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Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Mors Rattus posted:

Are they matriarchal?

Because no matter if they're evil or not, gnolls and indeed just about any hyena-derived critters should be.

IIRC, that's true for spotted hyenas only - for the rest (like the striped hyena - if I see one over here, it's this one), the male is bigger, and not matriachal.

Edit:The art do show gnolls as spotted, though.

grassy gnoll posted:

Putting aside the fact I think gnolls are pretty cool

Agreed, if only 'cause I like hyenas (even if me knowledge about them is lacking).

Gun Jam fucked around with this message at 22:12 on Dec 4, 2018


Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

PurpleXVI posted:

After this little sidestep, the game goes on to describe the various "families" of animals and in the process completely annihilates my brain with its lovely editing for a few minutes until I understand what they're going for, because it's got subheadings for every "family" with unusual "orders." Like seals and raccoons, for Canidae(which seems like an EXTREME stretch), or hyena and mongoose for Felidae.

Okay, they knew enough about hyenas to know that they are closer to cats then to dogs, but not enough to not place them in the same family as cats, rather than the same suborder (the suborder's Feliformia ; the families are Felidae and Hyaenidae). How?


PS lemurs are officially related to weasels now.
The former's primates ; The latter's Carnivora. They are not closely related (or, as the people who made this game would call it, not incest).
I'm not a biologist, I just spent 60 seconds in wikipedia.


Also just to ensure that we have our full quota of Idiot Furry Mistakes on board. Remember when a misplaced digit during the creation of animal people meant that some of them, despite being basically a human fetus with bits grafted on, would emerge fully animal-bodied, i.e. in the case of a snake, as a wriggly scaled worm with no limbs or hands? So, before dying off out of embarrassment, the surviving human scientists made some genetic edits that would, over time, cure this plainly awful disorder. The Vectors, being rational actors wishing to minimize the suffering of their fellows in any way possible almost rioted the humans into early extinction because "THESE HORRIBLE ABOMINATIONS ARE OUR ~BRETHREN~ AND THEIR GENETIC DISORDERS ARE ~BEAUTIFUL~, NOT FLAWS"
First, no, I didn't remember. And I thinks that reminding me caused a loss of brain cells.
Second, way do they need to cure the disorder over time, if they can just make combinations whenever? Ain't they good at playing god with genetics?
Third, and most importent - "so we fixed a genetic disease..."
...Really? Like, I mean, "don't fix" is one thing, but after?

Gotta say, though - the fact that "money was solved forever as a student bet" bit makes me think they are just taking the piss about everything here.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
There's plenty to say on the subject from either bio-ethics or medical ones, and both as more analogue to abortions and to gene editing...
But I gotta say (if we're looking from genetic engineering PoV - both abortions and eugenics are different issues.), "not even armless-ness" is either rather extreme view point, or a strawman satire of one.

Though, it should be very much the choice of these affected, if to fix it so it won't pass on ; but from the sound of things, it was a choice of the community, before they were even born.

Also, the can make sphynx in a lab, or make certain raccoon genetics "more dominent", but can't make sure an undesired gene won't pass on?
But hold the phone ;

PurpleXVI posted:

All Vectors were designed to be able to successfully procreate without hybridizing, in order to ensure that the race as a whole would remain diversified rather than gradually homogenizing into a single, mixed creature who may encounter unexpected genetic problems which might lead to the extinction of the race.
So, per this thing:
- Don't mix races, so there won't be genetic issues (GENES DONT WORK THAT WAY)
- No limbs by accident? not an issue, we perfect, no need to fix.
...Y'know, I'm not sure how it's maths out.

Gun Jam fucked around with this message at 14:52 on May 27, 2019

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

Feng Shui 1e
So, to demonstrate why character creation might be something of a mechanical mess but still produces strong character concepts at least, throw a concept at me and I can make it in Feng Shui, almost guaranteed. Even if you know nothing about the setting beyond the general tone so far and those Juncture descriptions.

Next Time: Showing off PC creation in detail

On a mechanical level, the player who screwed himself in chargen by accident (by making reasonable sounding choices that he's too new to know are traps).
Besides that, Volkov & Chitzkoi - Soviet cyborg super-soldier, and his loyal (and equally cybernetic) dog.
Or (if the system can't do companions/you need more ideas): Aaang, mister of the elements.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

I admit I chickened out of the private eye ape because I couldn't think of an appropriate ape pun or find my copy of Gorilla Warfare. I am sorry. I have failed at Jammers.

