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Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

There's a big 'It's illegal to use a legal name' poster still up on a billboard where I live. I kind of like it, it's so odd.


Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Depressio111117 posted:

My favorite thing is scammers getting mad that you won’t let them scam you. I remember one of the guys in those Lenny videos starts saying “gently caress you” after about twenty seconds.

I had one of those 'I'm from Microsoft' callers call me back THREE TIMES after I gave him my usual response of 'Ugh no you're not, go away'. He was really annoyed with me and all I was doing was telling him to leave me alone.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

I've had tradespeople get really lovely when I ask for ID. It's a loving pharmacy guy, I'm not going to let just anyone stroll on back here.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

He was just trying to start a communist plot :D

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

BiggerBoat posted:

I can't shake the feeling that almost the entirety of capitalism, and especially banking, is a scam.

I mean. Yeah.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

FrozenVent posted:

The movie has a musical number titled “Springtime for Hitler”, just fyi.

And a scene where the two main characters, both Jewish, tear off the Nazi armbands they'd been wearing and spit on them.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

greazeball posted:

I've been looking for a new apartment and I wonder why so many scammers make their fake ads so easy to spot by pricing them 20-30% below market rates.

I assume it's the usual thing where they're filtering out skeptical and careful people because they don't want to deal with those people.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

I had a collection of the penis pill spams I was inundated with for a while a couple of years ago but I lost it in a glitch. My favourite was 'little blue pills to help you squeeze her dry!'

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

It's probably the same thing as usual where if you're savvy enough to recognise a dodgy link, the scam is not aimed at you. It selects out people who know about domain names and link checking.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Cage Kicker posted:

Yes, because no matter how obvious a scam it is, people are absolved of personal responsibility for making good decisions because ??????

I forgot I was posting on Something Compassionate...

What's fun about this is that most people who think 'only idiots would fall for such a scam' believe they themselves are too smart/knowledgeable to fall for a scam.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

D34THROW posted:

So what's the scam? Change the hyperlink text to a legit URL while the actual URL for the hyperlink is the phishing site, counting on people not to hover over the link to verify its veracity?

Yeah. Most people won't think to do that.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

thrakkorzog posted:

I'll admit, I'm a bit weak on the slurs. "Please stop calling me," doesn't work.

On the other hand, screaming that I support nukes for Pakistan, let's just wipe Mumbai off the loving map already, it's full of loving wogs, only cuts down on the calls by like 10%.

OK, I pulled that number out of my rear end.

Past a certain point when you're hurling racist slurs against people you have nothing against aside from them calling you, the slurs are kind of weak.

I just figure I asked nicely, but after that, Argle bargle racist BS comes into play.

What the gently caress, though

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

The Lone Badger posted:

Do your taxis companies really not have apps? (and phone dispatch prior to that)

I'm in England and my local taxi company has always been great. Except last time I needed them where I booked through their app, and they sent an unmarked third-party private car who refused to take my card and drove me to a cash machine so I could get him cash out. It was extremely scary as a woman travelling alone and I will not be using them any more.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

BiggerBoat posted:

It's worse than advertisements.

You Tube's weird algorithms eventually lead to a bunch of really harsh, graphic and decidedly non kid friendly shows that LOOK like children's programming with Spiderman and Minecraft or whatever but are really loving dark and violent. I had to remove YT from my kid's computer and put strict controls and monitoring on the channel when he stays with me.

Some of this poo poo I saw was incredibly hosed up and gave him nightmares. I'm talking rape, animal cruelty and decapitations here.

I'm not sure what the end game for these things are supposed to be, really, but there must be a reason beyond "clicks" I would like to think.

Probably this belongs in the tech nightmares thread.

poo poo really? Did that stuff even make it into the Youtube Kids thing?

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

At least in London the buses are frequent and decently modern and take you anywhere you need to go. The Tube is probably better for most people but I have weird acrophobia issues with the escalators and I get buses for free because of my eyes being lovely, so I ride London buses all the time. It's pretty great.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Absurd Alhazred posted:

Case in point, as I watch a stream with ads: literally advertising prescription medicine to the general public.

This is illegal in the UK and thank gently caress for that. I notice that Americans in particular tend to call drugs by their brand name, whereas over here everyone refers to drugs by their generic name.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

And she might well be very smart. Being smart is no defense against these scams.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

I've seen most of Ozark, I'm pretty sure I could get away with it

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Zero One posted:

It really was a Jorji level fake.

The moment where you ask 'Jorji, what's that under your shirt?' and he goes happily 'IS DRUGS! :D :D :D' is one of my favourite moments in a videogame ever.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Tagra posted:

o no my subscreption

I found the spammer

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Tagra posted:

Paying out after suicide feels like a money hack for someone who wants to cash in for their family after death.

Yeah :smith:

There's a bit in Ozark where the main character, despairing and exhausted, contemplates suicide so his family will get his life insurance policy and be out from under the drug cartel that's pursuing him, but he pauses to call someone to do a legal check on whether it would pay out under those circumstances or not. It's very effective character building.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Quote-Unquote posted:

I'm sorry. I didn't realise that supermarkets selling inedible garbage at a hugely inflated price - and periodically marking it down as a 'sale' wasn't a common scam.

Scamming and gambling are not the same thing. You are being silly.

Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Quote-Unquote posted:

Organised gambling is, by definition, a scam. It is a scheme that advertises riches to people but in all likelihood will cause them to lose money. It's not far removed from your Amway MLM-esque shite.

Just as a reminder, I'm the one that actually defended gambling because I think it can be fun, but it is still predatory and designed to extract money from vulnerable people.

What I meant to say was 'suggesting that every exchange of currency is gambling is stupid, not everything that involves risk is 'gambling' except in the loosest and most colloquial sense of the word'. A specific retail exchange can be a scam without being gambling. But you know this really I think.


Apr 29, 2007

Why would an ambulance be leaving the hospital?

Quote-Unquote posted:

I am sorry for being lovely yesterday. I've had a rough time lately and I'm angry at the world.

Nah you weren't being lovely really. Sorry you're having a bad time!

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