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Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

I mean, the DM who owns his uppity players is the quintessential doesn't actually play guy. Who would play with that poo poo?


Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

Wow I've already heard enough about that witch thing

Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

It is bad webcomic the rpg

Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

Doresh posted:

Why not? The more, the merrier. I think I'll just call her Rainbow Spark or something.

Perhaps Love Colored Spark?

Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

I love the description of the worn down Saint Germain in the book. From the ill fitting suit that looks like he wore it to his father's funeral, which happened a long time, to the dangerous glint in his eye when someone looks like they could do some good.

Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

Black August posted:

Unknown Armies was always one of those systems I'd never find the time or heart to play, but I still love reading the material for ideas or the fun of it. RPG safariing.

I'm not confident enough to run it and no one else is running it for me to get a feel. It is my white whale.

Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.

hyphz posted:

It's not too bad to run, but your players have to get it. Like most games with gritty combat, your players have to be prepared to experiment with other things, otherwise they'll blast through regular opponents with their likely-superior stats until one day they lose initiative, die, and start complaining.

I'm more worried about them "not getting" the tone of the setting. The fun is found in the wealth of detail. And I'm not selling my friends on a game by handing them the book and asking them to read everything.
Well that and I've heard running at Street level isn't a great idea, if only to start out. There's a lot to introduce.


Feb 15, 2011

Communism will help more white people than anyone else. Any equal measures unfairly provide less to minority populations just because there's less of them. Democracy is truly the tyranny of the mob.


Thanks for the advice. I think I'm going to pick up break today. It's the one faction book I'm missing.
A TNI squad seemed like a pretty good framing device for people used to the questing party.

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