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Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
GURPS Castle Falkenstein suffered similar issues, what with Dragons and elves being like 400-600 points just based on their base abilities.


Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Given that apocryphally his last words were "More Weight", I think the answer is probably 'All of the above'.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
I would almost guarantee that they're using cybernetics in the looser "Study of how humans and machines interact" way instead of "Bionic limbs"

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
The traditions -generally- don't want to abandon modern technology and conveniences. I mean, even discounting the Etherites and the VA, a lot of them have a sub-faction that depends on it.( House Thig, the Ghost Wheel society, etc.) What their win condition is varies depending on who you ask, but it could be "Just stop loving killing us for being wizards, goddamn." to "After the revolution folks'll be able to pick and choose what sort of paradigm they'd like to live under and hey, maybe my friends who are bygones won't -die just from being around humans-", "EVERYONE'S A WIZARD, GLOBAL ASCENSION!" to, yeah, the sort of folks who espouse bullshit survival of the fittest nonsense (But if you think the technocracy doesn't have people like that, a reminder that they include the Syndicate, aka "Just the sort of assholes who'd sit around high-fiving each other over Citizens United.")

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Just to go back a page though to the last DX post, I still want a FH Mercs/Guild game that's basically "Black Lagoon with superpowers." (I just want to play in it, not run it, which is always a problem.)

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Alien Rope Burn posted:

I think it's supposed to mean Five Razor... Toad?

That can't be right. :raise:

Well, Toads and ninjas have a long association I guess. Though you'd expect a Jiraiya reference if that's what they were going for.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Mostly it means "We read something about Theosophy and thought that Madame Blavatsky knew what she was talking about instead of being a charlatan, so we're going to use it as a vague "Eastern mysticism" thing, it's Sanskrit, right?"

Basically it's a reference to

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Yeah, I remember there being a -massive- difficulty spike around the time the first nazi wizards show up, especially since my medic hadn't leveled enough to unlock his reanimator serum combat-resurrection yet.

(Why the hell would you only give XP for fights/kills in an TRPG with dedicated support troops? Even FFT knew better than that)

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Doresh posted:

(Wait... oh crap, that isn't actually Caudwell on the cover. That's Kyoji "Diablos" Kasuga, whose bio paints him as a recurring boss character / eternal loser. Very strange to put him at center stage, which is probably why I got them confused in my first post <_<)

I think his 'multiple loser' reputation comes from being the first False Hearts NPC most characters fight if you run the corebook scenario. On the other hand, this makes him like the 'signature' FH guy, and he keeps avoiding being told "You have failed me for the last time" somehow.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Serf posted:

Okay, I actually like this. It reads like it could've come out of a newspaper at the time

...The funny part is that's actually based on a series of Usenet posts from the nineties by a dude named Robert E. McElwaine. The random capitals, conspiracy theorizing, and the signature line are right out of his usual rants.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
While part of the reason for all the melee weapons in Traveller is just "All the other games have them", for some reason it was a -thing- in sixties and seventies sci-fi that everyone would be fighting with swords in space because "Let's puncture space-suits with rapiers and not shoot holes in the ship walls" was a thing that came up in more than one book back then.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Evil Mastermind posted:

Also, they're not so clumsy or random as a blaster.

Traveller doesn't get lightsabers! Or blasters, actually. All their energy weapons are big bulky backpack fed things.

...Space Opera from FGU on the other hand, goes all in, and you can have a lightsaber while running around in Starship troopers powered armor.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Well, you can do temporary enchantments at Tharkold and the Papacy's magic level, but permanently enchanted not so much. (Of course, it might be a spiritually enhanced sword, in which case, all bets are off.)

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
The basic Cinderella story is probably one of the most popular fairy tales in the world- there are variants of it in Korea and China (And some folklorists are pretty sure that Cinderella started with the Chinese folktale and migrated west before Perrault established the modern version), several Native American stories that are similar (Though they usually involve marrying some sort of spirit or hero instead of a prince, obviously.) etc. If you're going to pick a story to be a five dot legend, you could do worse.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Evil Mastermind posted:

The Asyle sourcebook has a fiction piece that is eight page long that describes how magic works.

Eight. Pages.


I didn't know Brandon Sanderson worked on TORG before starting his regular writing career.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Weirdly, some of the Bloodshadows books were actually fairly decent, as far as 'magic noir potboiler' goes, but they had different writers than the TORG books, I think.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Don't forget that the game designer of the "Five Realms" RPG-within-an-RPG that was based on TORG and TORG's game designer was actually the anti-Torg, Apeiros!

...Actually, do. Do forget that.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Given that most of the random charts in Public Enemy's random scenario generation stuff only has one "GM fiat only" option, it feels like rolling GM's choice kind of pushes you to pick that one even if you'd otherwise be more interested in another result.

On the upside, "Primary schooler" is a GM fiat only choice for most of the NPCs, so I can feel free to never pick it to avoid a random scenario where you've got to beat up an 8 year old.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
I remember when Awakening first came out there were a metric shitton of Ascension fans complaining because it was turning all magic into Hermetics! When it actually got around to addressing something like OMage paradigms, the presentation was something along the lines of "All these groups have a bit of lost knowledge because of the big magical diaspora back in the day, so they probably have something to teach us!"

As opposed to the M20 approach, where there's a lot of different magicians with different belief systems but they're all fooling themselves and it's really just chaos magic you guys.

Wait, which one was supposed to be the more respectful and diverse approach again?

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
You can have the exact same party in NMage, but using the stuff from Magical Traditions means that the guy playing the Hoodoo Cunning folk actually gets a mechanical benefit for doing so instead of it being a mostly meaningless layer that you're meant to eventually discard, and his buddy the Taoist sorcerer can do things with Wards that no one else has ever figured out without training in the same tradition.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Listening to the Wizards review made me realize that Numenera probably takes Wizards as inspiration and that makes me like Numenera even less than I did before!

