I got a call from my bank the other day questioning a potential charge. Someone was trying to use my debit card in another state at a gas station. It was a $1 hold. They blocked the transaction and canceled the card. I have to wonder if the gas station got ripped off or not?
# ¿ Sep 28, 2018 01:08 |
# ¿ Sep 8, 2024 11:51 |
therobit posted:When you do a fill up instead of a prepaid transaction at a gas station, they place a $1 hold on the card to make sure it is active. The transaction pends at $1, and then when it charges to the account it is for the full amount, similar to when you leave a tip at a restaurant. They can see if the card works and fill up at th time if the $1 transaction works. Since my debit card was canceled, I had to use a credit card in the meantime. I get a call today stating someone tried to use it twice this week in the same state at gas stations (about $100 each). In fact, they were trying to use it while I was on the phone with the agent! So that one has to be replaced. What the gently caress?
# ¿ Sep 30, 2018 14:10 |
Eric the Mauve posted:Skimmer, probably I hadn't used this card in a while with the last place being a McDonald's self-service kiosk this past Thursday. The first attempt was on the same Thursday.
# ¿ Sep 30, 2018 15:47 |
I just got a text from Wells-Fargo telling me my debit card has been locked. I have never set foot in a Wells Fargo in my life. I assume they're just robo-texting hoping they'll catch some sucker.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2018 01:22 |
BiggerBoat posted:I get calls about cards I don't have too. God, technology can be really useful and helpful but gently caress if scammers and advertising don't just loving ruin everything somehow. I get calls about credit cards and I tell the guy I don't have any. He insists I do. I told him if I needed anything that I couldn't pay cash for, I just stole it. He actually believed me for about a minute when I told him that I would walk into a store and take whatever I needed and nobody ever tried to stop me.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2018 12:54 |
ToxicSlurpee posted:I still can't help but wonder who ever is buying cheap steaks of questionable origin from a predator van. It must work on somebody as it keeps coming up but really. Yesterday, I saw someone set up in the parking lot of a business selling steaks. They had banners and a tent. I wonder how this was any more legit than predator van guy.
# ¿ Nov 25, 2018 19:19 |
My Wells Fargo scammers are getting burned out. I got a text that just said "Wells Fargo [link] Bad transaction. Account lock"
# ¿ Nov 30, 2018 13:26 |
Raldikuk posted:Find one of the places with the high pressure water jet system too and you can avoid all of the uncomfortable parts of it. Absolutely this. My dentist sold his practice a few years ago and I wasn't looking forward to a new hygienist since I had had only one for previous 8-9 years and she was pretty good even though she only used picks. The new hygienist uses the water jet and is extremely gentle. Once you get past the horrible sound, it's the only way to go.
# ¿ Feb 2, 2019 02:34 |
rujasu posted:Electricity provider you mean? Scammers around here do that, with the added bonus that they don't actually tell you what company they are, they try to make you think they're with the local utility. (We're allowed to choose an electric provider other than the utility company that owns the power line, but nobody actually does this.) Just curious: where do you live that you can choose your power company?
# ¿ Feb 15, 2019 15:00 |
RenegadeStyle1 posted:I thought everyone could. I live in Dallas and we have a few big providers to choose some and alot of really small providers tbat go door to door or work in like some kind of weird recruitment thing for lower prices. We have prepaid electric companies too. Where I live you get one power company, one utility company (the city), and one cable TV company (although satellite is obviously an option).
# ¿ Feb 15, 2019 15:43 |
Proteus Jones posted:Well, there's one utility company by me, but a shitload of resellers. They dress it up with variable rates and paying a service fee to "lock-in" rates, but you end up paying more than just being serviced by the power company. We have several natural gas resellers, but that's about it.
# ¿ Feb 15, 2019 18:18 |
I just saw a commercial for a product made especially to reboot your modem & router automatically because "Modems and routers handle a lot of data every day. Eventually, they clog up and slow down." Start using this now and "You'll notice an increase in internet speeds up to 25% and 100% increase in performance. And it cleans out malware, spyware, and viruses." And what is this miracle device? A glorified timer. $20 for one (plus $8 shipping) or two for $30. Am I wrong in calling bullshit on this?
