NGDBSS posted:The community also isn't so great at actually examining the system's design choices and mechanical knobs. They're 40k players so that goes without saying
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 19:32 |
Jesus, how many times do the L5R books show you something cool and then ![]()
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I've been kind of iffy on most of the Tomb of Horrors stuff but drat, the whole deal with the Vestige sounds really cool. I'm imagining the PC's having to backtrack through all the towers of Moil, avoiding the old traps and enemies that they already passed once while doing their best to use what they remember of the whole place to send the Vestige on a wild goose chase to buy just enough time for the last gate to open.
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DAD LOST MY IPOD posted:FORTRESS OF CONCLUSION That is a really good dungeon name, drat. So with every undead encounter in the Fortress is the DM encouraged to have Acererak pop in and say hi? Or is just every now and then instead of every time?
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I actually don't mind Marian, in fact I think the banality actually works in her favour because she is loving anything but banal when you think about it. Just when you think you have this fairly standard conservative old granny stereotype pegged it turns out she has dozens of kills, maxed out hero powers and is coming at you with a loving AK-47 holy christ. She's basically a member of the village council from Hot Fuzz who are all caricatures of petty small-town oppressiveness hiding action-movie style badass assassins who get into gunfights, spout silly one-liners and murder people with garden shears. But you know it's Beast so she's a lot less cool by association. ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 13:28 on Sep 30, 2016 |
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I love the floor puzzle, it's basically designed to punish the kind of overly cautious and paranoid mindset that the original Tomb of Horrors and Moil will have probably instilled in each and every player at this point. The brave or the just plain foolhardy have the safest way through but will you even have any such PCs left by the time you've reached the Fortress? The blackball is also a lot fairer than it looks I feel because: A) Anyone who fiddles around with a green demon face at this point honestly deserves everything they get. B) Finding a way to get around this slow-rear end thing is probably a fun challenge. My current group would probably try to bait it out with a summoned creature or the scapegoat PC while the rest snuck through the secret door that it was sitting on. C)Depending on how easily you can lead this thing around you might be able to use it to destroy a lot of other dungeon monsters like the Bone Weirds in the room just below. I'm picturing someone somehow baiting the blackball all the way through the Fortress and into Acererak's face. EDIT: The original Tomb of Horrors was one of my first D&D experiences but I never got to see Return so this has all been incredibly nostalgic to me and I'm genuinely glad you chose to pick this readthrough up again. ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 06:16 on Oct 3, 2016 |
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Alien Rope Burn posted:Well, it goes on to spawn the Children of the Last Wish, magical spirits described as "... tiny, beautiful samurai women dressed in form-fitting armor..." which is probably the most anime thing that L5R ever got. Why?
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To be honest that mist-filled archway is actually a lot fairer than its counterparts in the original Tomb. Acererak must be getting impatient.
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So if you free the balor he won't show up for the final fight right? Or does he specifically have to die?
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The Modrons are all certified cuties and they're one of the things that have remained unique to D&D. A lot of the D&D outsiders are pretty generic (angels, devils, demons) but modrons are as far out as you get.
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I appreciate that this thread covered every possible facet of jerking each other off about how people could possibly like Madoka besides 'maybe it's just a good show'.Kurieg posted:Beast stuff Getting kind of mixed signals from Boleslav here. Is he from a different time period and just really old?
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Wapole Languray posted:The whole Victoriana thing just makes me want to mail them a copy of Castle Falkenstein with a rude note attached. to be honest what you're describing sounds way dumber so far
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Mors Rattus posted:My favorite Continuum rules SNAFU is that if you have 0 Running skill, you can run, and at 2 Running skill you can run faster, but at 1 Running skill you are incapable of motion via running. Makes sense. The man with Running 1 barely understands anything about running but he knows enough to know he's loving terrible at it and won't even try. Someone with Running 0 understands literally nothing of running and that includes the fact he shouldn't do it.
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Mummy has an insanely cool atmosphere and central idea so far. The reverse power curve is dope. But boy oh boy do they even bother trying to put in advice for running a Mummy in a cross-splat game? That sounds loving bonkers.
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Actually how do mummies stay secret? They seem to have approximately zero reasons to respect the Masquerade. Are they afraid of people destroying them while they slumber?
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I took three dots in the Twitter Arcana for my Mage: The Woke character and it's really paying off
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Beauty and the Beast was made 15 years ago and still does all of Beast's attempted themes better in every way.
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Honestly I think all this discussion points towards Beast being a game that really didn't need to be made. The available concept space is so drat blurry
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I'm pretty sure werewolf myth started out first as an explanation for berserkers and random atrocities before it was anything to do with substance abuse.
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Rand Brittain posted:See, this is what I mean when I insist that modrons are essentially the same as Chaotic Neutral beings; they just skin themselves as follow laws nobody else understands. I don't get that impression. They can be reasoned with via lawful means
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I am actually pretty impressed that OP is still pushing out Beast material. Is there actually an audience for this somewhere?
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rpg morality mechanics are rarely kind and always bad. D&D's not even the worst of them somehow.
