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Aug 12, 2013

It's weird that I don't feel this way about say, Exalted or Nobilis, other settings where normal humans are mostly irrelevant. I can't really explain it.


Aug 12, 2013

I mean, Dune's just one of the most influential and definitive science fiction stories ever told but it doesn't have a cyborg saying 'it's time....for jack to let it rip' so I can see people's problem with it

Aug 12, 2013

I mean, 'Dune? Pfft, have you tried Metal Gear Rising Reveangance?' isn't the dumbest thing I've ever seen but it's not for a lack of trying.

Aug 12, 2013

the actual dark 'secret' of Valkyrie is that they're fash as hell

Aug 12, 2013

Cythereal posted:

But if you're running a Hunter campaign as beer and pizza fun where vampire princes get sucked into Air Force One's jet turbines, that's okay.

heck yeah

Aug 12, 2013

I've seen the real life Vlad idolised a bit but also mostly by people who just really like the fact that he killed a shitload of muslims.

Aug 12, 2013

Kurieg posted:

This is beginning to sound like an old tomb of horrors adventure where you just keep throwing PC parties at it until you achieve the right skill composition to fit their dumb lock considering all the ways that they can just flat out fail or die with no recourse.

this comparision is vastly insulting to Tomb of Horrors

Aug 12, 2013

Qualities of a True Gamer

1) Knows the exact date of the apocalypse for the post-apocalyptic game he's playing off the top of his head.
2) Is fine with mature themes of the game literally forcing one PC to sacrifice another.
3) Enjoys the thrill of a well-crafted narrative over interacting with anything or making a choice.

Aug 12, 2013

Alien Rope Burn posted:

Reinventing children's books as modern horror is usually really, really trite as far as premises go, I feel. Even having done it myself, it's just not clever or edgy as one might think it is.

its Roald Dahl though

Aug 12, 2013

So I've never looked at LotFP, why would you run it instead of D&D 2E or whatever?

Aug 12, 2013

I know you think the Heroes are dumb but to be honest I've sort of loved every single example Hero we've gotten since the little old lady with the AK-47. Heroes are rad.

Aug 12, 2013

Telling Hunter players that they shouldn't team up with Heroes because they're too extreme in their methods when 'monster-hunter that is too extreme in their methods' describes a lot of playable Hunter splats seems...misguided.

Also Beasts are so loving special and good that they are the only splat that gets a Hunter book where they're not supposed to get hunted. It's like some dumbass developer somewhere remembered too late that Hunters are supposed to be the enemy of the other gamelines by default and had a loving panic attack over the idea of people killing his special snowflakes in their game.
For some reason that's what gets me here. Not any of the other lovely stuff about Beast, it's the gall to have a crossover book about Hunters that denies the Hunt.

Aug 12, 2013

*Hunter sees mage walking by*
You bitch motherfucker
*sees Beast eating souls*:
Wlel, that's his beliefs and I respect that

Aug 12, 2013

Count Chocula posted:

Oh cool!
I'd model mine on the famous Surf Lifesaving Clubs that rescue people at the beaches. Just lower-case h heroes that everyone respects, even grudgingly, because they saved that werewolf cub from a rip or lept in to save a Mage that dove too deep...everyone knows the kind of scary poo poo that haunt our beaches in the real world, jellyfish and great white sharks and all that. What kind of things would you need to guard against in the World of Darkness?

I guess they'd need some kind of moral ambiguity? Maybe they let a few people die to preserve some kind of balance, or they really do become Baywatch-style glory hounds? It's just a random idea.

Once a year they drown a tourist as sacrifice to the Great White Shark Spiritfather as part of a bargain to keep him and most of his spawn away from the red and yellow flags that are symbolic of their truce.

Aug 12, 2013

Aw yeah, that's the stuff. :fap:

Aug 12, 2013

I actually don't have a problem with any of these 3 douchebags. They're interesting characters.

Aug 12, 2013

You know what? I'm actually happy for Cook. Using token pools as stats certainly isn't his original idea by a longshot and his terms are dumb as hell but at least he's trying to move on, you know? He's reaching people who might otherwise turn up their nose and sneer at anything that doesn't involve D&D style systems.

So now I just have to sit back and wait for Invisible Sun to be released and for people to reveal the GM section that talks about how you should steal your players XP or turn critical fumbles into loving terrible events, don't I? I'm sure it's in there.

Aug 12, 2013

Young Freud posted:

I took it as a vegan/PETA tract. Like, I instantly knew they were raising you for food and not on some prison work camp the instant that title image of the pigs in a cage popped up.

considering that a vegan diet is one of the things inflicted upon you on pain of death I doubt it's advertising the lifestyle.

