Occultist is a great class full of flavor and probably my favorite Paizo-designed class. The rest of the book I could take or leave. I have heard things about HA, so eagerly watching this one.
# ¿ May 10, 2017 08:31 |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2024 08:36 |
The Symphonium seem hella rad, but I can't shake the feeling I've seen the concept in a JRPG somewhere. e: tales of the abyss, that's it. This seems a more interesting take on the concept, though. Leraika fucked around with this message at 16:39 on May 13, 2017 |
# ¿ May 13, 2017 16:34 |
I guess you could do vikings, maybe. e: that is, if you had to tie your fantasy culture to a real-world one Leraika fucked around with this message at 19:07 on May 15, 2017 |
# ¿ May 15, 2017 18:55 |
Why do games insist on presenting all their 'this is just for the villain, we mean it, seriously' poo poo as viable player options?
# ¿ May 22, 2017 05:27 |
unseenlibrarian posted:At least one of these actually happened in Rifts! was it the frog one
# ¿ May 24, 2017 16:44 |
Oh yeah, I remember when HA came out and people would not loving shut up about how all cruelties up to and including genocide were totally okay if you just cast protection from evil a few times, and conversely how you might as well just hand your sheet to the GM if you plan on casting infernal healing more than once. These alignment rules are supremely stupid.
# ¿ Jun 7, 2017 14:03 |
So I'm still not seeing where this thing isn't just My Little Pony with scales. Friendship gems seems like a really fiddly mechanic.
# ¿ Jun 22, 2017 00:54 |
Selachian posted:Especially since it sounds as if you have to track which gems are yours and which you've gotten from other people. To be fair, at least in that regard they've thought it through - your
# ¿ Jun 22, 2017 02:07 |
I like the random rolling for Ninja Crusade, but how likely is it to absolutely gently caress you over?
# ¿ Jul 3, 2017 15:25 |
How many of the supplements have more information on Celestial Animals? Also: Those, please.
# ¿ Jul 7, 2017 21:57 |
Covok posted:Just as a general question, how many people here would be interested in a Ninja Crusade game after reading the Fatal and Friends breakdown? Yes! Covok posted:It would be voice only because I just can't manage PBP. Never could hold my interest and I've tried. Aw. Maybe? I'd prefer text over voice, but beggars can't exactly be choosers.
# ¿ Jul 8, 2017 16:04 |
I'm really digging the way that all of these groups have their own reason to oppose the ninja, it's not just BECAUSE WE ARE BAD GUY FACTION.
# ¿ Jul 8, 2017 16:16 |
Night10194 posted:Ninja Crusade is way better thought out than I'd have thought it'd be. I've had regular players of mine say they want to try it some time once we get through our backlog of other games. Yeah, I keep wanting to homebrew up some L5R clans and run it in this system. It's so refreshing.
# ¿ Jul 12, 2017 15:38 |
I really really wish people clinging to the whole noble savage thing would stop using 'the white man's X' for things.
# ¿ Jul 22, 2017 15:43 |
oh no it's Great Fathers
# ¿ Jul 28, 2017 19:35 |
megane posted:Okay, so beyond the medieval Wicker Man village plagued by a werewolf in the depths of a forest inside the mental ward of a prison spaceship flying through Hell, we pass through Escher's Relativity, and now we've reached David Bowie's castle from the Labyrinth. Okay. There's also what's probably a reference to A Clockwork Orange in the aversion therapy.
# ¿ Aug 2, 2017 16:27 |
Yeah, y'say that's hamfisted, but then there's also the Literally Hitler guy. pls tell me that the PCs are never railroaded into actively participating in these magical realms (lol u gotta get this guy off to proceed, for example) instead of just kicking down the door and burning everything.
# ¿ Aug 4, 2017 13:51 |
Hostile V posted:
I guess the better-phrased question is 'is this gonna be like the end of the last book where everything was one extended cutscene of horrid poo poo happening'.
# ¿ Aug 4, 2017 22:27 |
Yeah, that last dream cage was pretty much what I was worried the whole thing was going to be - literally you just get railroaded from place to place and MUH FETISHES. Somehow the final boss just keeling over and dying made everything better, though.
# ¿ Aug 10, 2017 16:07 |
Jabberwocks are amazing. They're like big lovecraftian puppies but somehow even dumber.
# ¿ Aug 11, 2017 16:38 |
Deptfordx posted:So I see Thread favourite 'Blood in the Chocolate'. why why this
# ¿ Aug 20, 2017 18:53 |
Of course the evil spirit who has preferences in his human sacrifices prefers prostitutes and the homeless.
# ¿ Aug 22, 2017 20:47 |
Angrymog posted:The write up was interesting and appreciated, but the whole 'and then drop dead' gimmick got a bit tired after the first couple of times. I'd say that's a matter of opinion. Personally, I found it hilarious that these huge elaborate setpieces repeatedly just went straight to poo poo because, consistently, throughout the entire loving adventure path, the writers just straight up forgot to give most of their enemies health. Also: most of those encounters look like they wouldn't be particularly fun anyway.
