gradenko_2000 posted:18 Extra Feats is a D&D 5th Edition DM's Guild product by someone named Igor PhoenixRion that's currently retailing for a buck. I'm not going to go through the whole thing because drat, it's a 5 page PDF with 18 feats for a buck, but there's this one particular feat I want to bring up because it's just too perfect for this thread: Wow, that's really a piece of heteronormative, homophobic crap. 5e really has the poo poo audience it deserves.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 18:11 |
If you people want to REALLY be consistent about warning people about horrible games through FF reviews, you should always include a link to the FF of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook after EACH post about the Beginners Box (someones first RPG should not be Pathfinder) and the Adventure Paths (themes might make that pile of poo poo seem nicer than it really is). You say drivethru Beast reviews are misleading. Well, latest posts about Pathfinder on this thread have been trying to sell it as a good, not-lovely game as well, which seems just as dishonest. Nancy_Noxious fucked around with this message at 13:03 on Jun 4, 2016 |
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See, even if later stuff is better, I still cannot stomach it. In the end Jason Buhlman is still an opportunist that copy-pasted a piece of poo poo that GREATLY contributed to the toxic evironment that led to Next. Does anyone need to be reminded how Paizo CULTIVATED edition war rethoric in order to promote their low-effort carbon copy? Also gently caress Starfinder, really. It will likely be a hit while d20 games that really try to push the d20 engine forward like 13th Age live in obscurity (and are, ironically, MORE trash-talked around here than Pathfinder!). Rob Heinsoo alone brought more innovation to the d20 system (I am counting 4e here) than the whole Paizo staff - and in the end the hacks take the prize. Edit- also, redarding new directions in the system, some time ago I took a look at the "unchained" rules and, no surprise, the thing is still fettered to the crap. The "quick" monster guidelines are still heavily obfuscated (very unlike 13th Age's very transparent monster math), lots of fiddly crap, absolutely no effort to rein in caster supremacy or make mechanicaly interesting martial classes. I really don't see why people here are getting all soft on Pathfinder. Nancy_Noxious fucked around with this message at 13:51 on Jun 4, 2016 |
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Night10194 posted:There's nothing wrong with Pathfinder's players. My scorn is entirely reserved for the people who keep writing rules for that hot mess and it's tempered some by the fact that it's really hard to make any kind of living in the RPG industry so most of them are probably lucky to have a job at all. Pathfinder players enable the hacks who write the Pathfinder rules. If there wasn't Pathfinder, they would have, sooner or later, gone towards 4e*. *By no means a perfect game, but it can prime people to be more accepting of good design practices - focused design, game balance, focus on play (as opposed to bathroom reading). Pathfinder/Next priming is more akin to brain damage that leads to things like forums dedicated to damage on a miss - it perpetuates outdated design practices.
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This thread is really great! Let us exacerbate 13th Age's flaws and stay mellow about Pathfinder's because Someone said upthread that it's better to have people playing Pathfinder than playing no RPGs at all. I used to think like that. Today I disagree. After trying to sell 13th Age, Apocalypse World and 4E to a Pathfinder group I used to play boardgames (bad boardgames, like Zombicide) with, just to be rejected everytime because "not realistic enough", "this is too confusing, how come NPCs do not have defense numbers?!" and "this is not a real RPG, we play Pathfinder, D&D's true heir " respectively, I came to believe that Pathfinder is, at least for me, worse than no RPGs at all. It actively poisons people against the games I'd like to have a group to play with. The fact that Beast's success makes this Pathfinder-loving thread mad makes me glad. Not that I like Beast, I find it worse than bad, I find it uninteresting (like Geist, or Awakening Mage), but the way you people react to it (and the way you put down games I like such as 13th Age) is making me warm up to it. Ripping MRAs to shreds is just icing to the cake. (Kai - I agree that, design-wise both Strike and Spellbound are more sophisticated than 13th Age, and in an ideal world I should be wanting to get a group to play those. But as much as I enjoy 4e, the square grid is not my favourite part, the balance and variety of "buttons" (i.e. powers) to push during combat is. Also, I am not really married to DTAS. Furthermore, PDQ# is one is my fave systems, so 13th Age's backgrounds plus abstracted distances in combat is like PDQ and 4e lite had a baby, and it hits a sweet spot for me. Plus gorgeous books, I love the hand drawn feeling of the art and the CONSISTENCY you get by having only two illustrators doing the whole thing. Strike's art and layout, on the other hand, are both weak, and I like pretty things. Can you now imagine why would someone go for 13th Age instead of Strike?)