# ¿ Mar 10, 2019 00:31 |
CannonFodder posted:Doctor Acula will make sure you don't die in the first place. Mitch Hedberg posted:I went to the doctor. All he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr. Acula.
# ¿ Mar 22, 2019 01:52 |
luxury handset posted:pretty much all employers except the very shittiest do direct deposit I've been seeing ads for Chime which claims to not charge you any fees (other than a $2.50 for using an out-of-network ATM). How do they make any money?
# ¿ Jul 27, 2019 01:12 |
luxury handset posted:what i'm talking about is scammy payroll processors. normally a company might pay some company like ADP a fee to process and cut payroll checks. this provides an opportunity for other companies to swoop in and say "get this... what if your employees pay the overhead for payroll processing, instead of you, the employer" and it's crooked as hell I work in a hospital insurance billing department and I have run into some of the lesser insurance companies who pay us via "virtual credit card". We don't accept these because like the payroll scammers, we would have to pay a fee to get our money. Some of the insurance companies seem to be shocked when we tell them we shouldn't have to pay a fee to get the money we are entitled to.
# ¿ Jul 27, 2019 15:09 |
Midjack posted:James Randi did retire from the JREF, which had folded up the Challenge, and Amazing-Con is over, which was kind of the end of an era but he’s still going. You should read his book on Nostradamus.
# ¿ Aug 24, 2019 16:18 |
A few years ago, as a favor to a co-worker, I was involved in a panel held by the Georgia state lottery commission on how to improve the game. I did this twice a couple of years apart. There were about a dozen of us and we all basically agreed that scratch-offs were garbage. While we understood that not every ticket could be a winner, we all agreed that the smallest prize you should win should be the value of the purchase price. Paying $10 for a ticket and only winning a dollar somehow seemed worse than not winning anything at all. We were paid $50, was served lunch, and got 20 $1 tickets. I ended up winning about $75. The second time was $75, lunch, and the same tickets (I won about $40). I had only bought 5-10 tickets in the past and probably broke even.
# ¿ Sep 7, 2019 18:36 |
computer angel posted:I've been getting the outstanding warrant for my arrest call 6 times a day for about a week now. I used to only get it once every half year. It's super annoying because it fills up my voicemail. I got one of those once and I told the guy to come and get me, but be sure to bring plenty of body bags. They never called back.
# ¿ Oct 12, 2019 01:05 |
I just got a text message telling me I'd received 15.6 bitcoins. Yeah, not gonna follow that link.
# ¿ Oct 15, 2019 00:11 |
Got my first "You qualify for zero interest on your credit card" today. I told the guy I didn't have any credit cards. He told me, "My information indicates you have several. You are lying to me. Goodbye."
# ¿ Nov 14, 2019 00:11 |
bird with big dick posted:One thing that’s good about it is I haven’t lived in the area code that I have for my phone for 12 years, and all the scammers spoof your area code, so I see 319 I know it’s safe to ignore but if I see 775 (where I live now) it’s usually legit. I'm getting 4-5 calls a week and the number looks like it's not only the same area code as me, but the same prefix as my cell carrier. On a lark, I called one back and got the "this number is not accepting calls at this time" message. Yeah, legit.
# ¿ Dec 9, 2019 13:43 |
If I didn't know any better, I would think that was a 12:55am SNL sketch.
# ¿ Jan 21, 2020 02:02 |
Why have fake car warranty scams grown so much recently? I get 3-4 calls a week. Hell, I even get 1-2 a month in the mail.
# ¿ Mar 20, 2020 02:08 |
This is a new one: I got an email that told me they had my passwords for all the porn websites I am a member of. They hacked my webcam and will send copies of my masturbation videos to eight random people on my contacts list unless I send them $3,000 in Bitcoin. I have 24 hours. What WILL I do!?!?!
# ¿ May 3, 2020 01:18 |
bird with big dick posted:Send them the Bitcoin you don’t want everyone to see your tiny wiener think of the shame Nah, they already know.
