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Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!

MJ12 posted:

Clearly it's because the God-Machine persecutes the Beasts and they get crushed under the heels of The Man, man.

I'm not entirely facetious here-if Beast was originally some metaphor for minorities, it sort of makes sense given that the God-Machine is basically an explicit metaphor for the State. Like, it straight-out says that the God-Machine is this inhuman, massive entity made out of infrastructure which acts on the small scale not via its own powers, but via dispatching agents. It's baaaaasically God as a dream of good government.

Which makes the demons basically ex-cops who got stuck in jail, and the Beasts the minorities who now loathe and torment the ex-cops.

Except it's generally not a bad idea to make demons mad because they are very good at what they do, and what they do is terrorism.

So maybe it's because demons, despite not being creatures of primordial terror, being better at actually being relevant and concerning fears to mankind? Maybe it's jealousy?

Well, I think the God-Machine is way more "God as a dream of a government." Part of the metaplot is that the God-Machine ISN'T good. At best it is entirely neutral towards humanity and uses them to achieve it's own inhuman goals. The world is lovely, and it wants the world to STAY that way.


Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!
Yeah, I think if you play CoD as completely bleak and hopeless, you're doing a disservice. The world is lovely. Thing is, you don't have to be. There is no greater godlike power of justice or hope, so you have to become that. I don't think that's bleak at all - I think it's empowering. The catch is, you need a GM who goes along with this.

Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!

Nessus posted:

To paraphrase Dr. Karl Lykos, "I don't want to become the hope and justice in a fundamentally uncaring world. I want to rip open evil spirits and suplex corporate security while saving the river's watershed from cosmic polluters."

That's basically becoming hope and justice when you really think about it though.

Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!

RentACop posted:

I mean poo poo, 'Beasts hassle people with difficult but surmountable challenges that help them surpass their limitations and hang-ups, until they are strong enough to become Heroes and strike down the Beast so the cycle can begin again elsewhere' seems like it writes itself. It probably already exists somewhere

At this point, what separates Heroes from Hunters? I mean, how is this different from other supernatural creatures doing literally just that?

Beast just doesn't need to exist, is sorta the thing. It adds nothing new. Even when you go beyond the fact that it's the Suicide Squad movie in book form, it just doesn't really have a point.

Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!
Yeah, for Spellbound Kingdoms it's worth mentioning that the warrior actually is legitimately the best bar none at fighting, to the degree of probably being able to take on multiple opponents at once. Using your full armor score instead of just half is in of itself basically insane.

Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!
If there's one main problem I had with Mage - and Werewolf, and probably other ones I haven't read yet - it's that all the second edition books kinda assume you read the first edition book and already know stuff. Mage just loving drops you in with every other word being capitalized and doesn't tell you what any of that poo poo means for a long time.

Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!

Kaza42 posted:

So, after reading the review here, I decided to pick up Spellbound Kingdoms, and I'm loving it so far. Quick question for Nifara or anyone who might know, how are you supposed to use the Spin maneuver in Court Sword? The only path that accesses it is through Lunge, which has an (r) tag, which means you have to use one of the balancing moves next turn. Or the Intensify maneuver from Elemental Maelstrom, which is only accessible past the Fireball (r) move. I feel like I'm missing something here, but can't figure out what.

You're actually missing a huge detail: You aren't limited in how many spaces you can move vertically or horizontally. You can jump over other maneuvers - you just can't jump over blank spaces.

So Spin can come from Pose, Feint, or Demeaning Swat. Satirical Portrayal, on the other hand, can ONLY be entered through Spin, as all other sides are blank.

EDIT: Likewise for Elemental Maelstrom, you'd start at, say, Flame Shroud. From there you can go straight to Fireball or to Intensify, and then from Intensify to Fire Nova or Wall of Fire (or to Fireball if you want, though there's no real advantage to doing that)

ProfessorCirno fucked around with this message at 04:13 on May 5, 2016

Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!

Zereth posted:

I think that was Shadowrun 5e, where the street sam appeared to have bought his cyberware at prices closer to those in 4e, which were waaaaay cheaper.

The freelancers (because Shadowrun is basically 100% freelancers nowadays) who made the pregens have all stated that they were made before a few rules changes, which is why so many of them are so severely janky.


Feb 17, 2011

The strongest! The smartest!
The rightest!
One of the conspiracies is actually Hunters working FOR the God-Machine to find and take out demons, which rather handily fits the description most conspiracies have of "not too far from the monsters themselves."

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