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Jun 13, 2006

"Stand back, Ottawan ruffian, or face my lumens!"

Arcella posted:

Do not point the Carl Gustav at anything you are not willing to destroy.

More like "Do not point the Carl Gustav at anything you're not willing to destroy either ahead or behind you."

My only experience with the damned thing was discovering it created gigantic brush fires around you in Far Cry 2 if you were dumb enough to shoot one near something flammable, and that entire game world was flammable.


Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?
A friend of mine was doing familiarization drills with some previous Warsaw pact army (Estonian maybe?) and witnessed a NCO help a private load an RPG rocket by placing the tip of the warhead against his sternum and pull the private closer.

Mar 13, 2007

What’s the one that has a dual-piston design that traps all the propellant gases inside the launcher and has no backblast or flash? The Matador?

That always seemed like a good idea.

Jun 26, 2012

The Armbrust was the one that had a breech plug made of basically plastic confetti, designed to be fired from inside enclosed spaces.

Blue Footed Booby
Oct 4, 2006

got those happy feet

Phanatic posted:

What’s the one that has a dual-piston design that traps all the propellant gases inside the launcher and has no backblast or flash? The Matador?

That always seemed like a good idea.

The Soviets made a pistol that works like this. The loudest part of firing it is the impact.

Nov 3, 2006

They used to call me tricky-kid, I lived the life they wish they did.

So last week or so ago a video came out of a Bradley pounding the poo poo out of a T-90. It was from afar, grainy, but still pretty rad:

Then today we get this view:

Aug 22, 2006

The blue glue is a feature, not a bug

Beastie posted:

So last week or so ago a video came out of a Bradley pounding the poo poo out of a T-90. It was from afar, grainy, but still pretty rad:

Then today we get this view:

Jesus that's impressive fire they put down on that thing.

Pine Cone Jones
Dec 6, 2009

You throw me the acorn, I throw you the whip!

Beastie posted:

So last week or so ago a video came out of a Bradley pounding the poo poo out of a T-90. It was from afar, grainy, but still pretty rad:

Then today we get this view:

That's a hell of a gunner.

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario
Dudes in the T 90 are not having a good time

Nov 3, 2006

They used to call me tricky-kid, I lived the life they wish they did.

Grem posted:

Dudes in the T 90 are not having a good time

I'm no Brown Moses but I'm pretty sure those dudes couldn't hear themselves think/scream

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?
What's with the big, sparkly explosion from the T-90?

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Scratch Monkey posted:

What's with the big, sparkly explosion from the T-90?

looked like some of the era caught on fire and blew up

Oct 10, 2007

There is also speculation it could have been Shtora-1 ADS

Blue Footed Booby
Oct 4, 2006

got those happy feet

^^^ edit: well that's an answer lol

From those of you with training/experience, what are the chances those hits have seriously hosed up the tank's optics? That is, if the bushmaster jammed, how likely the tank would be blind for shooty purposes?

Blue Footed Booby fucked around with this message at 19:15 on Jan 18, 2024

Feb 22, 2003

Blue Footed Booby posted:

^^^ edit: well that's an answer lol

From those of you with training/experience, what are the chances those hits have seriously hosed up the tank's optics? That is, if the bushmaster jammed, how likely the tank would be blind for shooty purposes?

In my very outdated peacetime experience I would say the optics have been damaged or at least obscured. In addition everyone in that tank has had their bell rung pretty hard and may also be catching some spall. This looks like a pretty close in fight so it's hard for the T-90 crew to maintain a clear picture of what's going on outside the tank--they're buttoned up and even if the sights are working they have a limited field of view. Not a great situation considering it appears that the T-90 is fighting alone.

Gotta say, those Bradley crews have some balls like church bells. Good for them.

Jan 15, 2006

Blue Footed Booby posted:

^^^ edit: well that's an answer lol

From those of you with training/experience, what are the chances those hits have seriously hosed up the tank's optics? That is, if the bushmaster jammed, how likely the tank would be blind for shooty purposes?

Pretty damned high. every spark you see in that footage is a piece of white hot jagged metal flying very quickly, and that stuff doesn't tend to play nice with delicate things.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Beastie posted:

So last week or so ago a video came out of a Bradley pounding the poo poo out of a T-90. It was from afar, grainy, but still pretty rad:

Then today we get this view:

iirc there was a similar video from much earlier in the war of a Ukrainian IFV putting down the same kind of accurate fire on a Russian tank or IFV while maneuvering through an urban area. I thought it was a pretty remarkable video since it was from the gunner's POV and highly detailed.

If somebody remembers that video, too, maybe they can share it.

kill me now
Sep 14, 2003

Why's Hank crying?


Tiny Timbs posted:

iirc there was a similar video from much earlier in the war of a Ukrainian IFV putting down the same kind of accurate fire on a Russian tank or IFV while maneuvering through an urban area. I thought it was a pretty remarkable video since it was from the gunner's POV and highly detailed.

If somebody remembers that video, too, maybe they can share it.

Nov 3, 2006

They used to call me tricky-kid, I lived the life they wish they did.

My thought it was this or the one where the gunner is shooting under the enemy APC, where the dudes are stacked up, and skipping the rounds

Feb 22, 2003

Being able to accurately shoot on the move with thermals is a great advantage.