# ¿ May 3, 2020 01:47 |
Wicked Them Beats posted:Yeah I got one a few months back and it had an old invalid password from probably years ago. Odds are that tactic scares more than a few suckers into paying up. It gave me the pass word (password being two words). However, I've never joined any porn site and have never owned a webcam ever.
# ¿ May 3, 2020 02:13 |
Well, I made it a whole week and nobody on my contact list got my wank videos. I think I'm in the clear!
# ¿ May 12, 2020 01:04 |
Volmarias posted:Maybe they just don't want to admit that they enjoyed watching them? Has anyone been more noticeably shy or quiet around you? No more than usual.
# ¿ May 12, 2020 01:49 |
Regretful Humming posted:Anyone suddenly CashApp or Venmo you out of the blue? I don't use those, so, no.
# ¿ May 12, 2020 12:41 |
Qu Appelle posted:For a long time, I was a Real Estate Agent named Sierra. For a couple of weeks recently, I was a guy named Gil. Apparently. I am quite the stud because so many women saw my profile (which platform?) and they just had to hook up with me.
# ¿ May 27, 2020 12:35 |
I got an email from the Amazon Prime Shipping Team letting me know the MacProBook I didn't order is being shipped to my address (that doesn't exist) and if I have any questions, I can call the AmazonPrimeTeam at a phone number that belongs to a New Jersey plumbing company. The weird thing was that there were no links in the email (that I could detect) and no attachments.
# ¿ Nov 26, 2020 14:15 |
I don't know if this is a con or a scam, but it seems like it. A co-worker was looking for a second car and shopped the local dealers online. She found a few she was interested in, but when she called the dealer she was told the cars were not meant for retail sale and were going to an auction house. When she asked why they were being listed if they weren't meant for sale, she was told that all trade-ins are automatically listed on their sites. This happened with two different dealers. She questioned this and was greeted with a moment of silence before the salesman offered to sell her a more expensive car.
# ¿ Jan 31, 2021 20:32 |
I've gotten several emails from "Google" letting me know "your photo has been chosen". That's all it says and there's a link to "Google". I don't use Google to store photos, so there's that.
# ¿ Feb 25, 2021 01:16 |
Thomamelas posted:He's was pushing spring water from near Chernobyl for a little while. The guy from EEVBlog made a couple of videos about receiving water samples from Popoff.
# ¿ Mar 12, 2021 13:38 |
Do these scam groups cycle through a list of potential ripoffs? Nearly every day for the last two weeks I've been getting 3-4 emails letting me know my Norton Lifelock account "will had been espired" and an equal number of offers to buy GEICO auto insurance (although none from GEICO itself, of course). Before that it was those hilarious "we have videos of you wacking it to porn sites" threats, cheap fake Viagra, and emails letting me know the laptop I never ordered is being delivered to an address that doesn't exist.
# ¿ May 24, 2021 23:10 |
Pekinduck posted:Probably this, also I wonder if they strike upon some specific message wording that manages to get past the spam filters and blast it until the filters get updated. The Norton emails I've been getting use weird non-English versions of English letters.
# ¿ May 25, 2021 22:10 |
Midjack posted:Something Sensitive. I visited that site a few years ago and now it seems to have been wiped out. There's only a couple of topics there now.
# ¿ Jun 12, 2021 23:40 |
Well, I see the scammers have added a new one: affordable lawn care. I got 20 emails about it in the last two days.
# ¿ Jun 24, 2021 01:52 |
Since the Norton Lifelock thing didn't work on me, now I'm getting the "your Macafee/Mcafee" account will expire in 1, 2, or even 0 days scam.
# ¿ Jul 10, 2021 02:42 |
# ¿ Sep 8, 2024 11:51 |
I don't know if this is a scam or not. Last night I got a text supposedly from Verizon (my cell carrier) telling me: "For the security of your account, Verizon will never contact you for this code. Your authorization code for Sign In request is [number]" My Verizon account does not require a sign in code. There were no links in the message. I logged in to my account and everything looked normal. Just to be safe, I changed all of the security stuff for my account.
# ¿ Nov 3, 2021 12:40 |