DigitalRaven posted:Funny you should mention that. Put this together a few weeks ago on a similar vague idea. Needs setting. Getting lots of ideas from this thread. I've got a few improvements in mind, and it needs a lot of polish, but it might float someone's boat. This is really interesting so far. I have no feedback mechanicswise because I'm not geared like that, but I like the idea of having to balance out abilities and not wanting to be a monster/ get an old one's attention (I think that's what I gathered? I may have misread, it's late.) Isn't there a thread for making games on here?
# ¿ Aug 11, 2017 04:54 |
# ¿ Jan 23, 2025 06:44 |
Why is literally everything about that prison game just the ugliest? All of the art and design is just hideous. Everything about it is hideous.
DicktheCat fucked around with this message at 20:50 on Aug 11, 2017 |
# ¿ Aug 11, 2017 20:47 |
Oh poo poo, it's some Torg. I didn't know anyone was doing that system on here. JcDent posted:Is there really enough interest in Rifts for them to keep printing books? Rifts is one of thise ideas that interested me until I saw how it actually worked. It seems too crunchy and quibbly for me to ever enjoy.
# ¿ Aug 29, 2017 18:38 |
You got the hookup. Thanks, friendo, I got some readin' to do.
# ¿ Aug 30, 2017 03:00 |
I don't know all the warhams lingo, so every time I see WHFB, I think "Warhammer Fantasy Butts" and I don't think I actually care what it really stands for because of that.
# ¿ Sep 3, 2017 05:19 |
I'm going back and starting at the beginning of the TORG writeup, and what the gently caress, seriously. All of these rules are awful, holy poo poo, how did anyone play this game? A lot of it is so superfluous.
# ¿ Sep 5, 2017 02:48 |
Okay, the starfinder logo, that's a joke, right? Because I found some starfinder stuff today in a shop, and it had a normal d in it. Am I missing this hard??? Also what the gently caress, those driving rules.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2017 03:19 |
poo poo, now I've caught up with the thread. Looking forward to more cat train adventures.
# ¿ Dec 28, 2017 05:41 |
Can anyone recommend a good fatal and friends from the inkless pen archives? I ate my way through the thread and also ate the torg writeup (while cringing. A lot of cringing) and now I need something new to chew on. I tend to like the ones snarking on bad stuff, but the warhammer ones have been so fun so far as well.
# ¿ Dec 30, 2017 03:45 |
Kurieg posted:Uhh.. Define Bad. Most of the stuff I actually completed is also varying degrees of dumb, with the possible exception of parts of Tome of Magic. I can only keep up my motivation to review when the books physically pain me in some way, apparently. Well, I read all of the Torg reviews. And Abandon All Hope, though that's bad for slimey reasons, so I won't say I liked it so much as couldn't look away from the trainwreck. I apparently like being horrified, but I also like dumb, broken systems too. It always impresses me that this stuff got published. Thanks for all the recs, guys, I'm gonna check them out! Seriously been enjoying the Horrient review, Down With People. The setting is really strong, though my group would derail it so fast. E: reading Hc Svnt Draconis and what the gently caress, guys. I knew furries were stupid, but this... this is next level dumbness. Another edit: got to the part about Slenderman killing the last humans. I hate this. I loving hate this. I know I asked for bad, and I thought I was ready, but I'm not. I'm spite-reading now. I hate this as much as I hate The Sword of Truth books. I might hate it more. DicktheCat fucked around with this message at 07:07 on Dec 31, 2017 |
# ¿ Dec 31, 2017 06:12 |
PurpleXVI posted:SPEAKING OF. They released a "lore book." Yes, because this poo poo is so dumb.
# ¿ Dec 31, 2017 06:53 |
Has no one who made HSD had contact with a corporation in real life? Like ever? They obviously don't know history and what happens when corporations actually have free reign to do whatever.
# ¿ Dec 31, 2017 22:20 |
JackMann posted:I saved up my Cheese Dudes cereal box tops and turned them in for a mention on System Mastery! They plugged my blog! These are really good.
# ¿ Jan 4, 2018 15:41 |
occamsnailfile posted:
I want more monsters to play as. Plus, monsters don't have the racial baggage.
# ¿ Jan 5, 2018 06:01 |
Wait, it just ends, right there? I thought there would be more SUPER LIBERTOPIA FURRY SECRETS than that. It was so underwhelming. So stupid, but underwhelming. I thought there'd be more of a reveal about the enemies in the game, not this wet fart about space satan. Why did I expect more of these people? I was a fool, I say!
# ¿ Jan 8, 2018 02:54 |
Halloween Jack posted:I have nothing against anime; gently caress I watched Blame! last night and it got me thinking about how cool and good it is when the entire setting is a megadungeon. Cthulhutech is a mashup of a handful of animes, covered in Lovecraft sauce, for the same reason everything is covered in Lovecraft sauce now: the Lovecraft mythos is public domain. It's very cynical. I didn't realize Blame! had an anime, was told to check netflix and lo and behold. Fatal and Friends thread, you bring me so much joy.
# ¿ Jan 10, 2018 02:18 |
Jesus Christ, inklesspen, you're doing a mighty service. I really appreciate these writeups not being lost because they've all been so good. Hell, I really appreciate the writeups. I've had so much fun reading this thread, it's the kind of cool thing I joined for.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2018 05:51 |
Can someone put up another invite for the Trad Games discord chat? I didn't get to get into it because I was away from my computer while it was up.
