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fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Ghost Leviathan posted:

Does Fantasy have Blanks and Pariahs like 40k?

Not canonically. The winds of magic/realm of chaos don't exactly behave like the warp either.


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
It's obvious that Sigmar left to become Sotek, the war god of the lizardmen :eng101: I'm not even really kidding; Sotek's symbol is the same twin-tailed comet as Sigmar's. Most of the Warhammer Fantasy gods are implied to have multiple forms that appear to different races as different gods. A bunch of the Empire gods are clearly originally Elven: Taal & Rhya are Kurnous and Isha, Morr is Morai-heg, and Manaan is Mathlann. The Breton Lady of the Lake is of and on again explicitly Ariel, the avatar of Isha.

Some of the darker Elven gods are possibly less malicious aspects of Chaos God: Khaine as Khorne is the obvious one, but Hoeth could be Tzeentch, given his aspect of progress over tradition, and Loec shares some aspects with Slaanesh, and his name is similar to Loesh, one of Slaanesh's alternate names. I particularly like this interpretation cause it has Chaos as self-destructive; it cannot help but fight itself.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Ghost Leviathan posted:

Did they ever get into any implications of what the gently caress is going on with the Great Maw?

The fluff generally goes with "it's PROBABLY just a giant warpstone meteor, but the death of 2/3rds of the ogres, along with the terror of starvation and guilt of cannibalism, and generally just the dark magic of warpstone created a warp entity tied to the crater"

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Dawgstar posted:

I know a couple of the megacorps will rotate their elite guys in with the grunts now and then, so the Aztechnology guy you decide to clip might have a lot of commando buddies who are now super ticked. Going super loud and leaving a body count always comes off as a minor mission fail state in my experience.

Unless you're playing the A-team version of shadowrun, which the fluff also kinda supports. Shadowrun is trying to be like four genres and once and people tend to latch onto whichever is there personal favorite, and then get into giant fights with people who read it was a different genre. I eventually realized that I don't actually like Shadowrun much, and just like technoir.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Ghost Leviathan posted:

Feel like firearms in D&D's vaguely High Middle Ages setting might work as basically Encounter powers, being long before you could reliably reload weapons in combat without someone watching your back so you pull them out at the start of combat or whenever you think you have a good opportunity. (Bloodborne-style pistol counters would be rad)

Usually the answer in things like Pathfinger is to severely pre-nerf them and require total specialisation.

I honesty don't mind the idea of 'gunpowder weapons are still rare and dangerous, so being 'Guy With Gun' is an entire archetype' in a fantasy setting. Pathfinder doesn't do it great because it's based on 3.5 and therefor all non casters are mediocre at best, but I think the basic idea is fine.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

megane posted:

Be honest, you know how this goes. Fighters etc. can spend a feat to learn how to use a gun, which has steep penalties that you can mostly - but only mostly - negate by taking like half a dozen other feats. You can't move on the same turn you fire, and firing provokes an attack. You need two hands to reload the gun and if it jams you need a DC 20 check to fix it.

Wizards can summon a magic gun as a level 2 spell that they are automatically proficient in, and which does more damage, can be your choice of a number of rarely-resisted types, has no penalties, fires and reloads itself while leaving you free to cast and move, never jams, and gets a bonus to accuracy based on your caster level. But it only lasts [caster level]x10 minutes per cast!

Yeah exactly. Instead, the firearms character should basically be THE striker. They either use a brace of pistols to rapid fire burst down an enemy, and then have to play defensively for a round or two while they reload, or be a super sniper.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Its not terribly difficult to keep an iron kingdoms alchemist in grenades unless you’re in an antagonistic group like hyphz

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

LatwPIAT posted:

OK but what if we make a game that doesn't have a supplement called gently caress For Satan

That's a fantastic supplement name tho. It just belongs in like, a Brutal Legends rpg or something.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

hyphz posted:

It's not terribly difficult (it was a long while ago I played) but as I recall the grenades don't scale as you level up. So you have to have a gun as well for dealing actual damage, and it costs money to upgrade that. So while everyone else is upgrading their guns, you fall behind because you have to keep replacing your grenades, and become a kind of ineffective Controller.

Scaling barely exists in Iron Kingdom? Where you playing the d20 version, maybe? Cause I'm thinking of the later standalone.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Nessus posted:

Yeah the IK RPG - the one they made themselves, not with the OGL content - is very much a somewhat more nuanced version of Warmachine/Hordes. There isn't a lot of scaling in it. Based on my limited tooling around the result is something like Final Fantasy Tactics: Your fights are nasty and demand tactics but you will probably be able to recover between fights quite readily. I could be high though.

That's basically correct. You all but full heal after every fight as long as you don't get taken out, and it's pretty easy to heal during fights as long as mooks are around to kill.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Any of you OSR fanatics, what is the best game to pick up that is basically 'AD&D written clearly'?

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Halloween Jack posted:

I've only played editions 2, 3, and 4, but I don't see why it would be any less so in 5. Shadowrun Anarchy I don't know about.

5 character creation is a priority system instead of point buy, so it's quicker. It still takes a while.

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

Daeren posted:

Speaking of Shallya, I was reading the fourth edition rulebook and its table of results for Wrath of the Gods struck me as remarkably hilarious to try reconciling if they come up for a Shallyan nun praying to heal the sick.

Like someone gets on their knees and prays over someone with leprosy and then Shallya's thunderous voice booms FEEL MY WRATH and they start bleeding out of the eyes and ears. That's...that's not something I see Shallya doing unless she was out drinking with Ranald and got hosed up enough to think she's getting a crank call from a Nurglite.

Shallyans crying tears of blood is very in character

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
Chaos is much more interesting if you accept the hunted at theory that a fair number of benevolent gods are opposition aspects of the chaos gods. Ulric and Kurnous/Taal as Khorne, Loec as Loesh/Slaaneah, Ranald as Tzeentch, ect.

Chaos as impossibly dangerous but also self defeating and self destructive makes it more interesting. Similarly, beastmen are more interesting when you play up the beastmen as self-hating and jealous fallen humans who loath the chaos gods but worship them out of terror that they’ll make things worse for them. Or desperately talking themselves into believing that their curse is actually the gods making them superior.

fool of sound fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Sep 8, 2018

fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012
The chaos god I really hate is Nurgle, who doesn’t really have interesting positive aspects to entice people in like the others do. He’s just ‘lol I got you sick now come be evil with me’


fool of sound
Oct 10, 2012

ChaseSP posted:

Eh I figure with how magical the elves are anyone not killed at the end are healed to good health. Unless it's chaos.

I think in the main war game fiction elves are immune to chaos, at least of the 'develop tentacles' variety. Chaos exposure just makes them bigger jerks.

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