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Alien Rope Burn posted:

If for some reason you need more Satyrblade, System Mastery has you covered.

Yeah, and if that's not enough, we could point you at his other game/sourcebook Power Chords but it's currently the only RPG kickstarter that's even more delayed than Far West.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Well, since they said they want one without a defined setting, I imagine they mean "System-only GUMSHOE" book. Ala Fate Core or whatever.

Me, I'm still holding out hope for Bubblegumshoe because I have players that would kill for some sort of Brick/Veronica Mars mashup game.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
According to Evil Hat, Bubblegumshoe is in layout now- since it lists Veronica Mars as a chief inspiration, it'll probably be the closest to straight up noir we've gotten out of the system so far, weirdly enough. One of the early writeups of it suggests that it works for a Justified game with very little hacking.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Yeah, the only ecumenical nod it made there was the whole "Trickster gods are just the angel Gabriel being a dick" thing.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
The Cold and Warm stuff is just straight up ripped from the 3.x DMG stuff (And maybe the Desert/Arctic survival books from later in the line.)

As a side note, non-lethal damage from the weather will turn lethal after it knocks you out, so an average commoner can die from being outside for 2 hours in 39 degree or 91 degree F weather.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
I was really hoping for more Shadow powers in the mix for Ouroboros than it got. Most of the fighty part of the powerset seems to be the copy power/renegade manipulation stuff.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Other signs the writer doesn't get humor: There's a demon of internet comics that is apparently just a reference to that one with the killer rabbit that John Ringo likes.

Don't be like John Ringo.


Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Doresh posted:


The best Powers are about weaponized words: Dodge attacks by confusing/annoying your opponent, and use your eloquence to hurt him. Add in some debuff stuff, and you can basically tell the World's Funniest Joke.
You can also hypnotize an opponent to make him forget how to use his Powers, reduce incoming damage to an ally by telling him to make a barrel roll, and the high ER Powers grant yet another bodyguard and damage nullifying Power.

As a side note, the power to hurt people with the Negotiation skill is possibly the best bit of localization in the gameline.

It's called "Offensive Language."

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
It's too bad that the Material synthesis Morpheus power uses the shortest range when you combine two weapons into one, because who doesn't want to go full Desperado/Shadow Hearts and have a rocket launcher or machine gun built into a guitar.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Honestly the real reason Deadlands had the Civil War still going was because their entire game was inspired by a Brom book cover for Wraith of a ghost confederate. (Necropolis Atlanta, I think?)

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
I need to grab Hoodoo Blues as research/source material for my dumb Bluegrass Fantasy/Appalachian folklore Fellowship hack. ( I saw the Overlord playbook and immediately wanted to do the same thing only with the GM as the Crooked Man/the Devil at the Crossroads.)

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Cythereal posted:

To the contrary, in the Forgotten Realms gunpowder was a direct gift from the god of invention to his faithful and his clerics could wield an arquebus contrary to normal cleric weapon restrictions. It was a very recent thing, though, restricted to Gond's priesthood and the distant island nation of Lantan. Then 4E happened.

Forgotten Realm gods deserve the glorious maltheist revolution more than anyone else, thanks to the Wall of the Faithless. Which I think 4E also got rid of in favor of the god of the dead judging where non-believers should go based on what they were like in life.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
To be fair, in Dragonlance, the high priest/emperor of said 'lawful good empire' was literally praying for the power to smite all remaining evil in the land (After, you know, starting genocidal purges of everyone who worshiped neutral gods and everyone who thought this was a bad idea...) at the time the meteor hit, so it was like 70 percent poetic justice.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Eberron has an entirely different set of planes that don't really match up with the Planescape model and aren't really alignment-based, for a start. Like Doluurh -could- be Carceri if you twist a bunch of things and squint, but not really. And some of alternate planar stuff is directly tied to setting backstory for one of the PC races.

Also their entire afterlife stuff doesn't match up with the petitioners thing and it'd be weird. And it's a major setting element that the gods don't visibly manifest except for the Silver Flame, which doesn't really work with Planescape as written.

unseenlibrarian fucked around with this message at 14:20 on Feb 10, 2016

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.

Kavak posted:

Clearly 5th Edition's cosmology needs to be returned to 2nd/3rd Edition's, all published settings must be standardized accordingly, and anything that does not fit must be removed in the name of consistency.
Either that or I need to accept that things have changed and I'm a grognard :negative:

Luckily, homogenizing everything is an explicit 5E goal and there's no sign of Eberron in 5th, it was a 3.x/4E setting. It's okay, you're WOTC's target market.

unseenlibrarian fucked around with this message at 14:52 on Feb 10, 2016

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
I just love the idea that the Hammer Dracula movies were made to cover up the attempt to re-activate actual Dracula as an asset in the seventies. At least I assume that's what Agent Cushing is a reference to. Which means that Christopher Lee may have been one of Dracula's handlers.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
The only time I've ever seen someone house rule to make fighters better is with bows, because there's a certain class of older gamer that really likes that one Froissart quote about the English longbowmen hitting '12 aimed shots a minute' so they'd double or triple the attacks per round in AD&D to make it 'more realistic' for bow specialists.

Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Probably Races of Stone, which had a bunch of new types of heavy armor and feats to try and make wearing it more attractive.


Jun 4, 2012

There's only one thing in the mountains that leaves a track like this. The creature of legend that roams the Timberline. My people named him Sasquatch. You call him... Bigfoot.
Pretty sure the answer is "You're both right", which is why I suggested the game be called "TERF Wars" in the Industry thread where it first came up.

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