I kinda like Fleurity. Maybe more as like, an independent duke than a prince, but as a character I like him. Honestly, while I can definitely understand In Nomine having terrible mechanics, the fluff has been a fun read--there's some bad points like Andrealphas (who, while his domain isn't something I ever want to approach in a game, has some decent characterization)or Khalid (where there's a decent idea or two, but does need a rewrite), it does a good job of making the Archangels be clearly good, with some issues, and the Princes bad with some sympathetic traits (I initially didn't like Nybbas, but his writeup sold me on him super hard). Jordi sucks, though.
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 22:56 |
Razakai posted:In Nomine might have some flaws in gameplay, but it's a pretty awesome setting with the right GM. A Goon here ran a ridiculous game with the party as demons serving Furfur, Prince of Hardcore (sex, drugs and rock&roll). By the end of the campaign they had: I demand story time. I don't think we have a thread for it, but I'd love to hear more even if it's just in PMs.
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Ratoslov posted:Yeah, I think the most important thing I learned from all this is that Lilith and the Lilim are all insufferable, and Jordi isn't all bad because he hates Lilith. Yes, but Jordi hates everything. Or is, at best, indifferent to it. Do Superiors: Eli next. I'm going to just keep voting for Superiors endlessly.
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Golden Sky Stories looks like so much fun. I want to play a fox and lord my vast wealth of 435 yen in small change from my shrine over all of the other PCs ![]()
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Adnachiel posted:I was about to say, where does the whole "sportsball is a tool of the Serpent" leave things like figure-skating, gymnastics, competitive dance, competitive cheerleading, and all of the various women's leagues? (Though cheerleading is probably also a construct of the Serpent because "cheerleaders are all snobby bimbos who made fun of me in high school just like in the movies and TV".) You are giving this more thought than Soto did. Pretty sure football as depicted in high school movies is the only sport she had in mind when writing that.
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At a very basic level, I kind of like the idea of getting to be one of the big horrible monster dudes. Something about playing a character who is, at least in some small way, a kraken, sounds neat. But slotting that into "weird loner at school who gets picked on" is just... ugh. It gets so many things rolled together at cross purposes with each other that you get a horrible message and unsympathetic characters. I'm probably going to have some crazy overlap with Changeling here, but let's salvage "you are a monster", and "something something dreamstuff". You were human, once. Then the nightmares started, and they got worse, and worse, and then one night that unnameable thing caught you. And that's when the nightmares stopped being just at night anymore. It's changing you now, something something White Wolf prose, basically you're now composed of your 'beast' self, and your slowly-dwindling 'human' self. And there's no stopping it. The hunger is getting worse every time it comes back, and eventually you're just going to slip out of your 'self' and into your new body. But until that day comes, you're going to try and do as much good in the world as you can with the hand that's been dealt to you, to try and make up for what you know you're going to do one day. The whole "teaching lessons via murder" thing is only a justification by high-Voracity beasts to convince themselves that blindly sating their hunger is actually a good thing. In a sense, the Heroes are absolutely right--the world probably would be better off without you in the long term, but you can't just bring yourself to give up, roll over, and die because of what you are. I dunno what this would be a metaphor for, exactly, but I think it could be kind of interesting (although probably super narrow)
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So wait, given that heroic actions get rolled against the Doom, that means that aside from oppressing the peasants to keep their Inspiration down, the nobles are actively incentivized to make the world a shittier place, because now they're harder to overthrow. And they know this. Really gives me a bit of a Brandon Sanderson vibe. What a cool system.
