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Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

BinaryDoubts posted:

I'd love to read an interview with the designer(s) of Double Cross, since they seem to be one of the very few teams putting out mechanically-complex RPGs who actually understand their own system. Seems like the book doesn't always do a great job of explaining how it's supposed to fit together, but this is the first crunchy RPG I've been interested in in ages.

The company responsible for making DX also did a whole bunch of other games using roughly the same engine, from what I'm given to understand.


Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I wanna be in a Myriad Song game where the PCs are a Macross 7-esque band so badly.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Is multiclassing possible in this? Can I be both a pop idol and a singing space wizard?

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

Also, one other thing I'd like to see in a Myriad Song 2e if one gets made: I would legit like a 'suggested media' section, particularly for music. The music theme is really cool in theory but there isn't a lot done with it and I'd love a little instruction/inspiration for that kind of thing.

I like knowing a thing's inspirations, it usually helps me write for it.

It might not be a direct reference, but Ar tonelico is a series about magic science music and a lot of the longer invocations (i.e. the plot ones instead of the battle ones) are actually sung as background music and it's *definitely* what I thought of when I heard about magic science music.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
The best version of the soulknife is Pathfinder's Psychic Armory because it's all about forming swords with your mind and shooting them at people.

I am extremely easily pleased.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I remember Rokugan 2000 being a thing in one of the 4e books (along with Rokugan IN SPACE!!! which always seemed sort of silly to me).

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I just wish they hadn't smooshed so many of the interesting minor clans into the Mantis.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Oh hey, Australia is canon now.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Wrestlepig posted:

Lifepaths are the best thing. Put lifepaths into your games 2020

God yes.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Masaharu Morimeowto

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I played a game of AdEva that convinced me to drop that group and burn all the bridges.

Thanks, AdEva!

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

When I was running it I had to drop a player recruited from outside my normal group after he asked me why I wasn't making the women on the team fall in love with his male PC as GM. That was that.

In another incident, when I tried being a player rather than a GM, I made a PC who was supposed to join an existing group as the father to one of the pilots and the Ops Director (adult who coordinates the team). When I got there, I found out there was a subplot where an adult pilot was loving my PC's underaged pilot daughter. I dropped that group instantly.

This is not a game I would ever, ever try to play with anyone but people I know personally after those two experiences. This is a game that feels it needs to provide a PC advantage called 'Unshippable' to make your PC immune to character skills being used to get you into a relationship. That's some of the poo poo we're in for.

Yeah I decided that I was going to play the Shinji in my game and rolled a boy band musician who joined up with the war effort 'cause propaganda. What I got was a bunch of other characters who literally spent the first night fighting over who got to sleep with him (without his consent or input). At one point he was actually kidnapped by another character.

I decided I didn't want to be part of that group any longer.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Nessus posted:

I want someone to come up with an RPG that can do, like, Gundam or Banpresto OGs, to say nothing of super-robot stuff. About the only novel element of Cthulhupunk was its efforts to also rip off Macross along with the inevitable Deadhorsiel, Sixty-ninth Angel of Expressing Anger At The Protagonist Not Performing Masculinity.

There's Battle Century G, and I've been in games of LANCER that went the Super Robot Wars route.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

e u r g h

wiegieman posted:

LANCER needs a writeup, but releases come out so fast that 1.9.0 would be out before 1.8.5 is finished.

I might give it a shot when the system stabilizes a bit more, but I'm not super great at evaluating balance beyond the *obvious* things that are broken (RIP the glory days of guncube) and LANCER has a lot of moving parts that can be configured pretty freely.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

golden bubble posted:

What was the name of the Japanese RPG about GGundam/Clan lawyers* in post-apocalyptic Australia?

*All legal cases are decided through trial by giant robot combat.

Giant Allege.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Voting for the most creepy thing you can make out of morbid curiosity and then how 'bout Shinji, just to see what that would look like?