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It really illuminates the problem with D&D alignment-based outsiders. At least a human in the game with a Good alignment is that way because of his actions and if he acts badly enough it can shift to reflect that. Outsiders like gods or angels or whatever are just objectively Good because That's What They Are and it often seems to have very little to do with how they actually act.
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Night10194 posted:"Yo dog you're murdering a whole lotta people and this is basically the worst crime there is." is something D&D characters are surprisingly resistant to. in D&D murdering people is often a moral good
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Did they really expect people who didn't know what Slayers was to be playing this? Devoting so much time to talking about comedy feels like a waste. Alien Rope Burn posted:For those getting into the Slayers anime for the first time, bear in mind the quality of the various TV series / OVAs / movies / mangas varies pretty wildly. The first season of the TV series is probably the best thing to watch, but it slips in the second season and gets into pure nonsense in the third. I remember some of the movies (third? fourth?) being pretty funny but lean towards being pure lowbrow comedies (I imagine all the breast jokes wouldn't over so well with me these days). The worst for me was probably the (extremely loose) companion Lost Universe, which is probably one of the most boring and irritating pieces of garbage I've suffered through in 26 segments. the second season is the best though
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Yeah seriously, 'you'll get exactly as you deserve' has been used as the lead-in for a betrayal roughly a million times across every form of media
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So what I'm hearing is that Middenarde is terrible at being the shitfarmer game it pretends it is but it is actually quite serviceable for playing Exalted. EDIT: "Okay so the plan is for Jim to hide the river, forcing the invading army to a standstill. While they're stopped Joe and Sam will let themselves get captured so they can brought in front of the enemy general. Joe will then flip it around so they are all in jail instead of him and Sam will take advantage of their surprise to instakill all of them perfectly. They will then make their escape over the hidden river using the motorboat I just built." EDIT2: "Also you have to tell me whether this plan is a good idea or not." ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 12:13 on Nov 30, 2016 |
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Middenarde might have the worst gap between theme and mechanics that I've ever seen. Theme: It is a harsh and gritty world. Life is short. You will not prosper. Mechanics: Revive the dead with batteries. Erase yourself from the memories of others. Kill a man by calling him fat.
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I feel like the whole frankenstein deal is distracting us from the fact that this grim n gritty ultra-mortality shitfarmer game lets you reattach severed limbs by slapping a poultice on it.
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In the grim darkness of Middle Ages Europe a small duchy is terrorized by local Birdlord who keeps sending his swarm of Trailblazer pigeons to join the parties of hapless travellers and immediately propel them into the stratosphere
ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 12:39 on Dec 1, 2016 |
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Every time I try to put out a warrant for the Birdlord's head a crow appears outside my window and psychoanalyses me so hard that I spend 2d6 hours as a completely helpless wreck.
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Evil Mastermind posted:This is one of the things that bugs me the most about what D&D (or at least Basic-era D&D) used to be like and what it is now. yeah say what you will about pathfinder (it sucks) but it's kept closer to that early spirit than 5e has. I like being able to crack open a Bestiary and see rules for goblins, alien robots, literally cthulhu and a ghost ship made of skeletons with a giant spectral energy cannon side by side
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Still can't get over how much of a dick Intrusions are. Here is a roleplaying book that outright suggests to the GM to randomly make a dude kill his friend when he rolls a nat 1 or however the dumb gently caress Intrusions are triggered
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In this case at least I'm fairly sure that Monte Cook is just physically incapable of comprehending that people want to play outside of the rules of anything. If you let people just do what they wanted on dimension hops without respecting each world's laws of physics it'd be anarchy
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Alien Rope Burn posted:Yeah, I don't think "uncreative" is something you can level at Monte Cook at all. I think mostly he's just an older guy who grew up on older RPG technology and doesn't feel comfortable abandoning old habits. Also, isn't The Strange more Cordell's baby anyway? I don't think he's uncreative, I just think he approaches his stuff with a preconceived idea of what The Rules are going to be and doesn't really bother to try and set anything up for people who want to play in other ways. Also the Intrusion system is presenting a view into what he apparently considers to be fun GMing and it's not super charitable.
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I really like the victory point scheme
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Vampire is the only one of the WoD splats where I find the endless condescending stereotype quotes to be good.
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Underworld is basically a lovely oWoD larp put to film with a bunch of Matrix special effects so I wouldn't be surprised.
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notoriously flash in the pan fads such as one of the most popular and iconic video game franchises of all time or 'the entire concept of roleplaying games'
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 19:32 |
the sorry state of owod Hunter is basically a microcosm of oWoD's philosophy towards humanity in general. Humans don't matter, literally everything is controlled by fifteen or so different duelling conspiracies that control the world, every important human in history was actually some kind of monster, etc etc. And that's not including the wide swaths of human culture, civilisation or technology that would randomly get labelled as evil every now and then. Trying to play a Hunter marks you as a special kind of idiot. There are no humans in the World of Darkness worth a drat and more fool you if that happens to be your character concept. nWoD feels much less suffocating.Nobody really knows who or what is in charge but it sure ain't the monster conspiracies. They're all down in the muck struggling to get by with the rest of us.
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