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So what is Lucas Hood's real name anyway?
Ace O'Riordan
Dennis Mitchell
Guggenheim McFrankenbutt
Hood Lucas
Norman Krasner
This poll is stupid and undermines the thematic point being made by keeping Lucas Hood's real name a secret.
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Oct 2, 2011

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

So I've been binge watching the gently caress out of this and I'm in S3 now. Shyvon just found out about him... holy gently caress he's going to kill her isn't he?

EDIT: Also how is a homegrown Indian terrorist group not getting utterly crushed by three letter agencies like, hours after they murdered the convoy?

EDIT: Live posting S3E04 - Burton and Rebecca make a hell of a loving team. She is pretty badass now. The whole loving her uncle thing is still pretty god drat weird though. Also, why hasn't Burton tried to hit that yet? She fucks anyone with a dick and he's looked at her with them creepy eyes since the first time he saw her.

Arrgytehpirate fucked around with this message at 00:56 on Jun 1, 2016


Oct 2, 2011

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

pahuyuth posted:

Oh my goodness the innocence of a first time Banshee viewer

I envy you

Just finished the episode where she tells him to resign but since I know there are four seasons I'm not giving her much chance of surviving the crazy Indians. Jesus Christ this show goes off the loving rails sometimes. It's so loving glorious. Also, holy poo poo crazy loving Indians. Jesus Christ. I love how this show does this stuff mid-season, most shows jut give us this level of tension and excitement in finales.

Oct 2, 2011

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

"I don't want to die tonight," said a character about to die. gently caress man I really liked them together. There's no way she lives after that line. Although this show likes curveballs so maybe Brock dies? I'm not sure.

EDIT: Oh my God she is forgiving him loving no no no non nononononono

EDIT: gently caress. I need a break.

Arrgytehpirate fucked around with this message at 02:15 on Jun 1, 2016

Oct 2, 2011

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

My God has Hood ever not hosed everything up? He can't even kill a sleeping guy. Get it the gently caress together.

Predicting that Rebecca kills Kai and become the kingpin. That or her attempts to earn daddies approval get her killed. I'm also giving it about 50/50 that she kills Brock's ex.

Oct 2, 2011

I posted my food for USPOL Thanksgiving!

I've been too busy to really watch past s3e7 but expect me to live tweet the rest of s3 on Sunday! (My only day off this week)

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