weapons can fire thousands of feet accurately - missiles can go hundreds of miles - and yet everybody's fighting like it's WWII. Stun guns can down people reliably but people insist on picking away at each other with laser rifles. And so on.

It really owes more to stuff like Star Wars or G.I. Joe or Robotech than any sort of reality, which is why when it busts in with "realism!" it seems so off-putting.
The vehicle design, too. All those hidden weapons you keep mentioning in the vehicle descriptions are incredibly reminiscent of the sort of gimmicks toy vehicles and robots tend to have.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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Night10194 posted:

Biology plays a role, sure, but their biology and impulses could have just as easily pushed them into extreme cooperation given how social they are.
This is more or less how the Skritt in Guild Wars 2 work, in fact.

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Night10194 posted:

It's a shame their Ranged Attack is so bad because yes, 'I threw a phone booth at him' is fun.
First thing I thought of:

U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

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theironjef posted:

I'm digging that take on the Engargiya, which is a cryptid out of Uganda. They definitely went with the giant sloth model for it.
That's a chalicothere, for the record.


U.T. Raptor
May 11, 2010

Are you a pack of imbeciles!?

Mors Rattus posted:

Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon
Turns Out It's Man
I love how that's almost literally the SCP Foundation, right down to the example character reading like one of the many author self-insert characters that plagued it.

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