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Doresh, I know. It was poo poo like why does the escalation die applies to PCs but not to NPCs (i.e. I'm having trouble pretending this game rule is the fictional world's PHYSICS). Gradenko, if Dreamscarred was actually any good, they wouldn't be enabling Pathinder. See, Chernobyl Peace Prize, the problem to me is that people tend to ignore the stuff 13thAge does right. Like I said earlier, this forum likes to exacerbate its flaws. Someone reading this forums might come under the impression that the Pathfinder Beginner Box has better design than 13th Age because all you do is praise the drat box (or, at least, refrain from alerting people that under the pretty box is a toxic turd of a system that will forever warp a beginner's notion of how RPGs should be) while you lambast 13thAge for tiny flaws (if 13th Age's engine was actually used for Next, 90% of the Next thread would not exist since Next's worst defects, such as scaling, encounter building, opportunity attacks, gridless combat support, ARE ACTUALLY SOLVED in 13th Age). (Also, I'd rather have tiny fists than disgusting fat hands.) Pixelscum, I get why Beast is bad. I quit reading the White Wolf thread because people won't shut up about it. But the thing is, I think Beasts, unlike vampires or werewolves, have nothing going for them, there is nothing cool or sexy about them. They are a fad and fortunately will soon come to pass. Pathfinder, on the other hand is an enduring thorn that continues to cause damage, and will keep on doing so, it seems. Edit: okay, allright, sorry for the derail. Nancy_Noxious fucked around with this message at 16:17 on Jun 5, 2016 |
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Count Chocula posted:I'd feel better about all the Beast hate, justified though it may be, if so many White Wolf fans in this thread didn't have detailed fantasies about playing the Technocracy and Hunter and gruesomely crushing Mages and Changlings with overwhelming technology and state power. That one is easy. The Technocracy are STEMlords, so it's not like they're evil queer monsters or anything, so STEMlord nerds dig them. Take for instance that really unfair Mage20 review that was going on, it was a celebration of sciency nerd types. Fashionable tattooed characters were despicable, fugly characters wearing Darwin t-shirts and sweatpants were awesome! Viking honor is conventionally masculine, so most straight nerds dig it. Queer Beasts? Burn them!
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Terrible Opinions posted:Hey now Count Chocula is a much much better poster than Nancy_Noxious. Oh, sorry for not hating Beast hard enough! Edit: Beast fell to number 16 on drivethru rpg. I guess I will get off the fence and buy it to help the good guys. ![]() Nancy_Noxious fucked around with this message at 03:44 on Jun 7, 2016 |
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Beast is a breath of fresh air. What? Abusers? I always correct that when I GM, therefore the game is fine as is. The game requires a GM by design, so the fact that small corrections are needed is a feature, since it trains GM instincts! You people say it's fine to say Pathfinder and Next are, on those grounds, if not good games, at least games that Should Be Never Shat Upon, since a Good GM can make them work. The same should hold for Beast, I guess. It's just thematic instead of mechanical corrections that are needed. (USER WAS PUT ON PROBATION FOR THIS POST)
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Doresh posted:Beasts are invited to an important lesson about friendship and love, with the teachers Fist-to-the-Face and Heartshaped Explosion. So gay bashing has become fashionable again? (And Trump isn't even the president yet...) Edit: if you people really need your games to have 100% straight characters and themes, why don't you just play Pendragon? I hear it is quite the heteronormative sexism simulator. Nancy_Noxious fucked around with this message at 15:28 on Oct 3, 2016 |
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The problem with Urban Shadows is that one of the authors wrote a blog post that people here found unforgivable. (Hint, its about Zak, which is guaranteed to send this forum on a spiral or mindless rage and pure envy.) (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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Oh, burn! You're so clever. Doesn't make what I wrote any less true. Zak is much more talented and successful than any of the fat losers here.
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# ¿ Feb 7, 2025 18:11 |
Troll or not, its still true: everytime you see someone in this forum bitch about a game that bears Mark Diaz Truman's name, its not about the game itself, its because this forum once had a meltdown over a blog post by Mark. Once he wrote that blog post, his games became "bad games" around here. People is this forum are petty lile this.
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