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Me: Man all of these are absolute poo poo

also me: but I went into this expecting that 'comedy' was 'harem anime hijinx' so thank christ for the absolute poo poo

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I am glad that Seppun Astrologer is still good and fun; it was one of my favorite 4e things. I also appreciate playable kitsune because I'm a loving weeb. The explanation for why they have to bushido is neat, too.

e: and wrt AdEva, I knew a guy who I think worked on the dev team? If not, he was pretty close to them. Either way, this dude would randomly show up on irc with screeds about how darkness and hopelessness in storylines was good, actually, and games where people were having fun instead of suffering until they were forced into chose to join the bad guys were unimaginative and for babies. Also he was really into the Sith.

e: actually finished a sentence

Leraika fucked around with this message at 20:53 on Mar 14, 2019

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I'm always looking for more games that build on African stories and culture instead of European ones (and do so tastefully) so my vote's for Nyambe.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Wow, Lunars are even more y i k e s in 3e base than they were previously, aren't they?

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

Basically the two options for what I do next are either the city-book portions on Nuln and Altdorf, or I can dive into another of the garbage cans of awfulness that came out of the AdEva community with Dungeons: The Dragoning 7th Edition. You kind of have to see that one to believe it.

oh god I've played this, it was kind of a disaster

'hey we should staple R&K to this system' was something said by no good developer ever

e: also iirc it had really creepy catgirls in one expansion book (it had expansion books)

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

God, I don't have the expansion books. I know they exist, but I don't have them.

I think at the point where you've written 400 pages you can no longer hide behind 'it is a joke' to excuse it.

I've got the one with thri-kreen/kobolds/dryads in it, but not the other one.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
My usual gambit of MAKE MEDIA CHARACTER is useless here, because that's exactly what the system wants you to do. :smith:

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
No surprise that the dwarfs in a /tg/ project are cool and awesome and largely without flaw.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

Guess who just found his copy of For A Few Subtitles More? It's this guy. In an effort to avoid writing up the magic system a little longer, I'm going to dive back into it and write up the new Races/Exaltations first so I can stave off yelling about how bad an idea mixing 40k's miscast tables with this game was.

Also this might mean when we get to guns they won't suck!

Oh, this means I don't have to offer to inflict it on you; lovely!

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

Night10194 posted:

Spoiler: The main dedicated fighter character of the '3rd career' party has nothing but 1st tier fighting careers, just 3 of them. Same for the main rogue. The others are, uh, similarly terribly built but at least some of them took classes outside 1st tier. Only a single PC of the whole Pre-Made party has an actual 3rd tier career. Also their caster went to all the trouble to become a Witch, took a single lovely spell with it, and then went into Vagabond and cut herself off from any further casting.

okay yeah this one.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
...Was Stephen Universe a thing when Miracles of the Solar Exalted came out

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
V'neef is such a bad name that it stands out in a sea of extremely poor names.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

The Lone Badger posted:

The question I have re Invisible Sun is: Why not play Unknown Armies instead?

I get the impression that magic in UA isn't a power fantasy/all about sticking it to the muggles.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
Baby stab octopus sounds adorable, and it's always nice to see a work primarily focused on non-human species really lean into the weird poo poo.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
For some reason the fact that they're leaning into the 'all cats are amoral assholes' stereotype bothers me more than the animal stereotyping they did earlier.

Maybe because it makes a race that seems like it'd be pretty awful for everyone at the table if played to the letter.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
aww, cute lil' dragons, I can't wait to play one -

Oh, they're also smug racist assholes and this is where the author put 90% of the weird furry sex poo poo? Boooooo.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I'm not sure if I'm impressed or disgusted by the fact that they made sure to mention that the dog species gets stockholm syndrome really really well.

edit: yeah I know it came up in their species write-up too, but the fact that it was mentioned here as well, yeesh.

Leraika fucked around with this message at 03:36 on Jun 13, 2019

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
That's two whole games I know of that have sentient viruses who just want to learn more about the world. :3:

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I wonder if Ezora is anything like Eorzea.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
stealing translator crabbo for my next scifi game

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
BLIT and its sequels are very very good and I definitely recommend them.

Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.
I gotta say, I do love the meteor frogs. Everything else is bland.


Jun 14, 2015

Luckily, I *did* save your old avatar. Fucked around and found out indeed.

No. 1 Apartheid Fan posted:

Writing a whole book of really good monsters like that is super tough. Which actually - what are everyone's favorite bestiaries?

Double Cross, because it leans real hard into 'everything is a normal thing + renegade virus' and then you fight the idea of a knight of the round table or a literal metal gear.

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