# ¿ Jan 11, 2018 18:05 |
Goddammit. It happened again. Motherfucker. Is there a way I can just find it or is it invite only, because I'm going to bed after this and goddammit I want to be part of that group. E: how long do those stupid invites last, because it was only a few hours ago that I checked my phone, and I could only get to my computer right now. I guess I'm gonna lurk a little while? I don't know. DicktheCat fucked around with this message at 00:34 on Jan 12, 2018 |
# ¿ Jan 12, 2018 00:30 |
senrath posted:By default, 1 day. Really? I just need to keep up on the thread better then.
# ¿ Jan 12, 2018 01:52 |
Evil Mastermind posted:Okay, I think this one shouldn't expire: https://discord.gg/g6k42JP A page ago, but I really appreciate it! Thanks so much!
# ¿ Jan 13, 2018 06:34 |
Someone throw me a bone, what the hell is "dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed" actually from? I see it thrown around on here and have long wondered.
# ¿ Jan 29, 2018 07:44 |
Thuryl posted:That certainly popularized it, but it's originally from obscure 1985 Japanese RPG The Screamer. (While it has a fan translation patch now, that particular bit of Engrish was in the Japanese original.) Thank you, because jesus have I been wondering forever.
# ¿ Jan 30, 2018 03:11 |
So, uh. Yeah. Brucato is really gross. Now I know.
# ¿ Jan 31, 2018 04:52 |
theironjef posted:Promised Sands is entirely full of cute respellings of things to ensure that you know that it's the wink wink far future. Camel? Noooo, kamel. That said, it's like that stupid demonstration teachers do with the jar full of sand and golf balls, because somehow the book is also entirely full of meanspirited bullshit, spelling errors that aren't cutely done on purpose, the author forgetting the names of his own skills and tables, and hilarious critical fail results (most of which are either you die, or you are sold into slavery). So how long until someone on here does a writeup, I wonder.
# ¿ Jan 31, 2018 18:50 |
Thank you guys so much for introducing me to System Mastery. I like to listen to podcasts while I do commission work and it made drawing dicks for internet strangers a little more fun. Also, Promised Sands, what the gently caress, rape ogres? Really?
# ¿ Feb 3, 2018 00:56 |
theironjef posted:Ooh you got a portfolio somewhere? I like seeing what the listeners are doing while listening. I, ah, don't mix that life with my goon life, aside from admitting I draw things for money. I want to remain relatively anonymous in that particular area, so I'm sorry. I don't want them finding me here and vice versa. Just know I draw some hosed up poo poo while listening to your lovely lovely podcast. E: Also, rape ogres are common, what the gently caress? Is that like a mythology thing, or is that loving nerds being gross? DicktheCat fucked around with this message at 21:09 on Feb 4, 2018 |
# ¿ Feb 4, 2018 21:07 |
theironjef posted:No worries! I've just been keeping my eyes open for friendly artists because we're going to need to commission some character sketches soon for a Star Wars AP. If you give me an email or something, I could maybe show you. I actually came back in the thread at my husbands behest telling me to say so. So, basically if there's a way to contact you outside of sa. Edit: ah, I hope that doesn't sound super unfriendly.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2018 03:31 |
theironjef posted:systemmastery@gmail.com as it turns out. I'll be sure to send you some links, then.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2018 05:09 |
I have a major hate-on for HSD because for people that worship corporations, they have no idea how they work. It enrages me more than it really should. It's just willfully ignorant. Like, I can tolerate the stupid furry poo poo, that's old hat by now, it's the libertarian poo poo that gets me.
# ¿ Feb 5, 2018 05:55 |
Kurieg posted:After reading Changing Breeds I can state with some certainty that something happened to Brucato growing up, i'm not sure what. But it sure loving did. Oh, I hope not. I put up with religious fuckery as a kid, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. No one deserves it. Some religions should be classified as loving abuse.
# ¿ Feb 7, 2018 06:19 |
So, this is from pages ago, but I'm so happy Torg Eternity is good. The art's good, the system sounds good, it doesn't seem to punish the player for daring to want cool powers. It's kind of a relief. I'm also a little sad it isn't terrible though, because I apparently enjoy being hurt by terrible things. I had so much fun with the Torg f and f, and subjecting my long-suffering husband to tales of terrible mechanics. Nothing has scratched the itch since. (Well, that Dracones game came close, but it was for different reasons. Infuriating ones.) Are you planning to finish it one day, Evil Mastermind? Also, thanks for the review of the new game! Still mostly glad it was good. I... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually want to play some Torg.
# ¿ Mar 3, 2018 04:41 |
Liking Spire so far, but holy poo poo, is forcibly converting someone your religion a hosed up power. Also some refreshes seem way easier to get than others. *dumb loving question, ignore me.* DicktheCat fucked around with this message at 02:28 on May 13, 2018 |
# ¿ May 13, 2018 02:07 |
oriongates posted:Oh god. The worms! The worms everywhere!! God, you're right, I wasn't thinking. Let me edit that out.
# ¿ May 13, 2018 02:27 |
# ¿ Jan 23, 2025 06:44 |
I've gone back several pages, but is anyone doing, has done, or planning to do the new Pathfinder? If I'm just missing it, let me know. I've heard it's a hilarious mess, and want to know more/see someone snark at it. Please forgive me if I've missed it, I'm like a million pages behind.
# ¿ Aug 9, 2018 03:54 |