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Nov 22, 2014


Nov 22, 2014

Deptfordx posted:

If anyones got it and can write-up anything about it that'd be great. I am humming and hawing about picking it up.

To be honest at this moment in time it's kind of a mess.
It's filled with misspellings.

The name leadership skill's name changes between Leadership and Command throughout the book.

It currently has at least one missing talent. Quick Witted is one of the random talents you can get during character generation but is not present in the book.

Several missing rules such as rules on how to dodge, parry and what the mechanical effects of being outnumbered are. There is a talent that makes you count as two people when trying to figure out outnumbering. So there clearly should be rules for outnumbering someone present in the book.

The equipment chapter is currently missing equipment from some of the careers. The knight starts with a demilance which there are no stats for in the book. The same is true of the great weapon two of the careers have listed in their trappings.

The hedge mage is a little odd it starts with spells and all the talents to use them but does not have access to the arcane language skill needed to cast any of them and as it's an advanced skill
they can not use it untrained. They don't get access to it until the second tier where they get access to their Hedge lore spells. Which is different to every other casting career in the book.

Honestly feels like the copied and pasted some parts from the 2e book and then never updated it to their own terminology.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 21:18 on Jul 29, 2018

Nov 22, 2014

Hypnobeard posted:

How does it compare to Enemy Within, if you've played/run that?

I can't speak for the entire Enemy Within campaign but the campaign expects you to have completed the oldenhaller contract which is the starter adventure in the 1e core rulebook.
Though it doesn't tell you this until the third book iirc. The Oldenhaller Contract usually ends in my experience with the whole party inflicted with nurgle rot which is 100% fatal, has no cure
and inflicts mutations on the sufferer. It's been a long time since I read Something Rotten in Kislev and Empire in Flames but I remember Something Rotten in Kislev being super lethal and pretty much designed to kill characters and Empire in Flames being a big railroad where there was only one solution to any problem and you either did it the way the book decided or failed.
The Thousand Thrones isn't much better either.
Most of the prewritten adventures for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay are of pretty poor quality.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 00:39 on Sep 9, 2018

Nov 22, 2014
They pull the exact same being captured with no chance to escape, avoid or interact with the being captured in anyway in The Thousand Thrones.
Where the party is captured, dragged to a town, stripped of all of their equipment and made to investigate a missing chicken under threat of being shot dead if they try to leave the town.

Nov 22, 2014
It's a perfectly ordinary chicken that leads to a set of pretty tedious fetch/npc interaction quests. An old man has a bit of purple cloth but the get the cloth from him you need to
get a pie but to get the pie you need to do something else and so on and so forth. Which leads to investigating a suicide and then suddenly vampires!

Or you can not investigate anything and sit in the stocks until the vampires attack.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Sep 9, 2018

Nov 22, 2014
The Thousand Thrones is pretty much all unfun horse poo poo. The entire thing is pretty much on rails from step one.
Several of the chapters are literally designed to waste your time. The entirety of chapter 7 is a red herring designed
to do nothing but to waste the players time. They pull the story important npc getting kidnapped several times with
no way for the party to stop or even interact with in in any way possible.

Nov 22, 2014

Mors Rattus posted:

You are not required to gain the new tier's trappings - rather, you're going to pick those up during downtime when you advance because now you have a new job.

Where in the book does it say this. I read the whole book and could find no mention of if you had to acquire the trappings if you advanced or if you just got them for advancing.
So I'd be curious to know where in the book it is.

Nov 22, 2014

Mors Rattus posted:

...huh. It isn't actually explicit anywhere n the book; neither is needing to gain the trappings. I inferred that you must be given them when you rank up because nothing else made sense,'re right, it just isn't mentioned.

Seeing as they had based a lot of it off of 1 and 2e I had thought that you had to buy them but that would make some of the tier 2 careers impossibly expensive to enter. Such as Knight
who's trappings cost somewhere around 300 gold crowns. Also if you just get them for leveling up the section about guild licences and needing to do a quest or a favor to get one makes little sense.

Nov 22, 2014
It might be that you can enter the tier but don't get the status boost until you have all of the trappings.

Nov 22, 2014

GimpInBlack posted:

Wait till you see the atrocity in the Priest career.

Just going to leave this here.

Abgott translated to Idol.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 20:06 on Sep 11, 2018

Nov 22, 2014
Cavalrymen also come with an expensive horse worth 15 gold crowns. Sold even for half price that is a lot of starting cash for a character.
I had a Cavalryman as one of my players starting career. First thing they did was sell the horse to buy decent armour and a shield.
Then moved to a warrior career that didn't require a horse so they could make use of their shiny new equipment.

Nov 22, 2014
Starting new characters with no experience seems to have been what was expected in previous editions.
The Thousand Thrones is it has a section in the intro telling the gm not to do this and to give an idea of how much exp
a new character should have based on the chapter they are starting in. They probably decided they wanted to keep it but "reward"
a player who did something significant. Either way it's a pretty lovely system especially for long term campaign play.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 13:25 on Sep 17, 2018

Nov 22, 2014
It's the main reason that having somebody in the party with a ranged weapon even a bad ranged weapon is super useful. Taking advantage from enemies. Especially if they have started to steamroll and build up a large amount of advantage is pretty drat useful.

Nov 22, 2014
Advantage built from either casting low CN spells or from hand to hand now that they are ok at it does enable you to potentially cast some of the reasonably high CN spells.
Gotta make sure to hit the enemy spellcasters every so often.

Nov 22, 2014
Hellstromme's inclusion in the Flood always seemed a bit out of place especially given that he vanished from the entire campaign very near the start. Though that is more interaction than the players get with him in his own campaign Good Intentions. In which if I am remembering correctly the only interaction they get with Hellstromme directly is about 5 seconds worth of boxtext at the end of the entire book during which he leaves before they can get to do anything at all.Though with the exception of Stone pretty much none of the main villains seem to feature very much at all in their adventure to defeat them.

psudonym55 fucked around with this message at 06:34 on Jan 16, 2019


Nov 22, 2014
The only thing I remeber about 3rd edition Ravenloft.
Is the terrible extra weakness rules it added to each class.
That basically forced you to make powers checks for stupid reasons.
Some of which include.
Want to play a fighter? I hope you like making a powers check just because you leveled up.
I hope you don't plan to learn any evocation or enchantment spells as a wizard. That's another powers check.
Are you a druid who happened to walk near a tainted area of land? Powers check!

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