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Kurieg posted:"************B*u*t* *d*o*n*'t* *y*o*u* *s*e*e*? *H*u*m*a*n*i*t*y* *g*r*e*w* *t*o*o* *l*a*r*g*e* *a*n*d* *h*a*s* *f*o*r*g*o*t*t*e*n* *i*t*'s* *p*r*i*m*a*l* *p*a*s*t*. *I*f* *n*o*t* *f*o*r* *m*e* *i*t* *w*o*u*l*d* *b*e* *s*o*m*e*o*n*e* *e*l*s*e* *w*h*o* *m*a*k*e*s* *t*h*e* *c*h*o*i*c*e* *t*o* *b*e*c*o*m*e* *t*h*e* *m*o*n*s*t*e*r* *w*h*o* *r*e*m*i*n*d*s* *y*o*u* *t*h*a*t* *y*o*u* *a*r*e* *m*e*a*t* *a*n*d* *n*e*e*d* *p*r*o*t*e*c*t*i*o*n* *f*r*o*m* *t*h*e* *t*h*i*n*g*s* *t*h*a*t* *l*u*r*k* *i*n* *t*h*e* *d*a*r*k********."
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There just... isn't a compelling story hook for Beasts, is there? You're all terrible abusive people, and you aren't even terrible people in interesting ways. The book doesn't portray any kind of inner conflict, it's just "You're a beast! You do awful things to people, and that's great! You are 100% okay with that, because it's for their own good." There's nothing about any of this that makes me want to play a Beast at all. I mean, the idea of one of the character being one of these great monstrous, well, monsters, that's neat! Except that they aren't even that, they're people with a voice in their heads and some supernatural abilities. What a goddamn waste.
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Daeren posted:The playtest stories that came out of Beast are interesting to say the least. Got a source on these? I'd love to read them.
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Dragon had a lot of fun article series, really. Sure, chances are you would never need to know the exact behaviors and environment of Ettercaps, but it was a fun read and they always gave you an interesting NPC and character option with each one. Then you had the different faith articles, the Demonomicon of Iggwilv... lot of good reads there.
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Doresh posted:GSS shall henceforth be in continuity with the Chronicles of Darkness. The mascots for Mahou: The Shoujoing gotta come from somewhere. I'm not going to lie: if you plunked GSS in the middle of CoD, and kept the tone and everything the same except now the adventures are guest starring vampires and werewolves having their problems solved, I would play the poo poo out of it. Sure, the peace between the Sabbat and Camarilla lasted approximately five seconds after they left the town and its immediate surroundings, but it was really nice while it lasted! I mean, I'd play the poo poo out of GSS anyways, but still.
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That lifepath system looks pretty great, in an 'actually good' way, not the 'this is completely bonkers' way that Central Casting is great.
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All of these Warhammer Fantasy reviews have moved my opinion on Age of Sigmar from "lol GW just pissed off a bunch of players and screwed themselves over" to "God loving dammit GW you had a legitimately great setting why would you throw all of that out the window for Sigmarines". I really want to play WHFRP now.
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Night10194 posted:Next time: Gisoreux, whose hat is having a ton of hats. Anticipating this eagerly.
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Night10194 posted:I'm afraid it's more 'they're very politically and geographically diverse' rather than 'Fantastic headwear.' I had a feeling this was the case, but the other regions (and the previously-mentioned "All peasants must wear hats with a height corresponding to the amount of tax they pay" law that some baron had in place) had me thinking that maybe, just maybe... Eagerly anticipating it all the same, because your write-ups are fantastic. What do you think you'll go to after Bretonnia? (Please be Skaven)
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Spark That Bled posted:That whole post on tabletop roleplaying and morality makes me think about the oWoD people who are pro-Technocracy or don't like the old Changelings. I never really put much truck with that kind of thinking, mostly because I'm not sure if it's really responding to whatever flaws the "heroic" world view has, or just "rooting for the Empire" contrarianism. I don't really know a ton about oChangeling, but one of the tidbits I do remember is "There is an underwater research base, and it is bad because its MUNDANITY is POISONING MERPEOPLE" when it'd be this incredible wondrous accomplishment if it was real, and anyone working there would be super excited about it. It's kind of saying that you're only allowed to be excited about certain things and if you aren't being aggressively whimsical you're wrong.