The hard-bitten private eye cyber-monkey is still a totally viable character type, though.

Hominid on a homicide case?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

I also like the touch where once it gets around that the doctor can see ghosts, ghosts start coming to him with placards asking him to help them find their rest.
Didn't watch and going from culture osmosis, but this was the plot the 'The sixth sense', right?


Also that, say, the entire Bestiary is written by a 'I want to be friends with the monsters and help everyone' type and that obviously colors his impressions of the creatures, and you never get a competing perspective or other viewpoints on them.
...Wait, so - are we Van Helsing, or the ignorant and hateful mob from Frankenstein?

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

But no, you'll see the narrator unironically ask if it's really so wrong for a superior being like a vampire to eat a human in the vampire bestiary entry. If it's at all different from eating cow.

A very vegeterian line of thought; but just like they need to eat, I like to not be eaten - do they really expect me to meekly turn my cheek so they'll have better access to my neck, rather then trying to shoot them first?
Also, "superior being". *eye twitch*

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

Since we're doing this entirely by character concept as White Wolf intended, tell me a character concept and maybe a Creed before I actually tell you anything about character creation and they're what I'll make as an example, without any regards for game mechanics or even what skills or stats are in the game.

Next Time: Making a Hunter

Consumed by hatred and desire for revenge, he will find and kill them or die trying.
Basically: Captain Ahab, vampire hunter.
(Still no original ideas, but at least I'm stealing from high-er brow sources)

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Y'know, "you are mortal, the monsters are stronger, so you need to get the drop on them" does sounds like it's belong in a monster-hunting game...
But then you get soul lasers.

Night10194 posted:

"Hey, what if like, one of your darker allies was actually a neo-nazi or white supremacist militiaman."
This would explain Bookie's "but what if we're in the wrong and the monsters are right".


WW loved mysterious, wise, racist portrayals of non-whites
While racist portayal is a mystery (namely, "why"), there's nothing wise about it.

wiegieman posted:

White Wolf has always had this sulfurous whiff of the far right about them, which given what happened later with V5 shouldn't really surprise us.


Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Any reason for that reverse lepidopterophobia thing, and not some other random, wacky and mysterious quirk? Sounds like there isn't any relation between your "shticks" and your quirks - or, apparently, an advice to make such a connection.

Also, "if I crack open an egg, it always has double yolk". Wait, so do you make it to double itself retro, or it's like schrodinger's egg, and you can't determine the number of yolks inside 'till you open it?

By popular demand posted:

I just bought the TinyD6 Bundle of Holding specifically for the Tiny Wastelands ruleset (which I intend to modify quite a bit), is there interest here for a review?
(Unlike those boring Israeli modules)


Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Xiahou Dun posted:

It was easier to google than get a phone pic :

Seems relevant.

StratGoatCom posted:

And they want to great lengths to show how much of a hell on Chiron things descended into. I look at the denizens of EP and think 'Y'all need to read some Miram Godwinson.'
Sadly, there's a good chance that AI!Godwinson will affect the thought proccess.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

PurpleXVI posted:


A Scum Barge has 30 armor against Kinetic attacks.

Your basic AR does 2d10+2, clearly not enough to beat the armor. ... Or you could use full-auto fire, adding 2d10 damage to each salvo.
"Our guns can't even scratch this thing!"
"Shoot faster, then! it will make your bullets more powerful!"

e: Clearly, this section on dakka was written by an ork

Gun Jam fucked around with this message at 20:41 on Aug 20, 2019

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Night10194 posted:

I didn't know D&D went to level 100.

Starting at level 18.
Either this is a really long adventure, or you go up the levels like an elevator in a skyscraper.

Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015
Anyone familiar with Chuck Tingle?
'Cause he got an RPG now.
This may or may not be relevant to this thread.


Gun Jam
Apr 11, 2015

Alien Rope Burn posted:

As a reminder, I'll be closing this thread and starting a fresh one in ~24 hours.

If you have any suggestions for the new OP, let me know in the meantime.

You don't need to finish or end your reviews; you can just continue them on in the new thread.

That's all!
Keep the theme going:
"Resleeving into a better thread"

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