# ¿ Aug 23, 2017 17:14 |
Hostile V posted:Actually I was planning to stat out characters that didn't fit Japanese horror or cyberpunk, specifically Popuko and Pipimi from Poptepipic. That or foreigners. Foreigners ultimately doesn't work out particularly well. Absolutely do this. Popuko and Pipimi need to be in every system, so far as I'm concerned. I'd suggest Cowboy Bebop's Andy as the foreigner, but that seems a little unfair.
# ¿ Aug 29, 2017 01:44 |
These Kislevite customs are amazing.
# ¿ Sep 1, 2017 14:52 |
MJ12 posted:I think WHFB understands that for a setting to be grim, there needs to be hope and something worth fighting for, otherwise it just becomes kind of pointless because nobody is even vaguely sympathetic and everything is bad and sucks and the end of the universe would be a blessing. too bad 40k didn't get the message.
# ¿ Sep 1, 2017 23:34 |
Yeah, I was gonna comment on that, too. It seems a profoundly stupid idea to make the stat that gets lost first the preferred stat of the guy who's gonna be in the middle of combat all the time. But that's just your fault for playing a dumb jock when you could play a cool technowizard
# ¿ Sep 18, 2017 13:47 |
gradenko_2000 posted:The thing is, Traveller (and I bet some other games) also does "damage goes right to stats so you don't have a separate HP stat", but Traveller also doesn't make you spend your stats to help you succeed at things. I imagine that in those cases, you either had a choice of which stat got burnt or different abilities drained different stats, right?
# ¿ Sep 18, 2017 14:17 |
Wouldn't you give this man your money?
# ¿ Sep 19, 2017 14:22 |
Alien Rope Burn posted:That's not Monte Cook, that's Sean K "speculative experiment" Reynolds. Is it? Woops, my bad.
# ¿ Sep 19, 2017 16:21 |
Alien Rope Burn posted:Here's Moonte Cook: In my defense, I couldn't imagine someone else wanting to pose with that ridiculous-rear end game.
# ¿ Sep 19, 2017 17:49 |
A lady gunner suffering from pragmatism and a whole fuckin' lot of weapons.
# ¿ Sep 25, 2017 15:14 |
My first thought when reading Dark*Matter's magic system was 'you know, CTech does this better because at least there you don't have to level up every spell/parapsychic skill individually'. That's probably not a good place for Dark*Matter to be in.
# ¿ Sep 25, 2017 21:13 |
Freaking Crumbum posted:yeah, although that's more of an issue with Alternity itself. Since classes barely exist as a concept, no part of your character inherently improves as you gain levels. instead, you just use your XP to buy more skill ranks or other perks like more HP or more spell casting points or whatever. the problem is that these XP points aren't obviously measured against any kind of baseline cost, so it's really loving counter-intuitive to tell whether you should be buying things like +1 FX Point or whether you should be investing in higher skill ranks or buying Rank Benefits that you qualify for or etc. Yeah, but you could do, like 'demonology' as a skill, or even 'demonology + stat' as a skill, instead of 'demonology - specific spell' as a skill.
# ¿ Sep 25, 2017 23:18 |
megane posted:There is a very real problem: if you offer players choices that you intend to be flavorful roleplaying options (e.g. "my mother was a blacksmith"), but then attach benefits to those choices that help some classes/builds more than others (e.g. "+1 to hit with hammers"), then players will either a) pick the choice that gives them the best mechanical benefit, story be damned, or b) be punished for making a cool, distinctive, flavorful choice. You can make a fighter whose family are all sorcerers... but it's objectively better for you if your mother was a smith. Just like every other fighter ever. My favorite Dumb Pathfinder Thing (tm) is all the adventurers who were bullied as a child, because being bullied as a child gave you more benefits than basically anything else.
# ¿ Sep 27, 2017 21:28 |
Yeah, Lashunta were in PF with the male/female split and the game was kind of weirdly about it even beyond the statblock.
# ¿ Sep 28, 2017 15:29 |
inklesspen posted:This kind of stuff is nice in theory but I know for a fact that what will happen is I get emailed by people who want to fight over whether their favorite space furry libertarian game deserves the [NOTHING WORKS LIKE THAT] tag or not. I kinda feel like it wouldn't be an issue if the tags kept to the non-editorial except when necessary - [GROSS] and [BROKEN RULES] would probably be necessary just as categories but everything else along those lines should probably be kept to the review itself* *fake edit: oh right, we need a [CHRIS FIELDS] tag, too
# ¿ Sep 28, 2017 18:42 |
Halloween Jack posted:Paragraphs of commentary on a F&F review is called "this thread" Yeah, I don't really think reviews (or even up/downvoting) are needed, just some way of sorting out categories.
# ¿ Sep 28, 2017 19:00 |
DalaranJ posted:It's a joke about Steam being dumb, people. shhh
# ¿ Sep 28, 2017 19:25 |
# ¿ Dec 2, 2024 08:36 |
Night10194 posted:Why do they even bother rewriting the classes? Why not just 'Space Bard' or 'Space Ranger' or 'Space Fighter'. Your choice of 'they're trying to address balance issues' or 'this way they can sell you more books'.
# ¿ Sep 29, 2017 22:12 |