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I have a distinct feeling I'm going to have to hunt down the WHFRP books, because god drat your write-ups make me want to play it; Bretonnia looks ridiculously fun. There's a giant chunk of knights in the land whose driving motivation is "gently caress BOWS", and that's incredible. Also it's incredibly cruel of you to tell us that there's a class devoted to bear taming and then making us wait an entire 270-page book for it.
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Yeah, it's kind of just... nothing. Durcet just comes across as sort of pathetic.
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I was hoping that the Shanghai bit was going to set a standard of "Mostly just empty, boring, and pointless", but nope, it's "Empty, boring, and pointless, and also loving awful". Who would ever think it'd be a good idea to bring *this* to the table?
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Hostile V posted:AAH Stuff I mean, it's still not good, but this is definitely the best of the dream cages, at least that we've seen. It does have me wondering, though, even aside from the actual content, how do they imagine you running this at a table? You're splitting up the party for prolonged individual scenes. That's a whole lotta sitting around watching someone else wander through Nazi Fetish Hellscape.
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Is it a "We want these guys to be intimidating, but Intimidation is based on Fellowship" thing?
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So if a Slayer killed Khorne, would they just kind of be eternally stuck with their shame, or would the other dwarves go "No, we don't care what you think, your shame is gone now, congrats"? Or would they just become the new Blood God?
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Katarin is rad as gently caress. I love how Kislev is so tonally different from Bretonnia, but still feels ripe with adventure possibilities. I think it makes for some great tough choices that aren't just two flavors of "something horrible"--Katarin, the Boyars, the Ungols--they all have good arguments in their favor, and when the chips are down they're fundamentally good people united in a common cause, but there's just enough friction in there to be interesting.
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kommy5 posted:Shockingly to other powerful Skaven clans, Eshin don’t give out false information, don’t betray clients, and as far as anyone can tell serve the Council’s plans loyally. Centuries of this have brought them into being the Council’s secret police. I like how, just like how the humans+other races on the surface are slowly reforming and getting into a position to actually push Chaos back, the Skaven just might manage to get their poo poo together and be a functioning society. I mean, that'd probably be a net negative for the world, but still.
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Night10194 posted:If you finish training the bear it can be sold to the temples for enormous sums, or I suppose you could have it promote to Brute or Chief or something and become the mightiest bear in history. I fail to see how this is remotely a decision. Are those specific exits for the bear, or can it just exit into whatever? Can I train the bear to train *more* bears? With hard work and dedication, can my bear become the High Priest of Ursun? Can I send my bear to Wizard College?
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Other good takes I've heard are "Humans are the only sapient species to have evolved eyes", which lets you write vision as this hilarious Star Trek-style superpower where it sometimes doesn't work purely for plot convenience (because it is dark), and "There's nothing particularly special about humans, but thanks to an obscure loophole, any spaceship with at least one human on board gets a massive tax write-off, so they're everywhere".
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Night10194 posted:Warhammer Fantasy: Paths of the Damned Part 1: Ashes of Middenheim Aw, no Bear Tamer? Anyways, despite missing the Best Class, I'm definitely looking forward to this.
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So... what does summoning the Doom Train actually do? Does it just run you over? Do you get pulled aboard and now you're stuck on an eternal train ride?
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Night10194 posted:Man, Sarnath loving deserved Bokrug. Seriously, gently caress those guys. If I were playing this campaign I'd try and divert it so we could have a wine and cheese party as we watched the Doom from a safe distance. That'd have to be worth sanity, right? Who cares how horrific it is, you get the smug satisfaction that they got what was coming to them.
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 22:56 |
Huh, I must have missed that. I thought that their mention of Yahweh was when they were talking about that one secret society that took advantage of fatebinding, and mentioned that they apparently had a god from the middle east fatebound like crazy. Which, is, y'know, still pretty terrible, but kind of makes sense with fatebinding and the covenant. Less bad than him being a Titan, at least.
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