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Jun 9, 2013

Doresh posted:

I'm not an expert on WoD at all, but I assume there's at least one type of playable critter around that is all about "Screw those other guys / We don't get along with anyone else". But then Beast comes prancing around and is suddenly BFF with everyone.

It's Demons, and they absolutely hate Beasts. As far as I know the game never says exactly why other than that they come from different sources of power, but while they don't really need to or usually want to Demons can get along with other splats just fine. They just don't like Beasts on instinct.


Jun 9, 2013

Rigged Death Trap posted:

Hunter sounds sick as gently caress
Some do an FnF

You're in luck, Mors is an endless engine of game writeups.

Jun 9, 2013

Doresh posted:

Lecherous Tentacle
Tenser's Floating Duel Disk
Magic Macross Missile
Summon Catgirl
Gust of Pantyshot

Tenser's Floating Duel Disk and Magic Macross Missile sound really very good, though.

Jun 9, 2013

Nessus posted:

Leaving aside amateur Sinology and so on, I think China HAS been incorporated in cyberpunk media to some extent, it's just that cyberpunk stuff fell out of fashion for a while. (One theory, bleakly, is that it wasn't fictional any more.) In Deus Ex, Hong Kong/mainland China were important locations, weren't they? Even in Neuromancer, the mcguffin was a Chinese military virus.

The future is Chinese in Deus Ex, yeah. Also Firefly and Cowboy Bebop. It's just not as common as Japanese cyberpunk stuff is.

Jun 9, 2013

I feel like something like that had to have been in Midnight Roads, the Best nWoD book.

Jun 9, 2013

Count Chocula posted:

So they've started using ketamine to treat depression in the real world. What if in the nWoD they're doing the same thing, and it works because of the body swapping.

I always find it strange when they introduce brain uploading to an otherwise standard supernatural setting (Hellblazer, X-Files). Shouldn't that become the setting? It's digital immortality & the show or comic treats it like a one-off bit of weirdness instead of something that fundamentally changes society.

I do like how you could use both of these for voluntary body swaps.

Wasn't there also something in Horror Recognition Guide about a bunch of Seers "curing" mental illnesses by just brainjacking their patients?

Jun 9, 2013

You managed to find the mechanics in Degenesis?

It really is a game best suited by having like 3 of your players play the same class with one person being something else whose skillset is required by the job they're doing as far as I can tell though.

Jun 9, 2013

grassy gnoll posted:


The WARLOCK ENGINEER is in his laboratory, with his ASSISTANT and SLAVES, preparing to turn on a new invention. The ENGINEER steels his courage by taking a long drink from a tankard.

Hold-hold warpstone-brew!

The ENGINEER passes his drink to his assistant, who discreetly poisons it. The ENGINEER switches on the device, which promptly explodes, setting the ENGINEER aflame. As his master dies and the stink of burning hair fills the room, the ASSISTANT takes a satisfied swig of warpstone beer. The ASSISTANT has enough time to do a spit-take before he dies. The SLAVES fight over the dropped tankard as the laboratory bench starts to smolder.

Enter ANOTHER ENGINEER. ANOTHER ENGINEER looks around the burning laboratory, kicks the SLAVES, and takes the tankard for himself, holding it aloft for the audience to see.

Glory-triumph to the Horned Rat, darkest of gods, gnawer of world-bones!

Curtain. Performers who survive the backstage knife fights are customarily tipped for their efforts.

Kinda want to play a campaign surrounding a minor Skaven clan who have decided that they've never been any good at open warfare or politics and instead will be remembered forever through their theatrical prowess. This of course involves holding Council members hostage to get them to show up, etc.


Jun 9, 2013

The idea of Skaven being raised outside the Under-Empire is a fun one and it makes me want to see the extremes of it. Like, what if as part of his quest the Lady of the Lake tells a knight to raise a survivor of a recently destroyed clan, because redeeming the unclean is harder than killing? What does the King do when his new Grail Knight's rat son gets tired of being looked down on and swears the Questing Vow himself? This seems like a very funny place to start a tabletop campaign from.

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