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Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Straight White Shark posted:

The estate is absolutely responsible for outstanding debts. Otherwise everyone would go on a credit card buying spree for their loved ones before they shuffle off and hey, free stuff!

yup - it all goes to the Estate. This happened with relatives of mine.

My experience is only in WI, but if there's more debt than assets, the debtors eat the loss. They can't go after next of kin for the deceased person's debt. What they *can* do, however, is sue if they think the Estate is being mishandled - but unless there's gross negligence, or large amounts of money involved, it won't come to that.

When I was an Executor, I just sent letters when the Estate was settled saying "There wasn't enough to cover the debt, this is your portion of it, here's the breakdown, and now the Estate is closed. Sincerely, Qu Appelle."


Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Vinny the Shark posted:

Later on, I heard there are scammers who thank people for donating to a charity they never gave any money to, and when the victim tells them so, the scammer tells the victim it's all a mistake and has the victim give their credit card and personal info so they can have their donation credited back to them. Of course, it's all a ruse to get the victim's info. I wish I had kept the guy on the line and asked him questions like "what's my name" and "why do you need my information? Shouldn't you already have it?" just to see how he would respond.

Oh, I can totally tell you how they respond - they hang up on you. Because that's exactly what I ask them. I think they hang up on any sort of pushback whatsoever.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

The scummy car dealership by my old apartment had a salesdude who tried to hardsell me on a Toyota when I was walking by.

I don't even have a Driver's License. No, I'm not gonna buy a car.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Class Warcraft posted:

My parents bought ground beef from a guy in a van once. It had shards of bone in it that I chipped my tooth on. Don't buy van meat.

Times like this make me wish I ate red meat, so I could appreciate how horrible this meat is.

There's no tofu equivalent to the 'Van Meat Guy'.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Lutha Mahtin posted:

nah there are plenty of gross non-meat things you can eat and/or try to run a scam selling to people

Yeah but I just want to see people try to sell tofu from a truck.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff


The subject of probate just came up in the iPhone thread, reminds me of a charming bit of mail I received last week.

My wife passed away in hospital, accruing a hefty amount of medical debt I’m sure. (I get mail most days of ‘not a bill, just for tax records’ breakdowns). In this state that debt doesn’t get passed on to me, but thank you to CPM Direct or whatever their name is for sending me a letter asking me to confirm my details so undoubtedly they could hound, I’m sorry I meant ‘empathetically enquire if I would like to do the right thing that my wife would surely want’, me to make payments to them I’m under no obligation to.

Glad to know going through hell isn’t enough for some people. I hope everyone in that company loses someone close to them.

"Here is the contact information for the Estate of <deceased person>. Please direct all correspondence to there. Thank you."

Had to deal with that with my deceased father, and We Energies of Milwaukee. When asked if I was going to pay his bill, I said 'No. Please bill the Estate." Oh, the *face* she made at me. It was delicious.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Someone tried to sell me on an MLM via LinkedIn.

I told them that my rates were $100 an hour + full benefits, 40+ hours a week, and I don't work on commission. Amazingly, I haven't heard anything back.

Wonder if there's a way to report their account.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Mister Kingdom posted:

I got one of those once and I told the guy to come and get me, but be sure to bring plenty of body bags.

They never called back.

Telling them that you're excited about being arrested because you have a Cop Fetish, also gets the scammers to hang up on you.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Eric the Mauve posted:

I mean, you can just buy the cheapest coffin model ($2000) if Grandma didn't really mean anything to you

Protip - if you're not planning for an open casket funeral/memorial service, and you're planning on cremation anyways, you don't have to buy a coffin at all.

Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

Yeah - but in both of my parent's arrangements, I've had funeral directors try to sell me coffins. So, some people may not genuinely know.


Qu Appelle
Nov 3, 2005

"If a COVID-19 pandemic occurs, public health officials may have additional instructions, such as avoiding close contact with others as much as possible, and staying home if someone in your household is sick." - Official insights from Public Health: Seattle & King County staff

For a long time, I was a Real Estate Agent named Sierra.

I got the number after an area code section split into two; I got the number with the old area code, and she kept the same number, but had a new area code. That didn't stop a lot of people from calling me about their mortgages.

One finally explained who they were trying to call, and then I called Sierra myself. She was extremely apologetic, and she must have sent out letters to all of her customers highlighting the new number, as the calls ceased a couple of years ago.

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