Apr 2, 2003

Blue Footed Booby posted:

^^^ edit: well that's an answer lol

From those of you with training/experience, what are the chances those hits have seriously hosed up the tank's optics? That is, if the bushmaster jammed, how likely the tank would be blind for shooty purposes?
In the initial video you can tell they expended their AP supply and switched to some kind of HE. Anything outside the armor on that T90 is *hosed*

Scratch Monkey
Oct 25, 2010

👰Proč bychom se netěšili🥰když nám Pán Bůh🙌🏻zdraví dá💪?

Dec 10, 2007

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

evil_bunnY posted:

In the initial video you can tell they expended their AP supply and switched to some kind of HE. Anything outside the armor on that T90 is *hosed*

There is an interview with the gunner - where he states that he switched to HE to blind the optics intentionally, something he learned from computer games.

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario
Ah, the old Reverse War Thunder

Jan 22, 2010

Do we think this is real? Never seen videos like that before

Jan 15, 2006

pmchem posted:

Do we think this is real? Never seen videos like that before

Does Iran have exoatmospheric ballistic missiles? Yes.
Are they believed to be capable? Yes.
Does Israel have anti-ballistic missiles believed to be capable of intercepting ballistic missiles? Yes.
Are they proven to be capable? Yes.
Does an explosion in space look like a rapidly expanding ball of glowing gas that is way less dramatic than what the movies would have you believe? Yes.

All of that doesn't mean the footage is real, but there's nothing tripping my bullshit alarms right now.

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario
How many miles away is that height from "woops shot junk into space hope it doesn't break a satellite?"

Mar 13, 2007


Grem posted:

How many miles away is that height from "woops shot junk into space hope it doesn't break a satellite?"

It's a ballistic missile, nothing there is going fast enough to reach orbit.

kill me now
Sep 14, 2003

Why's Hank crying?


Phanatic posted:

It's a ballistic missile, nothing there is going fast enough to reach orbit.

Depending on the range of the missile, ballistic missiles absolutely do have apogees that take them into the areas that satellites orbit.

It doesn’t have to orbit to hit a passing satellite

Jul 31, 2012

it's important to remind the Twitter commenters that this was a ballistic event and the only "space" "laser" involved were purely for tracking purposes

Mar 13, 2007


kill me now posted:

Depending on the range of the missile, ballistic missiles absolutely do have apogees that take them into the areas that satellites orbit.

It doesn’t have to orbit to hit a passing satellite

The odds of hitting anything on a single hop up and down are so low as to be not worth worrying about unless you really want to look for something to worry about.

Tiny Timbs
Sep 6, 2008

Here's a nuclear detonation in space for reference

Jul 11, 2004

Prepare for my priapic projectile's exalted penetration
Nap Ghost

Phanatic posted:

The odds of hitting anything on a single hop up and down are so low as to be not worth worrying about unless you really want to look for something to worry about.

I keep telling airmen this, but they get sooooo bent out of shape about army artillery and SAM flyout paths...

Mar 29, 2004

Worst Case Scenario

Phanatic posted:

The odds of hitting anything on a single hop up and down are so low as to be not worth worrying about unless you really want to look for something to worry about.

I really want to look for something to worry about

kill me now
Sep 14, 2003

Why's Hank crying?


Phanatic posted:

The odds of hitting anything on a single hop up and down are so low as to be not worth worrying about unless you really want to look for something to worry about.

I think the original issue was the blowing one up in that area of space makes it slightly more worth worrying about.

It's not going to kessler syndrome the entire planet, but the golden bb is real and the big sky(space) wont necessarily protect you and your satellites.

Sep 13, 2007

Ask me about Proposition 305

Do you like muskets?

kill me now posted:

I think the original issue was the blowing one up in that area of space makes it slightly more worth worrying about.

It's not going to kessler syndrome the entire planet, but the golden bb is real and the big sky(space) wont necessarily protect you and your satellites.

If the object is on a suborbital trajectory when it gets hit then so is the debris. There's a risk, but the window is small.

Feb 13, 2012


McNally posted:

If the object is on a suborbital trajectory when it gets hit then so is the debris.

The debris from the missile and interceptor are suborbital, but if an orbital satellite is struck by that debris, that suddenly creates a whole lot of orbital debris.

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

Platystemon posted:

The debris from the missile and interceptor are suborbital, but if an orbital satellite is struck by that debris, that suddenly creates a whole lot of orbital debris.

You're talking about a window of like, a few minutes. You might as well be worried that the warhead itself is going to hit a satellite.

pygmy tyrant
Nov 25, 2005

*not a small business owner

I was curious what altitude you could start to see debris injection into orbit and even after really massaging the numbers, I can only get about 4 km/s fragment velocity for a Shahab-5 made of HMX and magic out of Gurney equations, which puts the the lower bound for orbit at something like 18k km altitude (2k km below the GLONASS constellation).


Aug 28, 2002

Does a bear split in the woods near Zheleznogorsk?

mlmp08 posted:

I keep telling airmen this, but they get sooooo bent out of shape about army artillery and SAM flyout paths...

Oh it's fine, the sky is huge! There's like a 0% chance.

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