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Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Crasical posted:

I like how between Bill Webb and Bellum Maga, the Ravenloft review is the -least- horrifying thing in this thread right now.


Lightning Lord fucked around with this message at 01:38 on Aug 24, 2016


Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Looking at Abby Soto's Facebook page I notice she has Caomihe Ora Snow as a friend. Snow, the designer of Queen's Cavaliers, is transgender. Wtf?

Covok posted:

I keep hearing people mention that term, "intersectionality." What does it mean?

If this isn't sarcasm it means caring about people who aren't you and incorporating them and their concerns into social justice, not plowing over or actively insulting them, or implying their concerns are less important than yours or even made up.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Covok posted:

Why would it be sarcasm?

I thought maybe it was a burn, like "lol Soto doesn't know what intersectionality is"

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Hellas is making me want to do Atlantis the Second Age. I like Jerry Grayson's work a lot

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Default Settings posted:

I've been asked by a friend to run a game that "doesn't involve non-violent communication, which is making me aggressive" (she's currently studying to be a teacher).

So I wondered: Which is the most brutal, most graphically violent pen-and-paper RPG* you guys know?

* don't even mention loving FATAL

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Is Fragged Empires a light game with a robust loot system? Been looking for a good system for a game of science fantasy scavengers.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

I haven't been following Beast drama at all, but I thought the elevator pitch was that the Beasts were a metaphor for misunderstood kids and the Heroes were red pillers and dude bros? Is this not true, has this ever been true?

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

It seems like Beast is an attempt to do a WoDized John Gardner's Grendel with modern social commentary, gone very wrong.

Lightning Lord fucked around with this message at 08:37 on Aug 19, 2016

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

I think I read something about L5R 3e being unplayable as presented in the corebook?

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

There's rules in Way of the Ratlings.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Count Chocula posted:

I dunno what Borges would think about ending up in D&D, but it's probably worth an essay or two.

I think he'd have been down with it, and the idea that a monster he created is actually from Greek myth would have amused him most likely. Stripping the perytons of what distinguishes them and making them slightly odd griffins probably wouldn't though.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Yes no clue why Paizo felt they had to remove that, under the impression that it was protected content? Then again an read through of the 5e Monster Manual seems to indicate that aspect isn't there either. Too weird and interesting? Trying to distinguish the D&D peryton from Borges' real deal? Who the hell knows.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Crasical posted:

The real world has gotten weird enough that Shadowrun feels distressingly plausible a lot of the time.

I said it in the Trump thread in D&D but I disagree and here's why:

Lightning Lord posted:

Everyone was expecting to get the Sprawl Trilogy or Shadowrun out of all this but the horrible literary future we're getting is Jack Vance's the Dying Earth. I for one can't wait to be killed in the hills by twisted creatures while ultrarich, bored wizards gently caress with each other fruitlessly and laugh while the planet slowly turns into a cinder, and everyone knows there's no tomorrow and acts like it.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Halloween Jack posted:

Jesus, finally I find someone who gets the Dying Earth.

This song is the best overview for the tone of the books and you should get fools who think it's about cool sorcerers shooting rainbows to listen to it

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

The best Black Hack product for me is the Petal Hack because it brings Tekumel to the masses and it costs a hefty $0. It's also written by Tekumel expert Brett Slocum.

Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Yet more proof that I never actually read any of the Rifts books I had, just looked the Ramon Perez art.


Lightning Lord
Feb 21, 2013

$200 a day, plus expenses

Inescapable Duck posted:

I'm trying to remember something I may have read about years ago, possibly in some incarnation of this very thread, about an independent RPG in the early 00s that was possibly the most pretentious thing I'd ever seen. It had some title along the lines of 'aetheria' of the high-concept fancy RPG type, an extremely complicated character sheet that had some kind of quadrant dot thing in the middle I presume was some horrifyingly complicated advancement and/or alignment system, and even the price was pretentious (high and kind of random). It had its own web site with pretty, incredibly generic looking fantasy art and very little if any indication as to what the game was actually about.

Prithee, dost thou mean Eoris Essence?

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