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Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

ProfessorProf posted:

Precise, ruthless, mean.

Hey come now, Mei is adorable.

Thanks for doing these, by the way. I didn't expect to get pumped for a game by reading this thread but here we are.


Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

thatbastardken posted:

aww, i remember these guys. turns out doing sick flips is no real match for some jerk with a Boom Gun though.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

LatwPIAT posted:

It seems like a system that would be very fun and kinetic to play.

Speaking as someone who literally started an Infinity campaign a few weeks ago: it is.

The flow of Good Points and Bad Points add a whole new dynamic to the game. Most RPGs just have a resolution system (more often than not, "roll die + bonus") and nothing else, but the points naturally introduces escalation, sudden reversals of fortune, and new events.

In any RPG I can introduce enemy reinforcements in the middle of combat but I rarely do so, because it's lame and probably unbalanced. The GM has an endless supply of NPCs to throw at the PCs and overwhelm them, I might as well just say that rocks fall and everybody dies, cut out the middle man. But the Bad Points of Infinity can be spent for that purpose and so I actually do it now, because it has a cost from a finite supply, meaning it's ok. I was going to spend those points on something anyway, might as well be that. And if I go easy for a while on the players, then oh boy I am saving up for something good.

All in all it's been a welcome change of pace.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

LatwPIAT posted:

I have one small reservation, which is that having to choose when and to which degree to gently caress over the players is something I'm a bit apprehensive of. At least for something like Infinity (as opposed to, say, Call of Cthulhu) in tone.

(It's tempting to posit a houserule where certain events, like rolling 20s, invite rolling a Bad Points-sized d6 pool to determine how many Bad Points get used to do Bad Stuff to the players.)

I get what you're saying, but that sounds like a hassle. 20s are not that uncommon, given that people routinely roll 2 - 5 dice each turn, and I don't want to count the poker chips each time, grab a handful of dice, roll 'em, and count out the results. The Bad Points aren't there to gently caress over players as such, just to generate extra spice to an adventure. Adding in two more troopers, or saying a pipe bursts which releases obscuring steam, or saying a gun jams so they need to make a TN 1 Tech roll to fix it? That's not some gruesome punishment, that's just keeping things interesting.

IMO and all that.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo
So besides aliens and mutants and such, does Alpha Omega feature any art of people who are not white? Or women, once you go past the class photo where options are obligatory? Because that sure is a whole lot of white boys.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo
Oh that is... Oh drat. :ohdear:

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Angrymog posted:

Any guesses on where the Stirge is, and what state it's in before it attacks?

Is it petrified and magically turns alive, like the world's shittiest gargoyle?

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Tsilkani posted:

So, with grassy gnoll covering the Infinity miniatures game, I figured I'd dig out my copy of the Infinity RPG and cover it. Grassy gnoll is doing a pretty good job with the lore overview; does everyone want me do go over the timeline at the start of the book, which is pretty much the same info, or should I just go right to the rules?

Seems a bit redundant to do the exact same lore twice at the same time.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo
If the werewolves trip you up, just wait until we get to the Nomad Reverends.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Tsilkani posted:

PCs will often have secondary, covert objectives given to them by their previous faction, leading to conflicts between players as everyone tries to secretly complete often-conflicting agendas.

While I appreciate the book providing an option that can make a group made up of multiple factions work together, the Wilderness of Mirrors concept seems like it'd only work if you can get everyone prepared to handle a little antagonism at the table without getting bent out of shape. Nothing prevents you from running a single-faction campaign, though, so it's really just a matter of preference.

I'm running an Infinity game, and the key is to provide side-objectives that are never ever PVP. Bug an NPC's office, steal some data, covertly take a package from location A to location B, there's tons of things people can do which don't tread on the others' toes.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

PurpleXVI posted:

I just love the book so much for insights like this. It's probably stuff that a lot of us have internalized over the years, so to us it isn't particularly earthshattering, but we're roleplaying veterans. Imagine being a new player and getting hit with this bombshell? I don't remember any other game ever capturing the spirit of roleplaying, and the issues with it, this concisely and without being pretentious before. It feels like 2e AD&D's DMG is unique in that it actually understands the players, and predicts the irrational behavior that can sometimes break otherwise-rational systems. Like players reacting to the feeling that their character is hot garbage just because they didn't roll all bonus-granting stats or similar.

Eh, I don't know about that. I started with 2e but reading it back now, it smacks an awful lot of One True Way with two scoops of passive-aggressiveness. "Oh yeah you can use this method, if you want. Now, let me devote half a page on why you shouldn't..."

Like, "personalities to be developed"? Do I need a lovely Dex score for that? Does that give me personality? I guess Odysseus and Conan were some of the most boring motherfuckers ever, because their problems were all external in nature rather than them being clumsy or belching all the time or whatever. Frodo's personality is revealed because he's (initially) a naive plucky little chap who has to wander through a bleak hosed up world that's been through some poo poo. The fact that he's got lower Strength than Aragorn is not really the issue here.

Now don't get me wrong, having all six scores cranked up to the max doesn't sound very interesting either. But we're talking 4d6 drop the lowest, that's a 13 on average. The game pretends like this is a "Super" character, but by their own ability score charts, the actual impact is negligible. And if the Fighter does get enough Strength to deal a whopping +1 damage, so what?

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Then I'll leave...

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Night10194 posted:

Also, Ha-Satan as he exists would be a good name for the GM in a biblical RPG.

Shouldn't that perhaps be The Adversary?

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

LeSquide posted:

Gnome, lady, fighter.

I second this (I want to see how well Small characters can be Fighters in PF2). And I propose the name, Lilli von Pipsqique.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

LeSquide posted:

That is a drat good name

Thanks! :D

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Mors Rattus posted:

Difficulty 5 is things that are nearly impossible even for heroes, such as reading a letter in total darkness by feeling the texture of the ink or safely landing in a hay cart from hundreds of feet up or running for three days straight.

The Assassin's Creed drop is considered to be a Difficulty 5 action? Jeez. That makes the Exalted look super weak all of a sudden.

Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Uh... why is the pregnancy complication not optional? Does every single pregnancy in Invisible Sun always go wrong in some way? Shouldn't the step after Complication not be "Go To The Esoteric Hospital" instead of continuing to paint the baby room while your wife is shrieking bloody murder?

Oh and thanks for giving my explicit rules for the game mechanics of stillbirth. Because that's what this loving hobby needed. Jesus Christ what the hell, why would you even include rules about any of this? Getting xp for knocking up your girl and having the child not survive the birth what the gently caress?


Sage Genesis
Aug 14, 2014
OG Murderhobo

Zereth posted:

I was about to say that that'd be part of the "Complication" step, but no, it does not require you do anything to alleviate the problem. Just that it happens.

In fact you might be better off long-term if the baby dies, the Joy vs Despair thing aside, because then you don't need to deal with the baby after it's born. Maybe get the Joy you need somewhere else.

Yeah. And that's why I'm legit mad about this. I know people who've had this happen to them. In fact, one former colleague of mine had a pregnant girlfriend and from a complication she got a blood infection about six months in and died. This stuff is horrible and not the kind of thing you should gamify. You need Despair to level up, right? That means that getting a baby and letting it die during the pregnancy/childbirth is a valid level-up approach and whoever puts that into their game is a huge piece of poo poo.

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