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Feb 14, 2012

Kavak posted:

Mulhorand, Unther, and I think Chessenta were artifacts of 1st Edition Forgotten Realms, which were literally realms that Earth had forgotten how to get to (Except for Elminster's bestest drinking buddy Ed Greenwood), hence the abducted ancient cultures. I guess that was more acceptable in the late '80's.

The worst part is that southern Faerun got blown the gently caress up because -nobody was doing anything with it!- So they decided to turn the area upside down and put some interesting and more dynamic stuff there, which 5th Edition reversed for the purpose of...more faffing about the Sword Coast, got it.

Serious in the sense that I do not know the answer question: I have gleaned that the 5e Realms had the new continent Aber that magically appeared magically go away again, and all the floating sky-islands fell back to earth, and I assume the spellplague just petered out, but what happened to the Texas-sized chasm and the changed sea level (Chult being island instead of peninsula, etc) and some countries being gone? Did Elminster wave his magic wand and all the new-to-4e nations were transmogrified into their 3e antecedents?


Feb 14, 2012


This book is a lot of fun to read!


Feb 14, 2012

Nessus posted:

somewhere; I don't have it - a writeup in a Dragon issue for playable Dolphins. page 81.

Feb 14, 2012
Opera deserves better than this garbage. I mean, there's got to be eighty thousand superior methods for mixing opera and Lovecraft, starting with an atonal Thomas Adès adaptation of the King in Yellow and proceeding through a production of the Ring cycle where Nyarlathotep shows up to play Loge and when Brunnhild sings her immolation aria to end the world the world goddamn ends.

Feb 14, 2012
Can you use the Dreaming skill to revive Blackjack?

Feb 14, 2012

Nessus posted:

I think the only major elf-on-elf violence was the Kinslaying in Valinor, though there were sporadic moments here and there otherwise. Now, Feanor's bullshit certainly did cause a lot of wars which killed a lot of elves, although he also brought reinforcements to the tarriers in Middle Earth, so it's kind of a mixed bag.

Now was Feanor a centrist or not

I guess the fall of Doriath and the razing of the Havens of Sirion don't count as "major" since Galadriel wasn't personally involved in either, okay, sure, man, I get you.

Feb 14, 2012
It is heartening to get confirmation that the Rogue Trader rules really are the malign bullshit they seemed to be, and it wasn’t just me misunderstanding something basic.

Feb 14, 2012

Night10194 posted:

One of the example RTs stole a Warlord class Titan and stuck it on his ship as a hood ornament. Never uses it for anything else. Just has it there to say he has it.

Trask is a weird man. He's also the guy on the cover.

E: I should really call this review 'No, it wasn't you: Rogue Trader is just kind of a poo poo game.'

It's funny; the books are so gorgeous and the production values in general so good that I couldn't help but assume that the rules weren't poorly thought out hot garbage. You'd think Pathfinder and 3.x woulda cured me of that fallacy.

Really though the best thing about Rogue Trader was the artwork: the Vin Diesel looking Void-Master, the Seneschal swinging into action with their Action Clipboard and Tactical Quill Pen... we shoulda all just freeformed it using the art as a jumping off point. "Poster" is the best medium for conveying the Imperium of Man anyways.

Feb 14, 2012
Man I hate “cold iron” as a thing. May as well say monsters are only vulnerable to guns that fire special bullets that are stored above 212F in the magazine, “hot lead.”

Feb 14, 2012
Can a sage combine the transcribe class feature, Use Magic Device, and a hypothetical friendly wizard who scribes scrolls from their spell book for the sage to photocopy to.... still suck pretty badly, frankly?

Feb 14, 2012

SunAndSpring posted:

I'm so loving mad at this oblivious dickhead.

There's a Sail charm coming up that moved me from not having an opinion about Morke to actively despising the jerk. Made me say "what? no, gently caress YOU" aloud and angrily close the PDF, first time I read it.

Feb 14, 2012

Alien Rope Burn posted:

[*]13. King's Tower: The heart of the Tolkeen government, this is one of the most well-protected buildings, made out of self-repairing magic material. This is where the King and the Circle of Twelve rule from. Still, the Coalition manages to blow off the top floors before it can self-repair and they essentially lay siege to it as it becomes the last redoubt of the Tolkeen forces. The Tolkeen defense is led by "The Expendables" (no relation to the movie, given how much earlier this was), a handful of soldiers who end up having their hearts wired to explosives and make a death run at the Coalition lines. (This does not matter.)[/list]

As references to the Fall of Gondolin go, this is pretty weaksauce. There could at least have been a secret escape tunnel leading to a Coalition ambush, or something.


Feb 14, 2012

Nessus posted:

What's your point? I'm saying if y'all had led with DBs you would have probably had a stronger game line. Hell, maybe you could have even drawn more from the well of the WoD line and had the different Exalted splats have substantially different focuses and emphasis, even if the rules were broadly intercompatible.

infamous failure of a game line Exalted

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