'Something we do to animals, now to people' is a great and instantly evocative horror source with a lot of history behind it, you don't have to have to be part of an agenda to use it.

ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 11:33 on Feb 22, 2017

Aug 12, 2013

Adding a map or an example farm would have really helped. I feel like the GM is probably encouraged to throw them into situations regarding the punishments where some players can escape harm or get closer to escaping by throwing another player under the bus but the way that members of the Group are often punished as a whole makes that hard to sell? There's no point in selling out another player if you all get punished for their crime.

Also how exactly is the stat distribution handled? I really like that idea but is it done by vote and agreement or can some rear end in a top hat just put down 12 stats instead of 8 on his sheet and now everyone else has to deal with the shortage?

Aug 12, 2013

I like the Farm a lot of as a concept of a game, as the kind of game that exists inside my head but I don't know if I'd ever want to play it or how I'd even go about running it.

EDIT: tbh I think I like it way better as some kind of single player game where the other Residents are NPCs that you have to actively befriend and bring into line to make sure they don't betray you. Turning them over to other players just means, at least in my group, people are probably going to figure out they should be working together quickly and then do so without incident. The horror and desperation that would drive you to betray a friend doesn't really exist for any PC after all.

ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 01:07 on Feb 23, 2017

Aug 12, 2013

Honestly you'd think some D&D monsters would have been domesticated for agricultural purposes by now.

Aug 12, 2013

When we played through the Tomb of Horrors we just let people who died make new sheets and rejoin the party as soon as they were done.

Aug 12, 2013

The problem with running the Tomb is that certain parts of it have gotten iconic enough to spread through the public consciousness regardless of whether you played it or not. A lot of people know about the orb of annihilation trick for example and are never going to fall for it.

EDIT: Then again, the Tomb's reputation precedes itself so anyone mentally prepared to play it isn't going to be sticking their arm inside a statue's mouth anyway.

Aug 12, 2013

Doresh posted:

I think their only goal was "Does it feel like D&D?"

It's like the Call of Cthulhu of D&D: If you want to survive, never touch/read anything.

Ah but the Tomb knows that so there's a few sections where you have to touch poo poo recklessly if you want to progress.

Aug 12, 2013

It's just a weird choice in general. Most mech shows only require one pilot per mech and for good reason.

Aug 12, 2013

D&D dragons are typically solitary because of stuff like that yeah, even the goodest and most noble dragons are still riding high on an ego trip 24/7 and are greedy as hell. It's one thing to surround yourself with a multitude of submissive specimens from lesser species for social interaction but it's another thing entirely to suffer the long-term presence of something that's just as dominant and greedy as you yourself.
Even Brass Dragons can't really be expected to get along in partnerships for too long because they've generally got a lot of opinions and a lot of confidence in those opinions being correct. This makes them the most social dragons when it comes to humanoids but I can't imagine they suffer each other's company for too long unless they really like each other.

It's been a long time since I read any D&D stuff about it but I think evil dragons are actually more likely to cohabit than good dragons, if only because it's a very strong statement of power to have broken the ambition and will of another dragon to the level where it'll stoop to serve another.

ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 11:45 on Apr 17, 2017

Aug 12, 2013

SirPhoebos posted:

The cover of the 3rd Edition Draconomicon is very :3: with a red dragon couple and several hatchlings (the mate is on the back cover bringing a war horse for dinner.


Aug 12, 2013

ZorajitZorajit posted:

I want to get really mad about the biology going on here. Multiple offspring make no sense for Dragons. They're long lived, intelligent, apex predators. They should need an enormous range to support any population. Having half a dozen whelps might make sense if they were pack hunters, but they largely ignore or fight with other like cats.

If it's any consolation they're red dragon hatchlings so there's probably going to be some vicious population control coming from within the nest, if you know what I mean?

Aug 12, 2013

I can only imagine that attempting to debase the dragon economy results in you getting eaten by dragons.

Aug 12, 2013

PurpleXVI posted:

Who is Gareth Michael Skarka?

He's a guy who doesn't release games and gets very mad at people who ask him what he did with the kickstarter funds for said games.

EDIT: I just looked up what he's been doing lately and he's still playing the victim complaining about the backers being mean to him, five years after Far West was supposed to release.

ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 13:33 on Apr 27, 2017

Aug 12, 2013

The modrons are back!

I don't actually like the Beastlands segment as much as I like the previous ones, it's a very neat idea but it feels pretty linear. The PC's seem to have only one possible course of action if they want to save the nymph.

Aug 12, 2013

I am currently playing a pf game where my PC has been afflicted with one of the corruptions from Horror Adventures for some time. It's done....interesting things to the game. I think I'll wait for the review to get there before talking about what they do to a session in-depth but I will certainly have things to say.

Aug 12, 2013

The Living Grimoire is the best primarily because of the wide variety of puns and awful one-liners available.

Aug 12, 2013

Honestly I don't see the racism angle with the devolutionist at all? They devolve humanoids into apes because the less-evolved form of a human is indeed some kind of ape (nothing is actually more or less 'evolved' than anything else really but it's a common enough misconception). The fact that racists peddle 'black ape' bullshit doesn't really have anything to do with it beyond the fact that they both relate to the base concept that an ape is a lesser kind of human being.

EDIT: That said, defending loving Pathfinder of all things is not a hill I'm willing to die on.

ZeroCount fucked around with this message at 06:01 on May 21, 2017

Aug 12, 2013

Asimo posted:

I... envy your naivete here. Go check some of the right wing media threads in D&D and come to a quick understanding about how easily stuff like this can be read in horrible ways. :smithicide:

I've done this. It'd definitely be much different in a racial element was raised at any point and in any way but it wasn't.

Cease to Hope posted:

racists also peddle the idea that the correct place for inferior people is as servants at best, and the devo druid has a devolved humanoid pet.

racists also also peddle lovely ideas about evolution as part of "race realist" ideas about how black people are less evolved and less intelligent than other races.

racists also also also are the only ones who ever use "feral" to describe human beings outside of the extremely limited context of a child who grew up without human contact.

this one's just hosed. i know they were going for the whole dr. moreau and jekyll/hyde idea of "human evolution" - we're going to see a lot more of that later, with varying degrees of success - but this one trips hard over the racism deeply embedded in those turn-of-the-century ideas.

In regards to the first one, keeping an ape as a pet or as a slave is something a lot of people do. We as a society still do it and we do it frequently. I saw a bunch of chimps in a zoo like, five months ago. This is just an unfortunate thing that humans do to apes and is what the devolutionist does to their ape. The fact that their ape was once a proper person is really hosed up and I'm not sure why it isn't a purely evil class.
Again, the source material is not raising the racial element here. It's a thing that turns humans into apes and then enslaves the apes. That racists frequently refer to black people as apes and want to enslave them is not a connection. If anything it's two different things that both relate to the same core idea, the idea that apes are a weird kind of lesser human. The devolutionist is just a fairly simple extrapolation of this idea while racists take this idea and use it to apply terms like ape to the various groups of people that they consider to have a similar status.

I understand that you feel the core idea itself has been tainted by association but I don't think racists adopting a particular thing to use as justification makes that thing by itself unusable. A few months ago a bunch of nazis were making a big dumb ruckus over milk and lactose tolerance for some dumbass reason but I wouldn't expect anyone to abandon dairy because of it. Now using 'ape' as a pejorative has definitely been tainted and I wouldn't do it to anyone but I don't think the entire goddamn concept of apes or silly evolutionary levels as they exist in the public imagination is sullied.

Aug 12, 2013

Cease to Hope posted:

The devolved companion is a human(oid) though, not an ape. You are picturing a gorilla here and it's just not what the book says.

Like, you could definitely play that as "vaguely elf-y or dwarf-y gorilla" and that's probably a good plan, but they failed to nail that here and their failure is pretty significant. I don't care about druids with monkey butlers, but it gets weird and ugly when you stick a (even former) person in that role.

Oh, I'd always assumed they were apes but you're right, they don't actually specify that. That does come off as a lot more suss then yeah.

Aug 12, 2013

I love the Tortured Crusader, it's just so transparently the 'Edgy rear end in a top hat Paladin' that you can't help but laugh. He's an archetype that's also genuinely transformative of how you'd play a class and that puts him well above all the lovely archetypes that could just be optional class ability choices. Too bad it doesn't solve the core issues of being a paladin though.

Aug 12, 2013

If anything it's even worse.

Aug 12, 2013

PurpleXVI posted:

And, man. It really BUGS me that he's lying about this poo poo, because as presented to me, he told me that it was "just a month or so from release" and really only needed a pass for spelling errors and other minor prettiness editing. So, just.. I can deal with him being childish and petty, but him outright lying pisses me off a little.

I also posted it two places, only one of which was a forum, SA, so A LOT OF PUBLIC FORUMS is his idiot hyperbole again.

You need to tell him that no matter what else he changes, the Birdlords have to stay in the game.


Aug 12, 2013

Your first mistake was thinking that Good and Evil in Pathfinder had anything to do with actual morality.

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